Worst Presidents of all Time:

Worst President of all time:

  • Total voters
IT would be difficult to beat Harding.
Harding didn't want to be President, reluctantly accepted, and then spent his time absolutely ignoring his duties while the country was being ransacked by the rich.

Closest to Trump in being poorly suited for the position to which he was elected
Dude...if you want to parrot the more idiotic statements like that, leave me out of it.
I prefer to debate reality with you and not nonsensical rock throwing.
I could easily say the same about Obama, who also allowed the rich to ransack the country. But I won't, as bad as I believe Obama was, he is not even close to Harding. Or Wilson. Or Buchanan ...and on and on
Harding was poorly suited for the position. He has corrupt staff who abused their positions around him, he had little interest in the day to day responsibilities of the job, he was essentially a figurehead

Similar to Trump

Similar to Obama...see how that works?
Obama is a H U G E disappointment.
Not since Kennedy had a President had so much opportunity. And what did he do with it? He handed health care over to the corrupt houses, and handed over the economic fixes to the very same people that caused it.
Like I said before, since 2009 we have the most empty homes in American history. We have more empty homes than homeless. Why? Because the mortgage holders of those assets were bailed out 100%...while the homeowner had to abandon the property... the banks were all bailed out.
And don't even get me started in all of the other corporate welfare that took place, and CONTINUED to take place even though the companies STILL RECEIVING free money were having record profit years, There was no better time in our history to be wealthy than during Obama's presidency - PERIOD.
<sob> But...But what about Obama?

I provided details about how Trump is similar to Harding you are just making shit up

Neither Trump nor Harding wanted to be President, they were thrust into the job

How they are different is that Harding was a drunk and gambler in his free time .....Trump does neither

Trump is emotionally insecure, paranoid and a prolific liar. No evidence Harding had those failings

MAking shit up...so Obama didn't bail out the investment banks while the homeowners were kicked out? Go ahead... tell me that didn't happen.
so the Obama admin didn't continue to provide free cash to the $billion investment banks while they were having record years...Go ahead tell me that didn't happen.
Harding was wholly and completely corrupt. He was urged to run because they wanted a stooge in the White House... and he knew it. And he didn't like it, but also knew he was going to be ruined by them if he didn't accept.
Trump is corrupt in his own way, primarily corrupted by his own ego and self grandiose.
He is pompous, engages in idiotic bantor with morons that don't mean anything. He certainly doesn't act Presidential, hell even Bush Jr. did that.
But he is far from the worst. And as bad as Obama was being a globalist/elitist...he wasn't the worst either.
Closest to Trump in being poorly suited for the position to which he was elected
Dude...if you want to parrot the more idiotic statements like that, leave me out of it.
I prefer to debate reality with you and not nonsensical rock throwing.
I could easily say the same about Obama, who also allowed the rich to ransack the country. But I won't, as bad as I believe Obama was, he is not even close to Harding. Or Wilson. Or Buchanan ...and on and on
Harding was poorly suited for the position. He has corrupt staff who abused their positions around him, he had little interest in the day to day responsibilities of the job, he was essentially a figurehead

Similar to Trump

Similar to Obama...see how that works?
Obama is a H U G E disappointment.
Not since Kennedy had a President had so much opportunity. And what did he do with it? He handed health care over to the corrupt houses, and handed over the economic fixes to the very same people that caused it.
Like I said before, since 2009 we have the most empty homes in American history. We have more empty homes than homeless. Why? Because the mortgage holders of those assets were bailed out 100%...while the homeowner had to abandon the property... the banks were all bailed out.
And don't even get me started in all of the other corporate welfare that took place, and CONTINUED to take place even though the companies STILL RECEIVING free money were having record profit years, There was no better time in our history to be wealthy than during Obama's presidency - PERIOD.
<sob> But...But what about Obama?

I provided details about how Trump is similar to Harding you are just making shit up

Neither Trump nor Harding wanted to be President, they were thrust into the job

How they are different is that Harding was a drunk and gambler in his free time .....Trump does neither

Trump is emotionally insecure, paranoid and a prolific liar. No evidence Harding had those failings

MAking shit up...so Obama didn't bail out the investment banks while the homeowners were kicked out? Go ahead... tell me that didn't happen.
so the Obama admin didn't continue to provide free cash to the $billion investment banks while they were having record years...Go ahead tell me that didn't happen.
Harding was wholly and completely corrupt. He was urged to run because they wanted a stooge in the White House... and he knew it. And he didn't like it, but also knew he was going to be ruined by them if he didn't accept.
Trump is corrupt in his own way, primarily corrupted by his own ego and self grandiose.
He is pompous, engages in idiotic bantor with morons that don't mean anything. He certainly doesn't act Presidential, hell even Bush Jr. did that.
But he is far from the worst. And as bad as Obama was being a globalist/elitist...he wasn't the worst either.
Actually, you are correct

Obama DID rescue the economy from an impending Depression
... Iraq never used anthrax .
But he had rockets loaded with it from us. That's why Rumsfeld bypassed FDA and changed the troops anthrax vaccines. My brother was one of them who got epilepsy from it.
Go to 31:30, where he talks about arming Saddam covertly....

