CDZ Work Ethic in the United States: Has It Changed?


Diamond Member
May 17, 2015
Seems that anytime I transact business anymore, there are "issues". Delayed service, errors, etc.

Is this a worsening problem in the United States, or, am I just noticing it more in my "old age"?

It's rare that we go to a restaurant and get good service. Just last night, we were at a nice restaurant, the waitress forgot our silverware and gave us the wrong check. This is just one example, but, I would say without exaggeration that over half of any of our purchases, transactions etc. result in errors or problems, and, we have to check behind almost everything ....
Seems that anytime I transact business anymore, there are "issues". Delayed service, errors, etc.

Is this a worsening problem in the United States, or, am I just noticing it more in my "old age"?

It's rare that we go to a restaurant and get good service. Just last night, we were at a nice restaurant, the waitress forgot our silverware and gave us the wrong check. This is just one example, but, I would say without exaggeration that over half of any of our purchases, transactions etc. result in errors or problems, and, we have to check behind almost everything ....
Cheap labor ---- Most employees have no real incentive to do a good job ------- most jobs are low wage, part-time, and temporary employment ------Employers are offering less company paid benefits ------ Employers care more about the bottom line that they do about their employees -----Workers are being asked to produce more for less money ----- Some businesses are operating short-staffed, which burdens employees and drags morale down ---- Cheap imported labor, illegal immigrant labor ------- Most good high paying industrial jobs have gone to other countries --- The new generation hasn't been taught good work ethics and responsibility ---- and workers have no desire to put out that proverbial 110% when their paychecks don't allow them to have spending money in their pockets after paying living expenses.
Its a case by case basis involving 100's of factors.

Seems that anytime I transact business anymore, there are "issues". Delayed service, errors, etc.

Is this a worsening problem in the United States, or, am I just noticing it more in my "old age"?

It's rare that we go to a restaurant and get good service. Just last night, we were at a nice restaurant, the waitress forgot our silverware and gave us the wrong check. This is just one example, but, I would say without exaggeration that over half of any of our purchases, transactions etc. result in errors or problems, and, we have to check behind almost everything ....
Maybe they don't like the looks of you.....or your preachy nature?
Seems that anytime I transact business anymore, there are "issues". Delayed service, errors, etc.

Is this a worsening problem in the United States, or, am I just noticing it more in my "old age"?

It's rare that we go to a restaurant and get good service. Just last night, we were at a nice restaurant, the waitress forgot our silverware and gave us the wrong check. This is just one example, but, I would say without exaggeration that over half of any of our purchases, transactions etc. result in errors or problems, and, we have to check behind almost everything ....
Maybe they don't like the looks of you.....or your preachy nature?
What do you think I look like?
Seems that anytime I transact business anymore, there are "issues". Delayed service, errors, etc.

Is this a worsening problem in the United States, or, am I just noticing it more in my "old age"?

It's rare that we go to a restaurant and get good service. Just last night, we were at a nice restaurant, the waitress forgot our silverware and gave us the wrong check. This is just one example, but, I would say without exaggeration that over half of any of our purchases, transactions etc. result in errors or problems, and, we have to check behind almost everything ....
Maybe they don't like the looks of you.....or your preachy nature?
What do you think I look like?
a woman...
Seems that anytime I transact business anymore, there are "issues". Delayed service, errors, etc.

Is this a worsening problem in the United States, or, am I just noticing it more in my "old age"?

It's rare that we go to a restaurant and get good service. Just last night, we were at a nice restaurant, the waitress forgot our silverware and gave us the wrong check. This is just one example, but, I would say without exaggeration that over half of any of our purchases, transactions etc. result in errors or problems, and, we have to check behind almost everything ....
Maybe they don't like the looks of you.....or your preachy nature?
What do you think I look like?

Pasty complexion...

........ Multi-colored tights

.............Big toothy smile that says psycho?

I would tend to agree that the quality of service industry employees has dropped significantly in recent years. I believe it's dye to the employees no longer caring about doing a good job and only about their paycheck.
Maybe it's because the modern workers have been taught by our modern education system that you can earn $20 an hour for producing a product that takes an hour to make and sells for $15. When they get out of college after spending 5 years earning a degree in archaic French literature they find out the should have taken more math.
Seems that anytime I transact business anymore, there are "issues". Delayed service, errors, etc.

