Worst Democrat Of The 20th Century?

And the winner is....

  • Hillary Clinton

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • Jimmy Carter

    Votes: 4 19.0%
  • B. Obama

    Votes: 19 90.5%
  • A. Gore

    Votes: 3 14.3%

  • Total voters
are you a lawyer?

talking about technicalities like that LOL:tongue:

What does the title say?
The reader gets the point even if you fail.

What does the title say, Pinkie?

The title says **** **f


So are you both illiterate? Or do words simply have no meaning?
Once you hit post here you cannot alter the title. So it goes....
Iran, is due to Carter.

The ignorance is thick with this one. What do you think, Iran was invented in 1976 with no historical context? :rofl:

If there's a guy to pin Iran on, it would be John Foster Dulles.
And Nixon and Reagan. They really enjoyed losing a million young men to Reagan's pal Saddam. And the Shah and the SAVAK went craz with Nixon. Heard of the Tehran Oilmen football team?
The Shah never attacked us but when Carters buddy took over we were held hostage.
O'Bama -- "twentieth century", right? Are we clear on what "20th century" means?
1901 thru 2000.
What office did Hillary hold?

Read much history?

I'd suggest:
  • Woodrow Wilson -- racist megalomaniac asshole who stuck our national nose into way too many places it didn't belong including Latin America and guerrillas extending the Russian revolution unnecessarily;
  • Strom Thurmond -- walked out of his party's convention in '48 (<< the one in the 20th century) after hearing too much talk about "civil rights", ran a spoiler POTUS campaign based on racism; kicked off the state ballot for re-election in '54, ran as a write-in, then pissed off his Senate colleagues, even the Southern ones, by staging the longest filibuster in history (24 hours 18 minutes) against civil rights, to no effect at all;
  • George Wallace -- another racist splitter, tried to be Goldwater's running mate in '64, then when Goldwater declined threatened to run on his own...
--- We are talking "20th" Century, right?

Lester Maddox is deserving too, though he had little influence.

FDR and LBJ did far more damage.....

Only the latter with Vietnam. LBJ's a mixed bag; has Vietnam but OTOH has the CRA. First POTUS to prosecute the Klan since Reconstruction IIRC.
There ain't nothing positive to say about Strom Thurmond. He gets my vote.

Well.....he did father a child by a black woman....so he does have that. :)

Essie Mae. We're related.
I don't see how that's a 'positive' --- although to be consistent, Thurmond hadn't run for office yet either.

I was joking. I agree with you....Thurmond was an SOB. A hard core racist who was gettin' some on the side just like back in the plantation days. A real low life imho.
What does the title say?
The reader gets the point even if you fail.

What does the title say, Pinkie?

The title says **** **f


So are you both illiterate? Or do words simply have no meaning?

A dollar short, and a century too late? lol

Fifteen years, at least. They sho do melt down easily don't they? You'd think a guy with an IQ of 214 would think his shit through.
The reader gets the point even if you fail.

What does the title say, Pinkie?

The title says **** **f


So are you both illiterate? Or do words simply have no meaning?

A dollar short, and a century too late? lol

you stalking me now?

you the dangerous one?:popcorn:

You flatter yourself. I was talking to Pogo, you self absorbed twit.
The reader gets the point even if you fail.

What does the title say, Pinkie?

The title says **** **f


So are you both illiterate? Or do words simply have no meaning?

A dollar short, and a century too late? lol

Fifteen years, at least. They sho do melt down easily don't they? You'd think a guy with an IQ of 214 would think his shit through.

He's too stupid to be humiliated. :)
Wonder why FDR wasn't included in the poll. He was really the one that crashed the stock market, started the hoovervilles and the dust bowl, and kept the depression going till Ronald Reagan ended it in the 80's.
The reader gets the point even if you fail.

What does the title say, Pinkie?

The title says **** **f


So are you both illiterate? Or do words simply have no meaning?

A dollar short, and a century too late? lol

Fifteen years, at least. They sho do melt down easily don't they? You'd think a guy with an IQ of 214 would think his shit through.
You see any melt down do you? You liberal retards try EVERYTHING you can to run Conservative/Christian/Jew and decent America loving posters off.

No melt down here going on. Just laughing at every childish trick or smear you put on screen in text. YOU planning on writing Hillary in prison?
Wonder why FDR wasn't included in the poll. He was really the one that crashed the stock market, started the hoovervilles and the dust bowl, and kept the depression going till Ronald Reagan ended it in the 80's.
I was having issues with my computer so I had to cut it short. But you are correct FDR did more to prolong and deepen the depression then anybody.
What does the title say, Pinkie?

The title says **** **f


So are you both illiterate? Or do words simply have no meaning?

A dollar short, and a century too late? lol

Fifteen years, at least. They sho do melt down easily don't they? You'd think a guy with an IQ of 214 would think his shit through.
You see any melt down do you? You liberal retards try EVERYTHING you can to run Conservative/Christian/Jew and decent America loving posters off.

No melt down here going on. Just laughing at every childish trick or smear you put on screen in text. YOU planning on writing Hillary in prison?

I see a guy who writes one thing, then wants to disregard his own words.

What years does "the 20th century" comprise, Pinkie?
Wilson, hands down, the first of the modern progressives and a purely evil man.
First man to ever show a movie in the White house and that movie was VERY pro KKK.

"Birth of a Nation". Matter o' fact the KKK didn't even exist at that point, having been extinguished in the 1870s. But then a Georgia salesman named William Simmons saw the film and acted it out, gathering some disciples and charging up Stone Mountain with burning crosses (that icon comes directly from the film) to restart it. That became the Klan most of us are familiar with, and by far the biggest and most wide spread.
Wilson, hands down, the first of the modern progressives and a purely evil man.
First man to ever show a movie in the White house and that movie was VERY pro KKK.

"Birth of a Nation". Matter o' fact the KKK didn't even exist at that point, having been extinguished in the 1870s. But then a Georgia salesman named William Simmons saw the film and acted it out, gathering some disciples and charging up Stone Mountain with burning crosses (that icon comes directly from the film) to restart it. That became the Klan most of us are familiar with, and by far the biggest and most wide spread.
Like I said FIRST movie shown in the White house and VERY pro KKK.
Iran, is due to Carter.

The ignorance is thick with this one. What do you think, Iran was invented in 1976 with no historical context? :rofl:

If there's a guy to pin Iran on, it would be John Foster Dulles.
And Nixon and Reagan. They really enjoyed losing a million young men to Reagan's pal Saddam. And the Shah and the SAVAK went craz with Nixon. Heard of the Tehran Oilmen football team?
The Shah never attacked us but when Carters buddy took over we were held hostage.
Never attacked anyone but his own people. So how many Americans were killed by those savages? Injured?
Wilson, hands down, the first of the modern progressives and a purely evil man.
First man to ever show a movie in the White house and that movie was VERY pro KKK.

"Birth of a Nation". Matter o' fact the KKK didn't even exist at that point, having been extinguished in the 1870s. But then a Georgia salesman named William Simmons saw the film and acted it out, gathering some disciples and charging up Stone Mountain with burning crosses (that icon comes directly from the film) to restart it. That became the Klan most of us are familiar with, and by far the biggest and most wide spread.
Like I said FIRST movie shown in the White house and VERY pro KKK.

What, is this repeat-your-post day?
You can't really be "pro-" something that doesn't exist, but it was a romantic/nostalgic flick based on a racist book called "The Clansman". This matters because the film spurred the reorganization of the KKK. When the film came out, the Klan did not exist. Had it not been made, the Ku Klux Klan (1865-ca. 1880) would have been an arcane historical footnote.

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