Working For The State


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. A prime characteristic of totalitarian governance....Nazi, fascist, communist, socialist, Liberal, that the state, the representative of the collective, rises to preeminence over the individual....there are citizens who are perfectly content to work for the state, and against the other members of their community.
(John Kerry..cough...cough)

What surprises the student of government is how America has been changed to that sort of view.

a. The Founders foresaw a nation based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

b. In Thoreau’s On the duty of Civil Disobedience, he states: “ There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all of its own power and authority are derived.”

By 'working for the state,' I am implying working against the interests, rights, and liberty of individual citizens.

2. Let's take, as an example, Naftly Frenkel, the man who made Stalin's gulags the "success" that they were.
And, of course, I mean "success," in the sense that that it destroyed millions...and gave rise to Hitler's concentration camps.

"Naftaly Aronovich Frenkel...was a Jewish Russian businessman and member of the Soviet secret police. Frenkel is best known for his role in the organisation of work in the Gulag, starting from the forced labor camp of the Solovetsky Islands, which is recognised as one of the earliest sites of the Gulag.

He rose rapidly from prisoner to staff member on the strength of his proposal to the camp administration that they link inmates' food rations to their rate of production, the proposal known as nourishment scale (шкала питания).

The story goes that when he arrived at the camp [as a prisoner!] he found shocking disorganisation and waste of resources (both human and material): he promptly wrote a precise description of what exactly was wrong with every one of the camp's industries (including forestry, farming and brick-making).[6]

He placed the letter in the prisoners' 'complaints box' whence it was sent, as a curiosity, to Genrikh Yagoda the secret police bureaucrat who eventually became leader of the Cheka; it is said that Yagoda immediately demanded to meet with the letter's author.[6]Frenkel himself claimed that he was whisked off to Moscow to discuss his ideas with Joseph Stalin and Lazar Kaganovich, one of Stalin's henchmen.....records show that Frenkel met Stalin in the 1930s and was protected by Stalin during the Partypurge years;..." Naftaly Frenkel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

a. "Frenkel's special talent for improving inmate work efficiency was quickly noticed by the camp officials there, and it was not long before he was ordered to explain his ideas and methods to Stalin personally. His main proposal was to link a prisoner's food ration, especially hot food, to his production, essentially substituting hunger for the knout as the main work incentive.

Frenkel had also observed that a prisoner's most productive work is usually done in the first three months of his captivity, after which he or she was in so debilitated a state that the output of the inmate population could be kept high only by removing (killing off) the exhausted prisoners and replacing them with fresh inmates. " The Gulag Communism s Penal Colonies Revisited

Seems that if there are benefits available, there are always men who will serve big government rather than their sisters and brothers.
Is that what we want America's motto to be?
3. Naftaly Frenkel rose in importance under Stalin by instituting inhuman rules that made the gulag more.....'efficient'....and more deadly.

But advanced the aims of the Communists.

"During the early 1930s every non-apparatchik in the USSR was hungry, and the peasants were starving in their millions. The zeks [prisoners] of the gulag, from 1918 to 1956, were always somewhere in between.
The mature gulag ran on food and the deprivation of food. Illuminatingly, the history of Communism keeps bringing us back to this: the scarcity or absence of food.

[In] his natural indifference to all human suffering Frenkel was an excellent Bolshevik. It was he who advised Stalin to run the gulag on the steady deprivation of food.

Again they used norms and quotas:
for the full norm: 700 grams of bread, plus soup and buckwheat for those not attaining the norm: 400 grams of bread, plus soup

The ‘full norm' was near-unachievable (sometimes more than 200 times higher than the Tsarist equivalent). A socialist-realist superman might manage it, for a time. But you were not meant to manage it. As the zek increasingly fell further behind the norm, he weakened further too, and his ration would soon be demoted to ‘punitive' (300 grams).

As for the rations, [historian Robert] Conquest cites those of the Japanese POW camps on the River Kwai: ‘There, prisoners got a daily ration norm of 700 grams of rice, 600 of vegetables, 100 of meat, 20 of sugar, 20 of salt, and 5 of oil…'; all these items were, of course, great rarities and delicacies in the archipelago. Solzhenitsyn describes a seven-ounce loaf (218 grams): ‘sticky as clay, a piece little bigger than a matchbox…'"
Martin Amis, "Koba The Dread."

Under socialism, the hero is the one who 'improves' the way of the collective, no matter the cost in human lives....or supports the Iran Nuclear Treaty.
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1. A prime characteristic of totalitarian governance....Nazi, fascist, communist, socialist, Liberal, that the state, the representative of the collective, rises to preeminence over the individual....there are citizens who are perfectly content to work for the state, and against the other members of their community.
(John Kerry..cough...cough)

What surprises the student of government is how America has been changed to that sort of view.

a. The Founders foresaw a nation based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

b. In Thoreau’s On the duty of Civil Disobedience, he states: “ There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all of its own power and authority are derived.”

By 'working for the state,' I am implying working against the interests, rights, and liberty of individual citizens.

2. Let's take, as an example, Naftly Frenkel, the man who made Stalin's gulags the "success" that they were.
And, of course, I mean "success," in the sense that that it destroyed millions...and gave rise to Hitler's concentration camps.

