Worst Presidents of all Time:

Worst President of all time:

  • Total voters
Maybe if you were a little older you’d remember what finally convinced the fucking animals to agree.

Oh you want his name?........

The name that made things happen after 444 days of Carter's weakness was: Ronald Reagan.
Reagan wasn't president yet and wasn't in a position to bring the hostages home.

The animals knew a real man was soon to take office, and they knew what that would mean, as criminals of such ilk have always known. Fully feminized liberals like Carter was (somewhat ahead of his time) can't even understand what the hell I'm talking about.
Those animals negotiated with Jimmy Carter on the release

Give it up, kid. I was watching carefully. The who world knew the score. Peanut Boy was a weak joke that encouraged the animals by being so weak. They knew what would happen if Americans were still their prisoners when Reagan took office. Sorry Mary, but sometimes strength works.
Oh you want his name?........

The name that made things happen after 444 days of Carter's weakness was: Ronald Reagan.
Reagan wasn't president yet and wasn't in a position to bring the hostages home.

The animals knew a real man was soon to take office, and they knew what that would mean, as criminals of such ilk have always known. Fully feminized liberals like Carter was (somewhat ahead of his time) can't even understand what the hell I'm talking about.
Those animals negotiated with Jimmy Carter on the release

Give it up, kid. I was watching carefully. The who world knew the score. Peanut Boy was a weak joke that encouraged the animals by being so weak. They knew what would happen if Americans were still their prisoners when Reagan took office. Sorry Mary, but sometimes strength works.

Carter ignored the rants of the Right that he needed to invade or be weak.
An invasion would have killed the hostages and brought about a war
If he had invaded, Carter would have been re-elected

Instead, he showed patience, negotiated and got their safe return

Cost him the presidency
Actually, Dick Cheney was the worst president--Bush just pretended to be.

The name that made things happen after 444 days of Carter's weakness was: Ronald Reagan.
Reagan wasn't president yet and wasn't in a position to bring the hostages home.

The animals knew a real man was soon to take office, and they knew what that would mean, as criminals of such ilk have always known. Fully feminized liberals like Carter was (somewhat ahead of his time) can't even understand what the hell I'm talking about.
Those animals negotiated with Jimmy Carter on the release

Give it up, kid. I was watching carefully. The who world knew the score. Peanut Boy was a weak joke that encouraged the animals by being so weak. They knew what would happen if Americans were still their prisoners when Reagan took office. Sorry Mary, but sometimes strength works.

Carter ignored the rants of the Right that he needed to invade or be weak.
An invasion would have killed the hostages and brought about a war
If he had invaded, Carter would have been re-elected

Instead, he showed patience, negotiated and got their safe return

Cost him the presidency

Bullshit. He tried a military option, and failed miserably. Carter was never going to invade, you know that was not in his nature. It’s very nice that someone’s nature is peaceful, more people should have such a nature, but when action is needed a milk toast peanut farmer is not what your enemies will respect.
Reagan wasn't president yet and wasn't in a position to bring the hostages home.

The animals knew a real man was soon to take office, and they knew what that would mean, as criminals of such ilk have always known. Fully feminized liberals like Carter was (somewhat ahead of his time) can't even understand what the hell I'm talking about.
Those animals negotiated with Jimmy Carter on the release

Give it up, kid. I was watching carefully. The who world knew the score. Peanut Boy was a weak joke that encouraged the animals by being so weak. They knew what would happen if Americans were still their prisoners when Reagan took office. Sorry Mary, but sometimes strength works.

Carter ignored the rants of the Right that he needed to invade or be weak.
An invasion would have killed the hostages and brought about a war
If he had invaded, Carter would have been re-elected

Instead, he showed patience, negotiated and got their safe return

Cost him the presidency

Bullshit. He tried a military option, and failed miserably. Carter was never going to invade, you know that was not in his nature. It’s very nice that someone’s nature is peaceful, more people should have such a nature, but when action is needed a milk toast peanut farmer is not what your enemies will respect.
He tried a rescue ...not a bombing or invasion that conservatives demanded

Carter got them back alive
It's not unproven that members of Congress often vote to please their constituents, against their own interests. That's how they get elected. And its not a coincidence Bush pushed for that vote just weeks before an election, knowing he would get at least a few votes from folks running for re-election who wouldn't want to look weak against a call to reign in Iraq. In the shadow of 9.11, no less.
Clinton (NY), Biden ( Delaware), Kerry (Maine) were all Senators of deep blue states. In no way were any of their reelections threatened by voting pro-war, even in the wake of 9/11.
Reagan wasn't president yet and wasn't in a position to bring the hostages home.

