Women's March: "We're not just pro-choice. We are proudly, unapologetically pro-abortion."

Everything you've said on this thread.
Literally the first message I sent was:

Isn't "you" a little bit generalizing? Unless you have a personal history with that user, please don't assume that all the pro-choicers are "pro-abortion" as in forcing all women to abort. I'm personally pro-choice but I would never force a woman to perform an abortion. That's just as bad - if not even worse - than forcing a woman not to.
I've spent 30 minutes explaining how I'm pro-choice just to have a fucking idiot tell me I'm "pro-abortion". I won't spend one more minute trying to argument my positions with an uneducated Nazi like you.
You’re the one who wants to dehumanize those you hate and want dead, pro-abort, so don’t call others “Nazi” when you’re just projecting.

“Pro-choice” isn’t a thing. I support freedom of choice, which has nothing to do with abortion. Abortion is aggressive violence. I don’t support the legality of the choice to rob, or rape, or assault, either, in case you are wondering.

If you were consistent about saying it should be legal to hire someone to kill anyone else whenever you want to, I’d disagree, but I couldn’t argue that you were a bigot AND a misanthrope, just a misanthrope. No, you just target a particular vulnerable population for death on a wholly arbitrary basis.
You’re the one who wants to dehumanize those you hate and want dead, pro-abort, so don’t call others Nazi when you’re just projecting.

“Pro-choice” isn’t a thing. I support freedom of choice, which has nothing to do with abortion. Abortion is aggressive violence. I don’t support the legality of the choice to rob, or rape, or assault, either, in case you are wondering.
Okay Nazi! If believing that makes you feel better, go for.
Check out the misogynist trash on this thread.

They don't even bother to hide what shit-humans they are any more, and they hate anyone who isn't a fascist shit-human like themselves.

Thanks for the votes, shit-humans. I mean, you do understand how repulsive you all are to normal humans, right?
heyre not misogynists.

That would require them to be men,

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