Would Trump / DeSantis be the ultimate Republican ‘Dream Ticket’?

At a time when all things America are under attack from an enemy within can ANY good, real core American say no to what would probably be the most agressive pro-American administration in several decades? Isn’t that exactly what REAL America needs right now?
Trumps ‘base’ is as committed as they come…they aren’t going anywhere….Would DeSantis draw in the fence sitters with his no-bullshit, FREEDOM / LIBERTY maverick sort of style?
He does zero good to Trump or MAGA on the ticket.
The guy is a loser. He has no future in politics.
He does zero good to Trump or MAGA on the ticket.
The guy is a loser. He has no future in politics.
You don’t think he appeals to freedom loving Independents?
He’s just Trump-lite…seems like the no-brainer backup to Trump.
Which of his policies have been a “loser”?

Lets be careful not to start sounding like Democrats…
”He sucks!”
But why?
”He just does!”
But why?
”Because he seems mean!”
What about his policies?
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You don’t think he appeals to freedom loving Independents?

Of course not as this freedom loving stuff is but a slogan. TRue independents and centrists are free and have no fears that this phrase invokes in the MAGA cult.

He walks like a duck, he is awkward. That is far more important in electability than is policy, sadly.
Look at Joe, losing to Trump in swing states for only one reason, he looks old. Trump is the same age but presents significantly better. BTW, most independents and centrists what no part of his extremist polices .
Of course not as this freedom loving stuff is but a slogan.
I thought he kept Florida FREE, open and operating during the Democrat Virus when governors of all blue shitholes FORCED people to stop living?
TRue independents and centrists are free and have no fears that this phrase invokes in the MAGA cult.
Indys and Centrists are free because they say they are and not because government employs policy that permits liberty and freedom?
He walks like a duck, he is awkward. That is far more important in electability than is policy, sadly.
hahaha…Trump, a porn star banging pussy grabbing gameshow host with bad hair is as “awkward” as they come and with policy he beat a Clinton with a vagina and a billion dollar campaign in 2016 and now he’s destroying the incumbent in all the polls...It’s all about policy to all core Americans.
Look at Joe, losing to Trump in swing states for only one reason, he looks old. Trump is the same age but presents significantly better.
hahaha…you’re lost as fuck if you think Biden isn’t losing on his record and policy alone.
BTW, most independents and centrists what no part of his extremist polices .
I’ve asked this question a bunch of times and none of the people who proclaim to be an independent or centrist can ever offer a legitimate answer… What are these “extremist policies” you speak of coming from the right?
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At a time when all things America are under attack from an enemy within can ANY good, real core American say no to what would probably be the most agressive pro-American administration in several decades? Isn’t that exactly what REAL America needs right now?
Trumps ‘base’ is as committed as they come…they aren’t going anywhere….Would DeSantis draw in the fence sitters with his no-bullshit, FREEDOM / LIBERTY maverick sort of style?
All things American are not under attack and the enemy wthin is Trump and MAGATS.. Trump isn't pro American and neither are you.
Or I am intelligent, educated not a cultist.
You sure are…just ask you.
I thought he kept Florida FREE, open and operating during the Democrat Virus when governors of all blue shitholes FORCED people to stop living?
People literally stopped living in Floriida because of DeSantis. Florida had one of the highest number of COVID deaths and infections.

You know what what extreme policies trump wants.. But you think they're great.

hahaha…you’re lost as fuck if you think Biden isn’t losing on his record and policy alone.

When the campaign starts you will learn trumps record, not the lie.
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