Anthrax is not a chemical weapon. Its a biological weapon. Saddam did not have missiles armed with anything other than conventional explosives in the 1980s. The means of delivery for chemical weapons were 152 mm artillery shells and aerial sprayer systems mounted on helicopters and fix wing aircraft. Saddam was able to weaponize anthrax in the lab that he was able to obtain by not being under sanctions at the time. So there was a potential threat, although its uncertain what the delivery system would be, which is why millions of servicemen and women were given the anthrax vaccines. But to the best of my knowledge, its never been proven that Iraq moved their weaponized anthrax beyond the lab and found a good way to deliver it in weaponized form. But at the time, there was no way to know for sure.

All of Saddam's delivery systems for chemical weapons came from countries like the Soviet Union, China, and France. The United States never sold Iraq any weapon systems or chemicals. But it did make sure that Iraq was not under certain sanctions which did allow Iraq to acquire sample chemicals and biologicals that they could later weaponize in their own labs and then mass produce themselves. The United States did sell Iraq unarmed military trucks and military transport helicopters as well as loaning Iraq $5 Billion dollars during the war. Then there were of course satellite photos showing Iranian military positions and other intelligence that the United States sent Iraq to prevent the state from collapsing in the face of Iranian offensives at various times. At the same time though, the United States gave Iran thousands of TOW missiles to help try and offset Iraq's stronger armor capabilities. Again, the United States more limited role was playing for a stalemate between Iraq and Iran followed quickly by a ceacefire and an end to the war. This finally came at the end of 1988. But it was the Soviets heavy support and training of Iraq's conventional forces after several years which finally gave Iraq the upper hand and led to a semi victory for Iraq in 1988 which resulted in a ceacefire in which Iraq received land in various areas along the original border from Iran. Ironically, Iraq gave this land back to Iran just before the start of the 1991 Gulf War probably as a way to bribe them into not joining in the coalition.
No way Trump is ahead of W. or Nixon on the worst President list...

W nor nixon were putin's bitch.

Oh Lard!

Well tell me did Mueller tell you that, oh wait he said Russia did not do anything that would have changed the outcome of the 2016 election..

So your opinion is based on what Rachel Maddow tell you and not reality as usual.

Is Trump perfect?


Now with that written it seem you prefer a President that lies you into war or one that allowed genocide of Cambodians over Trump and why?

MSM has convinced you Trump is Putin bitch...

Well then Obama was China, North Korea, and Iran bitch with the blessing of Putin and Hillary reset button...

Comey cost Hillary the election and not Putin nor Wikileaks...


trump is deCONstructing the administrative state, obliterating our institutions, & installed the very antithetical people into their respective cabinet positions. he & his swamp are a cancer that is slowing eating away at this nation from within.

Didn't you say that about George W. Bush and Richard B. Cheney?

Donald John Trump has done very little to erode the Republic we live in and individuals like you make stories up to sooth yourself while you reject reality...

The only thing Trump is truly guilty of is being the egotistical ass that he is and hurting snowflakes feelings on twatter.

So I have you down that you rather be lied into a war and supporting genocide just because you hate Trump and reality so much...
I agree Bushs lies did more damage than Trumps.
That is why I rank Bush lower

In Gallup's average approval ratings, W actually does a little better than Obama.


John F. Kennedy - 70%
Dwight D. Eisenhower - 65%
George H.W. Bush - 61%
Lyndon B. Johnson - 55%
Bill Clinton - 55%
Ronald Reagan - 53%
George W. Bush - 49%
Richard Nixon - 49%
Barack Obama - 48%
Gerald Ford - 47%
Jimmy Carter - 46%
Harry S. Truman - 45%
Donald J. Trump - 40%
... Iraq never used anthrax .
But he had rockets loaded with it from us. That's why Rumsfeld bypassed FDA and changed the troops anthrax vaccines. My brother was one of them who got epilepsy from it.
Go to 31:30, where he talks about arming Saddam covertly....

Anthrax is not a chemical weapon. Its a biological weapon. Saddam did not have missiles armed with anything other than conventional explosives in the 1980s. The means of delivery for chemical weapons were 152 mm artillery shells and aerial sprayer systems mounted on helicopters and fix wing aircraft. Saddam was able to weaponize anthrax in the lab that he was able to obtain by not being under sanctions at the time. So there was a potential threat, although its uncertain what the delivery system would be, which is why millions of servicemen and women were given the anthrax vaccines. But to the best of my knowledge, its never been proven that Iraq moved their weaponized anthrax beyond the lab and found a good way to deliver it in weaponized form. But at the time, there was no way to know for sure.

