Worst Democrat Of The 20th Century?

And the winner is....

  • Hillary Clinton

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • Jimmy Carter

    Votes: 4 19.0%
  • B. Obama

    Votes: 19 90.5%
  • A. Gore

    Votes: 3 14.3%

  • Total voters
It is bankrupt now....if they weren't taking from tomorrow to pay for today it would collapse.
That's how it works...that's AARP's #1 myth. God you're a brainwashed chump...
O now you hate the elderly????
AARP's #1 myth is SS being bankrupt or anything like it.
It will get there, since the Democrats killed off the next generation through abortion.

Awesome meltdown.
Melt down? Really? Do you now what a melt down is?
Tried to remember the "best" of the worst.

Lester Maddox. Zell Miller's mentor.
Don't you mean he was Robert K. Byrd's mentor? You know, the guy who was actually in the KKK?

And why is it that some are so carefully selective in their facts?

Do you know some other member of Congress who was in the KKK?

Byrd quit the Klan before he ever ran for office.
I know some others though. How 'bout... Rice Means.
That is a LIE. He led AND recruited for them AFTER winning a seat in the house.
Robert Byrd

Let’s look at Byrd first. In retrospect, it’s rather remarkable that he rose — twice — to be Senate majority leader with such a past. He not only led a KKK chapter, but he organized it and recruited 150 friends to join it. He was unanimously elected an “Exalted Cyclops.” In fact, the effort launched his entrée into politics, as an impressed Klan official told him “the country needs young men like you in the leadership of the nation.”

As our former colleague Eric Pianin wrote in a 2005 article for The Washington Post titled “A Senator’s Shame,” Byrd repeatedly tried to write off his membership in the KKK as some sort of youthful indiscretion. “My only explanation for the entire episode is that I was sorely afflicted with tunnel vision — a jejune and immature outlook — seeing only what I wanted to see because I thought the Klan could provide an outlet for my talents and ambitions,” Byrd wrote in his book, “Robert C. Byrd: Child of the Appalachian Coalfields.”
In truth, his sympathy for Klan perspectives and Klan methods was not a brief infatuation. Byrd was thirty years old when he assured the Grand Wizard that “The Klan is needed today as never before.” As late as 1964, when Byrd was 47, he was still totally committed to keeping those uppity darkies in their place. That year, Robert Byrd eagerly joined other Democrats, led by Richard Russell of Georgia, to filibuster the Civil Rights Act to death. Byrd held the Senate floor for a whopping fourteen hours and thirteen minutes. A sample quote from his ’64 oration:

“Men are not created equal today, and they were not created equal in 1776, when the Declaration of Independence was written. Men and races of men differ in appearance, ways, physical power, mental capacity, creativity and vision.”

Hoodwinked The Legacy of Robert Byrd
Lester Maddox. Zell Miller's mentor.
Don't you mean he was Robert K. Byrd's mentor? You know, the guy who was actually in the KKK?

And why is it that some are so carefully selective in their facts?

Do you know some other member of Congress who was in the KKK?

Byrd quit the Klan before he ever ran for office.
I know some others though. How 'bout... Rice Means.
That is a LIE. He led AND recruited for them AFTER winning a seat in the house.
Robert Byrd

Let’s look at Byrd first. In retrospect, it’s rather remarkable that he rose — twice — to be Senate majority leader with such a past. He not only led a KKK chapter, but he organized it and recruited 150 friends to join it. He was unanimously elected an “Exalted Cyclops.” In fact, the effort launched his entrée into politics, as an impressed Klan official told him “the country needs young men like you in the leadership of the nation.”

