Working middle class tax cut...

My forced ACA Premium every month was $998.00 for me and my wife. The offsetting tax credit was $996.00, leaving me with $2.00 a month that I had to pay. We took advantage of some of the "free" preventative care and still ended up paying for it because the idiots at Covered California got my wife's birthday wrong so payments kept being declined. ACA also never covered the $1,000 ambulance charge when I got food poisoning and the lack of coverage for the hospital left me with another $1,000 to tack onto my credit card.

We had never had any problems paying out of pocket before, but now that the individual mandate is tied to my taxes I also need to file my taxes to keep the ACA coverage. Before, if I made under a certain amount (enough to qualify for a refund) I would not be obligated to file my taxes, which was the case last year. Then I started getting notices that I was required to file as "Head of Household" and needed to verify our income to keep our Covered California tax credit. We ignored the notice and since have gotten other notices stating that we are covered, and asking us to renew. One thing people may not be aware of is that if you do nothing then you are renewed automatically. If you wish to get off Covered California you actually have to call them and tell them you wish to cancel your coverage, otherwise you will be on the hook for the premiums once the tax credits disappear.

The day President Trump got elected I called Covered California to cancel my coverage effective January 2017. Wouldn't you know it, they screwed up again and cancelled effective December 2016? Idiots. The operator stated that in California it is self perpetuating even if ACA is dismantled. I would like to see California impose a federal mandate that no longer exists. Since ACA was tied to my Federal taxes I find that to be an empty threat. If I do face a penalty for tax years 2017-18 then I'll take my chances. I'll still save money by not being on the hook for that $998.00 monthly premium that I can't afford. My guess is when the Republicans open up interstate competition I won't have any problem getting better health care for less.
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  • #5
Progressives the control freaks they are just don't understand...:lmao:

Repealing Obamacare is A Giant Middle Class Tax Cut
Who will pay for the benefits the gop will keep? You are right that repealing it would PARTIALLY be a reduction in taxes on workers, though.
I have no problem if someone wants to sign up for something like Obama care, but what is unacceptable is forcing people into the socialist entitlement program against their will. That's communism all the way... Fact
Progressives the control freaks they are just don't understand...:lmao:

Repealing Obamacare is A Giant Middle Class Tax Cut
Who will pay for the benefits the gop will keep? You are right that repealing it would PARTIALLY be a reduction in taxes on workers, though.
I have no problem if someone wants to sign up for something like Obama care, but what is on acceptable is forcing people into the socialist entitlement program against their will. That's communism all the way... Fact
The gop said it will keep at least provisions for insuring high risk people and keeping kids on parents' policies. Further, there are something like 20 million who have insurance by virtue of govt subsidy - for some that's only wellness and catastrophic coverage, but it is still better than they had. What will the gop do for them?
  • Thread starter
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  • #7
Progressives the control freaks they are just don't understand...:lmao:

Repealing Obamacare is A Giant Middle Class Tax Cut
Who will pay for the benefits the gop will keep? You are right that repealing it would PARTIALLY be a reduction in taxes on workers, though.
I have no problem if someone wants to sign up for something like Obama care, but what is on acceptable is forcing people into the socialist entitlement program against their will. That's communism all the way... Fact
The gop said it will keep at least provisions for insuring high risk people and keeping kids on parents' policies. Further, there are something like 20 million who have insurance by virtue of govt subsidy - for some that's only wellness and catastrophic coverage, but it is still better than they had. What will the gop do for them?
This should not be a nanny state…
My guess is when the Republicans open up interstate competition I won't have any problem getting better health care for less.
This was something the progressives advocated for years............but the teabagger republicans wanted to take care of their cronies and denied it.
Nice try.

My forced ACA Premium every month was $998.00 for me and my wife. The offsetting tax credit was $996.00, leaving me with $2.00 a month that I had to pay. We took advantage of some of the "free" preventative care and still ended up paying for it because the idiots at Covered California got my wife's birthday wrong so payments kept being declined. ACA also never covered the $1,000 ambulance charge when I got food poisoning and the lack of coverage for the hospital left me with another $1,000 to tack onto my credit card.

We had never had any problems paying out of pocket before, but now that the individual mandate is tied to my taxes I also need to file my taxes to keep the ACA coverage. Before, if I made under a certain amount (enough to qualify for a refund) I would not be obligated to file my taxes, which was the case last year. Then I started getting notices that I was required to file as "Head of Household" and needed to verify our income to keep our Covered California tax credit. We ignored the notice and since have gotten other notices stating that we are covered, and asking us to renew.

The day President Trump got elected I called Covered California to cancel my coverage effective January 2017. Wouldn't you know it, they screwed up again and cancelled effective December 2016? Idiots. The operator stated that in California it is self perpetuating even if ACA is dismantled. I would like to see California impose a federal mandate that no longer exists. Since ACA was tied to my Federal taxes I find that to be an empty threat. If I do face a penalty for tax years 2017-18 then I'll take my chances. I'll still save money by not being on the hook for that $998.00 monthly premium that I can't afford. My guess is when the Republicans open up interstate competition I won't have any problem getting better health care for less.
My guess is when the Republicans open up interstate competition I won't have any problem getting better health care for less.
This was something the progressives advocated for years............but the teabagger republicans wanted to take care of their cronies and denied it.
Nice try.

