Would the police in Missouri acted like that if white farmers were protesting?

Considering the fact that the Feds (the RW's favorite boogie man) didn't even react that way on the Bundy ranch when confronted with men who were armed and were even set up on bridges as snipers, I would have to say no.

Maybe they were trying to diffuse a situation they read as not needing to end up in a shootout. Obviously they made the right call since ... it didn't ...

That's the way I interpreted it. The Feds did so DESPITE the armed provocation. From what I can tell, the protesters in Ferguson were not openly carrying weapons. Plus, plenty of children appeared to be taking part in the protests, as well. How that translates into the need for the Ferguson PD to deploy SWAT teams and tear gas, I couldn't tell you.

the difference between bundy ranch and Ferguson

is monopoly of force

the government has it in Ferguson

while it did not in Nevada
Whites do not need an excuse to steal a loaf of wonder bread. Negros are out of control.
3 blacks on the force, from what I read.

If the town is 70% black and no one on the school board is black, wouldn't you say that's a problem with the voters? Seriously? Who thinks they got elected without the black votes?

who do you think?.....Dean who else?....

Voter suppression. Gerry meandering. Who knows?

"Gerry meandering" Which as we all know is a failure to vote by people named Gerry who get lost on the way to the polls! :confused::confused::confused:
Hi, my name is "Deanie" and I'm the most clueless person on the US Message Board!!!
man oh man, this just ugly race hustling at it's finest

no looting, rioting, and no shots fired at the Bundy ranch by the people there

who is it that's want us divided folks?

you see it
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Come on. A city that's 70% black whose police force has only one black man as part of it. No blacks on the school board. In fact, zero to very few blacks at any level of government.

Imagine that farmers of Missouri became angry that their farm subsidies were suddenly cut and decided to protest. Is this how the police would treat them?

Perhaps if some blacks applied to join the police force, there would be more African American cops in Ferguson.

If more blacks ran for position on the school board or on other local political office, there would be more blacks in those positions.

Since 70% of the population is black, black candidates would be a lead pipe cinch to be elected.

Seems that the only thing lacking is effort on the part of the black citizens of Ferguson MO.
man oh man, this just ugly race hustling at it's finest

no looting, rioting, and no shots fired at the Bundy ranch by the people there

who is it that's want us divided folks?

you see it

I'm sure all those white militia with semi automatic weapons had nothing to do with it. Right Steph? Right? Well come on, answer.
Whites do not need an excuse to steal a loaf of wonder bread. Negros are out of control.


Whites couldn't loot even if they wanted to.
Let me throw in another hypothetical: Would there have been a riot if Brown had been shot and killed by a BLACK police man?
That depends, rdean. Are they destroying buildings, looting from stores, threatening violence, and calling for someone's head on the presumption of guilt without a trial?
Would the police in Missouri acted like that if white farmers were protesting?
I read the title. Before I read the post I need you to show me where white (or black) FARMERS rioted, stole from stores etc. then after I see that I will consider reading your post.

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