World Jewish Population Statistics

Yet another Hobo ad hominem.
I accept your admission of defeat.

I mentioned that Jesus said, "Eat this", an allegory.. I agreed with you... The NT is allegory.

You took it as a personal attack... You actually think that you won something... lol

And has nothing to offer.
I can offer this...a redirection to the question that you avoided answering, quite clumsily I might add.

Do you really believe that a person can be defiled or become holy, AS GOD IS HOLY, by eating or abstaining from certain foods?

A simple yes or no will do.

Don't be shy.. A world full of ignorant goyim are in dire need of divine guidance.

HaShev says we need to rebuild the Temple, install him as the messiah and high priest, (because his name is Michael), and begin to slaughter farm animals again in jerusalem to bring about world peace because God is a really big fan of the bring your own plate backyard barbecue....

Is that a good Idea?

If a person eats turkey bacon can they be saved or is it kosher?

There are so many questions!

Don't clam up now Mr Bravado... I heard that clams are not kosher.
Next question...
Who was the first person to ever suggest the Tanach was an allegory?
The word "antisemitic" was coined in the 19th century to mean one thing: hatred of Jews. Jesus was born a Jew and died a Jew.

Jesus was not a Jew, you ignorant shithead. Jesus hated the Jews. Jesus called them children of the devil. Jesus invited the biblical concept of Hell for God to corporately throw Jews.
Jesus was a Jew, moron.
Try reading your NT.
Yet another Hobo ad hominem.
I accept your admission of defeat.

I mentioned that Jesus said, "Eat this", an allegory.. I agreed with you... The NT is allegory.

You took it as a personal attack... You actually think that you won something... lol

And has nothing to offer.
I can offer this...a redirection to the question that you avoided answering, quite clumsily I might add.

Do you really believe that a person can be defiled or become holy, AS GOD IS HOLY, by eating or abstaining from certain foods?

A simple yes or no will do.

Don't be shy.. A world full of ignorant goyim are in dire need of divine guidance.

HaShev says we need to rebuild the Temple, install him as the messiah and high priest, (because his name is Michael), and begin to slaughter farm animals again in jerusalem to bring about world peace because God is a really big fan of the bring your own plate backyard barbecue....

Is that a good Idea?

If a person eats turkey bacon can they be saved or is it kosher?

There are so many questions!

Don't clam up now Mr Bravado... I heard that clams are not kosher.
The Torah states that God spoke to Moshe face to face.
Yet another Hobo ad hominem.
I accept your admission of defeat.

I mentioned that Jesus said, "Eat this", an allegory.. I agreed with you... The NT is allegory.

You took it as a personal attack... You actually think that you won something... lol

And has nothing to offer.
I can offer this...a redirection to the question that you avoided answering, quite clumsily I might add.

Do you really believe that a person can be defiled or become holy, AS GOD IS HOLY, by eating or abstaining from certain foods?

A simple yes or no will do.

Don't be shy.. A world full of ignorant goyim are in dire need of divine guidance.

HaShev says we need to rebuild the Temple, install him as the messiah and high priest, (because his name is Michael), and begin to slaughter farm animals again in jerusalem to bring about world peace because God is a really big fan of the bring your own plate backyard barbecue....

Is that a good Idea?

If a person eats turkey bacon can they be saved or is it kosher?

There are so many questions!

Don't clam up now Mr Bravado... I heard that clams are not kosher.
Next question...
Who was the first person to ever suggest the Tanach was an allegory?

Ahem... Why don't you answer the question put to you?

Do you really believe that a person can be defiled or become holy, AS GOD IS HOLY, by eating or abstaining from certain foods?

Its a simple question. Are you ashamed or something? You brag about studying for 30 years...

Is the question too difficult for such an expert?

A yes or no will do.
Jesus was a Jew, moron.
Try reading your NT.

Judas, those unchristian shitheads like Ding, would side with you open haters of Christ on so many things. But, no matter how a shithead like Ding chants Jesus was a Jew or you try to deny Christ by calling him a Jew, you can't back it up.
Why do you keep denying Christ's gift. He died because you are a sinner.

Wrong, shithead. The issue is who killed Jesus, not who gets Christ's gift. The Bible says Jews killed Jesus. You say Christians killed Jesus. Jews will go to Hell, and it looks like you're headed there, too.

who killed Jesus is an issue? Some roman soldiers nailed him up------but the blame really goes to Pontius Pilate

That unchristian shithead Ding no doubt agrees with you. Those zionist shitheads blame anyone but the guilty children of Satan, the Jews.
You have got to be a plant.
Yet another Hobo ad hominem.
I accept your admission of defeat.

I mentioned that Jesus said, "Eat this", an allegory.. I agreed with you... The NT is allegory.

