Worst Democrat Of The 20th Century?

And the winner is....

  • Hillary Clinton

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • Jimmy Carter

    Votes: 4 19.0%
  • B. Obama

    Votes: 19 90.5%
  • A. Gore

    Votes: 3 14.3%

  • Total voters
Wilson, hands down, the first of the modern progressives and a purely evil man.
First man to ever show a movie in the White house and that movie was VERY pro KKK.

"Birth of a Nation". Matter o' fact the KKK didn't even exist at that point, having been extinguished in the 1870s. But then a Georgia salesman named William Simmons saw the film and acted it out, gathering some disciples and charging up Stone Mountain with burning crosses (that icon comes directly from the film) to restart it. That became the Klan most of us are familiar with, and by far the biggest and most wide spread.
Like I said FIRST movie shown in the White house and VERY pro KKK.

What, is this repeat-your-post day?
You can't really be "pro-" something that doesn't exist, but it was a romantic/nostalgic flick based on a racist book called "The Clansman". This matters because the film spurred the reorganization of the KKK.
It was also the most popular film in the country. Wilson was not the devil, just typical of his time.
Iran, is due to Carter.

The ignorance is thick with this one. What do you think, Iran was invented in 1976 with no historical context? :rofl:

If there's a guy to pin Iran on, it would be John Foster Dulles.
And Nixon and Reagan. They really enjoyed losing a million young men to Reagan's pal Saddam. And the Shah and the SAVAK went craz with Nixon. Heard of the Tehran Oilmen football team?
The Shah never attacked us but when Carters buddy took over we were held hostage.
Never attacked anyone but his own people. So how many Americans were killed by those savages? Injured?
I cannot find on Google IF the Shah even killed Americans. You have a source?
Wonder why FDR wasn't included in the poll. He was really the one that crashed the stock market, started the hoovervilles and the dust bowl, and kept the depression going till Ronald Reagan ended it in the 80's.
Amazing, considering he was inaugerated 3 1/2 years after the crash when UE was 25%, dingbat dupe.

October 1929. FDR inaugurated March 1933.

The level of historical pig-ignorance around here is mindfucking. I have no doubt I could pull random children off the street in Appalachia who wouldn't fuck up their history this badly.
As a person? Yes. LBJ. As a politician? JEC
If you want to include the 21st century, I would have to say that since 2009, we have a new winner in both categories.
As a person? HRC and as a politician, BHO.

'Cause Ermie knows LBJ and Hillary personally. Guess they frequent his bar.
Bet they don't sit together though. She was a Goldwater Girl.

The dupes think they can guess character and always get the best liars...
I can ascertain character from the information at hand. LBJ was as Racist in private as George Wallace was in public and as amoral as JFK. hillary clinton has them both beat.
I could care less about irrelevant gossip, dupe. POLICY
That war on poverty you democrats started. What year did you FINALLY win that?
Wonder why FDR wasn't included in the poll. He was really the one that crashed the stock market, started the hoovervilles and the dust bowl, and kept the depression going till Ronald Reagan ended it in the 80's.
Amazing, considering he was inaugerated 3 1/2 years after the crash when UE was 25%, dingbat dupe.
He extended the depression in order to FORCE Americans to accept his social changes.
Iran, is due to Carter.

The ignorance is thick with this one. What do you think, Iran was invented in 1976 with no historical context? :rofl:

If there's a guy to pin Iran on, it would be John Foster Dulles.
And Nixon and Reagan. They really enjoyed losing a million young men to Reagan's pal Saddam. And the Shah and the SAVAK went craz with Nixon. Heard of the Tehran Oilmen football team?
The Shah never attacked us but when Carters buddy took over we were held hostage.
Never attacked anyone but his own people. So how many Americans were killed by those savages? Injured?
I cannot find on Google IF the Shah even killed Americans. You have a source?
The Shah was Nixon's poodle. What ARE you talking about?
'Cause Ermie knows LBJ and Hillary personally. Guess they frequent his bar.
Bet they don't sit together though. She was a Goldwater Girl.

The dupes think they can guess character and always get the best liars...
I can ascertain character from the information at hand. LBJ was as Racist in private as George Wallace was in public and as amoral as JFK. hillary clinton has them both beat.
I could care less about irrelevant gossip, dupe. POLICY
That war on poverty you democrats started. What year did you FINALLY win that?
1968 REALLY? You won? No more food stamps since 1968?
Wonder why FDR wasn't included in the poll. He was really the one that crashed the stock market, started the hoovervilles and the dust bowl, and kept the depression going till Ronald Reagan ended it in the 80's.
Amazing, considering he was inaugerated 3 1/2 years after the crash when UE was 25%, dingbat dupe.
He extended the depression in order to FORCE Americans to accept his social changes.
He got UE down from 25% when he started to 11% in 1936, then made the mistake of listening to economists and Pubs...
The dupes think they can guess character and always get the best liars...
I can ascertain character from the information at hand. LBJ was as Racist in private as George Wallace was in public and as amoral as JFK. hillary clinton has them both beat.
I could care less about irrelevant gossip, dupe. POLICY
That war on poverty you democrats started. What year did you FINALLY win that?
1968 REALLY? You won? No more food stamps since 1968?
Nixon and Reagan wrecked it.
Wilson, hands down, the first of the modern progressives and a purely evil man.
First man to ever show a movie in the White house and that movie was VERY pro KKK.

