Would Trump / DeSantis be the ultimate Republican ‘Dream Ticket’?

The albatross are fucking limp dick "moderates" the RNC has foisted on us. We ditched that in 2016.
Fine... have it your way... you'll better appreciate your present foolhardiness on the morning of November 6, 2024, as you cry, and wonder what happened.

That says Biden woukd beat Trump.

Exactly what point are you trying to make?
Are you sure about Lib?
Look closer.
”However, when voters are asked whom they back between Trump, Biden and progressive activist and Green Party candidate Cornell West, it is the Republican who comes out on top. Trump is the preferred candidate of the likely voters with 43 percent, with Biden behind in 42 percent, and West far off in third place on 4 percent.”
Are you sure about Lib?
Look closer.
”However, when voters are asked whom they back between Trump, Biden and progressive activist and Green Party candidate Cornell West, it is the Republican who comes out on top. Trump is the preferred candidate of the likely voters with 43 percent, with Biden behind in 42 percent, and West far off in third place on 4 percent.”

Yeah, I'm sure.

What you posted is against an unnamed Republican. You should have noticed it stated, "it is the Republican who comes out on top."

But had you kept reading, you would have seen it goes on to state...

Elsewhere, the Echelon Insights survey shows that Biden would narrowly beat Trump overall in the 2024 election when voters are given a choice of just the president (45 percent) and Trump (44 percent).

Great point ya made there.

Would Trump / DeSantis be the ultimate Republican ‘Dream Ticket’?​

Or should nutless Republican do what they always do and FOLLOW the lefts lead and make sure Trump runs with a TOKEN black female or the like….you know, someone kinda ‘left approved’?

Would Trump / DeSantis be the ultimate Republican ‘Dream Ticket’?​

Or should nutless Republican do what they always do and FOLLOW the lefts lead and make sure Trump runs with a TOKEN black female or the like….you know, someone kinda ‘left approved’?
Wanna know how to really irritate the Left? Candace Owens as vp
At a time when all things America are under attack from an enemy within can ANY good, real core American say no to what would probably be the most agressive pro-American administration in several decades? Isn’t that exactly what REAL America needs right now?
Trumps ‘base’ is as committed as they come…they aren’t going anywhere….Would DeSantis draw in the fence sitters with his no-bullshit, FREEDOM / LIBERTY maverick sort of style?

Since Trump and DeSantis are my first and second favorites, I would be a huge fan of this ticket.

Sadly, after the 2/10 debate, DeSantis said that he is not willing to be VP and would continue to serve Florida. Maybe he just said that because he was still running for POTUS.

Noem, Cruz, Jordan, maybe Ramaswamy would also be great choices. Ramaswamy is too talented for VP.

Since Trump and DeSantis are my first and second favorites, I would be a huge fan of this ticket.

Sadly, after the 2/10 debate, DeSantis said that he is not willing to be VP and would continue to serve Florida. Maybe he just said that because he was still running for POTUS.

Noem, Cruz, Jordan, maybe Ramaswamy would also be great choices. Ramaswamy is too talented for VP.


Most likely Noem. She's more "All-American" than Haley.
A good VP would have to make a good President. Be careful…a vagina and or DIVERSITY is not and should never be a qualifier.

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