Would the police in Missouri acted like that if white farmers were protesting?

Come on. A city that's 70% black whose police force has only one black man as part of it. No blacks on the school board. In fact, zero to very few blacks at any level of government.

Imagine that farmers of Missouri became angry that their farm subsidies were suddenly cut and decided to protest. Is this how the police would treat them?

What a dumbass post.:lol:
The answer is so obvious there's no need to voice it.
Farmers are not criminals or crybabies. In fact, they raise their children as Christians who do not go around robbing stores.
We will never know because you won't see them rioting before an investigation and trial occurred. Especially before all the facts are out.

And especially when the farms have so much work to do
Come on. A city that's 70% black whose police force has only one black man as part of it. No blacks on the school board. In fact, zero to very few blacks at any level of government.

Imagine that farmers of Missouri became angry that their farm subsidies were suddenly cut and decided to protest. Is this how the police would treat them?

3 blacks on the force, from what I read.

If the town is 70% black and no one on the school board is black, wouldn't you say that's a problem with the voters? Seriously? Who thinks they got elected without the black votes?

I said one black man. Two women are two women, not one black man.

Besides, I've search and searched to find out what those women do. For some reason, I suspect they aren't beat cops. I find it more likely they work at the police station behind a desk.
Come on. A city that's 70% black whose police force has only one black man as part of it. No blacks on the school board. In fact, zero to very few blacks at any level of government.

Imagine that farmers of Missouri became angry that their farm subsidies were suddenly cut and decided to protest. Is this how the police would treat them?

3 blacks on the force, from what I read.

If the town is 70% black and no one on the school board is black, wouldn't you say that's a problem with the voters? Seriously? Who thinks they got elected without the black votes?

I said one black man. Two women are two women, not one black man.

Besides, I've search and searched to find out what those women do. For some reason, I suspect they aren't beat cops. I find it more likely they work at the police station behind a desk.
Speaks loads about what you think about women.
We will never know because you won't see them rioting before an investigation and trial occurred. Especially before all the facts are out.

And especially when the farms have so much work to do

Yea, farms do have a lot to do:

Chopping Chicken in Missouri: Immigrants "Not Locals" Still Fill the Processing Lines

GOP Policies are worse in other states:

Overall, as Professor Samuel Addy of the Center for Business and Economic Research at the University of Alabama's Culverhouse College of Commerce and Business Administration has illustrated, because of H.B. 56, Alabama could lose up to $10.8 billion (or 6.2 percent of its gross domestic product), up to 140,000 jobs in the state, $264.5 million in state tax revenue, and $93 million in local tax revenue.

These costs will all be incurred to drive out an undocumented population that is estimated to be only 2.5 percent of the state—a population that paid $130 million into the state's tax coffers in 2010.

How Ala.'s immigration law hurts state's economy

Georgia Immigration Law Hurts Farmers


See? It doesn't matter the state. Republicans pass laws without thought and then are so shocked by the results, they blame their fiascoes on Democrats.
3 blacks on the force, from what I read.

If the town is 70% black and no one on the school board is black, wouldn't you say that's a problem with the voters? Seriously? Who thinks they got elected without the black votes?

I said one black man. Two women are two women, not one black man.

Besides, I've search and searched to find out what those women do. For some reason, I suspect they aren't beat cops. I find it more likely they work at the police station behind a desk.
Speaks loads about what you think about women.

I just know what right wingers think about women. Clearly, they believe women can't be trusted to even take care of their own bodies. For Republicans, women's bodies need to be legislated by white men.
Come on. A city that's 70% black whose police force has only one black man as part of it. No blacks on the school board. In fact, zero to very few blacks at any level of government.

Imagine that farmers of Missouri became angry that their farm subsidies were suddenly cut and decided to protest. Is this how the police would treat them?

3 blacks on the force, from what I read.

If the town is 70% black and no one on the school board is black, wouldn't you say that's a problem with the voters? Seriously? Who thinks they got elected without the black votes?

who do you think?.....Dean who else?....
Come on. A city that's 70% black whose police force has only one black man as part of it. No blacks on the school board. In fact, zero to very few blacks at any level of government.

Imagine that farmers of Missouri became angry that their farm subsidies were suddenly cut and decided to protest. Is this how the police would treat them?

So you're saying that black people don't vote for other black people in local elections or are you saying that they don't vote at all?

And if those farmers looted and burned then I would say they would be treated exactly the same way.
Come on. A city that's 70% black whose police force has only one black man as part of it. No blacks on the school board. In fact, zero to very few blacks at any level of government.

Imagine that farmers of Missouri became angry that their farm subsidies were suddenly cut and decided to protest. Is this how the police would treat them?

White farmers Deany? YOU are indeed a fucking racist piece of shit. What do they have to do with any of this? Your hypothetical holds ZERO fucking water.