"Naftaly Aronovich Frenkel...was a Jewish Russian businessman and member of the Soviet secret police. Frenkel is best known for his role in the organisation of work in the Gulag, starting from the forced labor camp of the Solovetsky Islands, which is recognised as one of the earliest sites of the Gulag.

He rose rapidly from prisoner to staff member on the strength of his proposal to the camp administration that they link inmates' food rations to their rate of production, the proposal known as nourishment scale (шкала питания).

The story goes that when he arrived at the camp [as a prisoner!] he found shocking disorganisation and waste of resources (both human and material): he promptly wrote a precise description of what exactly was wrong with every one of the camp's industries (including forestry, farming and brick-making).[6]

He placed the letter in the prisoners' 'complaints box' whence it was sent, as a curiosity, to Genrikh Yagoda the secret police bureaucrat who eventually became leader of the Cheka; it is said that Yagoda immediately demanded to meet with the letter's author.[6]Frenkel himself claimed that he was whisked off to Moscow to discuss his ideas with Joseph Stalin and Lazar Kaganovich, one of Stalin's henchmen.....records show that Frenkel met Stalin in the 1930s and was protected by Stalin during the Partypurge years;..." Naftaly Frenkel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

a. "Frenkel's special talent for improving inmate work efficiency was quickly noticed by the camp officials there, and it was not long before he was ordered to explain his ideas and methods to Stalin personally. His main proposal was to link a prisoner's food ration, especially hot food, to his production, essentially substituting hunger for the knout as the main work incentive.

Frenkel had also observed that a prisoner's most productive work is usually done in the first three months of his captivity, after which he or she was in so debilitated a state that the output of the inmate population could be kept high only by removing (killing off) the exhausted prisoners and replacing them with fresh inmates. " The Gulag Communism s Penal Colonies Revisited

Seems that if there are benefits available, there are always men who will serve big government rather than their sisters and brothers.
Is that what we want America's motto to be?

You know, PC, every single solitary person I know and have known, who has worked or is working in any job capacity where their compensation came/comes from the government ( taxpayers ) have been and are, liberals. It's just a sick fact! They haven't a clue how dangerous it has made my country of America.

For now, I am stuck living amongst them, but soon may be moving to a state which is predominantly conservative, should I say, "yes honey, I will. " :D
1. A prime characteristic of totalitarian governance....Nazi, fascist, communist, socialist, Liberal, that the state, the representative of the collective, rises to preeminence over the individual....there are citizens who are perfectly content to work for the state, and against the other members of their community.
(John Kerry..cough...cough)

What surprises the student of government is how America has been changed to that sort of view.

a. The Founders foresaw a nation based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

b. In Thoreau’s On the duty of Civil Disobedience, he states: “ There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all of its own power and authority are derived.”

By 'working for the state,' I am implying working against the interests, rights, and liberty of individual citizens.

2. Let's take, as an example, Naftly Frenkel, the man who made Stalin's gulags the "success" that they were.
And, of course, I mean "success," in the sense that that it destroyed millions...and gave rise to Hitler's concentration camps.

"Naftaly Aronovich Frenkel...was a Jewish Russian businessman and member of the Soviet secret police. Frenkel is best known for his role in the organisation of work in the Gulag, starting from the forced labor camp of the Solovetsky Islands, which is recognised as one of the earliest sites of the Gulag.

He rose rapidly from prisoner to staff member on the strength of his proposal to the camp administration that they link inmates' food rations to their rate of production, the proposal known as nourishment scale (шкала питания).

The story goes that when he arrived at the camp [as a prisoner!] he found shocking disorganisation and waste of resources (both human and material): he promptly wrote a precise description of what exactly was wrong with every one of the camp's industries (including forestry, farming and brick-making).[6]

He placed the letter in the prisoners' 'complaints box' whence it was sent, as a curiosity, to Genrikh Yagoda the secret police bureaucrat who eventually became leader of the Cheka; it is said that Yagoda immediately demanded to meet with the letter's author.[6]Frenkel himself claimed that he was whisked off to Moscow to discuss his ideas with Joseph Stalin and Lazar Kaganovich, one of Stalin's henchmen.....records show that Frenkel met Stalin in the 1930s and was protected by Stalin during the Partypurge years;..." Naftaly Frenkel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

a. "Frenkel's special talent for improving inmate work efficiency was quickly noticed by the camp officials there, and it was not long before he was ordered to explain his ideas and methods to Stalin personally. His main proposal was to link a prisoner's food ration, especially hot food, to his production, essentially substituting hunger for the knout as the main work incentive.

Frenkel had also observed that a prisoner's most productive work is usually done in the first three months of his captivity, after which he or she was in so debilitated a state that the output of the inmate population could be kept high only by removing (killing off) the exhausted prisoners and replacing them with fresh inmates. " The Gulag Communism s Penal Colonies Revisited

Seems that if there are benefits available, there are always men who will serve big government rather than their sisters and brothers.
Is that what we want America's motto to be?

You know, PC, every single solitary person I know and have known, who has worked or is working in any job capacity where their compensation came/comes from the government ( taxpayers ) have been and are, liberals. It's just a sick fact! They haven't a clue how dangerous it has made my country of America.

