Wonder Woman: The Diary of Kurt/Ali


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a media-culture parable inspired by Jerry Maguire and Almost Famous.

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American movie-star Kurt Russell was rather pensive about Utopian idealism as it related to capitalism and democracy after he portrayed anarchism-oriented 'anti-hero' characters with a democracy-defender imagination in the films Escape from New York (Snake Plissken) and Captain Ron (Ron Rico). Kurt decided to start prowling around on the Internet looking for curiously passionate and/or radicalism-oriented bloggers who were blogging/posting about unusual ideas regarding the values of democracy and capitalism. Kurt found a rather eccentric anarchist-blogger named Ali who was blogging about the spiritual value of American comic book characters such as Wonder Woman (DC Comics) and Spider-Man (Marvel Comics) in regards to democracy-marketing. Kurt was intrigued...


Kurt started chatting with Ali using a private Internet chat-messenger and discovered that Ali was rather 'obsessed' with DC Comics' Wonder Woman, a primalist Amazonian woman of great courage who dons and shield, sword, invincible bracelets and a magic lasso to tackle evil in a metropolitan Earth. Ali believed that if a human mind could conceive that a fantastic woman such as Wonder Woman could be 'allegorized' to capture the intrigue associated with democracy-defense, then, surely, there must be some real American woman who would 'don/embrace' such idealism/values. Ali was blogging on the Internet (as Kurt realized) while constantly evaluating which women on the Internet could fit the bill as a 'Wonder Woman' worthy 'democracy-queen.' Kurt decided to help Ali 'search' for his 'ideal Wonder Woman queen/wife.' Ali had no idea his new Internet chat-buddy was an American celebrity.


Well, one day, Kurt and Ali were chatting and blogging together (Kurt was using the Internet identity-masking alias/avatar 'Iceman') on World Discussion Forum and US Message Board(!) about the value of cheering on the two NFL teams the Philadelphia Eagles (considered by many sports-critics to be the 'Underdog Team of the New Millennium') and the New England Patriots (considered by all sports-writers to be the 'Super Bowl Team of the New Millennium'). Kurt and Ali suggested that American fanfare surrounding the Eagles/Patriots reflected a comic book oriented social revelry regarding the 'marketing' of teamwork-values. Kurt and Ali suggested that Wonder Woman (DC Comics) herself would cheer on these two teams, and when one Internet-blogger (using the alias/avatar 'Nightwing') responded to their blog with the comment, "American women believe the NFL is a juvenile daydream," Kurt and Ali realized that Wonder Woman was somehow...watching!



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