Would the police in Missouri acted like that if white farmers were protesting?

White farmers would not riot loot and burn their property while "protesting".

3 blacks on the force, from what I read.

If the town is 70% black and no one on the school board is black, wouldn't you say that's a problem with the voters? Seriously? Who thinks they got elected without the black votes?

From what I've seen of the blacks in Ferguson, I can easily understand why there are so few blacks in government work there. They're ignorant.

So you can tell by looking at someone whether they are "ignorant" or not? :lol:

Yep. It's not that difficult. Ignorant trash walking around with their hands up like they're told to do, can barely speak ghetto english, flashing gang signs, rioting, looting their neighbor, etc. You having a problem seeing it? Perhaps you're Ignorant trash also. That would explain why you can't see it.
White farmers would not riot loot and burn their property while "protesting".

3 blacks on the force, from what I read.

If the town is 70% black and no one on the school board is black, wouldn't you say that's a problem with the voters? Seriously? Who thinks they got elected without the black votes?

From what I've seen of the blacks in Ferguson, I can easily understand why there are so few blacks in government work there. They're ignorant.

So you can tell by looking at someone whether they are "ignorant" or not? :lol:

One of the sure signs of low intelligence is "defecating where you eat"...you know where you respond to perceived injustice by looting and burning the only stores that exist in your already depressed neighborhood?

When I see people doing THAT...I'm pretty confident in making the leap of logic to call them ignorant.
Come on. A city that's 70% black whose police force has only one black man as part of it. No blacks on the school board. In fact, zero to very few blacks at any level of government.

Imagine that farmers of Missouri became angry that their farm subsidies were suddenly cut and decided to protest. Is this how the police would treat them?

What the fuck makes you think cops care about any color other than blue? They get dressed up in their riot gear and drive those armored trucks in, and everyone is an enemy.
Yes, I know of a couple farm workers that did start "melees". Not the owners, two foreman. One got shot in the back, died. The other paralyzed for life; both dreamed of owning their own farms, but the lure of alcohol, and other drugs, when they were not working, prevented those dreams from ever coming true.

I know a few farmers & ranchers from the county I live in to Suwannee county, all hard working, and tired after every day's work.
Come on. A city that's 70% black whose police force has only one black man as part of it. No blacks on the school board. In fact, zero to very few blacks at any level of government.

Imagine that farmers of Missouri became angry that their farm subsidies were suddenly cut and decided to protest. Is this how the police would treat them?

White farmers Deany? YOU are indeed a fucking racist piece of shit. What do they have to do with any of this? Your hypothetical holds ZERO fucking water.

This thread is conclusive proof YOU should be institutionalized...I think I will BAKER ACT you...post haste.:eusa_hand:


Don't like it, eh? Bummer.
From what I've seen of the blacks in Ferguson, I can easily understand why there are so few blacks in government work there. They're ignorant.

So you can tell by looking at someone whether they are "ignorant" or not? :lol:

Yep. It's not that difficult. Ignorant trash walking around with their hands up like they're told to do, can barely speak ghetto english, flashing gang signs, rioting, looting their neighbor, etc. You having a problem seeing it? Perhaps you're Ignorant trash also. That would explain why you can't see it.

:lol: Thank you for making yourself quite clear. As a good friend of mine on another board said....we sure do appreciate when you make yourselves easy to spot. :D

A church gathered this cleanup crew from it's members.
So you can tell by looking at someone whether they are "ignorant" or not? :lol:

Yep. It's not that difficult. Ignorant trash walking around with their hands up like they're told to do, can barely speak ghetto english, flashing gang signs, rioting, looting their neighbor, etc. You having a problem seeing it? Perhaps you're Ignorant trash also. That would explain why you can't see it.

:lol: Thank you for making yourself quite clear. As a good friend of mine on another board said....we sure do appreciate when you make yourselves easy to spot. :D

Yep. We can spot coward trash like you really easy.
Come on. A city that's 70% black whose police force has only one black man as part of it. No blacks on the school board. In fact, zero to very few blacks at any level of government.

Imagine that farmers of Missouri became angry that their farm subsidies were suddenly cut and decided to protest. Is this how the police would treat them?

