World Overpopulation? Hold On, Buddy!


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
It looks like all the gloom and doom scenarios aren't going to play out:

World Overpopulation Hold On Buddy New Eastern Outlook

In Germany, the birthrate has sunk to just 1.36, worse even than low-fertility Spain (1.48) and Italy (1.4). Western Europe as a whole will most likely shrink from 460 million to just 350 million by the end of the century. And barring dramatic reversal of the foolish One (sometimes Two) Child Policy, China’s population will be reduced in half.

Even the USA where a large immigrant Hispanic population immigration has kept birth rates higher, is now facing reduction. A Pew Research Center report found that immigrant births fell from 102 per 1,000 women in 2007 to 87.8 per 1,000 in 2012, to bring the overall US birthrate to a mere 64 per 1,000 women—not enough to sustain current population. Europe, in short, is dying off, China and Russia, and the United States as well.
Funny how gloom and doom predictions used to advance agendas are almost always proven wrong. GW is another good example.
This has been obvious for many years now, but there are still plenty of Chicken Littles that just won't let the myth go.
Gandhi said there is enough for everyone's need but not for everyone's greed.

The wealthy know better than to breed and they have the means to control their birth rate. The smartest thing humankind could do is allow and make possible for the poor to do the same.

Yes, the world is overpopulated.
Overpopulation theory hasn't been a trend since the late 90's.
It looks like all the gloom and doom scenarios aren't going to play out:

World Overpopulation Hold On Buddy New Eastern Outlook

In Germany, the birthrate has sunk to just 1.36, worse even than low-fertility Spain (1.48) and Italy (1.4). Western Europe as a whole will most likely shrink from 460 million to just 350 million by the end of the century. And barring dramatic reversal of the foolish One (sometimes Two) Child Policy, China’s population will be reduced in half.

Even the USA where a large immigrant Hispanic population immigration has kept birth rates higher, is now facing reduction. A Pew Research Center report found that immigrant births fell from 102 per 1,000 women in 2007 to 87.8 per 1,000 in 2012, to bring the overall US birthrate to a mere 64 per 1,000 women—not enough to sustain current population. Europe, in short, is dying off, China and Russia, and the United States as well.
Always brings a smile to my face. Thanks for the Good News.
Gandhi said there is enough for everyone's need but not for everyone's greed.

The wealthy know better than to breed and they have the means to control their birth rate. The smartest thing humankind could do is allow and make possible for the poor to do the same.

Yes, the world is overpopulated.

If you want to live like Ghandi, go right ahead.
Why does it persist?
May 31, 2017

Walter Williams


The greatest threat to mankind's prosperity is government, not population growth. For example, Zimbabwe was agriculturally rich but, with government interference, was reduced to the brink of mass starvation. Any country faced with massive government interference can be brought to starvation. Blaming poverty on overpopulation not only lets governments off the hook but also encourages the enactment of harmful, inhumane policies.

Today's poverty has little to do with overpopulation. The most commonly held characteristics of non-poor countries are greater personal liberty, private property rights, the rule of law and an economic system closer to capitalism than to communism. That's the recipe for prosperity.

Overpopulation Hoax

I read somewhere that the entire population of the world could fit comfortably inside the state of Texas. That would be less people per sq. mile than NYC.
Conservatives should hold their complacency concerning overpopulation in check.

Despite the efforts to deport the "wetbacks", the Big Orange Head cannot stop America's white race from becoming a minority to the Hispanic race by the mid 21st century.

Conservative denial and retreating into their alternative reality cannot stop this.

Conservatives should hold their complacency concerning overpopulation in check.

Despite the efforts to deport the "wetbacks", the Big Orange Head cannot stop America's white race from becoming a minority to the Hispanic race by the mid 21st century.

Conservative denial and retreating into their alternative reality cannot stop this.

And here comes the progressive injecting race into a conversation when no one else has.
Conservatives should hold their complacency concerning overpopulation in check.

Despite the efforts to deport the "wetbacks", the Big Orange Head cannot stop America's white race from becoming a minority to the Hispanic race by the mid 21st century.

Conservative denial and retreating into their alternative reality cannot stop this.

Last I heard everybody dies, But planed parenthood will level the field, Margaret Sanger...
Conservatives should hold their complacency concerning overpopulation in check.

Despite the efforts to deport the "wetbacks", the Big Orange Head cannot stop America's white race from becoming a minority to the Hispanic race by the mid 21st century.

Conservative denial and retreating into their alternative reality cannot stop this.

Last I heard everybody dies, But planed parenthood will level the field, Margaret Sanger...
Sanger was anti-abortion. And fewer people - more better.
Gandhi said there is enough for everyone's need but not for everyone's greed.

The wealthy know better than to breed and they have the means to control their birth rate. The smartest thing humankind could do is allow and make possible for the poor to do the same.

Yes, the world is overpopulated.
...with Muslims and progressives
Conservatives should hold their complacency concerning overpopulation in check.

