World Overpopulation? Hold On, Buddy!

... Energy and people are destroying the world. .....

Wrong, Chicken Little.
If I was wrong - I'd say so. You don't know human history and I can't help you.

Actually, It is exceedingly likely that I know more of most history than you ever will. Not your fault necessarily.
Okay, what is the most important thing to know about human history?

That would be an entirely subjective determination. Seems like you need to study Philosophy as well as History. Maybe you can go back and get a real education.
Look, I can't help you. ....

Sure you can, just detail this supposed education you hint at but can't back up.
I know you are very stupid but what part of - none of your business - are you have trouble understanding?.....

I understand you're blatantly lying.
You lied about Sanger (several times). ....

Wrong, as ample evidence has proven.
You have no evidence. You picked a meme that was out of context. You are both a dishonest and a very stupid person. That much is obvious.

You could read up on who Sanger was (and what she believed) but you refuse to do so. That's very stupid, like PC.
... Energy and people are destroying the world. .....

Wrong, Chicken Little.
If I was wrong - I'd say so. You don't know human history and I can't help you.

Actually, It is exceedingly likely that I know more of most history than you ever will. Not your fault necessarily.
Okay, what is the most important thing to know about human history?

That would be an entirely subjective determination. Seems like you need to study Philosophy as well as History. Maybe you can go back and get a real education.
As expected - no answer. And subjective? Not to historians.
Wrong, Chicken Little.
If I was wrong - I'd say so. You don't know human history and I can't help you.

Actually, It is exceedingly likely that I know more of most history than you ever will. Not your fault necessarily.
Okay, what is the most important thing to know about human history?

That would be an entirely subjective determination. Seems like you need to study Philosophy as well as History. Maybe you can go back and get a real education.
As expected - no answer. And subjective? Not to historians.

Yes, to historians. If you had ever studied History you might know that.
If I was wrong - I'd say so. You don't know human history and I can't help you.

Actually, It is exceedingly likely that I know more of most history than you ever will. Not your fault necessarily.
Okay, what is the most important thing to know about human history?

That would be an entirely subjective determination. Seems like you need to study Philosophy as well as History. Maybe you can go back and get a real education.
As expected - no answer. And subjective? Not to historians.

Yes, to historians. If you had ever studied History you might know that.
The answers to my question are not subjective. But, you being very stupid, don't know that

How about this - History is written by the __________?????
It looks like all the gloom and doom scenarios aren't going to play out:

World Overpopulation Hold On Buddy New Eastern Outlook

In Germany, the birthrate has sunk to just 1.36, worse even than low-fertility Spain (1.48) and Italy (1.4). Western Europe as a whole will most likely shrink from 460 million to just 350 million by the end of the century. And barring dramatic reversal of the foolish One (sometimes Two) Child Policy, China’s population will be reduced in half.

Even the USA where a large immigrant Hispanic population immigration has kept birth rates higher, is now facing reduction. A Pew Research Center report found that immigrant births fell from 102 per 1,000 women in 2007 to 87.8 per 1,000 in 2012, to bring the overall US birthrate to a mere 64 per 1,000 women—not enough to sustain current population. Europe, in short, is dying off, China and Russia, and the United States as well.

Even in Mexico they have been promoting not having more than 2 kids for the last 20 years. Back in the 50's average family size in the U.S. was 4 kids--and over the last several decades family sizes have been reduced to 2 or less. This is going on in all industrialized nations across the globe. So it's no surprise to me.

The problem the United States has with this is Social Security/Medicare. We have 10K baby boomers entering social security/medicare on a daily basis and this will continue for the next 10 years--which will produce another 84 trillion in unfunded liabilities. Right now there is 1 working person supporting 3 retirees on borrowed money. This is why we're constantly having to raise the debt ceiling.

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