All of Saddam's delivery systems for chemical weapons came from countries like the Soviet Union, China, and France. The United States never sold Iraq any weapon systems or chemicals. But it did make sure that Iraq was not under certain sanctions which did allow Iraq to acquire sample chemicals and biologicals that they could later weaponize in their own labs and then mass produce themselves. The United States did sell Iraq unarmed military trucks and military transport helicopters as well as loaning Iraq $5 Billion dollars during the war. Then there were of course satellite photos showing Iranian military positions and other intelligence that the United States sent Iraq to prevent the state from collapsing in the face of Iranian offensives at various times. At the same time though, the United States gave Iran thousands of TOW missiles to help try and offset Iraq's stronger armor capabilities. Again, the United States more limited role was playing for a stalemate between Iraq and Iran followed quickly by a ceacefire and an end to the war. This finally came at the end of 1988. But it was the Soviets heavy support and training of Iraq's conventional forces after several years which finally gave Iraq the upper hand and led to a semi victory for Iraq in 1988 which resulted in a ceacefire in which Iraq received land in various areas along the original border from Iran. Ironically, Iraq gave this land back to Iran just before the start of the 1991 Gulf War probably as a way to bribe them into not joining in the coalition.

Afraid to go down that rabbit hole ? I get it.
But I don't need a history lesson.
W nor nixon were putin's bitch.

Oh Lard!

Well tell me did Mueller tell you that, oh wait he said Russia did not do anything that would have changed the outcome of the 2016 election..

So your opinion is based on what Rachel Maddow tell you and not reality as usual.

Is Trump perfect?


Now with that written it seem you prefer a President that lies you into war or one that allowed genocide of Cambodians over Trump and why?

MSM has convinced you Trump is Putin bitch...

Well then Obama was China, North Korea, and Iran bitch with the blessing of Putin and Hillary reset button...

Comey cost Hillary the election and not Putin nor Wikileaks...


trump is deCONstructing the administrative state, obliterating our institutions, & installed the very antithetical people into their respective cabinet positions. he & his swamp are a cancer that is slowing eating away at this nation from within.

Didn't you say that about George W. Bush and Richard B. Cheney?

Donald John Trump has done very little to erode the Republic we live in and individuals like you make stories up to sooth yourself while you reject reality...

The only thing Trump is truly guilty of is being the egotistical ass that he is and hurting snowflakes feelings on twatter.

So I have you down that you rather be lied into a war and supporting genocide just because you hate Trump and reality so much...
I agree Bushs lies did more damage than Trumps.
That is why I rank Bush lower

In Gallup's average approval ratings, W actually does a little better than Obama.


John F. Kennedy - 70%
Dwight D. Eisenhower - 65%
George H.W. Bush - 61%
Lyndon B. Johnson - 55%
Bill Clinton - 55%
Ronald Reagan - 53%
George W. Bush - 49%
Richard Nixon - 49%
Barack Obama - 48%
Gerald Ford - 47%
Jimmy Carter - 46%
Harry S. Truman - 45%
Donald J. Trump - 40%
Dubya is an interesting case

He had over 80% approval after 9-11 down to 28% when he left office

That man used up a lot of political capital
These "worst Presidents" threads are always silly, because everybody is so shortsighted that they think the worst Presidents were during their lifetime.Yeah, it wasn't the President who locked up Japanese people in internment camps. It wasn't the numerous Presidents who have owned people. It was the guy who got his dick sucked in the Oval Office. Or the guy who banged a porn star. :rolleyes:
These "worst Presidents" threads are always silly, because everybody is so shortsighted that they think the worst Presidents were during their lifetime.Yeah, it wasn't the President who locked up Japanese people in internment camps. It wasn't the numerous Presidents who have owned people. It was the guy who got his dick sucked in the Oval Office. Or the guy who banged a porn star. :rolleyes:

From a legitimate historical perspective, the worst POTUS gotta be William Henry Harrison. Dude didn't get shit done.
For most of his Presidency he kept claiming he was "dead".

Always with the excuses.
Oh Lard!

Well tell me did Mueller tell you that, oh wait he said Russia did not do anything that would have changed the outcome of the 2016 election..

So your opinion is based on what Rachel Maddow tell you and not reality as usual.

Is Trump perfect?


Now with that written it seem you prefer a President that lies you into war or one that allowed genocide of Cambodians over Trump and why?

MSM has convinced you Trump is Putin bitch...

Well then Obama was China, North Korea, and Iran bitch with the blessing of Putin and Hillary reset button...

Comey cost Hillary the election and not Putin nor Wikileaks...


trump is deCONstructing the administrative state, obliterating our institutions, & installed the very antithetical people into their respective cabinet positions. he & his swamp are a cancer that is slowing eating away at this nation from within.

Didn't you say that about George W. Bush and Richard B. Cheney?

Donald John Trump has done very little to erode the Republic we live in and individuals like you make stories up to sooth yourself while you reject reality...

