Women's March: "We're not just pro-choice. We are proudly, unapologetically pro-abortion."

How many gods do you need?

Goats have to be born too ya know.
The abortion issue was a scar on our nation. The Supreme Court judged a compromise. A smaller percentage of abortions will be from Red areas. And there are options to prevent abortions and arrangements can be made to go to other states to have the procedure. Progs kept adding more and more to abortions. Which brought the issue to the forefront.
Pro-aborts are actually even dumber than that.

Take dragonlady for example, she says nothing is alive until it breathes. So for 9 months and including 1.5 seconds before giving birth, the living Homo sapiens is ackshually either non-existent entirely or inorganic molecules that spontaneously form into a full term infant through sorcery.
Pro-aborts are actually even dumber than that.

Take dragonlady for example, she says nothing is alive until it breathes. So for 9 months and including 1.5 seconds before giving birth, the living Homo sapiens is ackshually either non-existent entirely or inorganic molecules that spontaneously form into a full term infant through sorcery.

You're absolutely right. In all my years on discussion forums, some of the dumbest comments I've ever heard have been on abortion threads. Well, either dumb, or dishonest. It's actually a bizarre thing to see.
See ladies. The clods just get off on calling you names. Don't let them any where near the reigns of power ever again.

Sadly, many men are pro-aborts as well. Likely because they have a habit of impregnating women, often through rape, and need a way to get rid of the "evidence".
Good take from Dick Morris. Hope he is right.

"Fifteen weeks gives the Republicans a good place to stand," Morris told Newsmax Monday afternoon, while appearing on "American Agenda" with hosts Bob Sellers and Katrina Szish.

As for the Democrats, Morris says, "They've become the party of abortions, not necessarily the party of pro-choice, which is something most Americans don't like."

Morris also says that Democrats, perhaps out of hubris, have blown past "the stop sign" of common-sense compromise, with an issue that has varying layers of support nationwide.

Sadly, many men are pro-aborts as well. Likely because they have a habit of impregnating women, often through rape, and need a way to get rid of the "evidence".
That right ladies, don't let Hoss fool you, those rapist men want to force you to carry their seed. Then they can sue for parental rights too. Vote um out. never let that happen.
Killing kids is murder. Denying a fertilized egg the chance to develop into a human baby is a choice every women should be able to make without question by the state until that fetus become viable, I thought was a reasonable compromise between the two sides.

However unreasonable forces, such as what you display, have grabbed a hold of the mic and wont let it go.
Killing a pregnant woman and her fetus gets a double-murder sentence. How come if the developing fetus is 'not human?'
Check out the misogynist trash on this thread.

They don't even bother to hide what shit-humans they are any more, and they hate anyone who isn't a fascist shit-human like themselves.

Thanks for the votes, shit-humans. I mean, you do understand how repulsive you all are to normal humans, right?

Your posts are almost comical they are so absurd.
Exactly! If a fetus is officially declared human, Planned Parenthood would no longer exist so, they talk out of both sides of their mouth.
So when they sell tissue to labs is it not called or classified as human tissue?

Dats Nutz.
Pro aborts say a fetus is not really human. I have read many on this forum saying the same thing.
Not every pro-lifer is too stupid to understand the difference between a noun and an adjective, but most of them are.

In many years of dealing with pro-lifers, I've learned that they're almost universally profoundly stupid people. That means evil people are able to manipulate them easily.

More evidence? The pro-lifers on this thread. Have you ever seen a more mentally deficient pack of fascist perverts? They're an illustration of why normal people keep pets and children far away from pro-lifers.

Think about it. Pro-lifers literally claim that a 5-year-old child has the same moral worth as a zygote -- and they don't give a shit about a zygote.
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