Wording of Merkel´s "upper limit"


Nov 14, 2012
The famous upper limit for annual migration came into existence through the election successes of the AfD last year. Now we actually got it. But what is this "upper limit"? Here it comes:

"Based on the average migration numbers, the experience of the past twenty years and with respect to the measures agreed upon we declare that the migration numbers will not exceed the span of 180.000 - 220.000."

So this is our upper limit as of the coalition treaty. A non-limit with no tools to be activated if the limit is about to explode.
You betcha more as 3m new IQ-60 inbreed Muslim welfare bandits will arrive to Germany next 5 years annually
You betcha more as 3m new IQ-60 inbreed Muslim welfare bandits will arrive to Germany next 5 years annually
Not that much. But it is nevertheless senseless to try to replace IQ-60 inbreed Germans with IQ-60 inbreed Muslims.

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