Women's March: "We're not just pro-choice. We are proudly, unapologetically pro-abortion."

Don't let the fake "pro-choice" movement fool you. Don't let them pretend to get offended when you call them pro-abortion. That's what they are. They only endorse ONE choice, and it's a dead baby.

Remember this when you vote.

Doesn't matter what it is.
NO ONE but the mother gets any say.
Anyone else is a criminal.
Meh, I'm not even American. I wonder how it's possible to join a foreign group. And even if it was possible, I'm not part of their group. If you can't understand simple English then it's your fault, certainly not mine.

There are many of your fellow pro-aborts across the world, sadly. I'm sure this group would be happy to have you and any other ghouls who don't value human life.
Doesn’t matter, you are still promoting instead of trying to stop the needless slaughter of millions of innocent human beings.

The planet is limited resource, and humans have a reproductive rate about 6 times higher than what is sustainable.
So the result can only be mass extinction of not only the human species, but all species, unless we reduce human preproduction, by any means necessary.
Anyone who interferes is attempting genocide and needs to be quickly killed.
Check out the misogynist trash on this thread.

You’re misandrist and misanthropic pro-abort filth.
They don't even bother to hide what shit-humans they are any more

and they hate anyone who isn't a fascist shit-human like themselves.

We only hate bigoted filth like you who promote killing those you have irrational prejudice against and want dead, and we especially hate those who do the killing, as they deserve for being homicidal sociopaths.
There are many of your fellow pro-aborts across the world, sadly. I'm sure this group would be happy to have you and any other ghouls who don't value human life.

The ONLY way to value human life is to protect the quality of life by aborting as many fetuses as we are willing to forgo.
The human race is on a collision course to total extinction from over population.
The planet is limited resource, and humans have a reproductive rate about 6 times higher than what is sustainable.
So the result can only be mass extinction of not only the human species, but all species, unless we reduce human preproduction, by any means necessary.
Anyone who interferes is attempting genocide and needs to be quickly killed.
“Quickly killed?”

Fuck around and find out, then, Malthusian psychopath nutjob. I’d be happy to clean your clock.

In the meantime, all decent people will continue to “interfere” with your monstrous and insane plans.
You’re misandrist and misanthropic pro-abort filth.



We only hate bigoted filth like you who promote killing those you have irrational prejudice against and want dead, and we especially hate those who do the killing, as they deserve for being homicidal sociopaths.

Abortion is not only painless, but if you believe in religion, just pops the immortal soul into a different body.
The alternative is extinction of the whole human species, from over population.
The planet is limited resource, and humans have a reproductive rate about 6 times higher than what is sustainable.
So the result can only be mass extinction of not only the human species, but all species, unless we reduce human preproduction, by any means necessary.
Anyone who interferes is attempting genocide and needs to be quickly killed.

That's called genocide. Mao would be proud
Abortion is not only painless, but if you believe in religion, just pops the immortal soul into a different body.
The alternative is extinction of the whole human species, from over population.

It's painful for the baby being murdered
“Quickly killed?”

Fuck around and find out, then, Malthusian psychopath nutjob. I’d be happy to clean your clock.

In the meantime, all decent people will continue to “interfere” with your monstrous and insane plans.

You obviously are ignorant of basic biology, history, science, religion, etc.
Obviously humans are marching from one continent to another, leaving nothing but pollution, war, disease, etc. behind.
It is not at all sustainable.
And anyone religious should not at all care about abortion since they should believe souls are immortal anyway.
Nobody really thinks abortion is murder. Only liars and lunatics pretend they do.

Specks aren't people. If someone claims to think a speck is a person, they're lying. The only issue is _why_ they choose to lie.

The usual answer? They're a sick perverted control freak, someone who gets off on being a fascist tool.

Yes, it is that obvious. And no, I won't stop pointing that out just because pro-lifers threaten to get even more violent. I understand. I'm threatening the source of their perverse jollies, so they hate me. I can live with that.
That's called genocide. Mao would be proud

Making abortion illegal is attempted genocide, since over population will kill us all eventually.
Keeping the population the same size if the opposite of genocide, since clearly we can maintain a stable population size FOREVER.
Making abortion illegal is attempted genocide, since over population will kill us all eventually.
Keeping the population the same size if the opposite of genocide, since clearly we can maintain a stable population size FOREVER.

Good grief. You're so worried about it? Off yourself for humanity
You’re the one who wants to dehumanize those you hate and want dead, pro-abort, so don’t call others “Nazi” when you’re just projecting.

“Pro-choice” isn’t a thing. I support freedom of choice, which has nothing to do with abortion. Abortion is aggressive violence. I don’t support the legality of the choice to rob, or rape, or assault, either, in case you are wondering.

If you were consistent about saying it should be legal to hire someone to kill anyone else whenever you want to, I’d disagree, but I couldn’t argue that you were a bigot AND a misanthrope, just a misanthrope. No, you just target a particular vulnerable population for death on a wholly arbitrary basis.

The 15 week fetus is no more alive and sentient than the ovum or sperm is.
There is no doctor who believes a fetus can have a significant sensory system at all.
That is why they do not even use any anesthetic when they circumcise.

That's bullshit and you're lying. Give it a rest.

With our twin daughters I opened an oven door and they kicked. They felt it. Damn men have no clue.

Unborn babies jump in the womb at thunder claps
You obviously are ignorant of basic biology, history, science, religion, etc.
It is plain to me that there is not one of these categories in which you are knowledgeable, and the gulf between my knowledge and your ignorance is unfathomably wide.
Obviously humans are marching from one continent to another, leaving nothing but pollution, war, disease, etc. behind.
You are a ridiculous misanthrope. Your hate for your own species is not rational and your characterization of humanity is divorced from reality.
And anyone religious should not at all care about abortion since they should believe souls are immortal anyway.
Who gives a fuck? Laws are for the material world, and need not reflect the immaterial or possible / theoretical spiritual concepts like “souls.” Even if souls existed, that doesn’t guarantee reincarnation as you assume and even religious models of reincarnation don’t guarantee that soul another chance at being a human. Which, you hate humans and probably wish you were a cockroach and you are mentally already one, but hey.

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