Considering the fact that the Feds (the RW's favorite boogie man) didn't even react that way on the Bundy ranch when confronted with men who were armed and were even set up on bridges as snipers, I would have to say no.

They would have if one person had fired a shot at law enforcement. Police were being shot at in Ferguson. People were being threatened, looting was going on and buildings were burned down. The mob in Ferguson wasn't willing to talk and they weren't just making threats. They were an angry mob out of control and they were trying to do as much damage as possible.

Why it is that the left gets angrier at people for having guns and believing in rights than they do when criminals actually use their guns to kill innocent people?

When the rioting, looting, assaults and destruction happen, the left is quick to say they are just reacting to some injustice. When a home owner reacts to a home invasion by shooting some punk, the left is disgusted. The looting and arson began before details were even out about the shooting. It was not an appropriate response and it's not justified. When a home owner awakes to find some thug has broken into their home, they can't afford to wait and find how why or how he got there or they could lose their life. Yet, the left shows no sympathy for people who rightfully defended their families. You guys blame police for taking extreme measures to handle extreme violence.

No one wants a police state, but that seems to be what we are getting and you can blame your precious CIC for escalating the police departments ability to use such force. I was disgusted when EPA sent armed agents to confiscate a fucking SUV because they thought it didn't meet standards. And we all remember WACO?

Yes, they have overdone it before and will again. Some cases don't require that kind of brute force. Violent criminals taking to the streets to literally burn the neighborhood down is a case where more force is called for. I haven't watched video of the confrontations the last few days, but it sure would have helped if the mobs hadn't gone crazy and caused the problem in the first place.

Why are some people so against waiting for facts and protesting in a more peaceful manner? Do they think they will get their message across by terrorizing the town? Are they that fucking stupid or do they just enjoy that shit and use controversial incidents as an excuse to steal and light stuff on fire?

I was alarmed at the number of tweets calling for the mob to start directing their anger and destruction on white people. They objected to people burning their own neighborhoods down, but were okay with attacking other (white) people. WTF?

The DOJ advised Ferguson police not to release the video of the robbery committed by Brown. They claimed it would fuel the fire. I don't buy that. If anything, it threw a few buckets of water on the fire since people realized the guy wasn't some innocent little child. It's clear there is more to the story and if those dirtbags had even a modicum of intelligence, they would wait for all the facts and then carry on with peaceful protests like decent human beings if the cop is wrong. But, hey, why pass up an opportunity to snag some new clothes or whatever else they stole from the stores they vandalized.
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Come on. A city that's 70% black whose police force has only one black man as part of it. No blacks on the school board. In fact, zero to very few blacks at any level of government.

Imagine that farmers of Missouri became angry that their farm subsidies were suddenly cut and decided to protest. Is this how the police would treat them?

3 blacks on the force, from what I read.

If the town is 70% black and no one on the school board is black, wouldn't you say that's a problem with the voters? Seriously? Who thinks they got elected without the black votes?

who do you think?.....Dean who else?....

Voter suppression. Gerry meandering. Who knows?
Come on. A city that's 70% black whose police force has only one black man as part of it. No blacks on the school board. In fact, zero to very few blacks at any level of government.

Imagine that farmers of Missouri became angry that their farm subsidies were suddenly cut and decided to protest. Is this how the police would treat them?

3 blacks on the force, from what I read.

If the town is 70% black and no one on the school board is black, wouldn't you say that's a problem with the voters? Seriously? Who thinks they got elected without the black votes?

Three candidates run, two are black; some blacks vote the white candidate, Other methods of keeping the black vote down:

1. Precinct placement;
2. Stringent ID requirements*;
3. Precincts "run short" on ballots, Affidavits, have missing names;
4. Shortage of those working during peak hours of voting for certain groups.......................the list goes on.

*I had to vote "provisional" in 2002 because the registrar had my middle name spelled incorrectly.

When Republicans deny voter suppression, their pathetic answer is "everyone should have an ID". This from people who hate "big government" and, get this, ID's.

Even though they know the nation is on to them, they still deny, deny, deny.
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So you can tell by looking at someone whether they are "ignorant" or not? :lol:

Yep. It's not that difficult. Ignorant trash walking around with their hands up like they're told to do, can barely speak ghetto english, flashing gang signs, rioting, looting their neighbor, etc. You having a problem seeing it? Perhaps you're Ignorant trash also. That would explain why you can't see it.

