Would Trump / DeSantis be the ultimate Republican ‘Dream Ticket’?

”Trump hurt my personal feelings…..I’m triggered…..therefore….“INSURRECTION”……”UN-ELECTABLE”!
Nope. Independents and Swing Voters will not vote for Trump in numbers large enough to put your Orange Phatt Phukk over the top.

You lack the numbers to win on your own nowadays... you need enough Indies and Swings to vote alongside you in order to pull it off.

That will not happen in November 2024 if you're foolish enough to run Trump again.
Nope. Independents and Swing Voters will not vote for Trump in numbers large enough to put your Orange Phatt Phukk over the top.

You lack the numbers to win on your own nowadays... you need enough Indies and Swings to vote alongside you in order to pull it off.

That will not happen in November 2024 if you're foolish enough to run Trump again.
I’m not sure how you arrive at that bullshit.
There will be no George Floyd, no scamdemic/Democrat Disease, no skirting around state legislatures to change voting guidelines under the bullshit guise of “national emergency”, no help from Zuckerberg, the google faggots or Twitter in 2024…..As polls have shown, there is not pathway to victory for the party of filth and foreigners.
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So you’re saying Trump will claim Loon York as his primary residence again?
He could do that! But NYC has much higher taxes for him to pay....? Though knowing him, he'll just grift donations from his loyalists, who will gladly pay them for him.... ;)

So, yeah, that would work and both could run together on the same ticket! I'm pretty certain the Democrats would love that to happen! Then the Dems could kill two birds with the same stone in 2024! :D
Nope. Independents and Swing Voters will not vote for Trump in numbers large enough to put your Orange Phatt Phukk over the top.

You lack the numbers to win on your own nowadays... you need enough Indies and Swings to vote alongside you in order to pull it off.

That will not happen in November 2024 if you're foolish enough to run Trump again.
So what do you suggest? Some RNC limp dick RINO who sides with the enemy Democrats 100% of the time?
He could do that! But NYC has much higher taxes for him to pay....? Though knowing him, he'll just grift donations from his loyalists, who will gladly pay them for him.... ;)

So, yeah, that would work and both could run together on the same ticket! I'm pretty certain the Democrats would love that to happen! Then the Dems could kill two birds with the same stone in 2024! :D

Do we trust TDS’ing leftist theories or should we “follow the science”…..the poll data?
Do we trust TDS’ing leftist theories or should we “follow the science”…..the poll data?


Did ya read your link?

Elsewhere, the Echelon Insights survey shows that Biden would narrowly beat Trump overall in the 2024 election when voters are given a choice of just the president (45 percent) and Trump (44 percent).
Like he grifted a salary for four years. You are a hateful person.

No, like Grifty McShifty grifted a ¼ of a billion dollars for his supposed "legal defense fund" to find election fraud. You know, the fraud which existed nowhere outside of the lies he told. And his dupes fell for it, hook, line & sinker.
His Presidency would carry too high a price tag for the Republic... so the FIGHT will have to wait another turn... unless you serve-up somebody better...
Regarding the Jan 6 Patriots…..The “Republic” has no fucks to give….evidenced by the polls.
So your dream of one party far Left rule will be realized.
God forbid... I mostly support the Trump Agenda, so-called... but it comes with Trump... and that's far too high a price tag for the Republic to bear...

Go find somebody who can execute and expand upon the Trump Agenda but who does not have Trump's frightfully long trail of baggage...

Ya'll need to ditch that albatross around your necks while you still can...
God forbid... I mostly support the Trump Agenda, so-called... but it comes with Trump... and that's far too high a price tag for the Republic to bear...

Go find somebody who can execute and expand upon the Trump Agenda but who does not have Trump's frightfully long trail of baggage...

Ya'll need to ditch that albatross around your necks while you still can...
The albatross are fucking limp dick "moderates" the RNC has foisted on us. We ditched that in 2016.

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