Worst Presidents of all Time:

Worst President of all time:

  • Total voters
History will judge 43 favorably.

No way. The mess that he made the Middle East into will forever weigh against him.

History will never forget the total fuck up that invading Iraq was

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Not to mention his destroying the economy

Thanks Barney Frank.
Yes....it was an insignificant Congressman.....one of 435
Blame the gay guy

Learn about what really happened. Don’t remain ignorant just because it suits your agenda.
Too funny
Blame the gay guy

One congressman has total control over the economy.

I pity your students learning fake history
No way. The mess that he made the Middle East into will forever weigh against him.

History will never forget the total fuck up that invading Iraq was

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Not to mention his destroying the economy

Thanks Barney Frank.
Yes....it was an insignificant Congressman.....one of 435
Blame the gay guy

Learn about what really happened. Don’t remain ignorant just because it suits your agenda.
Too funny
Blame the gay guy

One congressman has total control over the economy.

I pity your students learning fake history

You could never keep up with them.
Not to mention his destroying the economy

Thanks Barney Frank.
Yes....it was an insignificant Congressman.....one of 435
Blame the gay guy

Learn about what really happened. Don’t remain ignorant just because it suits your agenda.
Too funny
Blame the gay guy

One congressman has total control over the economy.

I pity your students learning fake history

You could never keep up with them.
The bigger question is why do the Americans vote for anyone that does not fit our image of what a president should be like? To vote for candidates that have the characteristics their political party paints them with, is obscene. I guess that is the biggest flaw in a democratic republic.
Andrew Jackson was the only president to ever assault his own assassin. shame on anyone who would call him one of the worst presidents!
I voted for:
John Adams (Sedition Act and XYZ Affair)
Pierce (civil war)
Bush Jr.

It's ironic that our last two president both make this list.
This thread is absolute proof republicans are the biggest fucking liars.

For 40 years republicans have unanimously declared that jimmy carter was by far the worst president ever.

They stopped saying it after bush caused the Great Recession but now carter didn’t even make your list?

And obama magically appears on your list? The guy who got us out of Bush’s recessions? The guy who handed trump a Dream economy?
While I'm no fan of democommies, as anyone here can tell you, while Carter was largely ineffective and got little to nothing done, he at least was an honest and sincere man.
so? I agree with all of that and it has nothing to do with the question...try this, Nixon was a dishonest man but a great president who got things done, he won 49 states in a landslide re-election in 72 which means the question as constituted should leave nixon off and add carter....btw, carter is a good man, he is the first person I ever voted for and 4 years later the first I ever voted against
I voted for:
John Adams (Sedition Act and XYZ Affair)
Pierce (civil war)
Bush Jr.

It's ironic that our last two president both make this list.
This thread is absolute proof republicans are the biggest fucking liars.

For 40 years republicans have unanimously declared that jimmy carter was by far the worst president ever.

They stopped saying it after bush caused the Great Recession but now carter didn’t even make your list?

And obama magically appears on your list? The guy who got us out of Bush’s recessions? The guy who handed trump a Dream economy?


I'm a liar for not putting Carter on the list? There's nothing particularly good or bad that Carter did. The negative highlight of his presidency was the crashing of a helicopter during the rescue operation, which wasn't under his control.

Also have you noticed the high demand from conservatives for me to put FDR and Lincoln on the list, even though they presided over the most chaotic times in our history?

Have you noticed the calls from liberals to put Trump on the list, even though his term hasn't finished?
I voted for:
John Adams (Sedition Act and XYZ Affair)
Pierce (civil war)
Bush Jr.

It's ironic that our last two president both make this list.

John Adams? No.

John Adams had a man arrested for calling him fat "His rotundancy" under the Sedition Acts. John Adams nearly succeeded in destroying the United States Constitution while the nation was still in its infancy.

ANd Truman wont get many votes, if any, except from people who didn't like Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

And it's nearly impossible to judge Lincoln and Andrew Johnson due to the Civil War. Those were periods of martial law and habeus corpus suspended and Reconstruction after.

Our Federalist system remained intact after the Civil War as well. It was the 16th and 17th Amendments under Wilson that destroyed State power (17th amendment) and grossly inflated federal power (16th amendment).

