Women's March: "We're not just pro-choice. We are proudly, unapologetically pro-abortion."

Actually I'd like to correct myself: a fetus is not legally considered a "person" until it is born (Fourteenth Amendment), or at least the U.S. laws do not apply to the fetus. That's why we have special laws regarding the murder of a fetus once abortion is no longer viable. Anyways:

Are you familiar with the Scott Peterson case? Do you know how many murders he was convicted of?
Don't let the fake "pro-choice" movement fool you. Don't let them pretend to get offended when you call them pro-abortion. That's what they are. They only endorse ONE choice, and it's a dead baby.

Remember this when you vote.

And pro-crime

And pro-drug cartel

Funny how evil you can become.
First of all, the US is (thankfully) a secular country, not some sort of Sharia law-applying third-world-country, so let's not mix religion with politics.
First of all, thanks for your reply somewhere above.
Second of all, I find that statement of yours to be both repeated ad nauseum and utterly inane. But it is a typical left defense, which I will only elaborate on if anyone cares.
First of all, thanks for your reply somewhere above.
Second of all, I find that statement of yours to be both repeated ad nauseum and utterly inane. But it is a typical left defense, which I will only elaborate on if anyone cares.
I'll keep repeating it over and over again until you get it.
Isn't "you" a little bit generalizing? Unless you have a personal history with that user, please don't assume that all the pro-choicers are "pro-abortion" as in forcing all women to abort. I'm personally pro-choice but I would never force a woman to perform an abortion. That's just as bad - if not even worse - than forcing a woman not to.
Shut up, pro-abort.
Why would anyone not be pro-abortion? It's a procedure that saves women's lives. Advertising how much you hate that is advertising just how strong your lust to kill women is.

And that's why you're such a shit human.

Except of course if the fetus is a woman. Doesn't save her life, does it?
Maybe just don’t lie so much and be honest about the fact that you’re pro-abortion, fucktarded filth?
I've spent 30 minutes explaining how I'm pro-choice just to have a fucking idiot tell me I'm "pro-abortion". I won't spend one more minute trying to argument my positions with an uneducated Nazi like you.

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