You took it as a personal attack... You actually think that you won something... lol

And has nothing to offer.
I can offer this...a redirection to the question that you avoided answering, quite clumsily I might add.

Do you really believe that a person can be defiled or become holy, AS GOD IS HOLY, by eating or abstaining from certain foods?

A simple yes or no will do.

Don't be shy.. A world full of ignorant goyim are in dire need of divine guidance.

HaShev says we need to rebuild the Temple, install him as the messiah and high priest, (because his name is Michael), and begin to slaughter farm animals again in jerusalem to bring about world peace because God is a really big fan of the bring your own plate backyard barbecue....

Is that a good Idea?

If a person eats turkey bacon can they be saved or is it kosher?

There are so many questions!

Don't clam up now Mr Bravado... I heard that clams are not kosher.
Next question...
Who was the first person to ever suggest the Tanach was an allegory?

Ahem... Why don't you answer the question put to you?

Do you really believe that a person can be defiled or become holy, AS GOD IS HOLY, by eating or abstaining from certain foods?

Its a simple question. Are you ashamed or something? You brag about studying for 30 years...

Is the question too difficult for such an expert?

A yes or no will do.
When did the allegory nonsense come about?

Jews represented 0.2% of the world population as of 2002.

Estimates indicate that the above percentage hardly changed by 2016.

They should start schtupping a lot.

The population of Jews stays constant because Judaism forbids it's members to seek converts.

The orthodox have lots of babies, the baby capital of the US, and well Kushner must of wanted Ivanka to become a jew. So the pop. is growing among orthodox jews.

Jews represented 0.2% of the world population as of 2002.

Estimates indicate that the above percentage hardly changed by 2016.

They should start schtupping a lot.

The population of Jews stays constant because Judaism forbids it's members to seek converts.

The orthodox have lots of babies, the baby capital of the US, and well Kushner must of wanted Ivanka to become a jew. So the pop. is growing among orthodox jews.
It stays overall constant.
That’s in the Torah.
God does not want us to be haught due to numbers.

Jews represented 0.2% of the world population as of 2002.

Estimates indicate that the above percentage hardly changed by 2016.

They should start schtupping a lot.

The population of Jews stays constant because Judaism forbids it's members to seek converts.

The orthodox have lots of babies, the baby capital of the US, and well Kushner must of wanted Ivanka to become a jew. So the pop. is growing among orthodox jews.
It stays overall constant.
That’s in the Torah.
God does not want us to be haught due to numbers.

No it doesn't. The baby boom capital of the US is the orthodox jews in NY. The Torah is wrong, and the torah does not know what God wants.
The orthodox have lots of babies, the baby capital of the US, and well Kushner must of wanted Ivanka to become a jew. So the pop. is growing among orthodox jews.

Yes, the Orthodox Jews have large families. And, people with fat bank accounts are invited to convert to Talmudism.
It stays overall constant.
That’s in the Torah.
God does not want us to be haught due to numbers.

Jew speaks = Jew lies. To Hell with Jews.

The Pentateuch and Hebrew scriptures promise high numbers, as sand on a beach and stars in the sky. (Of course, it means Christians, not Antichristian Joos).

Also, Hebrew scriptures do not object to taking a census, you lying jews. With the population numbers shown on many occasions in the OT, we know the Jews regularly counted their heads. And, there doesn't appear to by any objection by the Jews to Romans counting Jews (e.g. the reason Jesus was born in a manger).

Jews represented 0.2% of the world population as of 2002.

Estimates indicate that the above percentage hardly changed by 2016.

They should start schtupping a lot.

The population of Jews stays constant because Judaism forbids it's members to seek converts.

The orthodox have lots of babies, the baby capital of the US, and well Kushner must of wanted Ivanka to become a jew. So the pop. is growing among orthodox jews.
It stays overall constant.
That’s in the Torah.
God does not want us to be haught due to numbers.

No it doesn't. The baby boom capital of the US is the orthodox jews in NY. The Torah is wrong, and the torah does not know what God wants.

Gosh, Penelope! Yer smarter than anybody!

Why do you keep denying Christ's gift. He died because you are a sinner.

Wrong, shithead. The issue is who killed Jesus, not who gets Christ's gift. The Bible says Jews killed Jesus. You say Christians killed Jesus. Jews will go to Hell, and it looks like you're headed there, too.

who killed Jesus is an issue? Some roman soldiers nailed him up------but the blame really goes to Pontius Pilate

That unchristian shithead Ding no doubt agrees with you. Those zionist shitheads blame anyone but the guilty children of Satan, the Jews.
You have got to be a plant.

sorry dingbat------buttproof is all yours ----as a
The Jews killed Jesus.

And if he comes back ... we'll totally kill him again.