Bush Sr. was pretty average and wont be remembered a 100 years from now.

Do you know your views are in the minority...

Historical rankings of presidents of the United States - Wikipedia

These are Notable scholar surveys not Fox news lemmings...
Do you know your views are in the minority...

Which means?

And yes, my votes on John Adams and Wilson are minority views, as the poll reflects.

From your own link (which agrees with my premise that Lincoln and Truman are either held in high positive standing, or their negative actions are beyond judgement due to the insanity of their times):

And if I was a Fox News Lemming, I'd have Carter and FDR available in the poll. Like a decent judge (left or right), I know how discern between my own personal politics and historical reality. Do you see Bill Clinton on the poll their for lying under oath about getting a blowjob? Likewise the Russia-gate narrative was false (at best) or a political hoax (most likely) or an intended act of Sedition (at worst). So why would I put Trump up there, especially when his term has yet to finish?

Abraham Lincoln, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and George Washington are most often listed as the three highest-rated Presidents among historians. The remaining places within the Top 10 are often rounded out by Theodore Roosevelt, Thomas Jefferson, Harry S. Truman, Woodrow Wilson, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Andrew Jackson, and John F. Kennedy. More recent Presidents such as Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton are often rated among the greatest in public opinion polls, but do not always rank as highly among presidential scholars and historians. The bottom 10 often include James Buchanan, Warren G. Harding, Andrew Johnson, Franklin Pierce, Millard Fillmore, William Henry Harrison, John Tyler, Ulysses S. Grant, Zachary Taylor, and George W. Bush. Because William Henry Harrison (30 days) and James A. Garfield (200 days, incapacitated after 119 days) both died shortly after taking office, they are usually omitted from presidential rankings. Furthermore, Zachary Taylor died after serving as president for only 16 months, but he is usually included. In the case of these three, it is not clear if they received low rankings due to their actions as President, or because each was in office for such a limited time that it is not possible to assess them more thoroughly.
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I voted for:
John Adams (Sedition Act and XYZ Affair)
Pierce (civil war)
Bush Jr.

It's ironic that our last two president both make this list.
This thread is absolute proof republicans are the biggest fucking liars.

For 40 years republicans have unanimously declared that jimmy carter was by far the worst president ever.

They stopped saying it after bush caused the Great Recession but now carter didn’t even make your list?

And obama magically appears on your list? The guy who got us out of Bush’s recessions? The guy who handed trump a Dream economy?


I'm a liar for not putting Carter on the list? There's nothing particularly good or bad that Carter did. The negative highlight of his presidency was the crashing of a helicopter during the rescue operation, which wasn't under his control.

Also have you noticed the high demand from conservatives for me to put FDR and Lincoln on the list, even though they presided over the most chaotic times in our history?

Have you noticed the calls from liberals to put Trump on the list, even though his term hasn't finished?
Trumps not one of the worst except for being divisive.

I’m just saying your list proves republicans since the 80s were fos to call carter the worst. You vindicated him. And you prove I am right that Bush was one of the worse. Thanks.

Unkotare wants fdr on the list because he’s got a hard on for Asians and fdr put them in internment camps. Disregard that one.

The Lincoln suggestion came from a racist because lincoln freed the slaves. Disregard that one too.

I’m just glad you admit bush is on the short list.

Putting obama on your list just proves you’re now doing to him what you did to carter. Just a partisan hitjob. Bs.
Andrew Jackson was the only president to ever assault his own assassin. shame on anyone who would call him one of the worst presidents!
Teddy Roosevelt was shot by an assasin. The bullet was slowed down by a folded up speech in his pocket. He refused medical attention and proceeded to give a speech for an hour and a half before he let them remove the bullet
I voted for:
John Adams (Sedition Act and XYZ Affair)
Pierce (civil war)
Bush Jr.

It's ironic that our last two president both make this list.

John Adams? No.

John Adams had a man arrested for calling him fat "His rotundancy" under the Sedition Acts. John Adams nearly succeeded in destroying the United States Constitution while the nation was still in its infancy.