:lol: Thank you for making yourself quite clear. As a good friend of mine on another board said....we sure do appreciate when you make yourselves easy to spot. :D

Thank you for taking this opportunity to, once again, inform all of the readers of this thread that you are a racially tolerant and supremely enlightened person who has mastered the ability to ignore the evidence of daily life in order to keep getting high on the self-congratulation which comes from showboating about your high state of enlightenment. Pat on the back for you.
Come on. A city that's 70% black whose police force has only one black man as part of it. No blacks on the school board. In fact, zero to very few blacks at any level of government.

Imagine that farmers of Missouri became angry that their farm subsidies were suddenly cut and decided to protest. Is this how the police would treat them?

Considering the fact that the Feds (the RW's favorite boogie man) didn't even react that way on the Bundy ranch when confronted with men who were armed and were even set up on bridges as snipers, I would have to say no.

Let's go back to square one in the Bundy situation and why Bundy and Ferguson are one and the same.

To round up the cattle the BLM came in with 200 armed agents, 9 helicopters and snipers.

To deal with a peaceful protest the first night in Ferguson the idiots came in as a SWAT team operation.

Both times the idiots running the show had a "warrior" mentality because both were militarized.

And both are way out of motherfucking line.

I'm sorry as I can be to my conservative friends on the board but I've been on a tear about the militarization of the police and government agencies for some time now as well as others in Current Events.

I've got deja vu with this shit. For many a year I've been pro law and order but I absolutely do not get a warm and fuzzy when the government agency or the police department begin to look at the general public as the enemy.

No one shot Bundy. I bet he was even armed.

Come on people, if blacks showed up dressed and armed like this:

Bundy ranch standoff galvanized right-wing radicals, report says


The police would have authorized air strikes.

But for whites? Nothing.

And Bundy wasn't on welfare, he was outright stealing from the country.
Considering the fact that the Feds (the RW's favorite boogie man) didn't even react that way on the Bundy ranch when confronted with men who were armed and were even set up on bridges as snipers, I would have to say no.

Let's go back to square one in the Bundy situation and why Bundy and Ferguson are one and the same.

To round up the cattle the BLM came in with 200 armed agents, 9 helicopters and snipers.

To deal with a peaceful protest the first night in Ferguson the idiots came in as a SWAT team operation.

Both times the idiots running the show had a "warrior" mentality because both were militarized.

And both are way out of motherfucking line.

I'm sorry as I can be to my conservative friends on the board but I've been on a tear about the militarization of the police and government agencies for some time now as well as others in Current Events.

I've got deja vu with this shit. For many a year I've been pro law and order but I absolutely do not get a warm and fuzzy when the government agency or the police department begin to look at the general public as the enemy.

No one shot Bundy. I bet he was even armed.

Come on people, if blacks showed up dressed and armed like this:

Bundy ranch standoff galvanized right-wing radicals, report says


The police would have authorized air strikes.

But for whites? Nothing.

And Bundy wasn't on welfare, he was outright stealing from the country.

There is no justification for the police to have responded to the protestors in Ferguson as they did.

Likewise there is no justification for the BLM to have gone in commando style to round up some cattle.

You are entirely missing the issue I believe on purpose. You wish to create a divide between black and white/conservative vs liberal on an issue that affects everyone despite their skin color or their politics.

The militarization of the police and government agencies affects everyone.

Now to Bundy. He owes a debt to the government. Just like Al Sharpton and others owe debts to the government.

I would be just as outraged as I was over the commando style over the top show of force used against Bundy if they dared try that on Sharpton.

I'm different than you because I can see the issue at the heart of it all that affects everyone. You obviously haven't witnessed my rants in Current Events on this issue.

City or country, black or white, conservative or liberal the militarization of police and government agencies shall affect all of us in one way or another until we demand that this practice of arming police and government agencies with military style equipment stop

Michael Brown's death gives me hope that America has gotten a 5 star wake up call. That he did not die in vain and we can remember his death being a turning point for a nation. .

Power to the people used to be my cry a long time ago. I still believe in it. Always will.
And it's time for the simple mans voice to be heard.
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