The animals knew a real man was soon to take office, and they knew what that would mean, as criminals of such ilk have always known. Fully feminized liberals like Carter was (somewhat ahead of his time) can't even understand what the hell I'm talking about.
Those animals negotiated with Jimmy Carter on the release

Give it up, kid. I was watching carefully. The who world knew the score. Peanut Boy was a weak joke that encouraged the animals by being so weak. They knew what would happen if Americans were still their prisoners when Reagan took office. Sorry Mary, but sometimes strength works.

Carter ignored the rants of the Right that he needed to invade or be weak.
An invasion would have killed the hostages and brought about a war
If he had invaded, Carter would have been re-elected

Instead, he showed patience, negotiated and got their safe return

Cost him the presidency

Bullshit. He tried a military option, and failed miserably. Carter was never going to invade, you know that was not in his nature. It’s very nice that someone’s nature is peaceful, more people should have such a nature, but when action is needed a milk toast peanut farmer is not what your enemies will respect.

Oh please. Spare us the John Wayne act. :rolleyes:
Oh you want his name?........

The name that made things happen after 444 days of Carter's weakness was: Ronald Reagan.
Reagan wasn't president yet and wasn't in a position to bring the hostages home.

The animals knew a real man was soon to take office, and they knew what that would mean, as criminals of such ilk have always known. Fully feminized liberals like Carter was (somewhat ahead of his time) can't even understand what the hell I'm talking about.
Those animals negotiated with Jimmy Carter on the release

Give it up, kid. I was watching carefully. The who world knew the score. Peanut Boy was a weak joke that encouraged the animals by being so weak. They knew what would happen if Americans were still their prisoners when Reagan took office. Sorry Mary, but sometimes strength works.


I just voted

I voted Hussein Obama ...the traitor...the Renegade....the worst scum ever.....

Hopefully he will get his time under the sun..and pay for all he has done.

I for one ....can't wait.
Bullshit. He tried a military option, and failed miserably. Carter was never going to invade, you know that was not in his nature. It’s very nice that someone’s nature is peaceful, more people should have such a nature, but when action is needed a milk toast peanut farmer is not what your enemies will respect.

How on earth it's it Carter's fault the helicopter crashed? Was he piloting it?
It was not a dumb war. It was a war the United States was already in. It started the day Saddam invaded and annexed Kuwait essentially. The United States was already engaged in military activity against Iraq on annual basis from 1991 to 2003 and for good reasons. But starting in 2000, Saddam began to wiggle out from under sanctions and the weapons embargo. That meant war in the future would only get costlier as time went by. The containment policy was broken and the only option left was to remove the Saddam. Iraq, the region, and the world are far better off today because of the removal of Saddam. The dumb thing to do would have been to leave Saddam in power.
Thank you Dick Cheney.

Dick was right that Saddam needed to go. But I wouldn't expect Saddam defenders to understand that.

When did Iraq become our 57th state? Refresh me.

Back in 1812, the United States was a small weak country and only become involved in conflict typically if its own territory was invaded. The world has changed a lot since 1812. In the early 20th century, the United States discovered it could no longer avoid or maintain isolationism because of the impact it had on the United States. The United States is one of the largest industrialized states in the world that is heavily dependent on a stable world economy that is fed by oil from Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. U.S. and global dependence on Persian Gulf Oil for stable global economy became a reality back in the 1940s. Global petroleum consumption today is 50% higher than it was in 1991. Petroleum based products are vital to the global economy of which the United States is heavily entrenched in and prospers from. Anything that threatens that supply of Petroleum from the states of Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, and Bahrain is a threat to the United States and the rest of the world. Saddam's invasion and annexation of Kuwait in 1990 followed by his uncooperative and threatening behavior in the years after his defeat in the 1991 Gulf War plus the failure of the containment mechanisms, meant that it was a necessity that the Saddam regime be removed from power to keep natural resources vital to the global economic growth and prosperity safe.
Dick was right that Saddam needed to go. But I wouldn't expect Saddam defenders to understand that.
Saddam defenders like the fucking CIA and Pentagon that propped him up ?? Dick was and is a war criminal and can't leave the country without fear of arrest.

