Would republican voters support lowering the minimum wage if the GOP pushed such a thing?

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After all, the government had no place in raising the wage to begin with! Cost of living and inflation be damned! Corporate profits are all that matters! The GOP really looks out for us all huh? That turtle faced piece of shit McDonnell is a true Christian after all.

Them doing this really wouldn’t be outside the realm of possibility. After all, the GOP was outraged after Obama expanded over time pay entitlement to thousands of workers. They of course had to undo that!

Point blank: republicans would you support lowering the minimum wage because of your weird outrage over it being raised over time in the first place?

Why do you people have such an obsession with this bathroom thing? It’s so petty.

But that's kind of the whole problem. It's so petty, yet liberals insist on dictating this shit because - wait for it .... they know better. This is exactly why working class whites have rejected the Democrats. They're sick of your sanctimonious condemnation of their every foible. Just leave people be.
Just leave people be? Why doesn’t that include letting transgendered people use the bathroom of their choice.
Because it should be up to the people who own the bathroom. We don't need government telling us how to pee.

This didn’t become an issue until the GOP started to whine about it.

Fair to say. But you give them soooo much to whine about. The Democrats' "freak of the week" approach to civil rights has severely undermined the notion of real equal rights. It's tarnished the brand name of heroes like MLK, and reduced the whole thing to a bad Jerry Springer episode.
But because they’ve always done it and there is no actual risk to them doing it, why can’t you just let it go? I know when you think transgendered you think of a guy with stubble wearing a dress and a wig, but most of the time you can’t tell at first glance that they are trans so no one has to bitch about this.

I don't give one rat's ass about who's using who's bathrooms. I'm trying to explain to you that the Democrats approach to civil rights is turning people against civil rights - or at the very least against Democrats. They're going to saddle us with another Trump term if they don't get their shit together.
Except that Dems are hardly running on identity politics. Their actual core platform issues aren’t about this. The DNC needs to get its act together though.
Would democrats allow babies to live if the DNC pushed such a thing??
Are you suggesting that babies are no longer being born in the US? Man you people really out do yourselves with non sense.
You worthless fucks support slaughtering unborn babies with sharp instruments. Ask me again dumass.
Actually what we support is a woman’s right to her own body. If that involves a sharp instrument and a fetus, so be it. Christ the world is overpopulated enough anyway lol

Yeah, you support the right of a woman's body until they wish to keep it out of view of weirdo men in dresses using their changing rooms. Then, too bad.

If you are ready to jump off a bridge and the police are called, they go through pain staking efforts to save your life. If successful, they lock you up in a mental ward of a hospital for a while. And prostitution is illegal in most parts of this country.

So no, not everybody has a right to do what they want with their body.
Also, prostitution is illegal because it is a health risk for the population at large.

So is murdering liberal babies, no one to take my order for french fries .
Yeah, you support the right of a woman's body until they wish to keep it out of view of weirdo men in dresses using their changing rooms. Then, too bad.

If you are ready to jump off a bridge and the police are called, they go through pain staking efforts to save your life. If successful, they lock you up in a mental ward of a hospital for a while. And prostitution is illegal in most parts of this country.

So no, not everybody has a right to do what they want with their body.
Why do you people have such an obsession with this bathroom thing? It’s so petty.

But that's kind of the whole problem. It's so petty, yet liberals insist on dictating this shit because - wait for it .... they know better. This is exactly why working class whites have rejected the Democrats. They're sick of your sanctimonious condemnation of their every foible. Just leave people be.
Just leave people be? Why doesn’t that include letting transgendered people use the bathroom of their choice.
Because it should be up to the people who own the bathroom. We don't need government telling us how to pee.

This didn’t become an issue until the GOP started to whine about it.

Fair to say. But you give them soooo much to whine about. The Democrats' "freak of the week" approach to civil rights has severely undermined the notion of real equal rights. It's tarnished the brand name of heroes like MLK, and reduced the whole thing to a bad Jerry Springer episode.
But because they’ve always done it and there is no actual risk to them doing it, why can’t you just let it go? I know when you think transgendered you think of a guy with stubble wearing a dress and a wig, but most of the time you can’t tell at first glance that they are trans so no one has to bitch about this.

Because it violates women's 14th amendment rights to privacy.

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