Is this a worsening problem in the United States, or, am I just noticing it more in my "old age"?

It's rare that we go to a restaurant and get good service. Just last night, we were at a nice restaurant, the waitress forgot our silverware and gave us the wrong check. This is just one example, but, I would say without exaggeration that over half of any of our purchases, transactions etc. result in errors or problems, and, we have to check behind almost everything ....
Maybe they don't like the looks of you.....or your preachy nature?
What do you think I look like?

Pasty complexion...

........ Multi-colored tights

.............Big toothy smile that says psycho?

they shouldn't be going during the senior special hour...
The culture has been changing. We are becoming or became an entitlement culture. That goes for business owners and employees. Some people think they should be getting rich by having a small business, which has never been the case, and employees think they should be living large by handing you a plate of chow.

Along with that comes the electronic social media age where many young people are simply not socialized and don't know how to interact with others. Many, maybe most, young people I encounter have a deer in the headlights look when you speak to them. I'd be better off texting them right in front of me.

It is not always the case, of course, and when I see someone on the ball they stand out like a sore thumb these days.
I believe modern times should require a modern work ethic. Why not simply pay people who don't want to work, a form of minimum wage that clears our poverty guidelines to do something else, other than claim they want to get into management so they can lie to their stock holders and potentially, even retain their multi-million dollar bonuses while on means tested corporate welfare.

It can't be worse than being Hoover-villed, by the Right as we are now; with the (other) Peoples' tax monies.
It is not just the service industry. I have spent most of my career in the utility construction industry. These jobs typically pay well and have good benefits. But finding people willing to work hard for a full day is getting increasingly hard. Yeah, there is no glamour in digging holes, climbing poles or working in the heat and cold. But when you pay people $25 to $30 and hour (starting pay is $17 with little or no experience) you expect some effort.
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One would think; but, if employees may have to lie to stock holders in the future, they may want more money simply to purchase some Happiness until the "greater glory of their immortal soul" has to pay their dues for them.
Seems that anytime I transact business anymore, there are "issues". Delayed service, errors, etc.

Is this a worsening problem in the United States, or, am I just noticing it more in my "old age"?

It's rare that we go to a restaurant and get good service. Just last night, we were at a nice restaurant, the waitress forgot our silverware and gave us the wrong check. This is just one example, but, I would say without exaggeration that over half of any of our purchases, transactions etc. result in errors or problems, and, we have to check behind almost everything ....

Wow, I thought it was just me. The past few months nothing has gone right wherever I shop. Places I could depend upon in the past...very poor customer service...mistakes rampant, service inadequate in many areas. Excuses, excuses. I shake my head at the "reasons" being offered.

Last week when I had my car mini-detailed by Honda, it was so nasty when I picked it up, I called the owner with whom I have enjoyed a very sweet and prideful relationship. He said I wasn't the only one who called to complain about the issue and just that day, had told the service department to stop offering mini-detailing. He said he can't find people to do it right. He said these days, few employees take pride in the job he is paying them to do.

It would take too long to go into the lousy situation at the deli at my once favorite store. "She didn't know....she is just covering for someone else while they are at lunch. " ( why wasn't she told? ) Instead they are complaining of their union wages being maxed out because they have reached "journeymen" status. NO raise in sight.

Horrible service at Rite-Aid. Forget "hello" and "thank you." I have begun, at the end of my service to those who have not said those things to say, "you're welcome." Then MAYBE a reluctant "thank you."

Even Amazon, with whom I have enjoyed a "love-fest" for many years: "Oh, that shipment will be delayed...sorry." Way too often these days. Also in spite of there being some wonderful private vendors on Amazon, there are of late, some awful ones. They won't even respond to your first inquiry. You have to write twice, then you get no decent attitude. I will only purchase something Amazon has in stock, these days.

I have purchased two new Honda automobiles in 6 years from our local Honda dealer who offers free car-washing in perpetuity, as a grateful incentive, just to be told by the owner the other day, "we are phasing out the free car-wash. "Can't find anyone to do it without complaints from customers." I said, but Mike, the reason I have my car serviced here is to show gratitude for the free, 4 times a year, for me, car-wash. I questioned " what is going on business bad"....he responded, "business is great." Just can't get anyone to work, in spite of decent compensation. ( for no-skill jobs )

I could go on. I was just thinking the other day, "is this all just happening to me, or is it prevalent?" I do live in a small ( non-college ) town and good workers are hard to come by, but in the past, I have had great service which includes great attitudes. No more. I find better service when dealing with kids in college towns and working to support their goals.