This thread is conclusive proof YOU should be institutionalized...I think I will BAKER ACT you...post haste.:eusa_hand:

Come on. A city that's 70% black whose police force has only one black man as part of it. No blacks on the school board. In fact, zero to very few blacks at any level of government.

Imagine that farmers of Missouri became angry that their farm subsidies were suddenly cut and decided to protest. Is this how the police would treat them?

3 blacks on the force, from what I read.

If the town is 70% black and no one on the school board is black, wouldn't you say that's a problem with the voters? Seriously? Who thinks they got elected without the black votes?

Three candidates run, two are black; some blacks vote the white candidate, Other methods of keeping the black vote down:

1. Precinct placement;
2. Stringent ID requirements*;
3. Precincts "run short" on ballots, Affidavits, have missing names;
4. Shortage of those working during peak hours of voting for certain groups.......................the list goes on.

*I had to vote "provisional" in 2002 because the registrar had my middle name spelled incorrectly.
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Come on. A city that's 70% black whose police force has only one black man as part of it. No blacks on the school board. In fact, zero to very few blacks at any level of government.

Imagine that farmers of Missouri became angry that their farm subsidies were suddenly cut and decided to protest. Is this how the police would treat them?

Considering the fact that the Feds (the RW's favorite boogie man) didn't even react that way on the Bundy ranch when confronted with men who were armed and were even set up on bridges as snipers, I would have to say no.

Let's go back to square one in the Bundy situation and why Bundy and Ferguson are one and the same.

To round up the cattle the BLM came in with 200 armed agents, 9 helicopters and snipers.

To deal with a peaceful protest the first night in Ferguson the idiots came in as a SWAT team operation.

Both times the idiots running the show had a "warrior" mentality because both were militarized.

And both are way out of motherfucking line.

I'm sorry as I can be to my conservative friends on the board but I've been on a tear about the militarization of the police and government agencies for some time now as well as others in Current Events.

I've got deja vu with this shit. For many a year I've been pro law and order but I absolutely do not get a warm and fuzzy when the government agency or the police department begin to look at the general public as the enemy.
Come on. A city that's 70% black whose police force has only one black man as part of it. No blacks on the school board. In fact, zero to very few blacks at any level of government.

Imagine that farmers of Missouri became angry that their farm subsidies were suddenly cut and decided to protest. Is this how the police would treat them?

A city that's 70% black whose police force has only one black man as part of it. No blacks on the school board. In fact, zero to very few blacks at any level of government.

Clue #1... The blacks have to apply for those jobs.
White farmers have far higher levels of human capital than black city dwellers in Ferguson.

Look at what happens when blacks congregate together to solve a problem compared to white farmers doing the same, compare Katrina to the massive Red River Flood and the evacuations which were implemented:

When the dikes in Grand Forks could not keep out the flooding river, Pat Owens ordered the evacuation of over 50,000 people on April 18, which up to that time, had been the largest civilian evacuation in the United States since the evacuation of residents in Atlanta, Georgia during the Civil War. . . . Because all transportation was cut off between the two cities (and for many miles, the two states), East Grand Forks residents were evacuated to nearby Crookston, namely to the University of Minnesota Crookston, while residents of Grand Forks, who were given mandatory evacuation orders on April 18, went to Grand Forks Air Force Base (residents stayed in airplane hangars containing more than 3,000 cots)

All told, there was $3.5 billion USD in damages to Grand Forks and East Grand Forks, making it the eighth most expensive natural disaster in the U.S. since 1903. . . . In Grand Forks alone, 75% of the homes, 315 businesses, and 16 of 22 local schools had been flooded. East Grand Forks had over 500 condemned homes, with only eight homes not damaged by the flood. Grand Forks, losing only 3% of its population from 1997 to 2000, did not fare as badly as its sister city, which lost nearly 17% of its residents. Not a single person was killed in the flood itself.

This event is probably forgotten by most people because it never turned into the clusterfuck that was Katrina. Competent white farmers coming together and managing a disaster and cooperating and doing intelligent things and not looting. Non-events are not news. Black social dysfunction especially when it becomes concentrated into groups or mobs, will always create crisis and news.
White farmers would not riot loot and burn their property while "protesting".

Come on. A city that's 70% black whose police force has only one black man as part of it. No blacks on the school board. In fact, zero to very few blacks at any level of government.

Imagine that farmers of Missouri became angry that their farm subsidies were suddenly cut and decided to protest. Is this how the police would treat them?

3 blacks on the force, from what I read.

If the town is 70% black and no one on the school board is black, wouldn't you say that's a problem with the voters? Seriously? Who thinks they got elected without the black votes?

From what I've seen of the blacks in Ferguson, I can easily understand why there are so few blacks in government work there. They're ignorant.

So you can tell by looking at someone whether they are "ignorant" or not? :lol:

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