Worst Democrat Of The 20th Century?

And the winner is....

  • Hillary Clinton

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • Jimmy Carter

    Votes: 4 19.0%
  • B. Obama

    Votes: 19 90.5%
  • A. Gore

    Votes: 3 14.3%

  • Total voters
All of the options are good choices. FDR was terrible, that's for sure. LBJ screwed up society.

Obama is difficult, because it depends on how we fix the things he's screwed up.

Unfortunately history suggests they won't be fixed at all.

All of the other presidents built on existing law. Meaning, before Hoover/FDR, there was no idea that government was involved in fixing the economy. Thus before then, we didn't have the massive "government fix everything in our lives" belief system.

So one could make the claim that all the crap of the past 70 years, is all due to FDR. He opened the flood gates, which all the rest of disasters flowed through.

But if you want to credit each president with only their own specific legislation, ignoring what it was built on, it would have to be Carter.

My opinion.... It's Carter. Every time I go back and look at "why are we having this problem", and I trace it back to some government policy, it is routine that I find that policy was originally pushed back in the 1970s, and usually by Carter.

Most of the problems in Housing, can be traced back to Carter. Most of the problems in Social Security, can be traced back to Carter. Interest rates, Banking, eco-protection laws, regulations on manufacturing driving away jobs.... all can be traced back to Carter.

The reason our nuclear power infrastructure is stuck at a 1960s level of safety and advancement.... is due to Carter.

Iran, is due to Carter. The removal of interest rate limits, due to Carter. Certifying clearly bogus election results in Haiti and Venezuela, due to Carter.

Even the 2008 Sub-prime crash, can be traced back to policies pushed by Carter.

The list of things Carter either directly screwed up, or indirectly damaged, is endless. Let's not forget that it was Carter himself, who without authorization, went to North Korea after they expelled the UN nuclear inspectors, and began the process that became the 1994 North Korean Nuclear Deal. That deal, which guaranteed that N. Korea would not get nuclear weapons, is exactly why we are, were we are today in Korea.

Obama may have passed the absolute worst health care law, that will eventually lead to a massive unfixable problem in health care.
But it would be hard for Obama to be as prolifically bad, and causing problems in so many areas, as Carter. Obama would have to truly double his efforts of destruction.

Of course, many of the train-wrecks under Carter, became apparent in the decades following. So it's possible that 10 years from now, we'll look back and seen a string of crashes lining the Obama legacy, that we don't see today. Still, Carter has a ton of failure to account for. Obama has made great strides in accomplishing a similar level of fail, but it's a long way to go still.
Tried to remember the "best" of the worst.

Lester Maddox. Zell Miller's mentor.
Don't you mean he was Robert K. Byrd's mentor? You know, the guy who was actually in the KKK?

And why is it that some are so carefully selective in their facts?

Do you know some other member of Congress who was in the KKK?

Byrd quit the Klan before he ever ran for office.
I know some others though. How 'bout... Rice Means.

Oh wait -- not a Democrat. Sorry, forgot the topic.

Hugo Black was a Democrat, and FDR appointed him to the Supreme Court.
All of the other presidents built on existing law. Meaning, before Hoover/FDR, there was no idea that government was involved in fixing the economy. Thus before then, we didn't have the massive "government fix everything in our lives" belief system.

Pfft. What do you think the Republicans of the 19th century were about? Doing big things with government to drive the economy. And they got it from the earlier Whigs.
.... that was evil enough to outdo Wilson and Thurmond and Lester Maddox and George Wallace?

stick to the poll idiot, those guys were not mentioned.
you fucking liberfools never cease to amaze me.

The poll, and the thread title, clearly say "of the 20th century", Pinkie. And it proceeded to list one POTUS of the 20thC, one Senator, a state legislator and a FLOTUS. That's why several of us wrote in better choices who were actually doing something significant in the 20th century.

Now I repeat -- and this is the third time --- what did Hillary do in the 20th century?
Lester Maddox. Zell Miller's mentor.
Don't you mean he was Robert K. Byrd's mentor? You know, the guy who was actually in the KKK?

And why is it that some are so carefully selective in their facts?

Do you know some other member of Congress who was in the KKK?

Byrd quit the Klan before he ever ran for office.
I know some others though. How 'bout... Rice Means.

Oh wait -- not a Democrat. Sorry, forgot the topic.

Hugo Black was a Democrat, and FDR appointed him to the Supreme Court.
The possum will tell you Black was not in Congress and was Conservative.
As a person? Yes. LBJ. As a politician? JEC
If you want to include the 21st century, I would have to say that since 2009, we have a new winner in both categories.
As a person? HRC and as a politician, BHO.

'Cause Ermie knows LBJ and Hillary personally. Guess they frequent his bar.
Bet they don't sit together though. She was a Goldwater Girl.

The dupes think they can guess character and always get the best liars...
I can ascertain character from the information at hand. LBJ was as Racist in private as George Wallace was in public and as amoral as JFK. hillary clinton has them both beat.
I could care less about irrelevant gossip, dupe. POLICY
As a person? Yes. LBJ. As a politician? JEC
If you want to include the 21st century, I would have to say that since 2009, we have a new winner in both categories.
As a person? HRC and as a politician, BHO.

'Cause Ermie knows LBJ and Hillary personally. Guess they frequent his bar.
Bet they don't sit together though. She was a Goldwater Girl.

The dupes think they can guess character and always get the best liars...
I can ascertain character from the information at hand. LBJ was as Racist in private as George Wallace was in public and as amoral as JFK. hillary clinton has them both beat.
I could care less about irrelevant gossip, dupe. POLICY
That war on poverty you democrats started. What year did you FINALLY win that?
I just voted

Barry from Honolulu the worst

Really. In the 20th century?
Musta reeeeeally fucked up down ta the Illinois state legislature.

are you a lawyer?

talking about technicalities like that LOL:tongue:

What does the title say?
The reader gets the point even if you fail.

What does the title say, Pinkie?

Do you just not understand the difference between "20th century" and "any time"?
Byrd? Add History to the list of things that dupes don't understand. The country changed, and so did he. The KKK was basically gov't in W. Va. in the 40's...
I just voted

Barry from Honolulu the worst

Really. In the 20th century?
Musta reeeeeally fucked up down ta the Illinois state legislature.

are you a lawyer?

talking about technicalities like that LOL:tongue:

What does the title say?
The reader gets the point even if you fail.

What does the title say, Pinkie?

The title says **** **f

Really. In the 20th century?
Musta reeeeeally fucked up down ta the Illinois state legislature.

are you a lawyer?

talking about technicalities like that LOL:tongue:

What does the title say?
The reader gets the point even if you fail.

What does the title say, Pinkie?

The title says **** **f


So are you both illiterate? Or do words simply have no meaning?
Iran, is due to Carter.

The ignorance is thick with this one. What do you think, Iran was invented in 1976 with no historical context? :rofl:

If there's a guy to pin Iran on, it would be John Foster Dulles.
And Nixon and Reagan. They really enjoyed losing a million young men to Reagan's pal Saddam. And the Shah and the SAVAK went craz with Nixon. Heard of the Tehran Oilmen football team?

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