ANd Truman wont get many votes, if any, except from people who didn't like Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

And it's nearly impossible to judge Lincoln and Andrew Johnson due to the Civil War. Those were periods of martial law and habeus corpus suspended and Reconstruction after.

Our Federalist system remained intact after the Civil War as well. It was the 16th and 17th Amendments under Wilson that destroyed State power (17th amendment) and grossly inflated federal power (16th amendment).

Bush Sr. was pretty average and wont be remembered a 100 years from now.

Do you know your views are in the minority...

Historical rankings of presidents of the United States - Wikipedia

These are Notable scholar surveys not Fox news lemmings...

Interesting to note that these notable scholars rank Reagan and Eisenhower as top ten. Shows they are not partisan
I voted for:
John Adams (Sedition Act and XYZ Affair)
Pierce (civil war)
Bush Jr.

It's ironic that our last two president both make this list.

Well, its a list that you just threw together without listing any criteria. I think it would have been better to put every President on the list and let people just pick one President to see what the results would be.

Either way you do it though, the vast majority of people obviously know very little about most people who have been President of the United States and so are not really qualified to make this judgement.

Notice, the last two Presidents are high on the list, primarily because people KNOW who they are. Wilson and Johnson also get a lot of votes because they are famous.

Then of course there is the issue of political bias. If we had professionals doing this, say Presidential Historians and Political Scientist, they would need to be divided into three groups:

A. Those that are registered Republicans
B. Those that are registered Democrats
C. Those that are registered Independents or other political parties

01. Have them rank the Presidents from best to worst.
02. You then have three separate list of best to worst of all the Presidents.
03. Give each President points for their particular rank on each list by the different groups. Say if your #1 on one list that's 45 points, #10 on another list 35 points, the third list #5 equals 35 points.
04. Add the points up from all three list for each President.
05. Re-rank all the Presidents with their total points from the one with the most to the ones with the least.

06. You finally have a list that tries to be objective as possible by balancing out political bias.

The composition of the Presidential Historians and Political Scientist should be 100 registered Republicans, 100 registered Democrats, and 100 registered Independents or the much smaller political parties.
I voted for:
John Adams (Sedition Act and XYZ Affair)
Pierce (civil war)
Bush Jr.

It's ironic that our last two president both make this list.

John Adams? No.

John Adams had a man arrested for calling him fat "His rotundancy" under the Sedition Acts. John Adams nearly succeeded in destroying the United States Constitution while the nation was still in its infancy.

ANd Truman wont get many votes, if any, except from people who didn't like Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

And it's nearly impossible to judge Lincoln and Andrew Johnson due to the Civil War. Those were periods of martial law and habeus corpus suspended and Reconstruction after.

Our Federalist system remained intact after the Civil War as well. It was the 16th and 17th Amendments under Wilson that destroyed State power (17th amendment) and grossly inflated federal power (16th amendment).

Bush Sr. was pretty average and wont be remembered a 100 years from now.

Do you know your views are in the minority...

Historical rankings of presidents of the United States - Wikipedia

These are Notable scholar surveys not Fox news lemmings...

Interesting to note that these notable scholars rank Reagan and Eisenhower as top ten. Shows they are not partisan

I think you really need to know whether the Presidential Historians/Political Scientist are registered Republicans, Democrats, or Independent/Other. Political bias and partisanship will have the greatest impact on the most recent Presidents. So siting a President ranking high from decades ago is not really a way to determine if the list was skewed because of partisanship.

You should probably have 3 different list:

A. One done by 100 registered Republican Presidential Historians/Political Scientist
B. One done by 100 registered Democratic Presidential Historians/Political Scientist
C. One done by 100 registered Independents/other smaller political parties Presidential Historians/Political Scientist

You then average the results of each of the three list into one list. While not perfect, you get a list that is far more free of political bias and partisanship than the ones shown on Wikipedia.

I think if you could see the party registration status of those contributing to the list on Wikipedia, you find that most would have strong majorities of registered Democrats.
The OP's list biggest error may be not including Donald Trump. In any event, a list on a forum like this will only see well known Presidents getting lots of votes since most Americans don't even know who many of the Presidents of the country are.