Shocking Details About CIA Asset Saddam Hussein

More than 90% of Saddam's war machine built up in the 1980s and before came from the Soviet Union and China. The United States loaned money to Iraq in the 1980s, but it was only about 10% of the total that other donors around the world gave. Trucks and Transport Helicopters were also given as well as Satellite intelligence on Iranian military formations. The United States had no advisors on the ground in Iraq, while the Soviet Union had several thousand until just before the start of the 1991 Gulf War. Saddam's Iraq was a client state of the Soviet Union. It was only after the Iranian revolution in 1979 and the start of the Iran/Iraq war that the United States pitched in some to help prevent Iraq from losing the war. When it came to actual weapons though, the United States did not give any to Iraq. But it did give over 2,000 TOW missiles to the Iranians. The United States preferred that the Iran/Iraq war end in more of stalemate and that is what actually happened. The problem was the massive amounts of military supplies and training Iraq had received from the Soviet Union which gave it tremendous conventional offensive military capabilities for the region. That's before one starts to discuss Iraq's WMD capabilities at the time as well. International Relations can temporarily make some strange bed fellows, but make no mistake, Iraq's military capabilities, tactics, strategies, and equipment mostly came from the Soviet Union.
Bullshit. He tried a military option, and failed miserably. Carter was never going to invade, you know that was not in his nature. It’s very nice that someone’s nature is peaceful, more people should have such a nature, but when action is needed a milk toast peanut farmer is not what your enemies will respect.

How on earth it's it Carter's fault the helicopter crashed? Was he piloting it?
Same thing happened to Obama in the bin Laden raid. One of the two helicopters crashed on the compound wall. Nobody was killed and the mission completed

Obama was proclaimed a hero
Carter a goat
More than 90% of Saddam's war machine built up in the 1980s and before came from the Soviet Union and China. The United States loaned money to Iraq in the 1980s, but it was only about 10% of the total that other donors around the world gave. Trucks and Transport Helicopters were also given as well as Satellite intelligence on Iranian military formations. The United States had no advisors on the ground in Iraq, while the Soviet Union had several thousand until just before the start of the 1991 Gulf War. Saddam's Iraq was a client state of the Soviet Union. It was only after the Iranian revolution in 1979 and the start of the Iran/Iraq war that the United States pitched in some to help prevent Iraq from losing the war. When it came to actual weapons though, the United States did not give any to Iraq. But it did give over 2,000 TOW missiles to the Iranians. The United States preferred that the Iran/Iraq war end in more of stalemate and that is what actually happened. The problem was the massive amounts of military supplies and training Iraq had received from the Soviet Union which gave it tremendous conventional offensive military capabilities for the region. That's before one starts to discuss Iraq's WMD capabilities at the time as well. International Relations can temporarily make some strange bed fellows, but make no mistake, Iraq's military capabilities, tactics, strategies, and equipment mostly came from the Soviet Union.
The US helped Saddam kill a million Iranians with that satellite intelligence, and the altered-spore anthrax missiles were the wmd's in question ( that we armed him with covertly through the CIA but were never used )--then he invaded Kuwait.
Gulf War Syndrome settlements.
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Bullshit. He tried a military option, and failed miserably. Carter was never going to invade, you know that was not in his nature. It’s very nice that someone’s nature is peaceful, more people should have such a nature, but when action is needed a milk toast peanut farmer is not what your enemies will respect.

How on earth it's it Carter's fault the helicopter crashed? Was he piloting it?

That was Carter's failing. WAY too much attention to detail. :eusa_shifty:

Then Reagan the Great Delegator came in and we got shit like Iran Contra.
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I just voted

I voted Hussein Obama ...the traitor...the Renegade....the worst scum ever.....

Hopefully he will get his time under the sun..and pay for all he has done.

I for one ....can't wait.

Yeah I think you can.

FFS, if I waited to insert Rump on the list, you can too.

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