As our former colleague Eric Pianin wrote in a 2005 article for The Washington Post titled “A Senator’s Shame,” Byrd repeatedly tried to write off his membership in the KKK as some sort of youthful indiscretion. “My only explanation for the entire episode is that I was sorely afflicted with tunnel vision — a jejune and immature outlook — seeing only what I wanted to see because I thought the Klan could provide an outlet for my talents and ambitions,” Byrd wrote in his book, “Robert C. Byrd: Child of the Appalachian Coalfields.”
In truth, his sympathy for Klan perspectives and Klan methods was not a brief infatuation. Byrd was thirty years old when he assured the Grand Wizard that “The Klan is needed today as never before.” As late as 1964, when Byrd was 47, he was still totally committed to keeping those uppity darkies in their place. That year, Robert Byrd eagerly joined other Democrats, led by Richard Russell of Georgia, to filibuster the Civil Rights Act to death. Byrd held the Senate floor for a whopping fourteen hours and thirteen minutes. A sample quote from his ’64 oration:

“Men are not created equal today, and they were not created equal in 1776, when the Declaration of Independence was written. Men and races of men differ in appearance, ways, physical power, mental capacity, creativity and vision.”

Hoodwinked The Legacy of Robert Byrd

Filibustering a bill in Congress is not "being a member of the KKK", retard.
Furthermore the 1964 CRA wasn't "filibustered to death". It passed. Perhaps news is slow by you.

Did you know we're in the 21st Century?
Don't you mean he was Robert K. Byrd's mentor? You know, the guy who was actually in the KKK?

And why is it that some are so carefully selective in their facts?

Do you know some other member of Congress who was in the KKK?

Byrd quit the Klan before he ever ran for office.
I know some others though. How 'bout... Rice Means.
That is a LIE. He led AND recruited for them AFTER winning a seat in the house.
Robert Byrd

Let’s look at Byrd first. In retrospect, it’s rather remarkable that he rose — twice — to be Senate majority leader with such a past. He not only led a KKK chapter, but he organized it and recruited 150 friends to join it. He was unanimously elected an “Exalted Cyclops.” In fact, the effort launched his entrée into politics, as an impressed Klan official told him “the country needs young men like you in the leadership of the nation.”

As our former colleague Eric Pianin wrote in a 2005 article for The Washington Post titled “A Senator’s Shame,” Byrd repeatedly tried to write off his membership in the KKK as some sort of youthful indiscretion. “My only explanation for the entire episode is that I was sorely afflicted with tunnel vision — a jejune and immature outlook — seeing only what I wanted to see because I thought the Klan could provide an outlet for my talents and ambitions,” Byrd wrote in his book, “Robert C. Byrd: Child of the Appalachian Coalfields.”
In truth, his sympathy for Klan perspectives and Klan methods was not a brief infatuation. Byrd was thirty years old when he assured the Grand Wizard that “The Klan is needed today as never before.” As late as 1964, when Byrd was 47, he was still totally committed to keeping those uppity darkies in their place. That year, Robert Byrd eagerly joined other Democrats, led by Richard Russell of Georgia, to filibuster the Civil Rights Act to death. Byrd held the Senate floor for a whopping fourteen hours and thirteen minutes. A sample quote from his ’64 oration:

“Men are not created equal today, and they were not created equal in 1776, when the Declaration of Independence was written. Men and races of men differ in appearance, ways, physical power, mental capacity, creativity and vision.”

Hoodwinked The Legacy of Robert Byrd

Filibustering a bill in Congress is not "being a member of the KKK", retard.
So you accept racism as part of the political process???

And why is it that some are so carefully selective in their facts?

Do you know some other member of Congress who was in the KKK?

Byrd quit the Klan before he ever ran for office.
I know some others though. How 'bout... Rice Means.

Oh wait -- not a Democrat. Sorry, forgot the topic.
That is a LIE. He led AND recruited for them AFTER winning a seat in the house.
Robert Byrd

Let’s look at Byrd first. In retrospect, it’s rather remarkable that he rose — twice — to be Senate majority leader with such a past. He not only led a KKK chapter, but he organized it and recruited 150 friends to join it. He was unanimously elected an “Exalted Cyclops.” In fact, the effort launched his entrée into politics, as an impressed Klan official told him “the country needs young men like you in the leadership of the nation.”