The only thing Trump is truly guilty of is being the egotistical ass that he is and hurting snowflakes feelings on twatter.

So I have you down that you rather be lied into a war and supporting genocide just because you hate Trump and reality so much...
I agree Bushs lies did more damage than Trumps.
That is why I rank Bush lower

In Gallup's average approval ratings, W actually does a little better than Obama.


John F. Kennedy - 70%
Dwight D. Eisenhower - 65%
George H.W. Bush - 61%
Lyndon B. Johnson - 55%
Bill Clinton - 55%
Ronald Reagan - 53%
George W. Bush - 49%
Richard Nixon - 49%
Barack Obama - 48%
Gerald Ford - 47%
Jimmy Carter - 46%
Harry S. Truman - 45%
Donald J. Trump - 40%
Dubya is an interesting case

He had over 80% approval after 9-11 down to 28% when he left office

That man used up a lot of political capital
Much like Lyndon Johnson. An unpopular war destroyed his presidency.
I didn't like Bush Jr. either, he FUBAR'D immigration, punted economic policies to the same people Obama did and was probably the worst war time President ever.
The difference between Bush and Obama economically was not that much. And the media completely gave Obama a pass on the wars in the M.E. If you had no other means of communication besides CNN, MSNBC, NYT etc. - you would have thought the wars ended the day Obama took office...just like the protest fizzeled and virtually disappeared.

trump is deCONstructing the administrative state, obliterating our institutions, & installed the very antithetical people into their respective cabinet positions. he & his swamp are a cancer that is slowing eating away at this nation from within.

Didn't you say that about George W. Bush and Richard B. Cheney?

Donald John Trump has done very little to erode the Republic we live in and individuals like you make stories up to sooth yourself while you reject reality...

The only thing Trump is truly guilty of is being the egotistical ass that he is and hurting snowflakes feelings on twatter.

So I have you down that you rather be lied into a war and supporting genocide just because you hate Trump and reality so much...
I agree Bushs lies did more damage than Trumps.
That is why I rank Bush lower

In Gallup's average approval ratings, W actually does a little better than Obama.


John F. Kennedy - 70%
Dwight D. Eisenhower - 65%
George H.W. Bush - 61%
Lyndon B. Johnson - 55%
Bill Clinton - 55%
Ronald Reagan - 53%
George W. Bush - 49%
Richard Nixon - 49%
Barack Obama - 48%
Gerald Ford - 47%
Jimmy Carter - 46%
Harry S. Truman - 45%
Donald J. Trump - 40%
Dubya is an interesting case

He had over 80% approval after 9-11 down to 28% when he left office

That man used up a lot of political capital
Much like Lyndon Johnson. An unpopular war destroyed his presidency.
I didn't like Bush Jr. either, he FUBAR'D immigration, punted economic policies to the same people Obama did and was probably the worst war time President ever.
The difference between Bush and Obama economically was not that much. And the media completely gave Obama a pass on the wars in the M.E. If you had no other means of communication besides CNN, MSNBC, NYT etc. - you would have thought the wars ended the day Obama took office...just like the protest fizzeled and virtually disappeared.
I think Bush 43 would have made a good President if not for 9-11

His Bush Doctrine in the war on terror resulted in two unnecessary invasions and upset the entire region
Didn't you say that about George W. Bush and Richard B. Cheney?

Donald John Trump has done very little to erode the Republic we live in and individuals like you make stories up to sooth yourself while you reject reality...

The only thing Trump is truly guilty of is being the egotistical ass that he is and hurting snowflakes feelings on twatter.

So I have you down that you rather be lied into a war and supporting genocide just because you hate Trump and reality so much...
I agree Bushs lies did more damage than Trumps.
That is why I rank Bush lower

In Gallup's average approval ratings, W actually does a little better than Obama.


John F. Kennedy - 70%
Dwight D. Eisenhower - 65%
George H.W. Bush - 61%
Lyndon B. Johnson - 55%
Bill Clinton - 55%
Ronald Reagan - 53%
George W. Bush - 49%
Richard Nixon - 49%
Barack Obama - 48%
Gerald Ford - 47%
Jimmy Carter - 46%
Harry S. Truman - 45%
Donald J. Trump - 40%
Dubya is an interesting case

He had over 80% approval after 9-11 down to 28% when he left office

That man used up a lot of political capital
Much like Lyndon Johnson. An unpopular war destroyed his presidency.
I didn't like Bush Jr. either, he FUBAR'D immigration, punted economic policies to the same people Obama did and was probably the worst war time President ever.
The difference between Bush and Obama economically was not that much. And the media completely gave Obama a pass on the wars in the M.E. If you had no other means of communication besides CNN, MSNBC, NYT etc. - you would have thought the wars ended the day Obama took office...just like the protest fizzeled and virtually disappeared.
I think Bush 43 would have made a good President if not for 9-11

His Bush Doctrine in the war on terror resulted in two unnecessary invasions and upset the entire region

Those invasions were necessary and long overdue. Afghanistan is far better off today than it was back in the year 2000. Iraq currently has a murder rate lower than California did in 1990. Kuwaiti Oil and Saudi Oil have never been safer from foreign attack, seizure or sabotage. The invasions removed regimes that were threatening to the United States and the world just like the regimes of the Axis powers during World War II. Its a great thing. Few if anyone will be writing any books in the future about how it would be great if the Taliban came back to power in Afghanistan, and Saddam's regime came back to power in Iraq. Then again, you do get a tiny minority of extremist that fantasize about Hitler today.
Oh Lard!