Despite the efforts to deport the "wetbacks", the Big Orange Head cannot stop America's white race from becoming a minority to the Hispanic race by the mid 21st century.

Conservative denial and retreating into their alternative reality cannot stop this.

Last I heard everybody dies, But planed parenthood will level the field, Margaret Sanger...
Sanger was anti-abortion. And fewer people - more better.

Conservatives should hold their complacency concerning overpopulation in check.

Despite the efforts to deport the "wetbacks", the Big Orange Head cannot stop America's white race from becoming a minority to the Hispanic race by the mid 21st century.

Conservative denial and retreating into their alternative reality cannot stop this.

Last I heard everybody dies, But planed parenthood will level the field, Margaret Sanger...
Sanger was anti-abortion. And fewer people - more better.

That's in plain English (my friend with a tiny mind)
It looks like all the gloom and doom scenarios aren't going to play out:

World Overpopulation Hold On Buddy New Eastern Outlook

In Germany, the birthrate has sunk to just 1.36, worse even than low-fertility Spain (1.48) and Italy (1.4). Western Europe as a whole will most likely shrink from 460 million to just 350 million by the end of the century. And barring dramatic reversal of the foolish One (sometimes Two) Child Policy, China’s population will be reduced in half.

Even the USA where a large immigrant Hispanic population immigration has kept birth rates higher, is now facing reduction. A Pew Research Center report found that immigrant births fell from 102 per 1,000 women in 2007 to 87.8 per 1,000 in 2012, to bring the overall US birthrate to a mere 64 per 1,000 women—not enough to sustain current population. Europe, in short, is dying off, China and Russia, and the United States as well.

This has been obvious for many years now, but there are still plenty of Chicken Littles that just won't let the myth go.

Conservatives should hold their complacency concerning overpopulation in check.

Despite the efforts to deport the "wetbacks", the Big Orange Head cannot stop America's white race from becoming a minority to the Hispanic race by the mid 21st century.

Conservative denial and retreating into their alternative reality cannot stop this.


"Despite the efforts to deport the "wetbacks", the Big Orange Head cannot stop America's white race from becoming a minority to the Hispanic race by the mid 21st century."

The concern for most hasn't been "overpopulation"...the real concern is in filthy, low iQ humans overrunning decent semi intelligent humans. Look at Southern California as a great's become an extension of Tijuana Mexico; it's a dangerous filthy shithole where Spanish is the primary language in many cities...coincidence? NEGATIVE! Drive through any of these cities inhabited by wetbacks and you'll find rabid pit bulls roaming around, trash and dirty diapers lining streets, graffiti everywhere, the smell of weed throughout as everyone grows their "personal". It's an awesome place to raise children...hahaha
I'm almost looking forward to the day when The Loons finally get what they've wanted for years...when SoCal is an exact replica of Tijuana...where pregnant 17 year olds are breast feeding a newborn with two other silver tooth anchors in tow and begging for a quarter..haha
It's gonna be awesome to watch retarded Liberals finally stop and think; OH NO, WHAT THE FUCK HAVE WE DONE!
Conservatives should hold their complacency concerning overpopulation in check.

Despite the efforts to deport the "wetbacks", the Big Orange Head cannot stop America's white race from becoming a minority to the Hispanic race by the mid 21st century.

Conservative denial and retreating into their alternative reality cannot stop this.

Last I heard everybody dies, But planed parenthood will level the field, Margaret Sanger...
Sanger was anti-abortion. And fewer people - more better.

That's in plain English (my friend with a tiny mind)

Plainly misleading
Conservatives should hold their complacency concerning overpopulation in check.

Despite the efforts to deport the "wetbacks", the Big Orange Head cannot stop America's white race from becoming a minority to the Hispanic race by the mid 21st century.

Conservative denial and retreating into their alternative reality cannot stop this.

Last I heard everybody dies, But planed parenthood will level the field, Margaret Sanger...
Sanger was anti-abortion. And fewer people - more better.
You need to get a larger size underwear to take the pressure off your brain...

On the extermination of blacks:
"We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population," she said, "if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members." Woman's Body, Woman's Right: A Social History of Birth Control in America, by Linda Gordon

Conservatives should hold their complacency concerning overpopulation in check.

Despite the efforts to deport the "wetbacks", the Big Orange Head cannot stop America's white race from becoming a minority to the Hispanic race by the mid 21st century.

Conservative denial and retreating into their alternative reality cannot stop this.

Last I heard everybody dies, But planed parenthood will level the field, Margaret Sanger...
Sanger was anti-abortion. And fewer people - more better.
You need to get a larger size underwear to take the pressure off your brain...

On the extermination of blacks:
"We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population," she said, "if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members." Woman's Body, Woman's Right: A Social History of Birth Control in America, by Linda Gordon


An out of context lie- there was no plan, she was anti-abortion.

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