Would ANY Democrats like to see cuts made to spending on illegal Mexicans?

Lots of talk from the Left about how the middle class deserves some help and how more cash flow should be diverted toward the middle class....I can't help but wonder if there are any Democrats that have brought up the idea of cutting into that $100 billion per year spent on illegals to help our middle class? I mean, that seems like a massive source of funds that could easily be tapped in to without hurting a single REAL American while helping the entire nation. Tons of upside with zero downside....no?
Any thoughts Dems?
Why ask democrats when the GOP is in command and can change it anytime they wish, yet they must not wish to change the system..
Why ask democrats when the GOP is in command and can change it anytime they wish, yet they must not wish to change the system..

We try......they obstruct. Are you really totally ignorant of the fact that many claiming to be Right Wing are not right wing at all? Seriously?
They are in fact either Left Wing or Establishment Wing....but definitely NOT Right Wing.

But in a few words.....the 9th Circus, Maxine Waters, FAKE Republicans such as John McCain, Turtle McConnell and Lyin Paul Ryan are the most glaring example I can think of at the moment. But the list is endless.

The Left hates everything great America stands for (and themselves mostly) so they vigorously fight to bring misery and doom to all because they love company.....even if it means taking their own position from bad to worse.

Wanna know WHY so many on the Left are miserable?

Easy Peasy! No God....No Peace. Know God....Know Peace.
Democrats worship the 3rd world so much (they seem to think 3rd worlders are these magical, long-suffering, innocent, saint-like beings), they refuse to understand that a 3rd world country like Mexicordure imports large amounts of violent crime into this country - the 3rd world is a crime orgy. And large amounts of everyone's favorite fun drug, junk! Mexico is the ultimate parasite on this country. Which pleases American-hating liberals to no end.
Why ask democrats when the GOP is in command and can change it anytime they wish, yet they must not wish to change the system..

We try......they obstruct. Are you really totally ignorant of the fact that many claiming to be Right Wing are not right wing at all? Seriously?
They are in fact either Left Wing or Establishment Wing....but definitely NOT Right Wing.

But in a few words.....the 9th Circus, Maxine Waters, FAKE Republicans such as John McCain, Turtle McConnell and Lyin Paul Ryan are the most glaring example I can think of at the moment. But the list is endless.

The Left hates everything great America stands for (and themselves mostly) so they vigorously fight to bring misery and doom to all because they love company.....even if it means taking their own position from bad to worse.

Wanna know WHY so many on the Left are miserable?

Easy Peasy! No God....No Peace. Know God....Know Peace.
Yeah, you go with that...
It's awfully peculiar that not a single Democrat has posted in the thread....hmmm?
(waiting patiently)

Maybe you should try acting like a civilized adult for 10 minutes, and you might get treated like one.

Where in the federal government are we spending 100 billion on illegals?

Let's not play stupid…Neither one of us have the time for that. Let's just go with whatever you believe the number to be huh?

This tactic is getting old, these RWnuts not being able to back up their claims with evidence but then using the excuse that we should already know that evidence.

Anyone want to help this guy out? Show us where the 100 billion is being spent on illegals.
It's awfully peculiar that not a single Democrat has posted in the thread....hmmm?
(waiting patiently)

Maybe you should try acting like a civilized adult for 10 minutes, and you might get treated like one.

Where in the federal government are we spending 100 billion on illegals?

Let's not play stupid…Neither one of us have the time for that. Let's just go with whatever you believe the number to be huh?

This tactic is getting old, these RWnuts not being able to back up their claims with evidence but then using the excuse that we should already know that evidence.

Anyone want to help this guy out? Show us where the 100 billion is being spent on illegals.

I have put the exact report here before, but too lazy to link it now. I believe it was more than 100 billion.
It's awfully peculiar that not a single Democrat has posted in the thread....hmmm?
(waiting patiently)

Maybe you should try acting like a civilized adult for 10 minutes, and you might get treated like one.

Where in the federal government are we spending 100 billion on illegals?

Let's not play stupid…Neither one of us have the time for that. Let's just go with whatever you believe the number to be huh?

This tactic is getting old, these RWnuts not being able to back up their claims with evidence but then using the excuse that we should already know that evidence.

Anyone want to help this guy out? Show us where the 100 billion is being spent on illegals.

I have put the exact report here before, but too lazy to link it now. I believe it was more than 100 billion.

Oh...it is...but retarded fools like to pretend they don't know the numbers....his next play will be to twist the fuck out of the arithmetic.
Our resident wackos are super predictable these days.
It's awfully peculiar that not a single Democrat has posted in the thread....hmmm?
(waiting patiently)

Maybe you should try acting like a civilized adult for 10 minutes, and you might get treated like one.

Where in the federal government are we spending 100 billion on illegals?

Let's not play stupid…Neither one of us have the time for that. Let's just go with whatever you believe the number to be huh?

This tactic is getting old, these RWnuts not being able to back up their claims with evidence but then using the excuse that we should already know that evidence.

Anyone want to help this guy out? Show us where the 100 billion is being spent on illegals.
it depends on who you talk too....some say 100 billion + some say 70-90 billion...California alone was spending 10-15 billion when i was there,if more came in the cost went up....
It's awfully peculiar that not a single Democrat has posted in the thread....hmmm?
(waiting patiently)

Maybe you should try acting like a civilized adult for 10 minutes, and you might get treated like one.

Where in the federal government are we spending 100 billion on illegals?

You use Federal Government to mislead us.

Yeah, a lot of funding for illegals come from Local governments within the U.S.A.
They still cost a ton.

