World Overpopulation? Hold On, Buddy!

She claims to be educated and obviously is not. There's no point. skewer you further....the Sanger/Progressives were actually the source of Hitler's policies.

"Only after eugenics became entrenched in the United States was the campaign transplanted into Germany, in no small measure through the efforts of California eugenicists, who published booklets idealizing sterilization and circulated them to German official and scientists.

Hitler studied American eugenics laws....
Hitler proudly told his comrades just how closely he followed the progress of the American eugenics movement. "I have studied with great interest," he told a fellow Nazi, "the laws of several American states concerning prevention of reproduction by people whose progeny would, in all probability, be of no value or be injurious to the racial stock."
The Horrifying American Roots of Nazi Eugenics

Hitler wrote to the president of the American Eugenics Society to ask for a copy of his“The Case for Sterilization.”
(Margaret Sanger and Sterilization)

German race science stood on American progressive’s shoulders.

Did you notice that everything I post is documented, linked and sourced?

Guess what that means, you dunce.
Sanger had nothing to do with Hitler. And Hitler admired early Americans for the slaughter of Native Americans.

Eugenics was very popular once (and should still be in place keeping the feeble-minded like you two from reproducing).

Another spanking???

No prob.....

".... the American experience with eugenics, the “policy science” of creating a master race.
.... it was all the rage in the Progressive Era. Eugenics was not a fringe movement; it was at the core of ruling-class politics, education, and culture. It was responsible for many of the early experiments in labor regulation. It was the driving force behind marriage licenses,minimum wages,restrictions on opportunities for women, and immigration quotas and controls.

The more I’ve looked into the subject, the more I’m convinced that it is not possible fully to understand the birth of the 20th century Leviathan without an awareness of eugenics. Eugenics was the original sin of the modern state that knows no limits to its power."
Why the Holocaust Should Matter to You | Jeffrey Tucker

"The Eugenic Value of Birth Control Propaganda"
By Margaret Sanger
Today Eugenics is suggested by the most diverse minds as the most adequate and thorough avenue to the solution of racial, political and social problems. The most intransigent and daring teachers and scientists have lent their support to this great biological interpretation of the human race. The war has emphasized its necessity."
The Public Papers of Margaret Sanger: Web Edition
"First: we are convinced that racial regeneration like individual regeneration, must come "from within." That is, it must be autonomous, self-directive, and not imposed from without. In other words, every potential parent, and especially every potential mother, must be brought to an acute realization of the primary and central importance of bringing children into this world."

What a monster, eh?

Progressives/Liberals are monsters.

'California led the nation, performing nearly all sterilization procedures with little or no due process. In its first twenty-five years of eugenic legislation, California sterilized 9,782 individuals, mostly women. Many were classified as "bad girls," diagnosed as "passionate," "oversexed" or "sexually wayward." At Sonoma, some women were sterilized because of what was deemed an abnormally large clitoris or labia.

In 1933 alone, at least 1,278 coercive sterilizations were performed, 700 of which were on women. The state's two leading sterilization mills in 1933 were Sonoma State Home with 388 operations and Patton State Hospital with 363 operations. Other sterilization centers included Agnews, Mendocino, Napa, Norwalk, Stockton and Pacific Colony state hospitals.

Even the United States Supreme Court endorsed aspects of eugenics. In its infamous 1927 decision, Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote, "It is better for all the world, if instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime, or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind…. Three generations of imbeciles are enough." This decision opened the floodgates for thousands to be coercively sterilized or otherwise persecuted as subhuman. Years later, the Nazis at the Nuremberg trials quoted Holmes's words in their own defense.'

- See more at: The Horrifying American Roots of Nazi Eugenics

You should be relieved that Progressives/Liberals were stopped from their plan to sterilize imbeciles..... were saved.
The devil is always in the details.
Would you like to compare educational resumes?

You are, very obviously, poorly educated. You can't think for shit which is why all you do is copy and paste.

You didn't answer the question.
She claims to be educated and obviously is not. There's no point.

