Work For The Union Label!

I look for the union label on everything I want to buy. If it's made by a union, I pass. I'd rather pay more and buy an import than support a union.

Which means you buy from communist red china and then call democrats commies. Makes sense.

Oh please..That is such bullshit. It presupposes that China is the only country exporting goods to the US.
Like you've never owned anything made in China.
I look for the union label on everything I want to buy. If it's made by a union, I pass. I'd rather pay more and buy an import than support a union.

I'd bet money that you're lying because that's what you do in order to make your nasty, America-hating points but -

This is what is killing America.

Traitors who want to send our money and out jobs to other countries.

Let me get this straight. All American made goods are from union shops?
If one opposes unions, they are anti American worker?
If one refuses to buy union made products, they hate the USA?
Have you any idea how foolish those assumptions are?
If you bet money on those assumptions, you'd be a LOSER.
It could possibly be because most of my co-workers attend the Republican Clubs (which is how they got their jobs for the County in the first place) which preach anti-unionism (completely ridiculous because the preachers belong to the same union), are Blue Collar and have never worked outside of our union.

Is Nassau County more corrupt than a locality in South California?

no idea....but most Postal workers know a Union is necessary.....otherwise Postal Management would rip you apart....they do what they do now to get away with as much as possible in spite of the Union .....its a constant battle .....Middle Management in the PO is horrible....
Most union shops are like that. I have a friend who works at AT&T.
And the union lets them do what they want. Same at UPS. The teamsters has no clout over there.
Let me say though, my friend at AT&T makes a very good living. He does not complain.
He says, as long as the workers follow company policy and do their jobs, everybody is happy.
He says the ones that are habitually late for work, take off lots of sick days, are insubordinate to their superiors are the biggest whiners and get the attention of their managers. These are also the same people who run to the shop steward looking for help and threaten to sue.

He says while the union does set a buffer between the workers and the company, the presence of the union creates constant stress and friction.

sounds a lot like the really pisses me off when a non member does those things and files a grievance when he gets a letter of warning....and the Union has to defend them......and we had a couple of assholes like that....if you dont want to be a member you should be on your own if you fuck up.....
I look for the union label on everything I want to buy. If it's made by a union, I pass. I'd rather pay more and buy an import than support a union.

I'd bet money that you're lying because that's what you do in order to make your nasty, America-hating points but -

This is what is killing America.

Traitors who want to send our money and out jobs to other countries.

Let me get this straight. All American made goods are from union shops?
If one opposes unions, they are anti American worker?
If one refuses to buy union made products, they hate the USA?
Have you any idea how foolish those assumptions are?
If you bet money on those assumptions, you'd be a LOSER.

for me....i dont care if its Union or not,i always try to buy American.....the key word is try....sometimes it seems like you cant....
I'd bet money that you're lying because that's what you do in order to make your nasty, America-hating points but -

This is what is killing America.

Traitors who want to send our money and out jobs to other countries.

Let me get this straight. All American made goods are from union shops?
If one opposes unions, they are anti American worker?
If one refuses to buy union made products, they hate the USA?
Have you any idea how foolish those assumptions are?
If you bet money on those assumptions, you'd be a LOSER.

for me....i dont care if its Union or not,i always try to buy American.....the key word is try....sometimes it seems like you cant....
In many instances "Made in the USA" is not accurate.
For example. In the textile business, especially clothing, the fabric or even just they ran or thread may be made here. The yarn/thread is then sent overseas where the components of the clothing are manufactured. To get the "Made in USA" label the components are sent back to the USA to be assembled.
Same applies to cars. We may believe the car we own is American made. it may not be more than 30% made here.
For example, There are models which are assembled on US or Canadian soil, but the majority of the parts and most of the materials that go into the parts are made elsewhere.
And in the case of the Ford Fusion, most of those are made in Mexico with majority foreign made parts. Yet, the general perception is that the model is an "American" car. As far as I am concerned, it's an import.
I had an F-150...1990 model. Final assembly point was in Kansas City. The transmission was made by Mitsubishi in Japan. The electronics made in Indonesia.
Of course we always get the "well the profits stay here in the US" argument. They do? Who says?
Anyway, this whole thing about buying union meaning the same thing as buying American is a bunch of hooey.
Nothing but politics.
And I do just the opposite so your anti-worker, un American crap is cancelled out.

Anti union is NOT anti worker. NIice try though.
Oh, there are a LOT more of US than there is of YOU....
Remember that.
Only 7% of private sector workers are members of labor collectives.
And that number continues to fall.
Same goes for the public sector. It is imperative to get rid of these public worker unions, rein in wages and benefits. The taxpayers have HAD IT.


That's exactly what it is.

That is what you 'believe'....Does not make it fact.
The fact that 93% of us do not need representation by a labor collective confirms you are incorrect.

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