Would a Tom Homan / Stephen Miller administration ‘fix’ America?

And off to iggyland you go. Who are those people, where is your link? What are you going on about?
Nevermind I don't care.
LefTard Logic:
”Say something my fragile ears don’t want to hear and I’ll play stupid and pretend to be confused…say it again and I’ll get real scared and iggy you.”
BrokeLoser promotes a racist for the White House. Do we really need to still question this?
I straightened mine out without going to jail or the grave.
They ain’t my kids, so any abuse I do to someone else is criminal damn it!

I miss the good ol’days when raping and pillaging was a sport and a youngster couldn’t wait to join the ship and go forward in life!

Now it is anime, masturbation and government checks!
BrokeLoser promotes a racist for the White House. Do we really need to still question this?
Boy that didn’t take long….A Lefty makes the claim that anyone committed to maintaining America‘s sovereignty and enforcing border policy is a RACIST!
What part are you pretending to be confused about?
I’ll hold your hand through it and further explain….I take great pride in enlightening self-manipulated fools.
I think he truly doesnt know who those people are. :laugh:
Boy that didn’t take long….A Lefty makes the claim that anyone committed to maintaining America‘s sovereignty and enforcing border policy is a RACIST!

Nope, I said a renowned racist is a racist.
Wouldn’t a completely shut down southern border and an extremely aggressive mass deportation sweep fix most of America’s problems….most of the problems Libs complain about?
Wouldn’t wages all across the employment spectrum rise immediately?
Wouldn’t blue collar trades become life-long careers and drive the middle class again?
Wouldn’t blacks have a plethora of job and education opportunities?
Wouldn’t we have far fewer homeless?
Wouldn’t real Americans obtain far more college scholarships?
Wouldn’t our public school systems improve immediately?
Wouldn’t our healthcare system improve immediately?
Wouldn’t we see far fewer rapes and murders?
Wouldn’t our jails and prisons empty?
We wouldn’t have Modello bottles and Takis bags lining our roadways.
Communities wouldn’t be the graffiti covered filthy thirdworld shitholes they’ve become.
Sure, we’d pay 20% more for lettuce but does anyone really care?
This is the Right in a nutshell. A bunch of absolute morons who've been convinced that the cause of all their problems are the people in this country with the least amount of power, politically, socially, and economically. The wealthy and elites use their bigoted hatred of others to keep them stupid and servile.
We should start an illegal immigrant feed lot program and start dealing with our food supply issues. I hear feeding illegals bananas and pineapple makes their meat taste slightly sweet.


Fricassee El Salvadorian


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