Unfortunately the Feds don't allow Local governments to deport them.
So, we're stuck.
Lots of talk from the Left about how the middle class deserves some help and how more cash flow should be diverted toward the middle class....I can't help but wonder if there are any Democrats that have brought up the idea of cutting into that $100 billion per year spent on illegals to help our middle class? I mean, that seems like a massive source of funds that could easily be tapped in to without hurting a single REAL American while helping the entire nation. Tons of upside with zero downside....no?
Any thoughts Dems?

Only spending should be for a bus ride to their originating country.
Bullshit! You don't punish a bank robber by putting him just outside the bank walls! I say 10 years hard labor. And no free medical care in the prison, either. That will make them think.
It's awfully peculiar that not a single Democrat has posted in the thread....hmmm?
(waiting patiently)

Maybe you should try acting like a civilized adult for 10 minutes, and you might get treated like one.

Where in the federal government are we spending 100 billion on illegals?

Let's not play stupid…Neither one of us have the time for that. Let's just go with whatever you believe the number to be huh?

This tactic is getting old, these RWnuts not being able to back up their claims with evidence but then using the excuse that we should already know that evidence.

Anyone want to help this guy out? Show us where the 100 billion is being spent on illegals.

I have put the exact report here before, but too lazy to link it now. I believe it was more than 100 billion.

Oh...it is...but retarded fools like to pretend they don't know the numbers....his next play will be to twist the fuck out of the arithmetic.
Our resident wackos are super predictable these days.

I just looked the cited number. It is bogus.
It's awfully peculiar that not a single Democrat has posted in the thread....hmmm?
(waiting patiently)

Maybe you should try acting like a civilized adult for 10 minutes, and you might get treated like one.

Where in the federal government are we spending 100 billion on illegals?

It's awfully peculiar that not a single Democrat has posted in the thread....hmmm?
(waiting patiently)

Maybe you should try acting like a civilized adult for 10 minutes, and you might get treated like one.

Where in the federal government are we spending 100 billion on illegals?

Let's not play stupid…Neither one of us have the time for that. Let's just go with whatever you believe the number to be huh?

This tactic is getting old, these RWnuts not being able to back up their claims with evidence but then using the excuse that we should already know that evidence.

Anyone want to help this guy out? Show us where the 100 billion is being spent on illegals.

Here bud...I'll bite...only because I can't wait to watch you squirm as you try desperately to twist and blur the figures.
Another thing, Do you only care about what the Feds spend on the cockroaches?
"New FAIR Study: Illegal Immigration Costs $116 billion Annually

September 27, 2017
Brunt of Costs Fall on State and Local Taxpayers
(Washington, D.C.) - Illegal immigration to the U.S. costs federal, state and local taxpayers a staggering net cost of $116 billion a year - an increase of some $16 billion compared to previous estimates - according to a new study released by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR). The study is the most comprehensive to date on the cost to federal, state and local taxpayers of the nation's 12.5 million illegal immigrants and their 4.2 million citizen children."
IRLI - Home
It's awfully peculiar that not a single Democrat has posted in the thread....hmmm?
(waiting patiently)

Maybe you should try acting like a civilized adult for 10 minutes, and you might get treated like one.

Where in the federal government are we spending 100 billion on illegals?

It's awfully peculiar that not a single Democrat has posted in the thread....hmmm?
(waiting patiently)

Maybe you should try acting like a civilized adult for 10 minutes, and you might get treated like one.

Where in the federal government are we spending 100 billion on illegals?

Let's not play stupid…Neither one of us have the time for that. Let's just go with whatever you believe the number to be huh?

This tactic is getting old, these RWnuts not being able to back up their claims with evidence but then using the excuse that we should already know that evidence.

Anyone want to help this guy out? Show us where the 100 billion is being spent on illegals.

Here bud...I'll bite...only because I can't wait to watch you squirm as you try desperately to twist and blur the figures.
Another thing, Do you only care about what the Feds spend on the cockroaches?
"New FAIR Study: Illegal Immigration Costs $116 billion Annually

September 27, 2017
Brunt of Costs Fall on State and Local Taxpayers
(Washington, D.C.) - Illegal immigration to the U.S. costs federal, state and local taxpayers a staggering net cost of $116 billion a year - an increase of some $16 billion compared to previous estimates - according to a new study released by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR). The study is the most comprehensive to date on the cost to federal, state and local taxpayers of the nation's 12.5 million illegal immigrants and their 4.2 million citizen children."
IRLI - Home

The study, which is by a special interest group, but let's set that aside, says:

a. 84 billion of it is spent by state and local governments - except for NY, that's their business, not mine, unless they're conflicting with federal law.

b. About 1/4th of the 'illegals' they counted are US citizens

c. They include law enforcement in the costs. Would you like to end law enforcement in this realm?
The study, which is by a special interest group, but let's set that aside, says:

a. 84 billion of it is spent by state and local governments - except for NY, that's their business, not mine, unless they're conflicting with federal law.
Um...it does you moron. Why do you think they are called illegal aliens? :lmao:
Lots of talk from the Left about how the middle class deserves some help and how more cash flow should be diverted toward the middle class....I can't help but wonder if there are any Democrats that have brought up the idea of cutting into that $100 billion per year spent on illegals to help our middle class? I mean, that seems like a massive source of funds that could easily be tapped in to without hurting a single REAL American while helping the entire nation. Tons of upside with zero downside....no?
Any thoughts Dems?

Yeah, where do you get the $100 Billion figure, because it kind of sounds like horseshit.

If anything, undocumented workers are probably an economic net plus, as they do labor that Americans don't want to do and they generate consumer activity Americans benefit from.

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