Well tell me did Mueller tell you that, oh wait he said Russia did not do anything that would have changed the outcome of the 2016 election..

So your opinion is based on what Rachel Maddow tell you and not reality as usual.

Is Trump perfect?


Now with that written it seem you prefer a President that lies you into war or one that allowed genocide of Cambodians over Trump and why?

MSM has convinced you Trump is Putin bitch...

Well then Obama was China, North Korea, and Iran bitch with the blessing of Putin and Hillary reset button...

Comey cost Hillary the election and not Putin nor Wikileaks...


trump is deCONstructing the administrative state, obliterating our institutions, & installed the very antithetical people into their respective cabinet positions. he & his swamp are a cancer that is slowing eating away at this nation from within.

Didn't you say that about George W. Bush and Richard B. Cheney?

Donald John Trump has done very little to erode the Republic we live in and individuals like you make stories up to sooth yourself while you reject reality...

The only thing Trump is truly guilty of is being the egotistical ass that he is and hurting snowflakes feelings on twatter.

So I have you down that you rather be lied into a war and supporting genocide just because you hate Trump and reality so much...
I agree Bushs lies did more damage than Trumps.
That is why I rank Bush lower

In Gallup's average approval ratings, W actually does a little better than Obama.


John F. Kennedy - 70%
Dwight D. Eisenhower - 65%
George H.W. Bush - 61%
Lyndon B. Johnson - 55%
Bill Clinton - 55%
Ronald Reagan - 53%
George W. Bush - 49%
Richard Nixon - 49%
Barack Obama - 48%
Gerald Ford - 47%
Jimmy Carter - 46%
Harry S. Truman - 45%
Donald J. Trump - 40%
Dubya is an interesting case

He had over 80% approval after 9-11 down to 28% when he left office

That man used up a lot of political capital

But W. won re-election which is more significant than any poll. Plus Truman's lowest numbers, 22% approval, were worse than Bush, yet Truman today is consider one of the greatest Presidents of all time. W's standing has already improved from where it was 10 years ago and I expect it will continue to improve in the future. As time passes, it allows for more objective and less emotional and political evaluations.
... Iraq never used anthrax .
But he had rockets loaded with it from us. That's why Rumsfeld bypassed FDA and changed the troops anthrax vaccines. My brother was one of them who got epilepsy from it.
Go to 31:30, where he talks about arming Saddam covertly....

Anthrax is not a chemical weapon. Its a biological weapon. Saddam did not have missiles armed with anything other than conventional explosives in the 1980s. The means of delivery for chemical weapons were 152 mm artillery shells and aerial sprayer systems mounted on helicopters and fix wing aircraft. Saddam was able to weaponize anthrax in the lab that he was able to obtain by not being under sanctions at the time. So there was a potential threat, although its uncertain what the delivery system would be, which is why millions of servicemen and women were given the anthrax vaccines. But to the best of my knowledge, its never been proven that Iraq moved their weaponized anthrax beyond the lab and found a good way to deliver it in weaponized form. But at the time, there was no way to know for sure.

All of Saddam's delivery systems for chemical weapons came from countries like the Soviet Union, China, and France. The United States never sold Iraq any weapon systems or chemicals. But it did make sure that Iraq was not under certain sanctions which did allow Iraq to acquire sample chemicals and biologicals that they could later weaponize in their own labs and then mass produce themselves. The United States did sell Iraq unarmed military trucks and military transport helicopters as well as loaning Iraq $5 Billion dollars during the war. Then there were of course satellite photos showing Iranian military positions and other intelligence that the United States sent Iraq to prevent the state from collapsing in the face of Iranian offensives at various times. At the same time though, the United States gave Iran thousands of TOW missiles to help try and offset Iraq's stronger armor capabilities. Again, the United States more limited role was playing for a stalemate between Iraq and Iran followed quickly by a ceacefire and an end to the war. This finally came at the end of 1988. But it was the Soviets heavy support and training of Iraq's conventional forces after several years which finally gave Iraq the upper hand and led to a semi victory for Iraq in 1988 which resulted in a ceacefire in which Iraq received land in various areas along the original border from Iran. Ironically, Iraq gave this land back to Iran just before the start of the 1991 Gulf War probably as a way to bribe them into not joining in the coalition.

