Worst Presidents of all Time:

Worst President of all time:

  • Total voters
That list is worthless. fdr is by far the worst and the scumbag's name doesn't even appear as an option.

That is a tough one. If FDR were on the list, would I have chosen him over Wilson?

Well, I guess we will never know.

fdr put far more innocent Americans in concentration camps than Wilson did.

Not only did FDR incarcerate over 100,000 American citizens of Japanese descent, he also vetoed anti-lynching legislation Congress had passed. Additionally, after Jesse Owens won 4 Olympic Gold medals in 1932, Adolf Hitler actually sent Owens a personal letter of congratulations, whereas FDR sent nothing. In fact, Jesse Owens was excluded when the medal winners were invited to the White House by FDR, who cited the "negro issue". FDR later became upset when Jesse Owens told a reporter that it wasn't Hitler that snubbed him, it was his own president, and Owens campaigned for FDR's Republican opponent in the next election. Owens made a public appearance, where he spoke in favor of FDR's Republican opponent and shook his hand, commenting to the press that Alf Landon was the only presidential candidate willing to shake his hand in public. FDR was upset and sent the IRS after Owens, driving into him into bankruptcy.

And that's just a short list of the racist SOB's offenses.

Research Ralph Carr to learn about a politician of the same day who actually had principles and character.
One from either party
Abraham Lincoln.
No doubt lowlife white supremacist nazis would think that

600,000 + Americans killed, because Lincoln didn't allow the South to secede......

WRONG. Every life lost in that terrible war is on the heads of the evil, traitorous dogs who started it. EVERY SINGLE STATE in the so-called confederacy had citizens organize militias to fight within their state on behalf of our Union. Evil people started a terrible war to preserve an evil institution. Allowing such criminals to destroy our Union was not an option. Those who would try to play the apologist for the low-life, traitorous scum who tried to destroy our Union are no better than the beaten dogs they are trying to drag around pretending they're alive. Such 'people' reveal more about themselves than perhaps they realize.

The USA was founded by slave owning, White supremacists, for state rights.

Abraham Lincoln killed over 600,000 Americans, to erode state rights.

In reality, Lincoln would have ONLY been a great leader, if he had avoided war.

The South seceding, is perfectly in line with state rights.
Worst Presidents since WWII

Bush 43- Started two unnecessary wars and crashed the economy. Engaged in torture

Trump- surrendered the US role as leader of the free world, destroyed alliances and treaties, increased debt in a strong economy

Nixon- resigned in disgrace to avoid prosecution

Carter- weak and indecisive
Abraham Lincoln.
No doubt lowlife white supremacist nazis would think that

600,000 + Americans killed, because Lincoln didn't allow the South to secede.

I don't know how anybody could think that was particularly "Good"?
So you support the concept of a slave nation?

No, I don't, but actually war is probably even worse than slavery.

The USA certainly didn't go to war over Black slaves being held in recent years in Mauritania, or Darfur, among other places in Africa.

Did you know that the Black slave population in the USA, grew faster than any White population in Europe?

Seems White peasants were in worse conditions, they weren't guaranteed food, after all.
Worst Presidents since WWII

Bush 43- Started two unnecessary wars and crashed the economy. Engaged in torture

Trump- surrendered the US role as leader of the free world, destroyed alliances and treaties, increased debt in a strong economy

Nixon- resigned in disgrace to avoid prosecution

Carter- weak and indecisive

What's wrong with Carter?
He helped bring down the Soviet Union, by propping up the Afghani forces against the Soviets?
Abraham Lincoln.
No doubt lowlife white supremacist nazis would think that

600,000 + Americans killed, because Lincoln didn't allow the South to secede......

WRONG. Every life lost in that terrible war is on the heads of the evil, traitorous dogs who started it. EVERY SINGLE STATE in the so-called confederacy had citizens organize militias to fight within their state on behalf of our Union. Evil people started a terrible war to preserve an evil institution. Allowing such criminals to destroy our Union was not an option. Those who would try to play the apologist for the low-life, traitorous scum who tried to destroy our Union are no better than the beaten dogs they are trying to drag around pretending they're alive. Such 'people' reveal more about themselves than perhaps they realize.

The USA was founded by slave owning, White supremacists, for state rights.

Abraham Lincoln killed over 600,000 Americans, to erode state rights.

In reality, Lincoln would have ONLY been a great leader, if he had avoided war.

The South seceding, is perfectly in line with state rights.
Lincoln: No Hero to Native Americans
Native Americans and the Origins of Abraham Lincoln’s Views on Race
The original slave owners in North America were my ancestors… American Indians.