As our former colleague Eric Pianin wrote in a 2005 article for The Washington Post titled “A Senator’s Shame,” Byrd repeatedly tried to write off his membership in the KKK as some sort of youthful indiscretion. “My only explanation for the entire episode is that I was sorely afflicted with tunnel vision — a jejune and immature outlook — seeing only what I wanted to see because I thought the Klan could provide an outlet for my talents and ambitions,” Byrd wrote in his book, “Robert C. Byrd: Child of the Appalachian Coalfields.”
In truth, his sympathy for Klan perspectives and Klan methods was not a brief infatuation. Byrd was thirty years old when he assured the Grand Wizard that “The Klan is needed today as never before.” As late as 1964, when Byrd was 47, he was still totally committed to keeping those uppity darkies in their place. That year, Robert Byrd eagerly joined other Democrats, led by Richard Russell of Georgia, to filibuster the Civil Rights Act to death. Byrd held the Senate floor for a whopping fourteen hours and thirteen minutes. A sample quote from his ’64 oration:

“Men are not created equal today, and they were not created equal in 1776, when the Declaration of Independence was written. Men and races of men differ in appearance, ways, physical power, mental capacity, creativity and vision.”

Hoodwinked The Legacy of Robert Byrd

Filibustering a bill in Congress is not "being a member of the KKK", retard.
So you accept racism as part of the political process???


I made no comment on "racism".
So you believe taking part in a Congressional filibuster is the same as being in the Klan?

Very interesting. Have you ever had a brain scan?
Do you know some other member of Congress who was in the KKK?

Byrd quit the Klan before he ever ran for office.
I know some others though. How 'bout... Rice Means.
That is a LIE. He led AND recruited for them AFTER winning a seat in the house.
Robert Byrd

Let’s look at Byrd first. In retrospect, it’s rather remarkable that he rose — twice — to be Senate majority leader with such a past. He not only led a KKK chapter, but he organized it and recruited 150 friends to join it. He was unanimously elected an “Exalted Cyclops.” In fact, the effort launched his entrée into politics, as an impressed Klan official told him “the country needs young men like you in the leadership of the nation.”

As our former colleague Eric Pianin wrote in a 2005 article for The Washington Post titled “A Senator’s Shame,” Byrd repeatedly tried to write off his membership in the KKK as some sort of youthful indiscretion. “My only explanation for the entire episode is that I was sorely afflicted with tunnel vision — a jejune and immature outlook — seeing only what I wanted to see because I thought the Klan could provide an outlet for my talents and ambitions,” Byrd wrote in his book, “Robert C. Byrd: Child of the Appalachian Coalfields.”
In truth, his sympathy for Klan perspectives and Klan methods was not a brief infatuation. Byrd was thirty years old when he assured the Grand Wizard that “The Klan is needed today as never before.” As late as 1964, when Byrd was 47, he was still totally committed to keeping those uppity darkies in their place. That year, Robert Byrd eagerly joined other Democrats, led by Richard Russell of Georgia, to filibuster the Civil Rights Act to death. Byrd held the Senate floor for a whopping fourteen hours and thirteen minutes. A sample quote from his ’64 oration:

“Men are not created equal today, and they were not created equal in 1776, when the Declaration of Independence was written. Men and races of men differ in appearance, ways, physical power, mental capacity, creativity and vision.”

Hoodwinked The Legacy of Robert Byrd

Filibustering a bill in Congress is not "being a member of the KKK", retard.
So you accept racism as part of the political process???


So you believe taking part in Congressional filibusters is the same as being in the Klan?

Very interesting. Have you ever had a brain scan?
So you think racist attitudes are excused if someone is a Democrat???? Welcome to the 21st century.
As a person? Yes. LBJ. As a politician? JEC
If you want to include the 21st century, I would have to say that since 2009, we have a new winner in both categories.
As a person? HRC and as a politician, BHO.

'Cause Ermie knows LBJ and Hillary personally. Guess they frequent his bar.
Bet they don't sit together though. She was a Goldwater Girl.

The dupes think they can guess character and always get the best liars...
I can ascertain character from the information at hand. LBJ was as Racist in private as George Wallace was in public and as amoral as JFK. hillary clinton has them both beat.
Byrd quit the Klan before he ever ran for office.
I know some others though. How 'bout... Rice Means.
That is a LIE. He led AND recruited for them AFTER winning a seat in the house.
Robert Byrd

Let’s look at Byrd first. In retrospect, it’s rather remarkable that he rose — twice — to be Senate majority leader with such a past. He not only led a KKK chapter, but he organized it and recruited 150 friends to join it. He was unanimously elected an “Exalted Cyclops.” In fact, the effort launched his entrée into politics, as an impressed Klan official told him “the country needs young men like you in the leadership of the nation.”