For now, I am stuck living amongst them, but soon may be moving to a state which is predominantly conservative, should I say, "yes honey, I will. " :D

Thats bullshit.
1. A prime characteristic of totalitarian governance....Nazi, fascist, communist, socialist, Liberal, that the state, the representative of the collective, rises to preeminence over the individual....there are citizens who are perfectly content to work for the state, and against the other members of their community.
(John Kerry..cough...cough)

What surprises the student of government is how America has been changed to that sort of view.

a. The Founders foresaw a nation based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

b. In Thoreau’s On the duty of Civil Disobedience, he states: “ There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all of its own power and authority are derived.”

By 'working for the state,' I am implying working against the interests, rights, and liberty of individual citizens.

2. Let's take, as an example, Naftly Frenkel, the man who made Stalin's gulags the "success" that they were.
And, of course, I mean "success," in the sense that that it destroyed millions...and gave rise to Hitler's concentration camps.

"Naftaly Aronovich Frenkel...was a Jewish Russian businessman and member of the Soviet secret police. Frenkel is best known for his role in the organisation of work in the Gulag, starting from the forced labor camp of the Solovetsky Islands, which is recognised as one of the earliest sites of the Gulag.

He rose rapidly from prisoner to staff member on the strength of his proposal to the camp administration that they link inmates' food rations to their rate of production, the proposal known as nourishment scale (шкала питания).

The story goes that when he arrived at the camp [as a prisoner!] he found shocking disorganisation and waste of resources (both human and material): he promptly wrote a precise description of what exactly was wrong with every one of the camp's industries (including forestry, farming and brick-making).[6]

He placed the letter in the prisoners' 'complaints box' whence it was sent, as a curiosity, to Genrikh Yagoda the secret police bureaucrat who eventually became leader of the Cheka; it is said that Yagoda immediately demanded to meet with the letter's author.[6]Frenkel himself claimed that he was whisked off to Moscow to discuss his ideas with Joseph Stalin and Lazar Kaganovich, one of Stalin's henchmen.....records show that Frenkel met Stalin in the 1930s and was protected by Stalin during the Partypurge years;..." Naftaly Frenkel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

a. "Frenkel's special talent for improving inmate work efficiency was quickly noticed by the camp officials there, and it was not long before he was ordered to explain his ideas and methods to Stalin personally. His main proposal was to link a prisoner's food ration, especially hot food, to his production, essentially substituting hunger for the knout as the main work incentive.

Frenkel had also observed that a prisoner's most productive work is usually done in the first three months of his captivity, after which he or she was in so debilitated a state that the output of the inmate population could be kept high only by removing (killing off) the exhausted prisoners and replacing them with fresh inmates. " The Gulag Communism s Penal Colonies Revisited

Seems that if there are benefits available, there are always men who will serve big government rather than their sisters and brothers.
Is that what we want America's motto to be?

You know, PC, every single solitary person I know and have known, who has worked or is working in any job capacity where their compensation came/comes from the government ( taxpayers ) have been and are, liberals. It's just a sick fact! They haven't a clue how dangerous it has made my country of America.

For now, I am stuck living amongst them, but soon may be moving to a state which is predominantly conservative, should I say, "yes honey, I will. " :D

Darn....I guess that means you won't be moving to my state.

Milton Friedman suggested we all recognize as a joke the notion that someone might say to a government employee, “Slow down, you’re killing yourself…”
1. A prime characteristic of totalitarian governance....Nazi, fascist, communist, socialist, Liberal, that the state, the representative of the collective, rises to preeminence over the individual....there are citizens who are perfectly content to work for the state, and against the other members of their community.
(John Kerry..cough...cough)

What surprises the student of government is how America has been changed to that sort of view.

a. The Founders foresaw a nation based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

b. In Thoreau’s On the duty of Civil Disobedience, he states: “ There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all of its own power and authority are derived.”

By 'working for the state,' I am implying working against the interests, rights, and liberty of individual citizens.

2. Let's take, as an example, Naftly Frenkel, the man who made Stalin's gulags the "success" that they were.
And, of course, I mean "success," in the sense that that it destroyed millions...and gave rise to Hitler's concentration camps.

"Naftaly Aronovich Frenkel...was a Jewish Russian businessman and member of the Soviet secret police. Frenkel is best known for his role in the organisation of work in the Gulag, starting from the forced labor camp of the Solovetsky Islands, which is recognised as one of the earliest sites of the Gulag.

He rose rapidly from prisoner to staff member on the strength of his proposal to the camp administration that they link inmates' food rations to their rate of production, the proposal known as nourishment scale (шкала питания).

The story goes that when he arrived at the camp [as a prisoner!] he found shocking disorganisation and waste of resources (both human and material): he promptly wrote a precise description of what exactly was wrong with every one of the camp's industries (including forestry, farming and brick-making).[6]

He placed the letter in the prisoners' 'complaints box' whence it was sent, as a curiosity, to Genrikh Yagoda the secret police bureaucrat who eventually became leader of the Cheka; it is said that Yagoda immediately demanded to meet with the letter's author.[6]Frenkel himself claimed that he was whisked off to Moscow to discuss his ideas with Joseph Stalin and Lazar Kaganovich, one of Stalin's henchmen.....records show that Frenkel met Stalin in the 1930s and was protected by Stalin during the Partypurge years;..." Naftaly Frenkel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

a. "Frenkel's special talent for improving inmate work efficiency was quickly noticed by the camp officials there, and it was not long before he was ordered to explain his ideas and methods to Stalin personally. His main proposal was to link a prisoner's food ration, especially hot food, to his production, essentially substituting hunger for the knout as the main work incentive.

