Workers in the south have been warned


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2019
Will they heed those warnings? The warnings aren't from just anybody, they are from governors. We will see if the workers care about the values we live by.

---Governors of six Southern states warn workers against joining UAW union---

Will they heed those warnings? The warnings aren't from just anybody, they are from governors. We will see if the workers care about the values we live by.

---Governors of six Southern states warn workers against joining UAW union---

you are right about that, lenny, the great capitalist american value of negotiation.

time for southerners to get off their knees and onto their feet and join us in our defense of our homes and families.
Will they heed those warnings? The warnings aren't from just anybody, they are from governors. We will see if the workers care about the values we live by.

---Governors of six Southern states warn workers against joining UAW union---

I would never surrender my right to work just to be controlled by the statist left marxinazis.
Will they heed those warnings? The warnings aren't from just anybody, they are from governors. We will see if the workers care about the values we live by.

---Governors of six Southern states warn workers against joining UAW union---

More than likely they are Right to work States that do not require an employee join a union.
I would never surrender my right to work just to be controlled by the statist left marxinazis.

I am in a so called "Right to Work" state. You don't HAVE any rights to work. You have the right to quit and your employer has the right to fire you without notice or reason. But you do have a right to work, 2 jobs during the week and 3 jobs on the weekends just to afford the rent.
MAGA proves (yet again) that they are on the side of billionaires. Only the self-loathing still support these lowlifes.
Yet, the Globalist leftists are supported by the elites.
Some rich go along with republican ideas and some rich go along with leftist ideas. It's called, "everyone's an individual and makes individual thinking.
Yet, the Globalist leftists are supported by the elites.
Strange...the GOP nominee is likely the world's best known globalist.
Some rich go along with republican ideas and some rich go along with leftist ideas. It's called, "everyone's an individual and makes individual thinking.
This is true...but isn't is strange how no matter what situation arises...if it comes down to the workers making more money or having more guys always side with management--unless it's a government clerk who refuses to give marriage licenses to same sex couples...then you think worker autonomy is peachy keen.
Surely a big part of capitalism is the ability of workers to form unions.
Auto plants in the unionized rust belt are closing

Ford is moving production to Mexico while GM seems to prefer china

Meanwhile wages and benefits in the Southern foreign owned auto factories are comparable to Michigan and those factories are going strong

Maybe libs prefer welfare and unemployment to having a job

But the work ethic still exists down South
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If you are going to use someone else's skilled labor, expect to pay what it is worth.
Then you must expect the consumer to purchase the product over someone who produces the product cheaper. Prog consumers do not do that. No loyalty. They talk it though. Purchasing a product cheaper and with more quality over a union product more expensive and with less quality of common sense. It is easy to promote what you do without actually living with the results.
I am in a so called "Right to Work" state. You don't HAVE any rights to work. You have the right to quit and your employer has the right to fire you without notice or reason. But you do have a right to work, 2 jobs during the week and 3 jobs on the weekends just to afford the rent.

Should have gotten you one of those Lesbian Studies Degrees with a student loan you don't need to really pay back if you are working 5 jobs to pay rent. Then you could have been a homeowner instead. :rolleyes:
Should have gotten you one of those Lesbian Studies Degrees with a student loan you don't need to really pay back if you are working 5 jobs to pay rent. Then you could have been a homeowner instead. :rolleyes:

Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda. The cost of a house right now is completely out of reach even for the 2 full time jobbers. In other parts of the country, our housing prices seem normal but what's not normal is the wage versus housing is completely out of whack. It's even affecting the new Apartments. Instead of charging rent according to income, they just look what others are charging and go that much. It used to be that your housing should never exceed 33 percent. Today, it's closer to 66% forcing the two and 3 jobs, alcoholism, crime, divorces, and more. And the rich just keep on getting rich.
Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda. The cost of a house right now is completely out of reach even for the 2 full time jobbers. In other parts of the country, our housing prices seem normal but what's not normal is the wage versus housing is completely out of whack. It's even affecting the new Apartments. Instead of charging rent according to income, they just look what others are charging and go that much. It used to be that your housing should never exceed 33 percent. Today, it's closer to 66% forcing the two and 3 jobs, alcoholism, crime, divorces, and more. And the rich just keep on getting rich.

Yada yada yada....Joe Biden did that. It was his "historic" economic recovery. My house is paid for so sucks to be you I guess. One of my sisters works in a non-unionized factory here is the south getting paid 30 bucks an hour to walk around to make sure they guys who grease the machines greased the machines and put their little tag on it when they did so she can check another box on her endless supply of boxes to be checked on her ipad. She pays her mortgage just fine. Probably because she bought when Trump was President.
The governors didn't "warn" anyone. They merely advised what the consequences of unionization might be. It should be noted that the hypocrite rag WAPO is fighting unionization itself.
you are right about that, lenny, the great capitalist american value of negotiation.

time for southerners to get off their knees and onto their feet and join us in our defense of our homes and families.
A lot of southern states are right to work.

Are you a union guy?

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