Afraid to go down that rabbit hole ? I get it.
But I don't need a history lesson.

What rabbit hole? Most people need a history lesson when it comes to Saddam. You stated some things that were simply inaccurate.
I agree Bushs lies did more damage than Trumps.
That is why I rank Bush lower

In Gallup's average approval ratings, W actually does a little better than Obama.


John F. Kennedy - 70%
Dwight D. Eisenhower - 65%
George H.W. Bush - 61%
Lyndon B. Johnson - 55%
Bill Clinton - 55%
Ronald Reagan - 53%
George W. Bush - 49%
Richard Nixon - 49%
Barack Obama - 48%
Gerald Ford - 47%
Jimmy Carter - 46%
Harry S. Truman - 45%
Donald J. Trump - 40%
Dubya is an interesting case

He had over 80% approval after 9-11 down to 28% when he left office

That man used up a lot of political capital
Much like Lyndon Johnson. An unpopular war destroyed his presidency.
I didn't like Bush Jr. either, he FUBAR'D immigration, punted economic policies to the same people Obama did and was probably the worst war time President ever.
The difference between Bush and Obama economically was not that much. And the media completely gave Obama a pass on the wars in the M.E. If you had no other means of communication besides CNN, MSNBC, NYT etc. - you would have thought the wars ended the day Obama took office...just like the protest fizzeled and virtually disappeared.
I think Bush 43 would have made a good President if not for 9-11

His Bush Doctrine in the war on terror resulted in two unnecessary invasions and upset the entire region

Those invasions were necessary and long overdue. Afghanistan is far better off today than it was back in the year 2000. Iraq currently has a murder rate lower than California did in 1990. Kuwaiti Oil and Saudi Oil have never been safer from foreign attack, seizure or sabotage. The invasions removed regimes that were threatening to the United States and the world just like the regimes of the Axis powers during World War II. Its a great thing. Few if anyone will be writing any books in the future about how it would be great if the Taliban came back to power in Afghanistan, and Saddam's regime came back to power in Iraq. Then again, you do get a tiny minority of extremist that fantasize about Hitler today.
Those invasions were misguided and unnecessary

Afghanistan seemed prudent at the time, but given how quickly Bush abandoned the war on terror there, it was not that critical

Bin Laden ended up in Pakistan and the Taliban are still waiting in the wings

trump is deCONstructing the administrative state, obliterating our institutions, & installed the very antithetical people into their respective cabinet positions. he & his swamp are a cancer that is slowing eating away at this nation from within.

Didn't you say that about George W. Bush and Richard B. Cheney?

Donald John Trump has done very little to erode the Republic we live in and individuals like you make stories up to sooth yourself while you reject reality...

The only thing Trump is truly guilty of is being the egotistical ass that he is and hurting snowflakes feelings on twatter.

So I have you down that you rather be lied into a war and supporting genocide just because you hate Trump and reality so much...
I agree Bushs lies did more damage than Trumps.
That is why I rank Bush lower

In Gallup's average approval ratings, W actually does a little better than Obama.


John F. Kennedy - 70%
Dwight D. Eisenhower - 65%
George H.W. Bush - 61%
Lyndon B. Johnson - 55%
Bill Clinton - 55%
Ronald Reagan - 53%
George W. Bush - 49%
Richard Nixon - 49%
Barack Obama - 48%
Gerald Ford - 47%
Jimmy Carter - 46%
Harry S. Truman - 45%
Donald J. Trump - 40%
Dubya is an interesting case

He had over 80% approval after 9-11 down to 28% when he left office

That man used up a lot of political capital

But W. won re-election which is more significant than any poll. Plus Truman's lowest numbers, 22% approval, were worse than Bush, yet Truman today is consider one of the greatest Presidents of all time. W's standing has already improved from where it was 10 years ago and I expect it will continue to improve in the future. As time passes, it allows for more objective and less emotional and political evaluations.
W ran as a wartime president in 2004 and still barely defeated Kerry.

Truman was despised because he fired MacArthur
History showed it was a wise move
In Gallup's average approval ratings, W actually does a little better than Obama.


John F. Kennedy - 70%
Dwight D. Eisenhower - 65%
George H.W. Bush - 61%
Lyndon B. Johnson - 55%
Bill Clinton - 55%
Ronald Reagan - 53%
George W. Bush - 49%
Richard Nixon - 49%
Barack Obama - 48%
Gerald Ford - 47%
Jimmy Carter - 46%
Harry S. Truman - 45%
Donald J. Trump - 40%
Dubya is an interesting case

He had over 80% approval after 9-11 down to 28% when he left office

That man used up a lot of political capital
Much like Lyndon Johnson. An unpopular war destroyed his presidency.
I didn't like Bush Jr. either, he FUBAR'D immigration, punted economic policies to the same people Obama did and was probably the worst war time President ever.
The difference between Bush and Obama economically was not that much. And the media completely gave Obama a pass on the wars in the M.E. If you had no other means of communication besides CNN, MSNBC, NYT etc. - you would have thought the wars ended the day Obama took office...just like the protest fizzeled and virtually disappeared.
I think Bush 43 would have made a good President if not for 9-11