Frenkel had also observed that a prisoner's most productive work is usually done in the first three months of his captivity, after which he or she was in so debilitated a state that the output of the inmate population could be kept high only by removing (killing off) the exhausted prisoners and replacing them with fresh inmates. " The Gulag Communism s Penal Colonies Revisited

Seems that if there are benefits available, there are always men who will serve big government rather than their sisters and brothers.
Is that what we want America's motto to be?

You know, PC, every single solitary person I know and have known, who has worked or is working in any job capacity where their compensation came/comes from the government ( taxpayers ) have been and are, liberals. It's just a sick fact! They haven't a clue how dangerous it has made my country of America.

For now, I am stuck living amongst them, but soon may be moving to a state which is predominantly conservative, should I say, "yes honey, I will. " :D

Thats bullshit.

Just one more example of a Liberal, recognizing the truth, defaulting to barnyard vulgarity.
1. A prime characteristic of totalitarian governance....Nazi, fascist, communist, socialist, Liberal, that the state, the representative of the collective, rises to preeminence over the individual....there are citizens who are perfectly content to work for the state, and against the other members of their community.
(John Kerry..cough...cough)

What surprises the student of government is how America has been changed to that sort of view.

a. The Founders foresaw a nation based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

b. In Thoreau’s On the duty of Civil Disobedience, he states: “ There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all of its own power and authority are derived.”

By 'working for the state,' I am implying working against the interests, rights, and liberty of individual citizens.

2. Let's take, as an example, Naftly Frenkel, the man who made Stalin's gulags the "success" that they were.
And, of course, I mean "success," in the sense that that it destroyed millions...and gave rise to Hitler's concentration camps.

"Naftaly Aronovich Frenkel...was a Jewish Russian businessman and member of the Soviet secret police. Frenkel is best known for his role in the organisation of work in the Gulag, starting from the forced labor camp of the Solovetsky Islands, which is recognised as one of the earliest sites of the Gulag.

He rose rapidly from prisoner to staff member on the strength of his proposal to the camp administration that they link inmates' food rations to their rate of production, the proposal known as nourishment scale (шкала питания).

The story goes that when he arrived at the camp [as a prisoner!] he found shocking disorganisation and waste of resources (both human and material): he promptly wrote a precise description of what exactly was wrong with every one of the camp's industries (including forestry, farming and brick-making).[6]

He placed the letter in the prisoners' 'complaints box' whence it was sent, as a curiosity, to Genrikh Yagoda the secret police bureaucrat who eventually became leader of the Cheka; it is said that Yagoda immediately demanded to meet with the letter's author.[6]Frenkel himself claimed that he was whisked off to Moscow to discuss his ideas with Joseph Stalin and Lazar Kaganovich, one of Stalin's henchmen.....records show that Frenkel met Stalin in the 1930s and was protected by Stalin during the Partypurge years;..." Naftaly Frenkel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

a. "Frenkel's special talent for improving inmate work efficiency was quickly noticed by the camp officials there, and it was not long before he was ordered to explain his ideas and methods to Stalin personally. His main proposal was to link a prisoner's food ration, especially hot food, to his production, essentially substituting hunger for the knout as the main work incentive.

Frenkel had also observed that a prisoner's most productive work is usually done in the first three months of his captivity, after which he or she was in so debilitated a state that the output of the inmate population could be kept high only by removing (killing off) the exhausted prisoners and replacing them with fresh inmates. " The Gulag Communism s Penal Colonies Revisited

Seems that if there are benefits available, there are always men who will serve big government rather than their sisters and brothers.
Is that what we want America's motto to be?

You know, PC, every single solitary person I know and have known, who has worked or is working in any job capacity where their compensation came/comes from the government ( taxpayers ) have been and are, liberals. It's just a sick fact! They haven't a clue how dangerous it has made my country of America.

For now, I am stuck living amongst them, but soon may be moving to a state which is predominantly conservative, should I say, "yes honey, I will. " :D

Thats bullshit.

What part is? The one about the numbers? If so, I do agree there exists a small minority who would not be progressive. I'm speaking only of those I know and have known which would be in the hundreds.
1. A prime characteristic of totalitarian governance....Nazi, fascist, communist, socialist, Liberal, that the state, the representative of the collective, rises to preeminence over the individual....there are citizens who are perfectly content to work for the state, and against the other members of their community.
(John Kerry..cough...cough)

What surprises the student of government is how America has been changed to that sort of view.

a. The Founders foresaw a nation based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

b. In Thoreau’s On the duty of Civil Disobedience, he states: “ There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all of its own power and authority are derived.”

By 'working for the state,' I am implying working against the interests, rights, and liberty of individual citizens.

2. Let's take, as an example, Naftly Frenkel, the man who made Stalin's gulags the "success" that they were.
And, of course, I mean "success," in the sense that that it destroyed millions...and gave rise to Hitler's concentration camps.

"Naftaly Aronovich Frenkel...was a Jewish Russian businessman and member of the Soviet secret police. Frenkel is best known for his role in the organisation of work in the Gulag, starting from the forced labor camp of the Solovetsky Islands, which is recognised as one of the earliest sites of the Gulag.