In fact, only 7% of people can actually name the first four Presidents. How can you rate who is best or worst when 90% of people can't even name half of the people who have been President of the country.
Do you know your views are in the minority...

Which means?

And yes, my votes on John Adams and Wilson are minority views, as the poll reflects.

From your own link (which agrees with my premise that Lincoln and Truman are either held in high positive standing, or their negative actions are beyond judgement due to the insanity of their times):

And if I was a Fox News Lemming, I'd have Carter and FDR available in the poll. Like a decent judge (left or right), I know how discern between my own personal politics and historical reality. Do you see Bill Clinton on the poll their for lying under oath about getting a blowjob? Likewise the Russia-gate narrative was false (at best) or a political hoax (most likely) or an intended act of Sedition (at worst). So why would I put Trump up there, especially when his term has yet to finish?

Abraham Lincoln, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and George Washington are most often listed as the three highest-rated Presidents among historians. The remaining places within the Top 10 are often rounded out by Theodore Roosevelt, Thomas Jefferson, Harry S. Truman, Woodrow Wilson, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Andrew Jackson, and John F. Kennedy. More recent Presidents such as Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton are often rated among the greatest in public opinion polls, but do not always rank as highly among presidential scholars and historians. The bottom 10 often include James Buchanan, Warren G. Harding, Andrew Johnson, Franklin Pierce, Millard Fillmore, William Henry Harrison, John Tyler, Ulysses S. Grant, Zachary Taylor, and George W. Bush. Because William Henry Harrison (30 days) and James A. Garfield (200 days, incapacitated after 119 days) both died shortly after taking office, they are usually omitted from presidential rankings. Furthermore, Zachary Taylor died after serving as president for only 16 months, but he is usually included. In the case of these three, it is not clear if they received low rankings due to their actions as President, or because each was in office for such a limited time that it is not possible to assess them more thoroughly.

Lets just say, one of the worst Presidents on the list is Harding. Mainly for the Teapot Dome Scandal.

Trump is looking down the the barrel on this type of scandal on himself or his cabinet... The hotels and golf courses are relatively small fry but a normal President would have made a clear distinction.

His big problem seems to lie with where he sourced funding and continues to do so. On top of that his businesses are not doing well.
The Cost of the Office? Trump’s Billion-Dollar Loss — “Trump, Inc.” Podcast Extra — ProPublica

Trump doesn't come across as a person with $4bn+ wealth... He actually comes across as much poorer... Example: the Trump plane was a trash can in the air by modern standards, spends time on projects that make or loose $10m, no American bank will touch him..... No hard proof but it does raise questions...

There is also the immoral stuff... His father had to stop him trying to be his sole heir so he could rescue his businesses... Sex abuse allegations (you don't get that many, you and me would be doing time)... Business practices....

Best think to happen Trump would be to loose in 2020... He could walk out on shield, his supporters will alway love him then... If he stick around and a recession hits, he will be toast... He would have to borrow close to $3 trillion a year, that is a lot... He is already borrowing more than Obama did when Obama was close to a Depression and needed to bring the US back from the brink...

Despite what the GOP say today... Time is going to very good to Obama... He took US in a crisis and handed back running into a boom economy. He got US trusted again after Bush went to war under false information. Obamacare will be seen as the first step to sane healthcare policy. He will be admired for being decent man when compare to Trump.
I voted for:
John Adams (Sedition Act and XYZ Affair)
Pierce (civil war)
Bush Jr.

It's ironic that our last two president both make this list.

John Adams? No.

John Adams had a man arrested for calling him fat "His rotundancy" under the Sedition Acts. John Adams nearly succeeded in destroying the United States Constitution while the nation was still in its infancy.

ANd Truman wont get many votes, if any, except from people who didn't like Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

And it's nearly impossible to judge Lincoln and Andrew Johnson due to the Civil War. Those were periods of martial law and habeus corpus suspended and Reconstruction after.

Our Federalist system remained intact after the Civil War as well. It was the 16th and 17th Amendments under Wilson that destroyed State power (17th amendment) and grossly inflated federal power (16th amendment).

