Worst Presidents of all Time:

Worst President of all time:

  • Total voters
There is no question that Trump is easily the worst man temperamentally, intellectually and morally to be elected President

What will keep him from being the worst President is that Congress and the public do not trust what he says and will not support extreme executive plans



Trumps historical legacy

The only legacy that will be viewed worse will be those who voted for him
Nixon only has 2 votes?


I voted Wilson who is now tied for the lead with 11 votes. He was a Leftist nightmare. He despised the Constitution, an ardent racist, helped destroy the Constitution by amending it with the Federal Income tax and creating the Fed, which later destroyed our fiscal sanity, and botched up the end of WW1 that led to WW2.

He really was a bastard retard.
Be interesting to see what would have happened if Teddy Roosevelt had been elected instead of Truman
In my lifetime it is a relative tie between LBJ and Obama. I have read where James Buchanan was relay bad, but I don't think he was destructive, just not competent.
Tramp, hands down. It was Dubya until Tramp easily slide under his underwhelming administration!
His voice alone makes me sick
Even FOX knows
President Trump turned on Fox News personality Judge Andrew Napolitano after the legal analyst issued a sharp rebuke of the president’s actions outlined in special counsel Robert Mueller’s report as “immoral, criminal, defenseless and condemnable.”

“Thank you to brilliant and highly respected attorney Alan Dershowitz for destroying the very dumb legal argument of ‘Judge’ Andrew Napolitano,” Trump tweeted Saturday night.

Dershowitz said on Fox News Saturday that he didn’t agree with Napolitano on whether Trump obstructed justice by interfering with the special counsel’s investigation. “It can’t be obstruction of justice if the president is acting within his authority,” he said when asked if Trump’s firing of former FBI Director James Comey amounted to obstruction.

Trump blamed the former New Jersey Superior Court judge’s hostility on Trump’s refusal to nominate him to the U.S. Supreme Court, for which Napolitano was rumored to be on the shortlist at the start of Trump’s presidency.

“Ever since Andrew came to my office to ask that I appoint him to the U.S. Supreme Court, and I said NO, he has been very hostile! Also asked for pardon for his friend. A good ‘pal’ of low ratings Shepard Smith.”

Trump’s attack on his often-quoted Fox News judge, who was once his favorite personality on the network, came after Napolitano criticized the president’s actions listed in the Mueller report, which he argued rose to the level of obstruction of justice.
I voted for:
John Adams (Sedition Act and XYZ Affair)
Pierce (civil war)
Bush Jr.

It's ironic that our last two president both make this list.

i would of had to think a minute if you threw in Carter
Unlike obama at least the country was smart enough to kick his ass to the curb after 1 term

although they have a Regan to chose from
Lincoln fdr lbj reagan obama
In no particular order.
Four of our greatest Presidents
Of course you think so.
You are a corporatist and a totalitarian.
Most historians think so

Anarchists hate them
I am no anarchist. Im more of a liberal. Or a constitutionalist. Its not just anarchists that support liberty.
All 5 i listed abused their power. Obama was a huge corporatist. Reagan too
They were horrible.
In my lifetime it is a relative tie between LBJ and Obama. I have read where James Buchanan was relay bad, but I don't think he was destructive, just not competent.
The Civil War was pretty destructive
That list is worthless. fdr is by far the worst and the scumbag's name doesn't even appear as an option.

That is a tough one. If FDR were on the list, would I have chosen him over Wilson?

Well, I guess we will never know.

fdr put far more innocent Americans in concentration camps than Wilson did.
He kept America safe

Let’s throw you into a concentration camp to keep America safe.
There is no question that Trump is easily the worst man temperamentally, intellectually and morally to be elected President

What will keep him from being the worst President is that Congress and the public do not trust what he says and will not support extreme executive plans



Trumps historical legacy

The only legacy that will be viewed worse will be those who voted for him

Yeah, best economy in a century, how dare he...


You Stalinists are such petty little fucks.

You lost, pull up your big girl panties and get over it.

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