He rose rapidly from prisoner to staff member on the strength of his proposal to the camp administration that they link inmates' food rations to their rate of production, the proposal known as nourishment scale (шкала питания).

The story goes that when he arrived at the camp [as a prisoner!] he found shocking disorganisation and waste of resources (both human and material): he promptly wrote a precise description of what exactly was wrong with every one of the camp's industries (including forestry, farming and brick-making).[6]

He placed the letter in the prisoners' 'complaints box' whence it was sent, as a curiosity, to Genrikh Yagoda the secret police bureaucrat who eventually became leader of the Cheka; it is said that Yagoda immediately demanded to meet with the letter's author.[6]Frenkel himself claimed that he was whisked off to Moscow to discuss his ideas with Joseph Stalin and Lazar Kaganovich, one of Stalin's henchmen.....records show that Frenkel met Stalin in the 1930s and was protected by Stalin during the Partypurge years;..." Naftaly Frenkel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

a. "Frenkel's special talent for improving inmate work efficiency was quickly noticed by the camp officials there, and it was not long before he was ordered to explain his ideas and methods to Stalin personally. His main proposal was to link a prisoner's food ration, especially hot food, to his production, essentially substituting hunger for the knout as the main work incentive.

Frenkel had also observed that a prisoner's most productive work is usually done in the first three months of his captivity, after which he or she was in so debilitated a state that the output of the inmate population could be kept high only by removing (killing off) the exhausted prisoners and replacing them with fresh inmates. " The Gulag Communism s Penal Colonies Revisited

Seems that if there are benefits available, there are always men who will serve big government rather than their sisters and brothers.
Is that what we want America's motto to be?

You know, PC, every single solitary person I know and have known, who has worked or is working in any job capacity where their compensation came/comes from the government ( taxpayers ) have been and are, liberals. It's just a sick fact! They haven't a clue how dangerous it has made my country of America.

For now, I am stuck living amongst them, but soon may be moving to a state which is predominantly conservative, should I say, "yes honey, I will. " :D

Thats bullshit.

Just one more example of a Liberal, recognizing the truth, defaulting to barnyard vulgarity.

Aren't they just so constructive? :D :D :D
1. A prime characteristic of totalitarian governance....Nazi, fascist, communist, socialist, Liberal, that the state, the representative of the collective, rises to preeminence over the individual....there are citizens who are perfectly content to work for the state, and against the other members of their community.
(John Kerry..cough...cough)

What surprises the student of government is how America has been changed to that sort of view.

a. The Founders foresaw a nation based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

b. In Thoreau’s On the duty of Civil Disobedience, he states: “ There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all of its own power and authority are derived.”

By 'working for the state,' I am implying working against the interests, rights, and liberty of individual citizens.

2. Let's take, as an example, Naftly Frenkel, the man who made Stalin's gulags the "success" that they were.
And, of course, I mean "success," in the sense that that it destroyed millions...and gave rise to Hitler's concentration camps.

"Naftaly Aronovich Frenkel...was a Jewish Russian businessman and member of the Soviet secret police. Frenkel is best known for his role in the organisation of work in the Gulag, starting from the forced labor camp of the Solovetsky Islands, which is recognised as one of the earliest sites of the Gulag.

He rose rapidly from prisoner to staff member on the strength of his proposal to the camp administration that they link inmates' food rations to their rate of production, the proposal known as nourishment scale (шкала питания).

The story goes that when he arrived at the camp [as a prisoner!] he found shocking disorganisation and waste of resources (both human and material): he promptly wrote a precise description of what exactly was wrong with every one of the camp's industries (including forestry, farming and brick-making).[6]

He placed the letter in the prisoners' 'complaints box' whence it was sent, as a curiosity, to Genrikh Yagoda the secret police bureaucrat who eventually became leader of the Cheka; it is said that Yagoda immediately demanded to meet with the letter's author.[6]Frenkel himself claimed that he was whisked off to Moscow to discuss his ideas with Joseph Stalin and Lazar Kaganovich, one of Stalin's henchmen.....records show that Frenkel met Stalin in the 1930s and was protected by Stalin during the Partypurge years;..." Naftaly Frenkel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

a. "Frenkel's special talent for improving inmate work efficiency was quickly noticed by the camp officials there, and it was not long before he was ordered to explain his ideas and methods to Stalin personally. His main proposal was to link a prisoner's food ration, especially hot food, to his production, essentially substituting hunger for the knout as the main work incentive.

Frenkel had also observed that a prisoner's most productive work is usually done in the first three months of his captivity, after which he or she was in so debilitated a state that the output of the inmate population could be kept high only by removing (killing off) the exhausted prisoners and replacing them with fresh inmates. " The Gulag Communism s Penal Colonies Revisited

Seems that if there are benefits available, there are always men who will serve big government rather than their sisters and brothers.
Is that what we want America's motto to be?

You know, PC, every single solitary person I know and have known, who has worked or is working in any job capacity where their compensation came/comes from the government ( taxpayers ) have been and are, liberals. It's just a sick fact! They haven't a clue how dangerous it has made my country of America.

For now, I am stuck living amongst them, but soon may be moving to a state which is predominantly conservative, should I say, "yes honey, I will. " :D

Darn....I guess that means you won't be moving to my state.