Not only did they enslaved other tribes the conquered, they tortured the conquered and bred them right out of existence. One of the ways they would torture is they would scalp their enemy bury them up to their neck pour honey on their scalped head near ant hills... fact
Worst Presidents since WWII

Bush 43- Started two unnecessary wars and crashed the economy. Engaged in torture

Trump- surrendered the US role as leader of the free world, destroyed alliances and treaties, increased debt in a strong economy

Nixon- resigned in disgrace to avoid prosecution

Carter- weak and indecisive
FDR... Forced socialism on the country
JFK... Beyond corrupt no media to catch him
Lyndon Johnson… Dictatorship
Carter… Just altogether fucked up
George Bush Senior... One world government guy, a career politician/deep state fuck up… Read my lips no new taxes.
Slick Willy… just a good ol’ boy, and perverted/rapist... Who can blame him with a wife like Hildabeast.
George W. Bush... Spent far too much on things like foreign aid and a career politician just like his dad
Obama… A corrupt socialist pig, a control freak, hate filled

So basically they all sucked since World War II… LOL
If Carter had listened to the war hawks and invaded, the hostages would have been killed. His patience cost him the presidency but got them home safely

Carter sent in military forces to try to rescue the hostages. The effort was a disastrous failure, though, to be fair, I don't know how much of the failure was due to shortcomings on Carter's own part.

Operation Eagle Claw - Wikipedia

Operation Eagle Claw, known as Operation Tabas (Persian: عملیات طبس‎) in Iran, was a United States Armed Forces operation ordered by U.S. President Jimmy Carter to attempt to end the Iran hostage crisis by rescuing 52 embassy staff held captive at the Embassy of the United States, Tehran on 24 April 1980. Its failure, and the humiliating public debacle that ensued, damaged U.S. prestige worldwide. Carter blamed his loss in the 1980 U.S. presidential election mainly on his failure to secure the release of the hostages.

During the same time period, Ross Perot sent a team of mercenaries into Iran to rescue some of his employees who were also being held hostage by the Khomeniacs. Perot's operation was much more successful.
Abraham Lincoln.
No doubt lowlife white supremacist nazis would think that

600,000 + Americans killed, because Lincoln didn't allow the South to secede.

I don't know how anybody could think that was particularly "Good"?
So you support the concept of a slave nation?

No, I don't, but actually war is probably even worse than slavery.

The USA certainly didn't go to war over Black slaves being held in recent years in Mauritania, or Darfur, among other places in Africa.

Did you know that the Black slave population in the USA, grew faster than any White population in Europe?

Seems White peasants were in worse conditions, they weren't guaranteed food, after all.
You seem to disagree with Lincoln

What would you have done differently?
What kind of country would we be today if we allowed the south to maintain a separate slave nation?
Abraham Lincoln.
No doubt lowlife white supremacist nazis would think that

600,000 + Americans killed, because Lincoln didn't allow the South to secede.

I don't know how anybody could think that was particularly "Good"?
So you support the concept of a slave nation?

No, I don't, but actually war is probably even worse than slavery.

The USA certainly didn't go to war over Black slaves being held in recent years in Mauritania, or Darfur, among other places in Africa.

Did you know that the Black slave population in the USA, grew faster than any White population in Europe?

Seems White peasants were in worse conditions, they weren't guaranteed food, after all.
You seem to disagree with Lincoln

What would you have done differently?
What kind of country would we be today if we allowed the south to maintain a separate slave nation?

If Lincoln said "Good let you secede"
We'd be a richer version of Canada, without the South, at least that's how I see it.
If Carter had listened to the war hawks and invaded, the hostages would have been killed. His patience cost him the presidency but got them home safely

Carter sent in military forces to try to rescue the hostages. The effort was a disastrous failure, though, to be fair, I don't know how much of the failure was due to shortcomings on Carter's own part.

Operation Eagle Claw - Wikipedia

Operation Eagle Claw, known as Operation Tabas (Persian: عملیات طبس‎) in Iran, was a United States Armed Forces operation ordered by U.S. President Jimmy Carter to attempt to end the Iran hostage crisis by rescuing 52 embassy staff held captive at the Embassy of the United States, Tehran on 24 April 1980. Its failure, and the humiliating public debacle that ensued, damaged U.S. prestige worldwide. Carter blamed his loss in the 1980 U.S. presidential election mainly on his failure to secure the release of the hostages.

During the same time period, Ross Perot sent a team of mercenaries into Iran to rescue some of his employees who were also being held hostage by the Khomeniacs. Perot's operation was much more successful.
Yep, Carter was an altogether fuck up in every way... And still is
His weakness emboldened the radical revolutionaries......I thought you claim to be a teacher?

It was Carter's weakness that he withdrew support for the Shah of Iran, the very best ally that we had in that part of the world at the time, allowing him to be overthrown and the Khomeniacs to take over. This is where the violent, savage form of Islamism was allowed to take solid root, and from there, to spread like a deadly disease across that pat of the world. All the trouble that we've had since then with Islamist-based terrorism all is rooted in this one failure on Carter's part.
Little Napoleon MClellan taking over all the States...Liberté, égalité, fraternité! The South had very few new or unique changes, you know this? The Northern Radicals? John Brown started the whole war, a man where 60% of the Nation agreed and 20% disagreed. Kansas Capitol mural is famous.Ya, more you say that more the Union man changes the subject, too. The South knew their war the whole time. The South fought John Brown to take back Harper's Ferry United States military arsenal under marine comman of Robert E Lee. They fought for that same Virginia Harper's Ferry battlefield, And, when "Stonewall" Jackson took back the Virginia "harper's ferry" is the "Largest United States military surrender in history", nobody wanted to be There, Defending Harper's Ferry as a Union man, I take it.

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