My forced ACA Premium every month was $998.00 for me and my wife. The offsetting tax credit was $996.00, leaving me with $2.00 a month that I had to pay. We took advantage of some of the "free" preventative care and still ended up paying for it because the idiots at Covered California got my wife's birthday wrong so payments kept being declined. ACA also never covered the $1,000 ambulance charge when I got food poisoning and the lack of coverage for the hospital left me with another $1,000 to tack onto my credit card.

We had never had any problems paying out of pocket before, but now that the individual mandate is tied to my taxes I also need to file my taxes to keep the ACA coverage. Before, if I made under a certain amount (enough to qualify for a refund) I would not be obligated to file my taxes, which was the case last year. Then I started getting notices that I was required to file as "Head of Household" and needed to verify our income to keep our Covered California tax credit. We ignored the notice and since have gotten other notices stating that we are covered, and asking us to renew.

The day President Trump got elected I called Covered California to cancel my coverage effective January 2017. Wouldn't you know it, they screwed up again and cancelled effective December 2016? Idiots. The operator stated that in California it is self perpetuating even if ACA is dismantled. I would like to see California impose a federal mandate that no longer exists. Since ACA was tied to my Federal taxes I find that to be an empty threat. If I do face a penalty for tax years 2017-18 then I'll take my chances. I'll still save money by not being on the hook for that $998.00 monthly premium that I can't afford. My guess is when the Republicans open up interstate competition I won't have any problem getting better health care for less.
Possibly, but the gop's premise it that giving all workers a tax credit with which to buy insurance, if they choose, and open markets will result in cheaper care but still good care.

But again, who pays for it?
I was not pushing a political agenda with my post. I was sharing the financial reality that my family has had to deal with. I could really give a rat's ass who's idea it was or how you feel about it. The individual mandate was Obama's baby, and at the time ACA was passed the Republicans floated the idea of interstate competition. Where the idea originated is really beside the point for me, the reality is as ACA was passed those were the relative positions.If you wish to inject politics into my post then If you remember it was the Democrats that forced the ACA through without affording anyone time to actually read the bill, and it was Nancy Pelosi who said they had to pass it first if they wanted to see what was inside of it. Politics was not the intent of my post, but what "Progressives" and Democrats continue to do is cloud the issue with butt-hurt, smoke and mirrors to distract from any of their own failings.
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Possibly, but the gop's premise it that giving all workers a tax credit with which to buy insurance, if they choose, and open markets will result in cheaper care but still good care.

But again, who pays for it? My tax credit will be the $998.00 a month premium that I am not longer responsible for. I'll take that any day, since it was imposed on me from the start.
So, you will be given a 1K tax cut AND get a tax cut. Hmmm, I wonder who pays for that?
Possibly, but the gop's premise it that giving all workers a tax credit with which to buy insurance, if they choose, and open markets will result in cheaper care but still good care.

But again, who pays for it?[/QUOTE] My tax credit will be the $998.00 a month premium that I am not longer responsible for. I'll take that any day, since it was imposed on me from the start.
Possibly, but the gop's premise it that giving all workers a tax credit with which to buy insurance, if they choose, and open markets will result in cheaper care but still good care.

But again, who pays for it? My tax credit will be the $998.00 a month premium that I am not longer responsible for. I'll take that any day, since it was imposed on me from the start.
So, you will be given a 1K tax cut AND get a tax cut. Hmmm, I wonder who pays for that?

If you rub a couple of brain cells together you may understand the simple English that I am employing. The $1,000 per month premium that I no longer have to pay IS the tax credit. Not the sharpest crayon in the box, are you?
Possibly, but the gop's premise it that giving all workers a tax credit with which to buy insurance, if they choose, and open markets will result in cheaper care but still good care.

But again, who pays for it? My tax credit will be the $998.00 a month premium that I am not longer responsible for. I'll take that any day, since it was imposed on me from the start.
So, you will be given a 1K tax cut AND get a tax cut. Hmmm, I wonder who pays for that?

If you rub a couple of brain cells together you may understand the simple English that I am employing. The $1,000 per month premium that I no longer have to pay IS the tax credit. Not the sharpest crayon in the box, are you?
YES, and who pays for others who didn't pay full fair for Obamacare and who get the tax credit.
Possibly, but the gop's premise it that giving all workers a tax credit with which to buy insurance, if they choose, and open markets will result in cheaper care but still good care.

But again, who pays for it? My tax credit will be the $998.00 a month premium that I am not longer responsible for. I'll take that any day, since it was imposed on me from the start.
So, you will be given a 1K tax cut AND get a tax cut. Hmmm, I wonder who pays for that?

