Work For The Union Label!

I look for the union label on everything I want to buy. If it's made by a union, I pass. I'd rather pay more and buy an import than support a union.

Which means you buy from communist red china and then call democrats commies. Makes sense.

not everything come from china. you do know that right?
And it's Democrat party who is fraternizing with know that too right?
so commie fits for them
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I look for the union label on everything I want to buy. If it's made by a union, I pass. I'd rather pay more and buy an import than support a union.

I'd bet money that you're lying because that's what you do in order to make your nasty, America-hating points but -

This is what is killing America.

Traitors who want to send our money and out jobs to other countries.
approx. 40% of my Union is Repub/Conservative and i have never heard any of them say that....they know why they are in our Union.......

They all say unions are destroying America

it may just depend on the Union....

It could possibly be because most of my co-workers attend the Republican Clubs (which is how they got their jobs for the County in the first place) which preach anti-unionism (completely ridiculous because the preachers belong to the same union), are Blue Collar and have never worked outside of our union.

Is Nassau County more corrupt than a locality in South California?

oh for crying out, mind your own business..hater...they attend Republican clubs...good grief
I hope some of them are on this board to see the way you speak of them

They know because I post at work and they read along with me.
Almost all of them voted for Obama...twice.
You can't imagine how many Republican politicians made each and every one of the made promises that they didn't deliver on.

Both parties are comprised of self-serving narcissists and so are unions.
What makes a corporate union of CEOs any better than a union that represents average working people?
I know, and work with, lots of Conservatives who belong to a union.
They all say unions are destroying America...except for, of course, the one to which they belong.

True story.

I am also in a union. I have no choice. If I did, I wouldn't be in one.

It depends on region.
NY is the North East Coast magnet for Illegals and low wages.
Almost everybody I work with wouldn't be hired to pump coffee and they well know it.
They can't live on minimum wage.
I know, and work with, lots of Conservatives who belong to a union.
They all say unions are destroying America...except for, of course, the one to which they belong.

True story.

I'm stuck in a union...simply because I am forced to be to keep my job. I do not belong because I want to, I belong because I MUST.
I know, and work with, lots of Conservatives who belong to a union.
They all say unions are destroying America...except for, of course, the one to which they belong.

True story.

I am also in a union. I have no choice. If I did, I wouldn't be in one.

if that choice meant you had to work the same job, but lesser pay and benefits....would you stay in the Union?.....or not?....
I know, and work with, lots of Conservatives who belong to a union.
They all say unions are destroying America...except for, of course, the one to which they belong.

True story.

I'm stuck in a union...simply because I am forced to be to keep my job. I do not belong because I want to, I belong because I MUST.

my Union was voluntary.....but i did not think it was right to get the same pay and benefits as the members get and not be a member......but thats just know how Postal Management is....and outside of the one stands for you when they try and fuck you...
Nobody stands for us IN the union...basically, I get money taken from me (and funneled to politicians I despise) and get NOTHING for it. I have seen the head of my local ONCE in three years! The problem is fundamental: he and the officers are all ex-UPS. If you're not UPS, they just don't give a shit!
The irony within this is hilarious on so many levels!

Samuel "Joe" Wurzelbacher - a.k.a., “Joe the Plumber" - announced today on Facebook and earlier on his Web site that he has landed a union job with Chrysler Group LLC.

What's next? Will Sheriff Joe get a new gig with Taco Bell?

Palin, "Joe," the GOP doesn't pick icons very well do they? :)
approx. 40% of my Union is Repub/Conservative and i have never heard any of them say that....they know why they are in our Union.......

They all say unions are destroying America

it may just depend on the Union....

It could possibly be because most of my co-workers attend the Republican Clubs (which is how they got their jobs for the County in the first place) which preach anti-unionism (completely ridiculous because the preachers belong to the same union), are Blue Collar and have never worked outside of our union.

Is Nassau County more corrupt than a locality in South California?

no idea....but most Postal workers know a Union is necessary.....otherwise Postal Management would rip you apart....they do what they do now to get away with as much as possible in spite of the Union .....its a constant battle .....Middle Management in the PO is horrible....

I had a career appointment at the Postal Service when they opened the bulk mail facilities many years ago. The most interesting part to me was the promotion system the Union had in place. When they needed a new Supervisor, management started with the most senior hourly worker and offered him/her the job. In most cases they had to get to the middle of the seniority list before they got any takers. Hourly people got paid overtime and salaried didn't and and the older employees didn't want a pay cut.

Since the only qualification for a supervisory position was seniority, they needed to promote 3 or 4 people to the position before they found 1 that was capable of being a supevisor. The ones they promoted that were incapable of doing the job kept their necktie and were put in a desk job doing busy work.

Because of my previous experince, I was given a job designing the PA and phone system for the entire bulk mail facility. I called several vendors that made the approved equipment and had their engineers come to the facility, explained the requirements to them, and had them design and bid the job.

This took about two week and I presented the completed package to the Manager. He took one look and told me that the budget for this project was 6 months and I was to go back to my desk and look busy for the next 5 months and 2 weeks.

I lasted three days before submitting my 'take this job and shove it' letter.
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I look for the union label on everything I want to buy. If it's made by a union, I pass. I'd rather pay more and buy an import than support a union.

Yeah, what good have unions ever done for anyone?

Philadelphia union members indicted in '12 Quaker house arson | Fox News

Ten Philadelphia union members have been indicted for allegedly using illegal means of coercion, including the torching of a Quaker meeting house, to force local contractors to use organized labor.

The federal indictment, which was unsealed Tuesday, accuses members of Ironworkers Local 401 of several crimes, including racketeering and arson. Other alleged crimes include incidents in which union members allegedly threatened or assaulted contractors and damaged construction equipment and job sites.
I look for the union label on everything I want to buy. If it's made by a union, I pass. I'd rather pay more and buy an import than support a union.
Is that so? It is sad that you would rather pay more money for some junk made in China, or Mexico, with the hope that by doing so you will help put an American out of work.

What a true patriot you are.
I look for the union label on everything I want to buy. If it's made by a union, I pass. I'd rather pay more and buy an import than support a union.
Is that so? It is sad that you would rather pay more money for some junk made in China, or Mexico, with the hope that by doing so you will help put an American out of work.

What a true patriot you are.

I'd rather pay twice as much for something substandard if it would help end unions in the US.

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