Work For The Union Label!

I look for the union label on everything I want to buy. If it's made by a union, I pass. I'd rather pay more and buy an import than support a union.
Is that so? It is sad that you would rather pay more money for some junk made in China, or Mexico, with the hope that by doing so you will help put an American out of work.

What a true patriot you are.

I'd rather pay twice as much for something substandard if it would help end unions in the US.
Then, not only are you un-American, you are also an idiot.
Is that so? It is sad that you would rather pay more money for some junk made in China, or Mexico, with the hope that by doing so you will help put an American out of work.

What a true patriot you are.

I'd rather pay twice as much for something substandard if it would help end unions in the US.
Then, not only are you un-American, you are also an idiot.

It depends on what un-American is. Would a German in 1938 Germany be un-German if they opposed the nazis, or a Chinese in 1966 who opposed Mao's cultural revolution, would they be un-Chinese? Were the farmers in 1917 Russia un-Russian when they tried to stand against Lenin?

Unions are destructive. Whatever point they had has been lost. They are now corrupt and only serve their own interests.
It could possibly be because most of my co-workers attend the Republican Clubs (which is how they got their jobs for the County in the first place) which preach anti-unionism (completely ridiculous because the preachers belong to the same union), are Blue Collar and have never worked outside of our union.

Is Nassau County more corrupt than a locality in South California?

no idea....but most Postal workers know a Union is necessary.....otherwise Postal Management would rip you apart....they do what they do now to get away with as much as possible in spite of the Union .....its a constant battle .....Middle Management in the PO is horrible....

I had a career appointment at the Postal Service when they opened the bulk mail facilities many years ago. The most interesting part to me was the promotion system the Union had in place. When they needed a new Supervisor, management started with the most senior hourly worker and offered him/her the job. In most cases they had to get to the middle of the seniority list before they got any takers. Hourly people got paid overtime and salaried didn't and and the older employees didn't want a pay cut.

Since the only qualification for a supervisory position was seniority, they needed to promote 3 or 4 people to the position before they found 1 that was capable of being a supevisor. The ones they promoted that were incapable of doing the job kept their necktie and were put in a desk job doing busy work.

Because of my previous experince, I was given a job designing the PA and phone system for the entire bulk mail facility. I called several vendors that made the approved equipment and had their engineers come to the facility, explained the requirements to them, and had them design and bid the job.

This took about two week and I presented the completed package to the Manager. He took one look and told me that the budget for this project was 6 months and I was to go back to my desk and look busy for the next 5 months and 2 weeks.

I lasted three days before submitting my 'take this job and shove it' letter.

thats not the way it works around here.....if you want to get into Supervision you put your name in....and it doesnt matter how long you have been working there.....the Union has no say in it.....
I look for the union label on everything I want to buy. If it's made by a union, I pass. I'd rather pay more and buy an import than support a union.
Is that so? It is sad that you would rather pay more money for some junk made in China, or Mexico, with the hope that by doing so you will help put an American out of work.

What a true patriot you are.

I'd rather pay twice as much for something substandard if it would help end unions in the US.

so you buy some substandard piece of shit that breaks down,and then have to buy another piece of substandard shit,meanwhile the quality piece is still working,all because of your attitude towards Unions?.....geezus.....i guess if you have money to burn....
I look for the union label on everything I want to buy. If it's made by a union, I pass. I'd rather pay more and buy an import than support a union.

Yeah, what good have unions ever done for anyone?

gotten their jobs outsourced

We'd be so much better off if American workers would learn to be satisfied with the wages and working conditions of their Chinese counterparts.

"Prosperity Through Lower Wages!"
The irony within this is hilarious on so many levels!

Samuel "Joe" Wurzelbacher - a.k.a., “Joe the Plumber" - announced today on Facebook and earlier on his Web site that he has landed a union job with Chrysler Group LLC.

What's next? Will Sheriff Joe get a new gig with Taco Bell?

