World Cup winner Marvelous Megan Rapinoe leads President Trump in 2020 shock poll! 42 to 41! HOORAY!

i support anyone who supports LGBT issues

I support no one who supports a gay lifestyle.
Your problem is not with gay folks. your quarrel, sir, is with their creator (God)

I have no problem with God. I have no problem with gay folks. The gay lifestyle is sin just like stealing, adultery, etc.
the gays think the same of the straight lifestyle, so we are tied!

Hmmm, then how did the gay folks get here?
through an act of God. we're going around in circles...

Public Policy Polling (PPP) is a U.S. Democratic polling firm based in Raleigh, North Carolina. ... key swing states, including New Hampshire, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Their polls also significantly underestimated President Trump's lead in Ohio, and incorrectly predicted Hillary Clinton to win Florida.
I support no one who supports a gay lifestyle.
Your problem is not with gay folks. your quarrel, sir, is with their creator (God)

I have no problem with God. I have no problem with gay folks. The gay lifestyle is sin just like stealing, adultery, etc.
the gays think the same of the straight lifestyle, so we are tied!

Hmmm, then how did the gay folks get here?
through an act of God. we're going around in circles...

Wasn't an act of God. God destroyed cities for that behavior..........and other lewd sexual behavior. I'll stop at that. Keep up with the great posts!

I support no one who supports a gay lifestyle.
Your problem is not with gay folks. your quarrel, sir, is with their creator (God)

I have no problem with God. I have no problem with gay folks. The gay lifestyle is sin just like stealing, adultery, etc.

So you have no problem with gay people as long as they don’t behave like gay people. Let’s see, God created all things including people, including gay people. Doesn’t God want you to be the best version of you? If God created you to be gay, how can he not want you to behave gay. Sometimes Christian logic rivals liberal logic on the WTF scale.
Of course you would.
i support anyone who supports LGBT issues

I support no one who supports a gay lifestyle.
Your problem is not with gay folks. your quarrel, sir, is with their creator (God)

I have no problem with God. I have no problem with gay folks. The gay lifestyle is sin just like stealing, adultery, etc.

So you have no problem with gay people as long as they don’t behave like gay people. Let’s see, God created all things including people, including gay people. Doesn’t God want you to be the best version of you? If God created you to be gay, how can he not want you to behave gay. Sometimes Christian logic rivals liberal logic on the WTF scale.

I respect them as I would anyone. I dont condone nor respect their behavior. God didn't create people to be gay. We were born into sin. All of us.
i support anyone who supports LGBT issues

I support no one who supports a gay lifestyle.
Your problem is not with gay folks. your quarrel, sir, is with their creator (God)

I have no problem with God. I have no problem with gay folks. The gay lifestyle is sin just like stealing, adultery, etc.

So you have no problem with gay people as long as they don’t behave like gay people. Let’s see, God created all things including people, including gay people. Doesn’t God want you to be the best version of you? If God created you to be gay, how can he not want you to behave gay. Sometimes Christian logic rivals liberal logic on the WTF scale.

I respect them as I would anyone. I dont condone nor respect their behavior. God didn't create people to be gay. We were born into sin. All of us.

I have met several young kids well below the age when sex is on their mind who seemed “different” from their same sex peers. I wasn’t surprised at all when they grew older and came out as gay. If God didn’t create gay people, he didn’t create anything.
i support anyone who supports LGBT issues

I support no one who supports a gay lifestyle.
Your problem is not with gay folks. your quarrel, sir, is with their creator (God)

I have no problem with God. I have no problem with gay folks. The gay lifestyle is sin just like stealing, adultery, etc.

So you have no problem with gay people as long as they don’t behave like gay people. Let’s see, God created all things including people, including gay people. Doesn’t God want you to be the best version of you? If God created you to be gay, how can he not want you to behave gay. Sometimes Christian logic rivals liberal logic on the WTF scale.

I respect them as I would anyone. I dont condone nor respect their behavior. God didn't create people to be gay. We were born into sin. All of us.
sin schmin. i'm enjoying life and it's an added bonus that it pisses arrogants like you off
I support no one who supports a gay lifestyle.
Your problem is not with gay folks. your quarrel, sir, is with their creator (God)

I have no problem with God. I have no problem with gay folks. The gay lifestyle is sin just like stealing, adultery, etc.

So you have no problem with gay people as long as they don’t behave like gay people. Let’s see, God created all things including people, including gay people. Doesn’t God want you to be the best version of you? If God created you to be gay, how can he not want you to behave gay. Sometimes Christian logic rivals liberal logic on the WTF scale.

I respect them as I would anyone. I dont condone nor respect their behavior. God didn't create people to be gay. We were born into sin. All of us.
sin schmin. i'm enjoying life and it's an added bonus that it pisses arrogants like you off

Doesn't make me mad.
I support no one who supports a gay lifestyle.
Your problem is not with gay folks. your quarrel, sir, is with their creator (God)

I have no problem with God. I have no problem with gay folks. The gay lifestyle is sin just like stealing, adultery, etc.

So you have no problem with gay people as long as they don’t behave like gay people. Let’s see, God created all things including people, including gay people. Doesn’t God want you to be the best version of you? If God created you to be gay, how can he not want you to behave gay. Sometimes Christian logic rivals liberal logic on the WTF scale.

I respect them as I would anyone. I dont condone nor respect their behavior. God didn't create people to be gay. We were born into sin. All of us.

I have met several young kids well below the age when sex is on their mind who seemed “different” from their same sex peers. I wasn’t surprised at all when they grew older and came out as gay. If God didn’t create gay people, he didn’t create anything.

We all deal with sin. We're born into it.
World Cup winner Marvelous Megan Rapinoe leads President Trump in 2020 shock poll! 42 to 41! HOORAY!

Meg butchered Gov Cuomo's last name during the celebration, to the delight of his arch nemesis Bill De Blasio

I support no one who supports a gay lifestyle.
Your problem is not with gay folks. your quarrel, sir, is with their creator (God)

I have no problem with God. I have no problem with gay folks. The gay lifestyle is sin just like stealing, adultery, etc.

Being gay is a sin like stealing? Where in the Bible does it say "thou shalt not be gay"? Is that like the hidden 11th commandment or something?
Of course you would.
i support anyone who supports LGBT issues

I support no one who supports a gay lifestyle.
Your problem is not with gay folks. your quarrel, sir, is with their creator (God)

I have no problem with God. I have no problem with gay folks. The gay lifestyle is sin just like stealing, adultery, etc.

Being gay is a sin like stealing? Where in the Bible does it say "thou shalt not be gay"? Is that like the hidden 11th commandment or something?

Pretty clear

Romans 1:26-29

For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient.

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