His Bush Doctrine in the war on terror resulted in two unnecessary invasions and upset the entire region

Those invasions were necessary and long overdue. Afghanistan is far better off today than it was back in the year 2000. Iraq currently has a murder rate lower than California did in 1990. Kuwaiti Oil and Saudi Oil have never been safer from foreign attack, seizure or sabotage. The invasions removed regimes that were threatening to the United States and the world just like the regimes of the Axis powers during World War II. Its a great thing. Few if anyone will be writing any books in the future about how it would be great if the Taliban came back to power in Afghanistan, and Saddam's regime came back to power in Iraq. Then again, you do get a tiny minority of extremist that fantasize about Hitler today.
Those invasions were misguided and unnecessary

Afghanistan seemed prudent at the time, but given how quickly Bush abandoned the war on terror there, it was not that critical

Bin Laden ended up in Pakistan and the Taliban are still waiting in the wings

Both invasions were necessary and accomplished a lot of good of U.S. security. Two threatening regimes were removed from power. Saddam had survived the post-Gulf War years of containment. He had essentially wrestled free of most sanctions and the weapons embargo that had been put on to contain him. He was starting to make Billions of dollars a year through illegal oil sales. Money talks, and oil is money. It was only a matter of time before SADDAM would succeed in rebuilding his past military capabilities. The United States and other member states had responsibility to bring Iraq into compliance with UN Security council resolutions in regards to WMD and remaining problems resulting from Iraq's invasion and annexation of Kuwait in 1990. Kuwait was owed Billions of dollars in damages and thousands of Kuwaiti's were still missing and unaccounted for. As mentioned before, the United States was already engaged in active combat of one sort of another every year in Iraq due to Iraqi violations from 1991 to 2003. The containment mechanisms of sanctions and the weapons embargo had fallen apart. Anything and everything were flowing across the Turkish/Iraqi border, the Syrian/Iraqi border, the Jordanian/Iraqi border and even the Iranian/Iraqi border. There was also no way to know what Iraq still had in terms of WMD or when they would develop new programs. Inspectors had been kicked out of the country and even if they were later let back in, they would never be able to properly due their job due to Iraqi harassment. In hindsight, Saddam should have been removed in 1991, but the general feeling back then was that the defeat in the Gulf War was too big for Saddam to survive. No one seriously believe he would still be leading Iraq by 1996. An internal replacement by Iraqi's would be far less costly than an invasion. But unfortunately, Saddam survived, and the means of containing him crumbled. That made it a necessity to remove Saddam. Failing to remove him in 2003 or soon after would have resulted in the rebuilding of Saddam's military capabilities, both conventional and un-conventional and a new crises in Kuwait or Saudi Arabia which would put the entire global economy in jeopardy. It was the United States and other members states of the UN to never let what happened to Kuwait in August 1990 ever happen again. It was clear that the only way to insure it would never happen again by 2003, was through Saddam's removal. Saddam's potential means of again threatening the global economy's most vital region made regime change the only option.

Every administration since Bush left office has taken events in Iraq seriously, although Obama made the massive mistake of prematurely withdrawing US forces at the end of 2011. US troops have been in Iraq since 2014, and the results have been fantastic. The United States has finally essentially achieved its goals with the new Iraqi Government, stable enough within its own country, and not a threat to its neighbors. The new Iraqi government has even become a bridge for discussion and negotiation between Iran and Saudi Arabia. All these things are good for the region and the world, and would not be possible if Saddam were still in power. If Saddam had remained in power, the United States would already be fighting or facing a far more costly war with Saddam's regime armed with new weapons easily purchased on the world market. The cost of dealing with a rearmed Saddam would mean far heavier US casualties, and far heavier civilian casualties, let alone the risk to Kuwaiti oil and Saudi oil so vital to the global economy. So in the long run, the removal of Saddam has been a big win for Iraqi's, the region, and the world.

Not invading Afghanistan in 2001 would have just let the terrorist problem fester and get worse. The United States made a mistake of abandoning Afghanistan after the Soviets left in 1989. The results were not good, and help to lead to the September 11, 2001 attacks in New York City and Washington D.C.. In order to prevent such attacks of that scale from happening again, at minimum the United States had to remove the Taliban government. In the years since 2001, the United States has helped the new Afghan government and military grow in size and capability. There are 34 provinces in Afghanistan, each with a provincial capital. Over the past 18 years the Taliban have only taken one of those provincial capitals, but lost it to the Afghanistan military within weeks. This is a far cry from the Taliban's capabilities in the mid-1990s, when it only took them two years to take over 90% of the provincial capitals in the country. So the U.S. invasion has been good for Afghanistan, the region, and the world. The terrorist threat is reduced, the Afghan military and government continue to improve their capabilities every year. The Afghanistan military is suffering heavy casualties, since the United States drew down its forces from 100,000 to just 14,000. But, despite the drawdown of U.S. forces, the Afghan military continues to hold on to all the provincial capitals in the country. They now just need to reduce the casualties their taking in fighting the Taliban and increase their control and coverage of the more rural areas of the country.

