Would Donald Trump be the most dangerous man in the world if he becomes President?

Erdogan of Turkey is the wild card. Knowing this mad man has the biggest stash of NATO's nuclear weapons does not give me a warm and fuzzy.

Currently Merkel is currently the most dangerous woman in the world. She along with the EU are in the process of destroying Europe without firing a shot. If Hillary gets in she'll take top spot.
We have the worst racial tension in forty years, two bit countries like Iran kidnap U.S. Sailors, the president spends his first term in office apologizing for his own Country, the secretary of state says that global warming is the world's biggest threat while ISIS takes over whole countries, it's expected that 3,000 people will die in Chicago as a result of gang violence but the media doesn't care because the mayor is a democrat and low information lefties think Trump would be dangerous?

True. Very true and quite sad and discouraging. Another "leftist" presidency spells disaster to me. Most of them just don't have what it takes. They put their ideology ahead of everything . . . even reality.
very disappointing indeed
After almost eight years of a stagnant economy, a health plan that even the Clinton's make fun of, a never ending war that we refuse to win and can't leave, the destabilization of mid east countries to pave the way for ISIS, four hundred million dollars in cold cash sent to a country that supports terrorists and kidnapped U.S. Sailors a U.S. Ambassador murdered while the president ate pizza and watched it in real time without doing anything.....you think Trump will be dangerous?
good point
Too bad our 3rd party candidates can't get some REAL mobilization going and get a chance at the presidency. We need to break this cycle.
Where are all the moderates?? Our choices are one extreme or the other.
After almost eight years of a stagnant economy, a health plan that even the Clinton's make fun of, a never ending war that we refuse to win and can't leave, the destabilization of mid east countries to pave the way for ISIS, four hundred million dollars in cold cash sent to a country that supports terrorists and kidnapped U.S. Sailors a U.S. Ambassador murdered while the president ate pizza and watched it in real time without doing anything.....you think Trump will be dangerous?
yes i think he will be
Donald Trump is one of the most dangerous men in the word

"But that is precisely what Trump wants: to be feared. His bid for the White House, long ridiculed, is a fight for a ruthless, brutal America. Behind his campaign slogan "Make America great again!" is the vision of a country that no longer cares about international treaties, ethnic minorities or established standards of decency.

Trump wants to attack head-first again. The 69-year-old embodies a new harshness and brutality, and both a physical and emotional crudeness."

Do you think he will be the most dangerous man in the world? Who will be more dangerous than Trump if he wins?

I think he's -already- one of the most dangerous men in the world. Making him president would only make him more so. This is a guy who his ex wife said kept Hitler's "My New Order" next to his bed...
Donald Trump's ex-wife once said Trump kept a book of Hitler's speeches by his bed
Because ex wives NEVER have an ax to grind.....moron.

Once again nicolei, please note the debased nature of those who support Trump. They are not keen on policies, they are keen on base insults and are prime material for being whipped up into a violent frenzy...
You mean Obama......
Yeah but if Trump becomes President would he be the most dangerous man then?
No one can beat Obama.....

Obama's almost done his 2 terms. He certainly had his flaws, but unlike his predecessor Bush Jr., he didn't get into 2 endless groundwars (he did, however, continue them) and being part black, he was way more sympathetic to them then Bush Jr. was as well. He's also released people from prison who were simply charged with marijuana possession, another good step. Trump would be an unmitigated disaster. He's essentially in the race for himself and possibly his family, that's about it.

Hillary? Barry?
You mean Obama......
Yeah but if Trump becomes President would he be the most dangerous man then?
No one can beat Obama.....

Obama's almost done his 2 terms. He certainly had his flaws, but unlike his predecessor Bush Jr., he didn't get into 2 endless groundwars (he did, however, continue them) and being part black, he was way more sympathetic to them then Bush Jr. was as well. He's also released people from prison who were simply charged with marijuana possession, another good step. Trump would be an unmitigated disaster. He's essentially in the race for himself and possibly his family, that's about it.