The owner of Honda told me he would continue free car-washing for me, and to call him in advance as he would find someone there to do it. This after I said Oil Can Henry's would be where I go for oil changes, etc. Right...I feel so much better. Actually I am dreading the experience. I do wish I had a garage as the sea salt here really eats into your car's paint-job when left out in the elements 24/7. I used to be so proud of the customer service at Honda but no longer. I have a dark feeling in the pit of my stomach when thinking of having to need our local Honda dealership now. Really makes me sad. My loyalty to Honda because of the owner, is something I no longer feel.

Bonzi...another great thread. Thank you so much. :)
People seem to be unaware the original term was 'gratuity', not 'tip'

Gratuities were earned, tips are taken for granted.
Seems that anytime I transact business anymore, there are "issues". Delayed service, errors, etc.

Is this a worsening problem in the United States, or, am I just noticing it more in my "old age"?

It's rare that we go to a restaurant and get good service. Just last night, we were at a nice restaurant, the waitress forgot our silverware and gave us the wrong check. This is just one example, but, I would say without exaggeration that over half of any of our purchases, transactions etc. result in errors or problems, and, we have to check behind almost everything ....

Wow, I thought it was just me. The past few months nothing has gone right wherever I shop. Places I could depend upon in the past...very poor customer service...mistakes rampant, service inadequate in many areas. Excuses, excuses. I shake my head at the "reasons" being offered.

Last week when I had my car mini-detailed by Honda, it was so nasty when I picked it up, I called the owner with whom I have enjoyed a very sweet and prideful relationship. He said I wasn't the only one who called to complain about the issue and just that day, had told the service department to stop offering mini-detailing. He said he can't find people to do it right. He said these days, few employees take pride in the job he is paying them to do.

It would take too long to go into the lousy situation at the deli at my once favorite store. "She didn't know....she is just covering for someone else while they are at lunch. " ( why wasn't she told? ) Instead they are complaining of their union wages being maxed out because they have reached "journeymen" status. NO raise in sight.

Horrible service at Rite-Aid. Forget "hello" and "thank you." I have begun, at the end of my service to those who have not said those things to say, "you're welcome." Then MAYBE a reluctant "thank you."

Even Amazon, with whom I have enjoyed a "love-fest" for many years: "Oh, that shipment will be delayed...sorry." Way too often these days. Also in spite of there being some wonderful private vendors on Amazon, there are of late, some awful ones. They won't even respond to your first inquiry. You have to write twice, then you get no decent attitude. I will only purchase something Amazon has in stock, these days.

I have purchased two new Honda automobiles in 6 years from our local Honda dealer who offers free car-washing in perpetuity, as a grateful incentive, just to be told by the owner the other day, "we are phasing out the free car-wash. "Can't find anyone to do it without complaints from customers." I said, but Mike, the reason I have my car serviced here is to show gratitude for the free, 4 times a year, for me, car-wash. I questioned " what is going on business bad"....he responded, "business is great." Just can't get anyone to work, in spite of decent compensation. ( for no-skill jobs )

I could go on. I was just thinking the other day, "is this all just happening to me, or is it prevalent?" I do live in a small ( non-college ) town and good workers are hard to come by, but in the past, I have had great service which includes great attitudes. No more. I find better service when dealing with kids in college towns and working to support their goals.

The owner of Honda told me he would continue free car-washing for me, and to call him in advance as he would find someone there to do it. This after I said Oil Can Henry's would be where I go for oil changes, etc. Right...I feel so much better. Actually I am dreading the experience. I do wish I had a garage as the sea salt here really eats into your car's paint-job when left out in the elements 24/7. I used to be so proud of the customer service at Honda but no longer. I have a dark feeling in the pit of my stomach when thinking of having to need our local Honda dealership now. Really makes me sad. My loyalty to Honda because of the owner, is something I no longer feel.

Bonzi...another great thread. Thank you so much. :)
Like anyone is going to believe no one wants to work under any form of Capitalism. Any more tall stories? The unemployment rate is not that low.

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