Would the politicians quit thanking and congratulating each other


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
Would the politicians quit thanking and congratulating each other over their response to the coronavirus and focus on what they will do and what we need to do to slow and contain the virus.
If I hear one more press conference where some political lackey thanks Trump for his early action closing our borders to China, I will scream. That was good but he should have been doing a lot more within the US to get ready.

Our Washington state government, all Democrats, spend every news conference with the Governor and mayors thanking and congratulating each other.

They should focus on actions not self-congratulatory bull shit.
I'd appreciate two changes for the stock market:
1. Add a transaction tax to stop high-frequency trading.
2. Add another tax to make "selling short" less profitable.

Most of us have 401Ks and IRAs and do not sell short.
We depend on our retirement savings.
We do not want Wall Street stealing our savings.
The time for patting yourselves and others on back is not now, politicians
Everybody needs to do there part to be responsible to not spread this. And the government needs to do everything to make sure the hospitals can meet the demand. Very challenging times.
The time for patting yourselves and others on back is not now.

Oh-oh, yes I'm the Great Contender
Pretending that you're in for a spell
My party is such ,we project too much
We're clueless but no one can tell

Oh-oh, yes I'm the great contender
With hope and change all our own
I've played the game but to shift real blame
You'll be left with some Obama clone

Too real is this media of fake-believe
Too real when I feel what our fed can't conceal

Yes I'm the great contender
A party of putz , all regurgitated mutts
I seem to be what I'm not, you see
I'm after your vote for the crown
Pretending that you'll follow clowns

~S~ w/apologies to the Platters
elmer the guy who says things about someone and then runs from the thread......
If I did post something and did not respond, it was not intended. I enjoy following up with those who disagree with me and call me an idiot, Anyone who does that is an idiot, of course.
Would the politicians quit thanking and congratulating each other over their response to the coronavirus and focus on what they will do and what we need to do to slow and contain the virus.
If I hear one more press conference where some political lackey thanks Trump for his early action closing our borders to China, I will scream. That was good but he should have been doing a lot more within the US to get ready.

Our Washington state government, all Democrats, spend every news conference with the Governor and mayors thanking and congratulating each other.

They should focus on actions not self-congratulatory bull shit.
I have always hated that everyone is introduced and told what a great job they are doing...just get to the facts!
I'd appreciate two changes for the stock market:
1. Add a transaction tax to stop high-frequency trading.
2. Add another tax to make "selling short" less profitable.

Most of us have 401Ks and IRAs and do not sell short.
We depend on our retirement savings.
We do not want Wall Street stealing our savings.
There are million share sale orders coming fast and furious. That's not Joe America and his 401K.
Also, why in the fuck do governors always have a fucking sign-language person, invariably fat and ugly, standing next to the podium. Closed caption on a TV converts the vocals to text.
Also, why in the fuck do governors always have a fucking sign-language person, invariably fat and ugly, standing next to the podium. Closed caption on a TV converts the vocals to text.
I remember there was someone doing sign language during a press conference and someone called the station and told them that person was not signing, just moving his hands all over the place, pretending to sign. They pulled him off the air in the middle of the press conference! :)
Also, why in the fuck do governors always have a fucking sign-language person, invariably fat and ugly, standing next to the podium. Closed caption on a TV converts the vocals to text.
Funny, I agree. I am all for having someone sign, but why not have them off camera and shown in a little box on top of screen instead of right in front of who is talking.
How the stories have changed!

The idiots of the world claimed the virus was a liberal media conspiracy, an over-reaction, nothing. Trumpers even tried to blame democrats for shutting down sports. (I can bring that thread up if I need to).

Then they tried to claim Trump had it under control and had an amazing response as Trump foolishly downplayed the obvious threat of the virus.

Now as the virus is spreading rapidly like I predicted weeks ago... trumpers are claiming the "China Virus" is not Trumps fault and he did nothing wrong... And the trump crash looks to get worse and worse.

Coronavirus Cases in N.Y.C. Near 2,000 as Testing Expands: Live Updates

The only thing the GOP can do is make excuses, if the GOP could run the country as well as they could make excuses we would be in a Clinton Era Golden Age!!!

February 14: “We have a very small number of people in the country, right now, with it. It’s like around 12. Many of them are getting better. Some are fully recovered already. So we’re in very good shape.”

February 24: “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA. … Stock Market starting to look very good to me!

February 26: “Because of all we’ve done, the risk to the American people remains very low. … When you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero. That’s a pretty good job we’ve done."

February 28: “It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”
The virus is nothing. It's the over-reaction to protect old sick people that has blown up into a crisis. Here's an idea. How about protecting the old sick people and not blow up the economy?
It’s the Chinese Virus right now

Not Trumps fault
So is it Trump's fault?

The virus, no. The response, yes.
But that's what you get when you elect an incompetent reality game show host that has absolutely no experience with government, how it functions, or what real leadership is.

You resort to campaign slogans to direct attention away from your miserable failings.
So you dumbasses send out talking points memos or what? How many threads will it take? Huh?

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