Yeah? And? When one needs a job, they do what they must.
I'd take a union job, but as I live in a right to work state, I would not join the union.
in a right to work state, it is illegal to make union membership compulsory to retain employment.
The irony within this is hilarious on so many levels!

Samuel "Joe" Wurzelbacher - a.k.a., “Joe the Plumber" - announced today on Facebook and earlier on his Web site that he has landed a union job with Chrysler Group LLC.

What's next? Will Sheriff Joe get a new gig with Taco Bell?

why should anyone care about Joe the fucking Plumber?.....just askin...

Slow news day for liberals.
The irony within this is hilarious on so many levels!

Samuel "Joe" Wurzelbacher - a.k.a., “Joe the Plumber" - announced today on Facebook and earlier on his Web site that he has landed a union job with Chrysler Group LLC.
What's next? Will Sheriff Joe get a new gig with Taco Bell?

What makes it ironic, other than the fact that you cannot point to a single case of him ever trashing unions?

That's a great point. I concur. This whole joe the Plumber thing never touched union membership. From day one.
Suddenly it's an issue?
These libs are so desperate.
I know, and work with, lots of Conservatives who belong to a union.
They all say unions are destroying America...except for, of course, the one to which they belong.

True story.

approx. 40% of my Union is Repub/Conservative and i have never heard any of them say that....they know why they are in our Union.......

They all say unions are destroying America

it may just depend on the Union....

It could possibly be because most of my co-workers attend the Republican Clubs (which is how they got their jobs for the County in the first place) which preach anti-unionism (completely ridiculous because the preachers belong to the same union), are Blue Collar and have never worked outside of our union.

Is Nassau County more corrupt than a locality in South California?

New York is not right to work. In order to retain a public sector job, one must join the union which represents the workers. There is no other choice.
I look for the union label on everything I want to buy. If it's made by a union, I pass. I'd rather pay more and buy an import than support a union.

And I do just the opposite so your anti-worker, un American crap is cancelled out.

Anti union is NOT anti worker. NIice try though.
Oh, there are a LOT more of US than there is of YOU....
Remember that.
Only 7% of private sector workers are members of labor collectives.
And that number continues to fall.
Same goes for the public sector. It is imperative to get rid of these public worker unions, rein in wages and benefits. The taxpayers have HAD IT.
I look for the union label on everything I want to buy. If it's made by a union, I pass. I'd rather pay more and buy an import than support a union.

And I do just the opposite so your anti-worker, un American crap is cancelled out.

Anti union is NOT anti worker. NIice try though.
Oh, there are a LOT more of US than there is of YOU....
Remember that.
Only 7% of private sector workers are members of labor collectives.
And that number continues to fall.
Same goes for the public sector. It is imperative to get rid of these public worker unions, rein in wages and benefits. The taxpayers have HAD IT.


That's exactly what it is.
approx. 40% of my Union is Repub/Conservative and i have never heard any of them say that....they know why they are in our Union.......

They all say unions are destroying America

it may just depend on the Union....

It could possibly be because most of my co-workers attend the Republican Clubs (which is how they got their jobs for the County in the first place) which preach anti-unionism (completely ridiculous because the preachers belong to the same union), are Blue Collar and have never worked outside of our union.

Is Nassau County more corrupt than a locality in South California?

no idea....but most Postal workers know a Union is necessary.....otherwise Postal Management would rip you apart....they do what they do now to get away with as much as possible in spite of the Union .....its a constant battle .....Middle Management in the PO is horrible....
Most union shops are like that. I have a friend who works at AT&T.
And the union lets them do what they want. Same at UPS. The teamsters has no clout over there.
Let me say though, my friend at AT&T makes a very good living. He does not complain.
He says, as long as the workers follow company policy and do their jobs, everybody is happy.
He says the ones that are habitually late for work, take off lots of sick days, are insubordinate to their superiors are the biggest whiners and get the attention of their managers. These are also the same people who run to the shop steward looking for help and threaten to sue.
He says while the union does set a buffer between the workers and the company, the presence of the union creates constant stress and friction.

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