Would it not had been better...

It's not about any lives, whether they be black, white, brown, or any other skin pigmentation.

It's about you falling in line with whatever orthodoxy is being peddled.
That's the thing, the perception in the black community is that black lives don't matter. Of course, black lives do in fact matter as do all lives including the unborn but the way media portrays it is to keep us apart rather than a part of a bigger community of all lives.

By saying "Black Lives Matter" they are telling everyone else that only black lives matter. If they had said at the beginning "Black Lives Matter Too", everyone in the United States would have said collectively "Yes" and backed the cause.
That's the thing, the perception in the black community is that black lives don't matter. Of course, black lives do in fact matter as do all lives including the unborn but the way media portrays it is to keep us apart rather than a part of a bigger community of all lives.

By saying "Black Lives Matter" they are telling everyone else that only black lives matter. If they had said at the beginning "Black Lives Matter Too", everyone in the United States would have said collectively "Yes" and backed the cause.
I understand what you are saying. I agree, but since they went as far as they did, it's ALL Lives Matter now,
That's the thing, the perception in the black community is that black lives don't matter. Of course, black lives do in fact matter as do all lives including the unborn but the way media portrays it is to keep us apart rather than a part of a bigger community of all lives.

By saying "Black Lives Matter" they are telling everyone else that only black lives matter. If they had said at the beginning "Black Lives Matter Too", everyone in the United States would have said collectively "Yes" and backed the cause.
I understand what you are saying. I agree, but since they went as far as they did, it's ALL Lives Matter now,

Yeah, it is a shame.
Would it not had been better to say "Black Lives Matter Too"?
Yes, I get your point and it's spot-on. Black Lives Matter Too would have been better than Black Lives Matter because it isn't exclusive in placing one group over another in any way. A good measure of a vibrant organization can be found in it's inclusiveness policy.

Side note: For the record, this idea about inclusiveness doesn't include sports. As a big sports fan, sporting competitions must remain exciting at all times and not give participation awards to those who try to make a shot but hit the backboard! Sorry to all backboard hitters like me, but that's just our tough luck! lol

Whether or not all people can join in a political group or just those who are an "X" type of person, makes the world of difference in outcome. In 2020, skin color should not even be a factor at this point in time but we humans overall are very slow learners on the uptake.

Mankind has held on to survival tactics that were used during prehistoric warfare that no longer serve a purpose. Nowadays, humans tend to create situations that justify using these antiquated strategies of creating "US versus THEM" groups. In prehistoric times, it was often necessary to take out those who were living their days committed to chaos and plunder. Nowadays, we have laws that help curb the greed of human nature, but also have various factions pitted against each other like the days of the Roman gladiators. There is no glory in chaos, just more chaos.

If the world remains in tact long enough for it to happen, future generations will get much closer to resolving this centuries old now war between the haves and have nots, the weak and the strong, the poor and the rich, ethnic groups versus "other" ethnic groups.

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