Hillary? Barry?
whose barry
Donald Trump is one of the most dangerous men in the word

"But that is precisely what Trump wants: to be feared. His bid for the White House, long ridiculed, is a fight for a ruthless, brutal America. Behind his campaign slogan "Make America great again!" is the vision of a country that no longer cares about international treaties, ethnic minorities or established standards of decency.

Trump wants to attack head-first again. The 69-year-old embodies a new harshness and brutality, and both a physical and emotional crudeness."

Do you think he will be the most dangerous man in the world? Who will be more dangerous than Trump if he wins?

That would depend on if Trump just picks up his ball and goes home after every meeting with world leaders..

Then again maybe he too will negotiate with a state sponsor of terror and give them billions or dollars, plus nukes..
Too bad our 3rd party candidates can't get some REAL mobilization going and get a chance at the presidency. We need to break this cycle.

Not possible, to many people have been brainwashed into believing there are two choices only..

For the far left that is to vote for their candidate or not at all..
Donald Trump is one of the most dangerous men in the word

"But that is precisely what Trump wants: to be feared. His bid for the White House, long ridiculed, is a fight for a ruthless, brutal America. Behind his campaign slogan "Make America great again!" is the vision of a country that no longer cares about international treaties, ethnic minorities or established standards of decency.

Trump wants to attack head-first again. The 69-year-old embodies a new harshness and brutality, and both a physical and emotional crudeness."

Do you think he will be the most dangerous man in the world? Who will be more dangerous than Trump if he wins?

He might be. However shrilary would be ten times worse.
Donald Trump is one of the most dangerous men in the word

"But that is precisely what Trump wants: to be feared. His bid for the White House, long ridiculed, is a fight for a ruthless, brutal America. Behind his campaign slogan "Make America great again!" is the vision of a country that no longer cares about international treaties, ethnic minorities or established standards of decency.

Trump wants to attack head-first again. The 69-year-old embodies a new harshness and brutality, and both a physical and emotional crudeness."

Do you think he will be the most dangerous man in the world? Who will be more dangerous than Trump if he wins?

That would depend on if Trump just picks up his ball and goes home after every meeting with world leaders..

Then again maybe he too will negotiate with a state sponsor of terror and give them billions or dollars, plus nukes..
Where are all the moderates?? Our choices are one extreme or the other.
Trump is a moderate......

Trump is a New Deal, FDR, Democrat!
No....Trump is a non-politician businessman....a moderate....

No he is a "progressive" running as a Republican..

That is why the far left hates so much!

Trump is closer to the center than Hilary.
Trump is definately not a progressive....that is why the GOP'ers and democrats hate him.....
Where are all the moderates?? Our choices are one extreme or the other.
Trump is a moderate......

Trump is a New Deal, FDR, Democrat!
No....Trump is a non-politician businessman....a moderate....

No he is a "progressive" running as a Republican..

That is why the far left hates so much!

Trump is closer to the center than Hilary.
Trump is definately not a progressive....that is why the GOP'ers and democrats hate him.....

Actually the Republicans via their history have been the true progressives.

Just that the Dems were hijacked by the left, that is why the GOP has so many different schools of thought.

Many GOPers just want the status quo regardless of who is in the white house.

The Bush family is friends with Clintons, so it is no surprise that they would back the war monger Hilary. And you see that the far left will always vote worse than Bush. So that means that Trump is better than Bush.
Trump is a moderate......

Trump is a New Deal, FDR, Democrat!
No....Trump is a non-politician businessman....a moderate....

No he is a "progressive" running as a Republican..

That is why the far left hates so much!

Trump is closer to the center than Hilary.
Trump is definately not a progressive....that is why the GOP'ers and democrats hate him.....

Actually the Republicans via their history have been the true progressives.

Just that the Dems were hijacked by the left, that is why the GOP has so many different schools of thought.

Many GOPers just want the status quo regardless of who is in the white house.

The Bush family is friends with Clintons, so it is no surprise that they would back the war monger Hilary. And you see that the far left will always vote worse than Bush. So that means that Trump is better than Bush.
The Republican Party was invaded by the GOP'ers in the 1970's.....we've been trying to get rid of them ever since....Trump has our best weapon against them yet....

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