Milton Friedman suggested we all recognize as a joke the notion that someone might say to a government employee, “Slow down, you’re killing yourself…”

If I did have to move to another liberal state, such as yours, you would be the FIRST person I would run to...:thup:
4. The hallmark of totalitarian governance is the belief that everyone works for the state, and the state owns everything....whether de jure or de facto. One can see that effect in the way the EPA and the environmental movement regulates private property out of existence.

Naftaly Frenkel's efforts under Stalin showed how slavery could be an economic plus for the long as slaves died quickly.

Sound familiar?

a. "The Soviet NKVD trained the SS, taught them how to build concentration camps, as they had been operating for 20 years before the origin of the Nazis." Viktor Suvorov, former Soviet Military Intelligence Officer.
"According to Suvorov,Stalin planned to use Nazi Germany as a proxy (the “Icebreaker”) against the West. For this reason Stalin provided significant material and political support to Adolf Hitler, while at the same time preparing the Red Army to “liberate” the whole of Europe from Nazi occupation." Viktor Suvorov - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

'Liberate,' of course, meaning 'enslave.'

5. The German mining company DEST, used the prisoners as slave labor, to work in the quarries, or to be hired out to local manufacturers and farmers. The Amstetten railway network came in handy to transport the slaves.

The labor supply was inexhaustible…and when a prisoner’s productivity dropped, they would simply be transported to Mauthausen-Gusen and killed.

It was a hugely profitable death camp and the only camp designated Grade III (“incorrigible enemies of the Reich ). The motto was ‘Vernichtung durch Arbeit (“Extermination through Work”)

In 1943, life expectancy in the camps was 6 months; by war’s end it was 3 months. See Stefanie Marsh and Bohan Pancevski, “I’m No Monster.”

Is it clear that totalitarians don't consider human life sacred.....something that can be seen in Barack Obama's Illinois voting record in favor of infanticide.
1. A prime characteristic of totalitarian governance....Nazi, fascist, communist, socialist, Liberal, that the state, the representative of the collective, rises to preeminence over the individual....there are citizens who are perfectly content to work for the state, and against the other members of their community.
(John Kerry..cough...cough)

What surprises the student of government is how America has been changed to that sort of view.

a. The Founders foresaw a nation based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

b. In Thoreau’s On the duty of Civil Disobedience, he states: “ There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all of its own power and authority are derived.”

By 'working for the state,' I am implying working against the interests, rights, and liberty of individual citizens.

2. Let's take, as an example, Naftly Frenkel, the man who made Stalin's gulags the "success" that they were.
And, of course, I mean "success," in the sense that that it destroyed millions...and gave rise to Hitler's concentration camps.

"Naftaly Aronovich Frenkel...was a Jewish Russian businessman and member of the Soviet secret police. Frenkel is best known for his role in the organisation of work in the Gulag, starting from the forced labor camp of the Solovetsky Islands, which is recognised as one of the earliest sites of the Gulag.

He rose rapidly from prisoner to staff member on the strength of his proposal to the camp administration that they link inmates' food rations to their rate of production, the proposal known as nourishment scale (шкала питания).

The story goes that when he arrived at the camp [as a prisoner!] he found shocking disorganisation and waste of resources (both human and material): he promptly wrote a precise description of what exactly was wrong with every one of the camp's industries (including forestry, farming and brick-making).[6]

He placed the letter in the prisoners' 'complaints box' whence it was sent, as a curiosity, to Genrikh Yagoda the secret police bureaucrat who eventually became leader of the Cheka; it is said that Yagoda immediately demanded to meet with the letter's author.[6]Frenkel himself claimed that he was whisked off to Moscow to discuss his ideas with Joseph Stalin and Lazar Kaganovich, one of Stalin's henchmen.....records show that Frenkel met Stalin in the 1930s and was protected by Stalin during the Partypurge years;..." Naftaly Frenkel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

a. "Frenkel's special talent for improving inmate work efficiency was quickly noticed by the camp officials there, and it was not long before he was ordered to explain his ideas and methods to Stalin personally. His main proposal was to link a prisoner's food ration, especially hot food, to his production, essentially substituting hunger for the knout as the main work incentive.

Frenkel had also observed that a prisoner's most productive work is usually done in the first three months of his captivity, after which he or she was in so debilitated a state that the output of the inmate population could be kept high only by removing (killing off) the exhausted prisoners and replacing them with fresh inmates. " The Gulag Communism s Penal Colonies Revisited

Seems that if there are benefits available, there are always men who will serve big government rather than their sisters and brothers.
Is that what we want America's motto to be?

Of the 4 million or so fulltime federal government employees,

at least half are either in the military or civilians working for the Dept. of Defense.
1. A prime characteristic of totalitarian governance....Nazi, fascist, communist, socialist, Liberal, that the state, the representative of the collective, rises to preeminence over the individual....there are citizens who are perfectly content to work for the state, and against the other members of their community.
(John Kerry..cough...cough)

What surprises the student of government is how America has been changed to that sort of view.

a. The Founders foresaw a nation based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

b. In Thoreau’s On the duty of Civil Disobedience, he states: “ There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all of its own power and authority are derived.”