I don't think it's going to play out the same way again.
He sure is taking his time now, ain’t he?
lol.... He's probably waiting for Elijah to show up...There are protocols..

Did you save a place for him at your table? Or is that just a silly superstition?

Has there ever been a time on earth when the will of God has been made so crystal clear, its wisdom well within the grasp of even the least intelligent person out there??

Are you waiting for something else to be delivered to you on a silver platter?

Herod was an edomite-----and played shill for the romans.
In jewish jurisprudence---the KING has no power to assassinate ----Ask Isaiah
How else was God's covenant fulfilled?

"Take this cup of wine and drink it. This is a cup of my blood, the blood of the covenant."


I don't believe that Jesus said those stupid lines----which one of the frauds of Nicea came up with that bullshit?

Ah, racist bigot Rosie still insists on spreading the stupid hoax that Constantine or somebody wrote the New Testament, despite having her ass handed to her repeatedly over it. Why not claim the Torah is a hoax, too? Constantine must have re-written that also. The oldest version of it is only 800 years old, much newer than New Testament writings. Why should we think there is anything actually Jewish about the Torah, or the Talmud, Mishnah. etc.? We can make up whatever we want, by merely claiming dumbass bullshit like Rosie does, after all. The Nazis wrote the Torah. An Orthodox sect wanted to get the Germans to kill all the Ashkenazis.

I never said that Constantine WROTE the NT------he was the
editor. It is silly to deny that fact

He didn't have squat to do with it outside of calling up a council of Bishops and having them resolve some of the issues; they disagreed on very very little, and he didn't edit or censor anything. You're just a hater, that's all. The orthodox writings had been around since the beginning, and were by far the most prevalent, and almost all agreed on the vast bulk of it, particularly on the four Gospels. Live with it. The 'Gnostics' are full of crap. They didn't need Constantine for anything; he needed them.

Constantine---at that time had more than enough secure
places to keep those VALUABLE HAND WRITTEN ORIGINAL GOSPELS------watdafuk did he do with them?.
Re-read the BIG FOUR-----they are obviously doctored-----
to fit the agenda of the RULING IMPERIALIST TYRANT
Ah, racist bigot Rosie still insists on spreading the stupid hoax that Constantine or somebody wrote the New Testament, despite having her ass handed to her repeatedly over it. Why not claim the Torah is a hoax, too? Constantine must have re-written that also. The oldest version of it is only 800 years old, much newer than New Testament writings. Why should we think there is anything actually Jewish about the Torah, or the Talmud, Mishnah. etc.? We can make up whatever we want, by merely claiming dumbass bullshit like Rosie does, after all. The Nazis wrote the Torah. An Orthodox sect wanted to get the Germans to kill all the Ashkenazis.

The talmud was redacted before widespread publication in 350 c.e.

Just like with Christianity the only form of Judaism allowed to persist was the one sanctioned by Rome.
Then there wouldn’t be a Talmud.


Do you really believe that the will of God is for people to eat their way into paradise?
Try reading some Ramchal and get back to me.

Do you really believe that the will of God is for people to eat their way into paradise?

A person can be defiled or become holy, LIKE GOD IS HOLY, by eating or abstaining from certain food?


you got a citation for that strange belief----Talmud?

Jews represented 0.2% of the world population as of 2002.

Estimates indicate that the above percentage hardly changed by 2016.

They should start schtupping a lot.

The population of Jews stays constant because Judaism forbids it's members to seek converts.

The orthodox have lots of babies, the baby capital of the US, and well Kushner must of wanted Ivanka to become a jew. So the pop. is growing among orthodox jews.
It stays overall constant.
That’s in the Torah.
God does not want us to be haught due to numbers.

No it doesn't. The baby boom capital of the US is the orthodox jews in NY. The Torah is wrong, and the torah does not know what God wants.

Penny----if EVERY ultra-ortho jew in New York City had 25 children------that would STILL NOT CONSTITUTE A NEW
YORK BABY BOOOM-------because there are so few of them-----the baby booom is New York City is based on baby rate of teenaged Hispanic girls------and---that of muslims. Did you
pass first grade arithmetic?
Why do you keep denying Christ's gift. He died because you are a sinner.

Wrong, shithead. The issue is who killed Jesus, not who gets Christ's gift. The Bible says Jews killed Jesus. You say Christians killed Jesus. Jews will go to Hell, and it looks like you're headed there, too.

who killed Jesus is an issue? Some roman soldiers nailed him up------but the blame really goes to Pontius Pilate

That unchristian shithead Ding no doubt agrees with you. Those zionist shitheads blame anyone but the guilty children of Satan, the Jews.
You have got to be a plant.

sorry dingbat------buttproof is all yours ----as a
He's probably a Jew who is trying to rile up his fellow Jews.

100% plant. You guys always did lean left. :lol:

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