Bush Sr. was pretty average and wont be remembered a 100 years from now.

Do you know your views are in the minority...

Historical rankings of presidents of the United States - Wikipedia

These are Notable scholar surveys not Fox news lemmings...

Interesting to note that these notable scholars rank Reagan and Eisenhower as top ten. Shows they are not partisan

I think you really need to know whether the Presidential Historians/Political Scientist are registered Republicans, Democrats, or Independent/Other. Political bias and partisanship will have the greatest impact on the most recent Presidents. So siting a President ranking high from decades ago is not really a way to determine if the list was skewed because of partisanship.

You should probably have 3 different list:

A. One done by 100 registered Republican Presidential Historians/Political Scientist
B. One done by 100 registered Democratic Presidential Historians/Political Scientist
C. One done by 100 registered Independents/other smaller political parties Presidential Historians/Political Scientist

You then average the results of each of the three list into one list. While not perfect, you get a list that is far more free of political bias and partisanship than the ones shown on Wikipedia.

I think if you could see the party registration status of those contributing to the list on Wikipedia, you find that most would have strong majorities of registered Democrats.

I can understand where you are coming from but I am not surprised byReagan and Eisenhower... They are not disliked by much of moderate Democrats and very popular with GOP... It also showed Reagan aged well, relatively unpopular for the decade afterwards but remembered fondly...
Clinton, I think gets unfairly treated... He rang a great economy and made some great decisions...
Obama is hands down the worst President; Obamagate will seal the deal.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I voted for:
John Adams (Sedition Act and XYZ Affair)
Pierce (civil war)
Bush Jr.

It's ironic that our last two president both make this list.

John Adams? No.

John Adams had a man arrested for calling him fat "His rotundancy" under the Sedition Acts. John Adams nearly succeeded in destroying the United States Constitution while the nation was still in its infancy.

ANd Truman wont get many votes, if any, except from people who didn't like Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

And it's nearly impossible to judge Lincoln and Andrew Johnson due to the Civil War. Those were periods of martial law and habeus corpus suspended and Reconstruction after.

Our Federalist system remained intact after the Civil War as well. It was the 16th and 17th Amendments under Wilson that destroyed State power (17th amendment) and grossly inflated federal power (16th amendment).

Bush Sr. was pretty average and wont be remembered a 100 years from now.

Do you know your views are in the minority...

Historical rankings of presidents of the United States - Wikipedia

These are Notable scholar surveys not Fox news lemmings...

Interesting to note that these notable scholars rank Reagan and Eisenhower as top ten. Shows they are not partisan

I think you really need to know whether the Presidential Historians/Political Scientist are registered Republicans, Democrats, or Independent/Other. Political bias and partisanship will have the greatest impact on the most recent Presidents. So siting a President ranking high from decades ago is not really a way to determine if the list was skewed because of partisanship.

You should probably have 3 different list:

A. One done by 100 registered Republican Presidential Historians/Political Scientist
B. One done by 100 registered Democratic Presidential Historians/Political Scientist
C. One done by 100 registered Independents/other smaller political parties Presidential Historians/Political Scientist

You then average the results of each of the three list into one list. While not perfect, you get a list that is far more free of political bias and partisanship than the ones shown on Wikipedia.

I think if you could see the party registration status of those contributing to the list on Wikipedia, you find that most would have strong majorities of registered Democrats.

That was done. Granted it doesn't include newer presidents since it was done in the 80s.

But what it shows is over time as the initial political division fades we see the stances become very similar.

In the end harding Grant Johnson and Pierce and Buchanan are the 5 which both sides had agreed. And the top 8 were a consensus of both sides, with Lincoln a consensus number one and Washington/FDR number two and three


I think while that shows that statements and beliefs of a president soon after office remain strongly divisive, over time you can judge the impact of those. So while Lincoln was arguably the least liked president at the time, his positive impact is what he is measured on. Whereas soon after Jimmy Carter's presidency, his dislike was high, but decades later his impact for good/bad of the US was minimal in comparison to others. LBJ/Eisenhower were the only top 10 and difference between groups, which were also the only two presidents to make up the most recent ones in that top 10.
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