Worst Presidents of all Time:

Worst President of all time:

  • Total voters
For years for me the worst was Johnson then came Clinton and to double down, they scrapped the bottom of the barrell and came up with Obama. Then they tried to stoop even lower in their stupid game with that Clinton bitch but America said enough and played their Trump card.
Partisan much?
Obviously Obamasshole; we have never had a president who expressed such contempt, hatred and disrespect for the American public (his self-serving autobiographies PROVE this for hundreds of pages on end). Nor have we ever had a president who sacrificed Americans' safety and well-being to always, ALWAYS benefit the most demonstrably violent hate ideology on Earth, Pisslam. Everything about Blowjobama's presidency was an exercise in promoting the lowest, criminal dregs of the Third World at the extreme expense of the American public. There is no organism on this planet I detest more than Typhoid Barry. The best part of that purple-lipped, piety-mouthing, grievance-victim "nagger" dripped down the inside of his whore mother's thigh, into a dog food dish, to be lapped up by feral hounds - and even THOSE creatures are more respectable than the spoiled ingrate Obama.

I hope his hairy-backed whoremom's fatal ovarian cancer was as agonizing as cancer can get.
Obviously Obamasshole; we have never had a president who expressed such contempt, hatred and disrespect for the American public (his self-serving autobiographies PROVE this for hundreds of pages on end). Nor have we ever had a president who sacrificed Americans' safety and well-being to always, ALWAYS benefit the most demonstrably violent hate ideology on Earth, Pisslam. Everything about Blowjobama's presidency was an exercise in promoting the lowest, criminal dregs of the Third World at the extreme expense of the American public. There is no organism on this planet I detest more than Typhoid Barry. The best part of that purple-lipped, piety-mouthing, grievance-victim "nagger" dripped down the inside of his whore mother's thigh, into a dog food dish, to be lapped up by feral hounds - and even THOSE creatures are more respectable than the spoiled ingrate Obama.

I hope his hairy-backed whoremom's fatal ovarian cancer was as agonizing as cancer can get.
Racists hate Obama

Color me shocked
That list is worthless. fdr is by far the worst and the scumbag's name doesn't even appear as an option.

That is a tough one. If FDR were on the list, would I have chosen him over Wilson?

Well, I guess we will never know.

fdr put far more innocent Americans in concentration camps than Wilson did.

Not only did FDR incarcerate over 100,000 American citizens of Japanese descent, he also vetoed anti-lynching legislation Congress had passed. Additionally, after Jesse Owens won 4 Olympic Gold medals in 1932, Adolf Hitler actually sent Owens a personal letter of congratulations, whereas FDR sent nothing. In fact, Jesse Owens was excluded when the medal winners were invited to the White House by FDR, who cited the "negro issue". FDR later became upset when Jesse Owens told a reporter that it wasn't Hitler that snubbed him, it was his own president, and Owens campaigned for FDR's Republican opponent in the next election. Owens made a public appearance, where he spoke in favor of FDR's Republican opponent and shook his hand, commenting to the press that Alf Landon was the only presidential candidate willing to shake his hand in public. FDR was upset and sent the IRS after Owens, driving into him into bankruptcy.
Woodrow Wilson...........the original Liberal from hell............started the path toward the Gov't having too much power. aka Enumerated Powers.....
Woodrow Wilson...........the original Liberal from hell............started the path toward the Gov't having too much power. aka Enumerated Powers.....

True in many ways but it was really Lincoln that started that trend.
You know that’s not true.
Wrong once again

If Carter had listened to the war hawks and invaded, the hostages would have been killed. His patience cost him the presidency but got them home safely

That is the shit of the bull. His weakness emboldened the radical revolutionaries, and he DID try a military option but fucked it up.
He attempted a rescue not an invasion


He attempted a military option and fucked it up. You tried to slide by a claim that you know is not true. Don’t try and pull any of that shit with me because it will not fly.

The option was a rescue, fly in, grab the hostages and get out

Conservatives condemned him for not bombing or invading Iran.....cost him the presidency

All hostages got out alive

Because the Iranians knew Reagan wasn’t going to fuck around. Feminine liberal men have forgotten some of the basics of nature.
Woodrow Wilson...........the original Liberal from hell............started the path toward the Gov't having too much power. aka Enumerated Powers.....

True in many ways but it was really Lincoln that started that trend.
Was the major player in it 20th Century. The Enumerated powers were obliterated starting at that point. Put on Steroids by FDR. The Founding Fathers Warned of a Gov't too strong..............of giving it too much power............we didn't listen.

Wilson really started that movement that took hold over time.
That list is worthless. fdr is by far the worst and the scumbag's name doesn't even appear as an option.

That is a tough one. If FDR were on the list, would I have chosen him over Wilson?

Well, I guess we will never know.

fdr put far more innocent Americans in concentration camps than Wilson did.

Not only did FDR incarcerate over 100,000 American citizens of Japanese descent, he also vetoed anti-lynching legislation Congress had passed. Additionally, after Jesse Owens won 4 Olympic Gold medals in 1932, Adolf Hitler actually sent Owens a personal letter of congratulations, whereas FDR sent nothing. In fact, Jesse Owens was excluded when the medal winners were invited to the White House by FDR, who cited the "negro issue". FDR later became upset when Jesse Owens told a reporter that it wasn't Hitler that snubbed him, it was his own president, and Owens campaigned for FDR's Republican opponent in the next election. Owens made a public appearance, where he spoke in favor of FDR's Republican opponent and shook his hand, commenting to the press that Alf Landon was the only presidential candidate willing to shake his hand in public. FDR was upset and sent the IRS after Owens, driving into him into bankruptcy.

And that's just a short list of the racist SOB's offenses.

Research Ralph Carr to learn about a politician of the same day who actually had principles and character.
Abraham Lincoln.
No doubt lowlife white supremacist nazis would think that

600,000 + Americans killed, because Lincoln didn't allow the South to secede.

I don't know how anybody could think that was particularly "Good"?
Yes to stop scum who thought it was ok to own other people.

I reiterate my prior post.

Eh, the South would be crawling back to the North, once the financing ran dry.

Lincoln was for overkill.

Besides, I'm for the South seceding.
Why do we want a bunch of backwards simpletons in our nation?

Also Note that more Blacks were killed in the Civil War, than in Lynchings.
Abraham Lincoln.
No doubt lowlife white supremacist nazis would think that

600,000 + Americans killed, because Lincoln didn't allow the South to secede......

WRONG. Every life lost in that terrible war is on the heads of the evil, traitorous dogs who started it. EVERY SINGLE STATE in the so-called confederacy had citizens organize militias to fight within their state on behalf of our Union. Evil people started a terrible war to preserve an evil institution. Allowing such criminals to destroy our Union was not an option. Those who would try to play the apologist for the low-life, traitorous scum who tried to destroy our Union are no better than the beaten dogs they are trying to drag around pretending they're alive. Such 'people' reveal more about themselves than perhaps they realize.

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