Counter insurgency and nation building are difficult projects that often require lots of time and persistence to work. A decade at a minimum, but usually much more than that. The investment in both Afghanistan and Iraq has been worth it because of the national and global security threats involved. Back in 2008, there were 180,000 US military personal in Iraq and 35,000 US personal in Afghanistan. A combined 215,000. Today, those numbers are 5,000 and 14,000. A combined 19,000. That just goes to show how much things have improved.
Didn't you say that about George W. Bush and Richard B. Cheney?

Donald John Trump has done very little to erode the Republic we live in and individuals like you make stories up to sooth yourself while you reject reality...

The only thing Trump is truly guilty of is being the egotistical ass that he is and hurting snowflakes feelings on twatter.

So I have you down that you rather be lied into a war and supporting genocide just because you hate Trump and reality so much...
I agree Bushs lies did more damage than Trumps.
That is why I rank Bush lower

In Gallup's average approval ratings, W actually does a little better than Obama.


John F. Kennedy - 70%
Dwight D. Eisenhower - 65%
George H.W. Bush - 61%
Lyndon B. Johnson - 55%
Bill Clinton - 55%
Ronald Reagan - 53%
George W. Bush - 49%
Richard Nixon - 49%
Barack Obama - 48%
Gerald Ford - 47%
Jimmy Carter - 46%
Harry S. Truman - 45%
Donald J. Trump - 40%
Dubya is an interesting case

He had over 80% approval after 9-11 down to 28% when he left office

That man used up a lot of political capital

But W. won re-election which is more significant than any poll. Plus Truman's lowest numbers, 22% approval, were worse than Bush, yet Truman today is consider one of the greatest Presidents of all time. W's standing has already improved from where it was 10 years ago and I expect it will continue to improve in the future. As time passes, it allows for more objective and less emotional and political evaluations.
W ran as a wartime president in 2004 and still barely defeated Kerry.

Truman was despised because he fired MacArthur
History showed it was a wise move

Bush won the 2004 election with the first MAJORITY in the popular vote since 1988. Sixteen years. Bush beat John Kerry by a larger margin in the popular vote than Hillary beat Trump by. It was only close if your going by the electoral college and what happened in Ohio. Bush won Ohio by 120,000 votes. But if Bush had lost Ohio and the election, he still would have been the winner of the popular vote.

Truman's poll numbers were due to his handling of the Korean War. People were upset by the sudden early promise of victory being wiped out at the end of 1950, and the long slog back and forth over the next few years. People felt Truman had failed to manage and prosecute the war effectively.
I agree Bushs lies did more damage than Trumps.
That is why I rank Bush lower

In Gallup's average approval ratings, W actually does a little better than Obama.


John F. Kennedy - 70%
Dwight D. Eisenhower - 65%
George H.W. Bush - 61%
Lyndon B. Johnson - 55%
Bill Clinton - 55%
Ronald Reagan - 53%
George W. Bush - 49%
Richard Nixon - 49%
Barack Obama - 48%
Gerald Ford - 47%
Jimmy Carter - 46%
Harry S. Truman - 45%
Donald J. Trump - 40%
Dubya is an interesting case

He had over 80% approval after 9-11 down to 28% when he left office

That man used up a lot of political capital

But W. won re-election which is more significant than any poll. Plus Truman's lowest numbers, 22% approval, were worse than Bush, yet Truman today is consider one of the greatest Presidents of all time. W's standing has already improved from where it was 10 years ago and I expect it will continue to improve in the future. As time passes, it allows for more objective and less emotional and political evaluations.
W ran as a wartime president in 2004 and still barely defeated Kerry.

Truman was despised because he fired MacArthur
History showed it was a wise move

Bush won the 2004 election with the first MAJORITY in the popular vote since 1988.

What you don't mention here is that in all the intervening elections: 1992, 1996 and 2000 -- there were significant third party candies running.

Same reason Nixon (1968), Truman (1948), Wilson (1912), and Lincoln (1860) fell short, among several others.

Sixteen years. Bush beat John Kerry by a larger margin in the popular vote than Hillary beat Trump by.

It was only close if your going by the electoral college and what happened in Ohio. Bush won Ohio by 120,000 votes. But if Bush had lost Ohio and the election, he still would have been the winner of the popular vote.

Truman's poll numbers were due to his handling of the Korean War. People were upset by the sudden early promise of victory being wiped out at the end of 1950, and the long slog back and forth over the next few years. People felt Truman had failed to manage and prosecute the war effectively.

I uh, think Truman had a bit more than that going on.


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