As our former colleague Eric Pianin wrote in a 2005 article for The Washington Post titled “A Senator’s Shame,” Byrd repeatedly tried to write off his membership in the KKK as some sort of youthful indiscretion. “My only explanation for the entire episode is that I was sorely afflicted with tunnel vision — a jejune and immature outlook — seeing only what I wanted to see because I thought the Klan could provide an outlet for my talents and ambitions,” Byrd wrote in his book, “Robert C. Byrd: Child of the Appalachian Coalfields.”
In truth, his sympathy for Klan perspectives and Klan methods was not a brief infatuation. Byrd was thirty years old when he assured the Grand Wizard that “The Klan is needed today as never before.” As late as 1964, when Byrd was 47, he was still totally committed to keeping those uppity darkies in their place. That year, Robert Byrd eagerly joined other Democrats, led by Richard Russell of Georgia, to filibuster the Civil Rights Act to death. Byrd held the Senate floor for a whopping fourteen hours and thirteen minutes. A sample quote from his ’64 oration:

“Men are not created equal today, and they were not created equal in 1776, when the Declaration of Independence was written. Men and races of men differ in appearance, ways, physical power, mental capacity, creativity and vision.”

Hoodwinked The Legacy of Robert Byrd

Filibustering a bill in Congress is not "being a member of the KKK", retard.
So you accept racism as part of the political process???


So you believe taking part in Congressional filibusters is the same as being in the Klan?

Very interesting. Have you ever had a brain scan?
So you think racist attitudes are excused if someone is a Democrat???? Welcome to the 21st century.

Again, I made no point on what is "excused". Have you ever learned to read?
Tried to remember the "best" of the worst.

How can you ... possibly ... not include the greatest socialist of them all, FDR, as an option?
Tried to remember the "best" of the worst.

How can you ... possibly ... not include the greatest socialist of them all, FDR, as an option?
I was having issues with my computer at the time. Otherwise that list would have been a long one. George Wallace comes to mind. Harold Washington comes to mind as well.
  • Thanks
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As a person? Yes. LBJ. As a politician? JEC
If you want to include the 21st century, I would have to say that since 2009, we have a new winner in both categories.
As a person? HRC and as a politician, BHO.

'Cause Ermie knows LBJ and Hillary personally. Guess they frequent his bar.
Bet they don't sit together though. She was a Goldwater Girl.

The dupes think they can guess character and always get the best liars...
I can ascertain character from the information at hand. LBJ was as Racist in private as George Wallace was in public and as amoral as JFK. hillary clinton has them both beat.

Really. What "information at hand" would that be, Ern?
O'Bama -- "twentieth century", right? Are we clear on what "20th century" means?
1901 thru 2000.
What office did Hillary hold?

Read much history?

I'd suggest:
  • Woodrow Wilson -- racist megalomaniac asshole who stuck our national nose into way too many places it didn't belong including Latin America and guerrillas extending the Russian revolution unnecessarily;
  • Strom Thurmond -- walked out of his party's convention in '48 (<< the one in the 20th century) after hearing too much talk about "civil rights", ran a spoiler POTUS campaign based on racism; kicked off the state ballot for re-election in '54, ran as a write-in, then pissed off his Senate colleagues, even the Southern ones, by staging the longest filibuster in history (24 hours 18 minutes) against civil rights, to no effect at all;
  • George Wallace -- another racist splitter, tried to be Goldwater's running mate in '64, then when Goldwater declined threatened to run on his own...
--- We are talking "20th" Century, right?

Lester Maddox is deserving too, though he had little influence.

FDR and LBJ did far more damage.....

Only the latter with Vietnam. LBJ's a mixed bag; has Vietnam but OTOH has the CRA. First POTUS to prosecute the Klan since Reconstruction IIRC.
There ain't nothing positive to say about Strom Thurmond. He gets my vote.