If you rub a couple of brain cells together you may understand the simple English that I am employing. The $1,000 per month premium that I no longer have to pay IS the tax credit. Not the sharpest crayon in the box, are you?
YES, and who pays for others who didn't pay full fair for Obamacare and who get the tax credit.
You picked an appropriate avatar, since household pets have no frontal lobes. When you suggest that others "didn't pay full fair for Obamacare and who get the tax credit" you are ignoring the fact that the insurance premiums they were now forced to pay were an additional financial burden that did not exist before, and it assumes that they realized some benefit from this additional expense. What good is a tax credit on an expense that you should never have been forced to carry in the first place? The big pharma and health care industries are the only ones who benefited from the massive amounts of government dollars pouring into their coffers. If you can't (or won't) see that then this thread will be of little help to you.
Possibly, but the gop's premise it that giving all workers a tax credit with which to buy insurance, if they choose, and open markets will result in cheaper care but still good care.

But again, who pays for it? My tax credit will be the $998.00 a month premium that I am not longer responsible for. I'll take that any day, since it was imposed on me from the start.
So, you will be given a 1K tax cut AND get a tax cut. Hmmm, I wonder who pays for that?

If you rub a couple of brain cells together you may understand the simple English that I am employing. The $1,000 per month premium that I no longer have to pay IS the tax credit. Not the sharpest crayon in the box, are you?
YES, and who pays for others who didn't pay full fair for Obamacare and who get the tax credit.
You picked an appropriate avatar, since household pets have no frontal lobes. When you suggest that others "didn't pay full fair for Obamacare and who get the tax credit" you are ignoring the fact that the insurance premiums they were now forced to pay were an additional financial burden that did not exist before, and it assumes that they realized some benefit from this additional expense. What good is a tax credit on an expense that you should never have been forced to carry in the first place? The big pharma and health care industries are the only ones who benefited from the massive amounts of government dollars pouring into their coffers. If you can't (or won't) see that then this thread will be of little help to you.
You are intentionally refusing to answer who will pay for gop created benefits. Fucktard
You are intentionally refusing to answer who will pay for gop created benefits. Fucktard

Now, now... Name calling isn't nice...
You started it jerk.

You're being rude and disingenuous. Obamacare was not my cup of tea, but at least it taxed, partially, to pay benefits. Now the gop will establish an unfunded entitlement. We've seen this before.
You started it jerk.

You're being rude and disingenuous. Obamacare was not my cup of tea, but at least it taxed, partially, to pay benefits. Now the gop will establish an unfunded entitlement. We've seen this before.

The ACA tax credits were an unfunded entitlement, and you are the one who is being disingenuous with your refusal to acknowledge that. The biggest benefits did not go to the every day citizens it went to insurance companies. When you say "it taxed to pay benefits" you are saying Obama took money out of every American's paycheck to pay health insurance companies, big pharma and the health care industry. Before you tout that as a noble cause let me remind you that abuses to the consumer by health care is why "managed care" came about in the first place. Consider who exactly you are protecting.
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Well, if you look at what has been happening in the health care industry and insurance in the past...30+ years, you are deceiving yourself.

My guess is when the Republicans open up interstate competition I won't have any problem getting better health care for less.
This was something the progressives advocated for years............but the teabagger republicans wanted to take care of their cronies and denied it.
Nice try.

My forced ACA Premium every month was $998.00 for me and my wife. The offsetting tax credit was $996.00, leaving me with $2.00 a month that I had to pay. We took advantage of some of the "free" preventative care and still ended up paying for it because the idiots at Covered California got my wife's birthday wrong so payments kept being declined. ACA also never covered the $1,000 ambulance charge when I got food poisoning and the lack of coverage for the hospital left me with another $1,000 to tack onto my credit card.

We had never had any problems paying out of pocket before, but now that the individual mandate is tied to my taxes I also need to file my taxes to keep the ACA coverage. Before, if I made under a certain amount (enough to qualify for a refund) I would not be obligated to file my taxes, which was the case last year. Then I started getting notices that I was required to file as "Head of Household" and needed to verify our income to keep our Covered California tax credit. We ignored the notice and since have gotten other notices stating that we are covered, and asking us to renew.

The day President Trump got elected I called Covered California to cancel my coverage effective January 2017. Wouldn't you know it, they screwed up again and cancelled effective December 2016? Idiots. The operator stated that in California it is self perpetuating even if ACA is dismantled. I would like to see California impose a federal mandate that no longer exists. Since ACA was tied to my Federal taxes I find that to be an empty threat. If I do face a penalty for tax years 2017-18 then I'll take my chances. I'll still save money by not being on the hook for that $998.00 monthly premium that I can't afford. My guess is when the Republicans open up interstate competition I won't have any problem getting better health care for less.
Possibly, but the gop's premise it that giving all workers a tax credit with which to buy insurance, if they choose, and open markets will result in cheaper care but still good care.

But again, who pays for it?

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