It seems to me that your education is the only one in question here. It also seems that you are the one ducking the issue for obvious reasons.
My education, like the rest of my life, is none of your fucking business, ...

:lmao: Kinda regret trying to pull the "education" card, huh?
You are, very obviously, poorly educated. You can't think for shit which is why all you do is copy and paste.

You didn't answer the question.
She claims to be educated and obviously is not. There's no point.

It seems to me that your education is the only one in question here. It also seems that you are the one ducking the issue for obvious reasons.
My education, like the rest of my life, is none of your fucking business, ...

:lmao: Kinda regret trying to pull the "education" card, huh?

His mistake was in imagining that he has any ability in posting.
Blacks have been convinced that 70% of their pregnancies can end in abortion and it's their choice. Just spread this to Hispanics and we're on the way. If Catholic Mexicans can learn to abort their babies, muslims can learn the same.
I read somewhere that the entire population of the world could fit comfortably inside the state of Texas. That would be less people per sq. mile than NYC.
It actually works out to a little more population density than NYC. estimated world population is ~ 7.5 billion people / 268597 Sq mi = 27923 people per sq mi.

Personally, I would find that high of population density to be unbearable. Fortunately, we are spread out. I would say that the earth as a whole is definitely not overpopulated. Certain areas are, and the ability to get food and resources to these people is lacking.
You are, very obviously, poorly educated. You can't think for shit which is why all you do is copy and paste.

You didn't answer the question.
She claims to be educated and obviously is not. There's no point.

It seems to me that your education is the only one in question here. It also seems that you are the one ducking the issue for obvious reasons.
My education, like the rest of my life, is none of your fucking business, ...

:lmao: Kinda regret trying to pull the "education" card, huh?
I regret that PC (and you) have no education but - that's all.

Given the chance to speak for herself, even on the subject in one simple paragraph, she can't do it. She's a poser (as are you).
So? That was big here, once. Nothing wrong with wanting only healthy people to make babies now is there? Otherwise we get morons - like you.

That's likely why you hate her even though you know nothing about her. She would have made sure that you weren't created in the first place.

Fascist sociopaths like you can find it easy to defend and spread bullshit agitprop to support ghouls like stalin and mao. The fact is Sanger, like every other elitist pig atheist regressive hated "inferior" humans, which usually means everyone outside their pseudo-intellectual inherited wealth social circles. Then we have apparatchiks like you insisting the only interest your masters have for humanity is widespread prosperity and freedom.

Ever notice how well libturds are at giving away everyone else's money and using government to steal it, rather than just writing the fuckin checks themselves?

It's the same reason people who reject marxist dogma tend to be much more charitable, and are found volunteering all over the country during disasters and shit, while bed wetters insist government isn't well funded enough, that's why the response is usually piss poor and the objectives are never met.

The worst part is that you were not eaten by a rat in a dumpster behind a planned parenthood abortuary.

You could fix that with handful of pills though.

So 3rd word shit holes like Africa are expanding and the rest of the world is falling apart. Disturbing.
Yellows browns, and reds should be your concern not blacks, PTBW.
As you can read the OP Chinese and Latino's aren't having kids at same rate they were....I worry about when third world trash starts to out populate the first world population. White Genocide was already happening although from my own observation where I live whites here are having a lot of kids..3 at least sometimes 5 and 6.
So 3rd word shit holes like Africa are expanding and the rest of the world is falling apart. Disturbing.
Yellows browns, and reds should be your concern not blacks, PTBW.
As you can read the OP Chinese and Latino's aren't having kids at same rate they were....I worry about when third world trash starts to out populate the first world population. White Genocide was already happening although from my own observation where I live whites here are having a lot of kids..3 at least sometimes 5 and 6.
Poor uneducated whites (like you) have always bred like rabbits.
So? That was big here, once. Nothing wrong with wanting only healthy people to make babies now is there? Otherwise we get morons - like you.

That's likely why you hate her even though you know nothing about her. She would have made sure that you weren't created in the first place.

