Woody Harrelson get's cancelled!

I've been thinking a lot lately about all of those drug commercials on television where they list a myriad of side effects, including possible death. They're on all the time and have been for years. Every single one lists all of the side effects associated with the drug. Recently there has been a Covid vaccine commercial making the rounds with several celebrities. At the end it shows the ad was paid for by Pfizer. Not one side effect listed anywhere in the commercial. Not one.

Scott Adams has $75 million. He also owns other businesses and get royalties from his books.

Newspapers are going broke right and left in the US.

He probably could care less if the woke shitheads get upset with him

Okay, I see your point ------------------

Buy another consideration is that a WHOLE lot of people LOVE the Dilbert cartoons: it's the first thing my husband looks for on the Internet in the mornings. So it's too bad that these no-good worthless papers take the cartoon away from us.

There certainly are not many papers left in the U.S. --- I tried and tried to keep two papers going, but no one would deliver, we were just plain being cheated day after day. I moved heaven and earth, nothing worked. Of course no one wants to get up at 2 AM and start delivering papers all over the county!!

So I dropped one, read the WSJ online, and ordered white butcher's paper from Amazon in rolls to start fires and line shelves.
Sorry bout that,

1. I said years ago, they really are trying to kill you.
2. And they are.
3. Like a bug they want you dead.
4. While they live in their comfy high places, they want to spray you like a cockroach.
5. Thats what power does to people, makes them killers.
6. And oh, never trust black folks, they will lie to your face, and then steal you blind, and laugh about it.
7. Same people who put, *High Fructose Corn Syrup* a synthetic sweetener, {man made. not natural}, in everything, now want you to buy their meds. so you can fight off diabetes.

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Whether or not Woody Harrelson got cancelled, Scott Adams who cartoons Dilbert certainly did get cancelled this week.

Feb. 26, CNN:

Hundreds of newspapers drop ‘Dilbert’ comic strip after racist tirade from creator Scott Adams​

The USA Today Network, which operates hundreds of newspapers, said it had pulled the plug on the long-running comic strip. The Washington Post and The Plain Dealer also in Cleveland said they would no longer carry the comic.

The move came after Scott Adams, the cartoonist behind “Dilbert,” effectively encouraged segregation in a shocking rant on YouTube. His comments came in response to a poll from the conservative firm Rasmussen Reports that said 53% of Black Americans agreed with the statement, “It’s OK to be White.”

The Anti-Defamation League has noted that the phrase emerged on the infamous message board 4chan in 2017 as a trolling campaign and has a “long history” in the white supremacist movement.

“If nearly half of all Blacks are not OK with White people – according to this poll, not according to me, according to this poll – that’s a hate group,” Adams said Wednesday on his YouTube show “Real Coffee with Scott Adams.”
'Dilbert' creator Scott Adams calls out Trump's 'linguistic kill shots' | CNN
“I don’t want to have anything to do with them,” Adams added. “And I would say, based on the current way things are going, the best advice I would give to White people is to get the hell away from Black people, just get the f**k away … because there is no fixing this.”

I don't know, Adams may have overstated. It was only 47%, not a majority, of blacks in a poll that don't like whites to exist, but all polls are lies.

I would say it's true we need to stay well away from blacks, what with all the crime and violence and other issues, but it was impractical for him to say that, IMO.

What do people think? He's a popular, major cartoonist. Should they cancel him for speaking his mind in that way?
I thought you MAGAs were all for free market results. The newspapers knew continuing to use his cartoons would piss a lot of people off, resulting in fewer papers being sold, so they dumped him. The free market has spoken. Quit whining.
Most Americans know this Pandemic was a scam by Joe Potatohead's Chicom buddies.

Some people got really rich because of it and some people were able to use it as a cover to steal an election.
Trump must have been in on it with his operation warpspeed, right skippy?
I am curious what Trump thinks about this narrative of the Trump vaccine.

Does he suspect Trump and Biden worked together with big pharma? Trump fast tracks it, Biden distributes.
If it has any involvement with "govt" Woody know they're fulla shit.
He lived about 45 minutes from me , sold and left when TLC"nafta" was accepted here. We were the last standout.I almost went too. Hawaii was just too yuppy for me.Fucking gluten free freak zone.

The loveable character Woody Harrelson sadly had to be cancelled today.

Lawrence Richard
Sun, February 26, 2023 at 3:55 AM EST

Woody Harrelson’s opening monologue during "Saturday Night Live," where he referenced the COVID-19 pandemic and collaboration between the medical industry and the government to push vaccines, has sparked backlash online. And Twitter CEO Elon Musk chimed in on the discussion.
Closing out the segment, Harrelson talks about a film pitch that included one of the "craziest script" he’s read, which included the "biggest drug cartels" forcing people to remain in their homes unless they agreed to take and keep taking their drugs.
"So the movie goes like this," the actor explained. "The biggest drug cartels in the world get together and buy up all the media and all the politicians and force all the people in the world to stay locked in their homes. And people can only come out if they take the cartel’s drugs and keep taking them over and over."
Harrelson then joked: "I threw the script away. I mean, who was going to believe that crazy idea? Being forced to do drugs? I do that voluntarily all day."

The comments were widely covered by media outlets, who called them "anti-vax" or "vax conspiracies."

Woody is survived by 3 children and a wife who will also be shunned for the rest of their lives.

Would anyone like to say a few words?

Then again, with a name like Woody, he may have more kids on the way!

You don't need a brain which Woody lacks to make kids.

The loveable character Woody Harrelson sadly had to be cancelled today.

Lawrence Richard
Sun, February 26, 2023 at 3:55 AM EST

Woody Harrelson’s opening monologue during "Saturday Night Live," where he referenced the COVID-19 pandemic and collaboration between the medical industry and the government to push vaccines, has sparked backlash online. And Twitter CEO Elon Musk chimed in on the discussion.
Closing out the segment, Harrelson talks about a film pitch that included one of the "craziest script" he’s read, which included the "biggest drug cartels" forcing people to remain in their homes unless they agreed to take and keep taking their drugs.
"So the movie goes like this," the actor explained. "The biggest drug cartels in the world get together and buy up all the media and all the politicians and force all the people in the world to stay locked in their homes. And people can only come out if they take the cartel’s drugs and keep taking them over and over."
Harrelson then joked: "I threw the script away. I mean, who was going to believe that crazy idea? Being forced to do drugs? I do that voluntarily all day."

The comments were widely covered by media outlets, who called them "anti-vax" or "vax conspiracies."

Woody is survived by 3 children and a wife who will also be shunned for the rest of their lives.

Would anyone like to say a few words?

Then again, with a name like Woody, he may have more kids on the way!


I'm not cancelling him. In fact, I'll go watch one or two of his movies tonight.

Go Woody.
Woody Harrelson reminds me of a cousin of mine that I think has a brain injury. Looks a lot like him, too.

The reason I say "think" is that..well he's a high functioning adult, but he just doesn't act like he used to before the car wreck.

Way too serious now. He doesn't joke anymore.
My cousin actually looks better and younger cuz he never has done drugs at all.

But I bet he has 10-20 years on Woody. And he's a lot sharper. No, he's just a hair older than Woody. I think..

Holy fuck! That's the year my ex was born. :aargh:

She was a tad older than me. :eusa_whistle:
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