Wonderful News! Trump Has Officials Draw Up Plans To Halve LEGAL Immigrants Coming Into The USA


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
Now this is what I'm talking about, Americans First....Natural born Americans the founders specifically created this country for via the 1790 Naturalization Act, the very first legislation by the first Congress. You see my natural born citizen friends, third world multiculturalism/immigration kills nations as we are witnessing that happening to the White European countries across the pond right now. Trump was elected to make America great again in order to transform this country into a Nationalist nation. With the help of patriotic nationalist Steve Bannon, progress is being made. The people the founders originally intended this country for is taking this nation back. It's time to put existing American citizens born of American natural born citizens first.

Donald Trump's Aides Develop Plans to Halve Legal Immigration - Breitbart
course its good news , thanks Steve . Course i'd like to see ALL immigration into the USA stopped completely , the end of dropped anchor babies being citizens , the end of extended families being imported and a TOTALLY COMPLETE END of immigration of any and all third world non western peoples Steve--- [or things] . .
Good its about time.....next the dreamers need to go. Once the welfare sucking illegals are gone you will see state deficits drop quick.
Now this is what I'm talking about, Americans First....Natural born Americans the founders specifically created this country for via the 1790 Naturalization Act, the very first legislation by the first Congress. You see my natural born citizen friends, third world multiculturalism/immigration kills nations as we are witnessing that happening to the White European countries across the pond right now. Trump was elected to make America great again in order to transform this country into a Nationalist nation. With the help of patriotic nationalist Steve Bannon, progress is being made. The people the founders originally intended this country for is taking this nation back. It's time to put existing American citizens born of American natural born citizens first.

Donald Trump's Aides Develop Plans to Halve Legal Immigration - Breitbart

Trump supporters are white racists and little else. Bigots like you and Bannon need to be deported. That would make America Great.
hey Busybee , say , USA has a population of about 310 million going by the 2010 census , thats not counting the ABOUT 20 million illegal in the USA . My question is , why does the USA need more imported immigrants Busybee ??
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Good idea, cut them in half and use the skin for lamp shades. I wonder why no one ever thought of that before?
Now this is what I'm talking about, Americans First....Natural born Americans the founders specifically created this country for via the 1790 Naturalization Act, the very first legislation by the first Congress. You see my natural born citizen friends, third world multiculturalism/immigration kills nations as we are witnessing that happening to the White European countries across the pond right now. Trump was elected to make America great again in order to transform this country into a Nationalist nation. With the help of patriotic nationalist Steve Bannon, progress is being made. The people the founders originally intended this country for is taking this nation back. It's time to put existing American citizens born of American natural born citizens first.

Donald Trump's Aides Develop Plans to Halve Legal Immigration - Breitbart

Trump supporters are white racists and little else. Bigots like you and Bannon need to be deported. That would make America Great.
You brought up race. Nobody else did.
Now this is what I'm talking about, Americans First....Natural born Americans the founders specifically created this country for via the 1790 Naturalization Act, the very first legislation by the first Congress. You see my natural born citizen friends, third world multiculturalism/immigration kills nations as we are witnessing that happening to the White European countries across the pond right now. Trump was elected to make America great again in order to transform this country into a Nationalist nation. With the help of patriotic nationalist Steve Bannon, progress is being made. The people the founders originally intended this country for is taking this nation back. It's time to put existing American citizens born of American natural born citizens first.

Donald Trump's Aides Develop Plans to Halve Legal Immigration - Breitbart

Trump supporters are white racists and little else. Bigots like you and Bannon need to be deported. That would make America Great.
Now you want to deport citizens? Sounds like another unhinged moonbat to me.
Now this is what I'm talking about, Americans First....Natural born Americans the founders specifically created this country for via the 1790 Naturalization Act, the very first legislation by the first Congress. You see my natural born citizen friends, third world multiculturalism/immigration kills nations as we are witnessing that happening to the White European countries across the pond right now. Trump was elected to make America great again in order to transform this country into a Nationalist nation. With the help of patriotic nationalist Steve Bannon, progress is being made. The people the founders originally intended this country for is taking this nation back. It's time to put existing American citizens born of American natural born citizens first.

Donald Trump's Aides Develop Plans to Halve Legal Immigration - Breitbart

Trump supporters are white racists and little else. Bigots like you and Bannon need to be deported. That would make America Great.
It'll never happen! My people have taken back.our country to preserve our borders, language, and culture. It's all because of our glorious leader Donald Trump sent by God.
Now this is what I'm talking about, Americans First....Natural born Americans the founders specifically created this country for via the 1790 Naturalization Act, the very first legislation by the first Congress. You see my natural born citizen friends, third world multiculturalism/immigration kills nations as we are witnessing that happening to the White European countries across the pond right now. Trump was elected to make America great again in order to transform this country into a Nationalist nation. With the help of patriotic nationalist Steve Bannon, progress is being made. The people the founders originally intended this country for is taking this nation back. It's time to put existing American citizens born of American natural born citizens first.

Donald Trump's Aides Develop Plans to Halve Legal Immigration - Breitbart

Trump supporters are white racists and little else. Bigots like you and Bannon need to be deported. That would make America Great.
How can America become great again infested with non-superior brown people who couldn't even put a man on the moon......much less even build a highway? You'd make a fine specimen for Joseph Mengele to probe your brain.
hey Busybee , say , USA has a population of about 310 million going by the 2010 census , thats not counting the ABOUT 20 million illegal in the USA . My question is , why does the USA need more imported immigrants Busybee ??
I noticed Busybee hasn't responded. I guess the truth hurts.

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