Fascist sociopaths like you can find it easy to defend and spread bullshit agitprop to support ghouls like stalin and mao. The fact is Sanger, like every other elitist pig atheist regressive hated "inferior" humans, which usually means everyone outside their pseudo-intellectual inherited wealth social circles. Then we have apparatchiks like you insisting the only interest your masters have for humanity is widespread prosperity and freedom.

Ever notice how well libturds are at giving away everyone else's money and using government to steal it, rather than just writing the fuckin checks themselves?

It's the same reason people who reject marxist dogma tend to be much more charitable, and are found volunteering all over the country during disasters and shit, while bed wetters insist government isn't well funded enough, that's why the response is usually piss poor and the objectives are never met.

The worst part is that you were not eaten by a rat in a dumpster behind a planned parenthood abortuary.

You could fix that with handful of pills though.

Sanger supported only healthy people having children (and only as many as they could feed and care for). Boy, what a nut.
Constant repetition - the first sign of a very tiny (uneducated) mind.

When caught in a lie or attempting to defend a reprehensible fact of their dogma, the bed wetter is programmed to attack the education of their opponents. You are parroting leftist drivel someone taught you. You've never questioned it. You're a drone and your frontal lobe has probably withered away from lack of use. You're not "educated" bed wetter, you're indoctrinated, like a a zealot. You'll defend your ignorance because it's what defines you now.

You didn't answer the question.
She claims to be educated and obviously is not. There's no point.

It seems to me that your education is the only one in question here. It also seems that you are the one ducking the issue for obvious reasons.
My education, like the rest of my life, is none of your fucking business, ...

:lmao: Kinda regret trying to pull the "education" card, huh?
I regret that PC (and you) have no education but - that's all.....

Oh, you want to go there again? How'd that work out for you last time?
She claims to be educated and obviously is not. There's no point.

It seems to me that your education is the only one in question here. It also seems that you are the one ducking the issue for obvious reasons.
My education, like the rest of my life, is none of your fucking business, ...

:lmao: Kinda regret trying to pull the "education" card, huh?
I regret that PC (and you) have no education but - that's all.....

Oh, you want to go there again? How'd that work out for you last time?
It's never an issue. Neither of you have any education to speak of. That's why all PC can do is copy and paste.
It seems to me that your education is the only one in question here. It also seems that you are the one ducking the issue for obvious reasons.
My education, like the rest of my life, is none of your fucking business, ...

:lmao: Kinda regret trying to pull the "education" card, huh?
I regret that PC (and you) have no education but - that's all.....

Oh, you want to go there again? How'd that work out for you last time?
It's never an issue. Neither of you have any education to speak of. ....

But you do?
My education, like the rest of my life, is none of your fucking business, ...

:lmao: Kinda regret trying to pull the "education" card, huh?
I regret that PC (and you) have no education but - that's all.....

Oh, you want to go there again? How'd that work out for you last time?
It's never an issue. Neither of you have any education to speak of. ....

But you do?
Yep. And it allows me to do more than copy and paste (and believe lies about Sanger).
:lmao: Kinda regret trying to pull the "education" card, huh?
I regret that PC (and you) have no education but - that's all.....

Oh, you want to go there again? How'd that work out for you last time?
It's never an issue. Neither of you have any education to speak of. ....

But you do?
Yep. ....

How nice that you're proud of it. Do tell. Unless, of course, you are lying.
I regret that PC (and you) have no education but - that's all.....

Oh, you want to go there again? How'd that work out for you last time?
It's never an issue. Neither of you have any education to speak of. ....

But you do?
Yep. ....

How nice that you're proud of it. Do tell. Unless, of course, you are lying.
None of your business, Mr. Shitter.
Gandhi said there is enough for everyone's need but not for everyone's greed.

The wealthy know better than to breed and they have the means to control their birth rate. The smartest thing humankind could do is allow and make possible for the poor to do the same.

Yes, the world is overpopulated.

No, the world is not overpopulated, not even close........and if you left wingers would just stop blocking progress, the people in the 3rd World would advance economically and then they too would have fewer children........

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