By 'working for the state,' I am implying working against the interests, rights, and liberty of individual citizens.

2. Let's take, as an example, Naftly Frenkel, the man who made Stalin's gulags the "success" that they were.
And, of course, I mean "success," in the sense that that it destroyed millions...and gave rise to Hitler's concentration camps.

"Naftaly Aronovich Frenkel...was a Jewish Russian businessman and member of the Soviet secret police. Frenkel is best known for his role in the organisation of work in the Gulag, starting from the forced labor camp of the Solovetsky Islands, which is recognised as one of the earliest sites of the Gulag.

He rose rapidly from prisoner to staff member on the strength of his proposal to the camp administration that they link inmates' food rations to their rate of production, the proposal known as nourishment scale (шкала питания).

The story goes that when he arrived at the camp [as a prisoner!] he found shocking disorganisation and waste of resources (both human and material): he promptly wrote a precise description of what exactly was wrong with every one of the camp's industries (including forestry, farming and brick-making).[6]

He placed the letter in the prisoners' 'complaints box' whence it was sent, as a curiosity, to Genrikh Yagoda the secret police bureaucrat who eventually became leader of the Cheka; it is said that Yagoda immediately demanded to meet with the letter's author.[6]Frenkel himself claimed that he was whisked off to Moscow to discuss his ideas with Joseph Stalin and Lazar Kaganovich, one of Stalin's henchmen.....records show that Frenkel met Stalin in the 1930s and was protected by Stalin during the Partypurge years;..." Naftaly Frenkel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

a. "Frenkel's special talent for improving inmate work efficiency was quickly noticed by the camp officials there, and it was not long before he was ordered to explain his ideas and methods to Stalin personally. His main proposal was to link a prisoner's food ration, especially hot food, to his production, essentially substituting hunger for the knout as the main work incentive.

Frenkel had also observed that a prisoner's most productive work is usually done in the first three months of his captivity, after which he or she was in so debilitated a state that the output of the inmate population could be kept high only by removing (killing off) the exhausted prisoners and replacing them with fresh inmates. " The Gulag Communism s Penal Colonies Revisited

Seems that if there are benefits available, there are always men who will serve big government rather than their sisters and brothers.
Is that what we want America's motto to be?

You know, PC, every single solitary person I know and have known, who has worked or is working in any job capacity where their compensation came/comes from the government ( taxpayers ) have been and are, liberals. It's just a sick fact! They haven't a clue how dangerous it has made my country of America.

For now, I am stuck living amongst them, but soon may be moving to a state which is predominantly conservative, should I say, "yes honey, I will. " :D
Many of the lower echelon workers are conservatives. The ones who work in the trenches are typically non progressive...the ones who start out in management positions are commies, progressives, etc.
Is it clear that totalitarians don't consider human life sacred.....something that can be seen in Barack Obama's Illinois voting record in favor of infanticide.

You realize that abortion was outlawed under the nazis, right?


A non sequitur....but nice to see you attempt to work up to your ability.
1. A prime characteristic of totalitarian governance....Nazi, fascist, communist, socialist, Liberal, that the state, the representative of the collective, rises to preeminence over the individual....there are citizens who are perfectly content to work for the state, and against the other members of their community.
(John Kerry..cough...cough)

What surprises the student of government is how America has been changed to that sort of view.

a. The Founders foresaw a nation based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

b. In Thoreau’s On the duty of Civil Disobedience, he states: “ There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all of its own power and authority are derived.”

By 'working for the state,' I am implying working against the interests, rights, and liberty of individual citizens.

2. Let's take, as an example, Naftly Frenkel, the man who made Stalin's gulags the "success" that they were.
And, of course, I mean "success," in the sense that that it destroyed millions...and gave rise to Hitler's concentration camps.

"Naftaly Aronovich Frenkel...was a Jewish Russian businessman and member of the Soviet secret police. Frenkel is best known for his role in the organisation of work in the Gulag, starting from the forced labor camp of the Solovetsky Islands, which is recognised as one of the earliest sites of the Gulag.

He rose rapidly from prisoner to staff member on the strength of his proposal to the camp administration that they link inmates' food rations to their rate of production, the proposal known as nourishment scale (шкала питания).

The story goes that when he arrived at the camp [as a prisoner!] he found shocking disorganisation and waste of resources (both human and material): he promptly wrote a precise description of what exactly was wrong with every one of the camp's industries (including forestry, farming and brick-making).[6]

He placed the letter in the prisoners' 'complaints box' whence it was sent, as a curiosity, to Genrikh Yagoda the secret police bureaucrat who eventually became leader of the Cheka; it is said that Yagoda immediately demanded to meet with the letter's author.[6]Frenkel himself claimed that he was whisked off to Moscow to discuss his ideas with Joseph Stalin and Lazar Kaganovich, one of Stalin's henchmen.....records show that Frenkel met Stalin in the 1930s and was protected by Stalin during the Partypurge years;..." Naftaly Frenkel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

a. "Frenkel's special talent for improving inmate work efficiency was quickly noticed by the camp officials there, and it was not long before he was ordered to explain his ideas and methods to Stalin personally. His main proposal was to link a prisoner's food ration, especially hot food, to his production, essentially substituting hunger for the knout as the main work incentive.

