Would Republicans favor tougher laws for voting if Poor Blacks and poor Seniors voted for them?

May 4, 2022
Interesting question.

I’ve always said many who favor tougher voting g regulations aren’t wholly it truly racist. They just look at the numbers. It’s about restricting and making it tougher for voters who won’t vote for oneself
Poor seniors already vote for them. It is the strongest demographic of the Bible Believer voters these days.
Poor seniors already vote for them. It is the strongest demographic of the Bible Believer voters these days.
Poor seniors already vote for them. It is the strongest demographic of the Bible Believer voters these days.
poor seniors

Do you need me to read your link to you? "Trump had an advantage among 50- to 64-year-old voters (51% to 45%) and those 65 and older (53% to 44%)."
Poor seniors. Again with reading and comprehend issues?

Restrictive laws on voting do not disadvantage seniors above a certain income threshold

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