Well.....he did father a child by a black woman....so he does have that. :)
O'Bama -- "twentieth century", right? Are we clear on what "20th century" means?
1901 thru 2000.
What office did Hillary hold?

Read much history?

I'd suggest:
  • Woodrow Wilson -- racist megalomaniac asshole who stuck our national nose into way too many places it didn't belong including Latin America and guerrillas extending the Russian revolution unnecessarily;
  • Strom Thurmond -- walked out of his party's convention in '48 (<< the one in the 20th century) after hearing too much talk about "civil rights", ran a spoiler POTUS campaign based on racism; kicked off the state ballot for re-election in '54, ran as a write-in, then pissed off his Senate colleagues, even the Southern ones, by staging the longest filibuster in history (24 hours 18 minutes) against civil rights, to no effect at all;
  • George Wallace -- another racist splitter, tried to be Goldwater's running mate in '64, then when Goldwater declined threatened to run on his own...
--- We are talking "20th" Century, right?

Lester Maddox is deserving too, though he had little influence.

FDR and LBJ did far more damage.....

Only the latter with Vietnam. LBJ's a mixed bag; has Vietnam but OTOH has the CRA. First POTUS to prosecute the Klan since Reconstruction IIRC.
There ain't nothing positive to say about Strom Thurmond. He gets my vote.

Well.....he did father a child by a black woman....so he does have that. :)

Essie Mae. We're related.
I don't see how that's a 'positive' --- although to be consistent, Thurmond hadn't run for office yet either.
I see you did not know Obama is not a 20th century President, genius.

hello genius.., nowhere in the poll question was "president" mentioned, here i'll post it once more just for you, in the future try reading what is posted, O-FUCKING-K ??

"Worst Democrat Of The 20th Century?"

therefore O'Husseinbama qualifies as a demoscum of the 20th century, is that clear enough for you ?
I see you did not know Obama is not a 20th century President, genius.

hello genius.., nowhere in the poll question was "president" mentioned, here i'll post it once more just for you, in the future try reading what is posted, O-FUCKING-K ??

"Worst Democrat Of The 20th Century?"

therefore O'Husseinbama qualifies as a demoscum of the 20th century, is that clear enough for you ?

And what did O'bama do in the 20th century to outdo Thurmond, LBJ, Wallace, Wilson et al, Pinkie?
O'Bama -- "twentieth century", right? Are we clear on what "20th century" means?
1901 thru 2000.
What office did Hillary hold?

another fucking genius, nowhere in the poll question was "office" mentioned, here i'll post it once more just for you, in the future try reading what is posted, O-FUCKING-K ??

"Worst Democrat Of The 20th Century?"

she was a demoscum, but now a full fledged fucking commie socialist lying venomous snake. :up:
O'Bama -- "twentieth century", right? Are we clear on what "20th century" means?
1901 thru 2000.
What office did Hillary hold?

another fucking genius, nowhere in the poll question was "office" mentioned, here i'll post it once more just for you, in the future try reading what is posted, O-FUCKING-K ??

"Worst Democrat Of The 20th Century?"

she was a demoscum, but now a full fledged fucking commie socialist lying venomous snake. :up:

And what did she do in the 20th century .....
(once again for the slow that was IN THE 20TH CENTURY... 1901 thru 2000)
.... that was evil enough to outdo Wilson and Thurmond and Lester Maddox and George Wallace?

Vote for an alderman you didn't like?
Bake bad cookies?

Huh Pinkie?
O'Bama -- "twentieth century", right? Are we clear on what "20th century" means?
1901 thru 2000.
What office did Hillary hold?

another fucking genius, nowhere in the poll question was "office" mentioned, here i'll post it once more just for you, in the future try reading what is posted, O-FUCKING-K ??

"Worst Democrat Of The 20th Century?"

she was a demoscum, but now a full fledged fucking commie socialist lying venomous snake. :up:

And what did she do in the 20th century .....
(once again for the slow that was IN THE 20TH CENTURY... 1901 thru 2000)
.... that was evil enough to outdo Wilson and Thurmond and Lester Maddox and George Wallace?

Vote for an alderman you didn't like?
Bake bad cookies?

Huh Pinkie?

Can I change my vote to Hillary???

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