Frenkel had also observed that a prisoner's most productive work is usually done in the first three months of his captivity, after which he or she was in so debilitated a state that the output of the inmate population could be kept high only by removing (killing off) the exhausted prisoners and replacing them with fresh inmates. " The Gulag Communism s Penal Colonies Revisited

Seems that if there are benefits available, there are always men who will serve big government rather than their sisters and brothers.
Is that what we want America's motto to be?

You know, PC, every single solitary person I know and have known, who has worked or is working in any job capacity where their compensation came/comes from the government ( taxpayers ) have been and are, liberals. It's just a sick fact! They haven't a clue how dangerous it has made my country of America.

For now, I am stuck living amongst them, but soon may be moving to a state which is predominantly conservative, should I say, "yes honey, I will. " :D

Thats bullshit.

What part is? The one about the numbers? If so, I do agree there exists a small minority who would not be progressive. I'm speaking only of those I know and have known which would be in the hundreds.

There are plenty of conservatives who work for and are paid by the government. Your assertion is bogus.
A non sequitur....but nice to see you attempt to work up to your ability.

Eh.... you said "...something that can be seen in Barack Obama's Illinois voting record in favor of infanticide."

I point out that the nazis (a totalitarian regime) outlawed abortion.

So your "argument" doesn't make any sense


Your inability becomes tiresome....
This is the operative portion of the sentence: "Is it clear that totalitarians don't consider human life sacred..."

What followed is an example.

I would like to say you are pretending to be stupid....
.....but I've seen you other posts.
1. A prime characteristic of totalitarian governance....Nazi, fascist, communist, socialist, Liberal, that the state, the representative of the collective, rises to preeminence over the individual....there are citizens who are perfectly content to work for the state, and against the other members of their community.
(John Kerry..cough...cough)

What surprises the student of government is how America has been changed to that sort of view.

a. The Founders foresaw a nation based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

b. In Thoreau’s On the duty of Civil Disobedience, he states: “ There will never be a really free and enlightened State until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all of its own power and authority are derived.”

By 'working for the state,' I am implying working against the interests, rights, and liberty of individual citizens.

2. Let's take, as an example, Naftly Frenkel, the man who made Stalin's gulags the "success" that they were.
And, of course, I mean "success," in the sense that that it destroyed millions...and gave rise to Hitler's concentration camps.

"Naftaly Aronovich Frenkel...was a Jewish Russian businessman and member of the Soviet secret police. Frenkel is best known for his role in the organisation of work in the Gulag, starting from the forced labor camp of the Solovetsky Islands, which is recognised as one of the earliest sites of the Gulag.

He rose rapidly from prisoner to staff member on the strength of his proposal to the camp administration that they link inmates' food rations to their rate of production, the proposal known as nourishment scale (шкала питания).

The story goes that when he arrived at the camp [as a prisoner!] he found shocking disorganisation and waste of resources (both human and material): he promptly wrote a precise description of what exactly was wrong with every one of the camp's industries (including forestry, farming and brick-making).[6]

He placed the letter in the prisoners' 'complaints box' whence it was sent, as a curiosity, to Genrikh Yagoda the secret police bureaucrat who eventually became leader of the Cheka; it is said that Yagoda immediately demanded to meet with the letter's author.[6]Frenkel himself claimed that he was whisked off to Moscow to discuss his ideas with Joseph Stalin and Lazar Kaganovich, one of Stalin's henchmen.....records show that Frenkel met Stalin in the 1930s and was protected by Stalin during the Partypurge years;..." Naftaly Frenkel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

a. "Frenkel's special talent for improving inmate work efficiency was quickly noticed by the camp officials there, and it was not long before he was ordered to explain his ideas and methods to Stalin personally. His main proposal was to link a prisoner's food ration, especially hot food, to his production, essentially substituting hunger for the knout as the main work incentive.

Frenkel had also observed that a prisoner's most productive work is usually done in the first three months of his captivity, after which he or she was in so debilitated a state that the output of the inmate population could be kept high only by removing (killing off) the exhausted prisoners and replacing them with fresh inmates. " The Gulag Communism s Penal Colonies Revisited

Seems that if there are benefits available, there are always men who will serve big government rather than their sisters and brothers.
Is that what we want America's motto to be?
No man is an island, and only a fool believes he's self-made...
Every totalitarian government operates under Leon Trotsky's motto:
"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life."

One would expect doctors to be the very opposite....but without the morality prescribed by religion, despised under communism and its spin-offs, whoever is in charge of the government makes up their 'morality.'

6. "Is there a moral difference between the Nazi doctor (the white coat, the black boots, the pellets of Zyklon B) and the blood-bespattered interrogator in the penalty camp of Orotukan? The Nazi doctors participated not only in experiments and ‘selections'. They supervised all stages of the killing process. Indeed, the Nazi vision was in essence a biomedical vision."
Martin Amis, Op. Cit.

a. " Pointing to the chimneys in the distance, [Dr Ella Lingens-Reiner] asked a Nazi doctor, Fritz Klein, ‘How can you reconcile that with your oath as a doctor?' His answer was, ‘Of course I am a doctor and I want to preserve life. And out of respect for human life, I would remove a gangrenous appendix from a diseased body. The Jew is the gangrenous appendix in the body of mankind.'"
"The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide," byRobert Jay Lifton


That's called 'Working for the state.'

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