"Birth of a Nation". Matter o' fact the KKK didn't even exist at that point, having been extinguished in the 1870s. But then a Georgia salesman named William Simmons saw the film and acted it out, gathering some disciples and charging up Stone Mountain with burning crosses (that icon comes directly from the film) to restart it. That became the Klan most of us are familiar with, and by far the biggest and most wide spread.
Like I said FIRST movie shown in the White house and VERY pro KKK.

What, is this repeat-your-post day?
You can't really be "pro-" something that doesn't exist, but it was a romantic/nostalgic flick based on a racist book called "The Clansman". This matters because the film spurred the reorganization of the KKK.
It was also the most popular film in the country. Wilson was not the devil, just typical of his time.

It was a landmark in film for its techniques, and of course highly controversial, even in that time, which was the most blatantly racist period (turn of the century into the 1920s) that we've ever had. The standard history books kind of forget to mention all the race riots, the "Red Summer" of 1919, the Tulsa race riots that left hundreds dead and thousands homeless... even today not a lot of people know Bob Dylan's epic song "Desolation Row" is about one of those riots, that his father witnessed in Duluth. White people actually generated postcards commemorating lynchings and sold victims' body parts as souvenirs.

In the 20th century this went on. Part of that inconvenient context the more simpleminded don't bother to figure out, like imagining that Iran was invented in 1976.

Btw the actual first film to screen at the White House was an Italian movie called Cabiria (1914, the prior year), on the White House lawn. Fun fact.
First man to ever show a movie in the White house and that movie was VERY pro KKK.

"Birth of a Nation". Matter o' fact the KKK didn't even exist at that point, having been extinguished in the 1870s. But then a Georgia salesman named William Simmons saw the film and acted it out, gathering some disciples and charging up Stone Mountain with burning crosses (that icon comes directly from the film) to restart it. That became the Klan most of us are familiar with, and by far the biggest and most wide spread.
Like I said FIRST movie shown in the White house and VERY pro KKK.

What, is this repeat-your-post day?
You can't really be "pro-" something that doesn't exist, but it was a romantic/nostalgic flick based on a racist book called "The Clansman". This matters because the film spurred the reorganization of the KKK.
It was also the most popular film in the country. Wilson was not the devil, just typical of his time.

It was a landmark in film for its techniques, and of course highly controversial, even in that time, which was the most blatantly racist period (turn of the century into the 1920s) that we've ever had. The standard history books kind of forget to mention all the race riots, the "Red Summer" of 1919, the Tulsa race riots that left hundreds dead and thousands homeless... even today not a lot of people know Bob Dylan's epic song "Desolation Row" is about one of those riots, that his father witnessed in Duluth. White people actually generated postcards commemorating lynchings and sold victims' body parts as souvenirs.

In the 20th century this went on. Part of that inconvenient context the more simpleminded don't bother to figure out, like imagining that Iran was invented in 1976.

Btw the actual first film to screen at the White House was an Italian movie called Cabiria (1914, the prior year), on the White House lawn. Fun fact.
The White house lawn is not IN the White house. Nice try though, okay SAD try.
"Birth of a Nation". Matter o' fact the KKK didn't even exist at that point, having been extinguished in the 1870s. But then a Georgia salesman named William Simmons saw the film and acted it out, gathering some disciples and charging up Stone Mountain with burning crosses (that icon comes directly from the film) to restart it. That became the Klan most of us are familiar with, and by far the biggest and most wide spread.
Like I said FIRST movie shown in the White house and VERY pro KKK.

What, is this repeat-your-post day?
You can't really be "pro-" something that doesn't exist, but it was a romantic/nostalgic flick based on a racist book called "The Clansman". This matters because the film spurred the reorganization of the KKK.
It was also the most popular film in the country. Wilson was not the devil, just typical of his time.

It was a landmark in film for its techniques, and of course highly controversial, even in that time, which was the most blatantly racist period (turn of the century into the 1920s) that we've ever had. The standard history books kind of forget to mention all the race riots, the "Red Summer" of 1919, the Tulsa race riots that left hundreds dead and thousands homeless... even today not a lot of people know Bob Dylan's epic song "Desolation Row" is about one of those riots, that his father witnessed in Duluth. White people actually generated postcards commemorating lynchings and sold victims' body parts as souvenirs.

In the 20th century this went on. Part of that inconvenient context the more simpleminded don't bother to figure out, like imagining that Iran was invented in 1976.

Btw the actual first film to screen at the White House was an Italian movie called Cabiria (1914, the prior year), on the White House lawn. Fun fact.
The White house lawn is not IN the White house. Nice try though, okay SAD try.

THAT's what you got out of that post? Whether a film is "at" or "in" somewhere?

No wonder you can't figure out what a century is.
The sky is falling is the general rap of those who oppose SS, with no evidence.
Other contestants...

5. Woodrow Wilson
6. Franklin D. Roosevelt
7. Harry Truman
8. John F. Kennedy
9. Lyndon Baines Johnson
10. Jimmy Carter
11.Bill Clinton


12. Adlai Stevenson
13. Hubert Humphrey
14. George McGovern
15. Michael Dukakis
16. Al Gore
17. John Kerry


I vote (9) - LBJ.

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