Word Has It Obama Asked Hillary To Take VP Slot But Was Denied


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Jul 21, 2009

The White House swears up and down that they didn't ask Hillary, but rumors are surfacing that Obama asked Hillary to be his running mate and she said she wasn't interested.

According to the Washington Examiner Obama asked her several weeks ago, but she rejected the offer. She still has plans on running in 2016.

Hillary rejected VP slot to ready her own 2016 run | WashingtonExaminer.com

Hillary Clinton Rumored to Have Rejected Obama VP Slot in Early August: Saving Energy for 2016 Run
The Hildebeast is no fool. No way she wants to be associated with the losing '12 ticket. Come '16 if she wants to give it a go she can play the "told you so" game, reminding Dims of the things she said about Barry when they were punching each other around in '07-'08.
This is when the red flags in that stupid article come up: "If elected, she didn't want to be tied to Obama's left-leaning politics in her own 2016 bid."

I highly doubt Hillary Clinton said that.

She's tired of 4 years on the road and then 2 years on the road before that, running for President.

She may very well run in 2016, but her current job is an exhausting one, and she's only been the best Secretary of State in a generation. The lady wants to chill out for the sake of chilling out, not because of Obama's policies, which are only left-leaning to morons on the right who need to tell themselves that he's a commie.

That's when you know this story is suspicious. And it also comes out of the notion of trying to make Biden seem bad at this job because he makes verbal gaffes at times.

But unlike the most recent VP, Biden didn't have secret meetings with oil execs to shape the national energy debate, didn't leak a CIA officials name in order to endanger her, and didn't drag us into two endless wars without a plan for success.

I'd say Biden is pretty good, particularly on his stance for wanting to get the hell out of Afghanistan the day before yesterday.
Anyone who could, with a straight face and in all seriousness make a publicity stunt out of giving Russia a "reset" button that actually says "overcharged" and keep their composure is a good diplomat.

The White House swears up and down that they didn't ask Hillary, but rumors are surfacing that Obama asked Hillary to be his running mate and she said she wasn't interested.

According to the Washington Examiner Obama asked her several weeks ago, but she rejected the offer. She still has plans on running in 2016.

Hillary rejected VP slot to ready her own 2016 run | WashingtonExaminer.com

Hillary Clinton Rumored to Have Rejected Obama VP Slot in Early August: Saving Energy for 2016 Run

Rumors from the right?!?! Why should anyone give them more than laughs of derision? I haven't seen such scrambling from people who KNOW they're going to lose in ages. With what's happening in MO it looks like they can kiss the Senate good bye, too. :D
Hillary is leaving this administration no matter what happens in the election. She wants nothing to do with this loser. It is highly unlikely that she would run on the ticket when she really wants out.
This is when the red flags in that stupid article come up: "If elected, she didn't want to be tied to Obama's left-leaning politics in her own 2016 bid."

I highly doubt Hillary Clinton said that.

She's tired of 4 years on the road and then 2 years on the road before that, running for President.

She may very well run in 2016, but her current job is an exhausting one, and she's only been the best Secretary of State in a generation. The lady wants to chill out for the sake of chilling out, not because of Obama's policies, which are only left-leaning to morons on the right who need to tell themselves that he's a commie.

That's when you know this story is suspicious. And it also comes out of the notion of trying to make Biden seem bad at this job because he makes verbal gaffes at times.

But unlike the most recent VP, Biden didn't have secret meetings with oil execs to shape the national energy debate, didn't leak a CIA officials name in order to endanger her, and didn't drag us into two endless wars without a plan for success.

I'd say Biden is pretty good, particularly on his stance for wanting to get the hell out of Afghanistan the day before yesterday.

I agree with the first half, but the second have was bullshit.
nice to spread more pointless rumors. :thup:

Joe Biden was reading his "Chains" speech off of a teleprompter.

I think it's highly possible that Obama wanted him to say that shit.......

Seems to me every single Democrat leader sounds like a loon. I think this is by design......simply to make anything Obama says seem reasonable in comparison.
This is when the red flags in that stupid article come up: "If elected, she didn't want to be tied to Obama's left-leaning politics in her own 2016 bid."

I highly doubt Hillary Clinton said that.

She's tired of 4 years on the road and then 2 years on the road before that, running for President.

She may very well run in 2016, but her current job is an exhausting one, and she's only been the best Secretary of State in a generation. The lady wants to chill out for the sake of chilling out, not because of Obama's policies, which are only left-leaning to morons on the right who need to tell themselves that he's a commie.

That's when you know this story is suspicious. And it also comes out of the notion of trying to make Biden seem bad at this job because he makes verbal gaffes at times.

But unlike the most recent VP, Biden didn't have secret meetings with oil execs to shape the national energy debate, didn't leak a CIA officials name in order to endanger her, and didn't drag us into two endless wars without a plan for success.

I'd say Biden is pretty good, particularly on his stance for wanting to get the hell out of Afghanistan the day before yesterday.

I'll ignore all of your left wing playbook nonsense, and ask you just ONE question......

Just WHAT has Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton done to be awarded your "Best Secretary Of State In A Generation" trophy?

I can't think of ANYTHING.

Did she take care of the North Korea problem?

Did she take care of the Iran problem?

Did she take care of the Syria problem?

Did she take care of the Muslim Brotherhood problem?

Is there ANYTHING she has taken care of that would cause her to be so exhausted and burnt out?
She managed to insult the Russians by giving them a very silly reset button that actually said overcharge.

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