Would You Be For An Anti-Lynching Bill?

Are you for an Anti-Lynching Bill?

  • I'm a Republican, and I'm FOR such a bill.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm a Republican, and I'm AGAINST such a bill.

    Votes: 7 25.9%
  • I'm a Democrat, and I'm FOR such a bill.

    Votes: 5 18.5%
  • I'm a Democrat, and I'm AGAINST such a bill.

    Votes: 4 14.8%
  • I'm a Independent, and I'm FOR such a bill.

    Votes: 3 11.1%
  • I'm a Independent, and I'm AGAINST such a bill.

    Votes: 8 29.6%

  • Total voters
From the article...

"Lynching is a dark, despicable part of our history, and we must acknowledge that, lest we repeat it," Harris said in the statement about the bill on Friday.

Scott agreed the measure is "certainly well past due" adding that, "this piece of legislation sends a message that together, as a nation, we condemn the actions of those that try to divide us with violence and hate."

No Republicans have backed the bill.

I wonder why guy this can't find any other Republicans to sign this bill...?

Because it’s already against the law?
They've been trying to get an anti-lynching bill signed in Congress for years now.

Are you for, or against such a bill? Why/why not?
Well, lynchings are pretty rare these days but I can't see any reason not to have an anti-lynching bill. It certainly can't do any harm.

Aside from time wasted cluttering up the books with meaningless laws, instead of doing something useful.
They've been trying to get an anti-lynching bill signed in Congress for years now.

Are you for, or against such a bill? Why/why not?

Why have a bill for something that does not happen much at all and is covered by dozens of other laws.

What's next, a "Anti-walking the plank" bill?

I think we need to have a specific bill outlawing EVERY possible method of murder individually. Because why be efficient and just say, "Killing people isn't allowed"?
It depends on the details. That's where the devil is. What does this law do that murder laws don't?

Makes it a federal hate crime. Because somehow, you're just more dead if you're lynched than if you're just shot or stabbed. We gotta have MORE punishment for it, because one death sentence isn't enough.

Or something.
They've been trying to get an anti-lynching bill signed in Congress for years now.

Are you for, or against such a bill? Why/why not?
Why, to assume that those against it are racist? Is lynching an active phenomenon that requires an immediate response? Murder is murder and already covered in every jurisdiction. The only purpose for such a law is to falsely accuse anyone not enthusiastically in support with being racist or racially insensitive. The smart move is not to rise to the bait.
They've been trying to get an anti-lynching bill signed in Congress for years now.

Are you for, or against such a bill? Why/why not?
Well, lynchings are pretty rare these days but I can't see any reason not to have an anti-lynching bill. It certainly can't do any harm.

How about a "anti-walking the plank bill" or a "anti-burning at the stake bill"

Maybe we could have an "anti-cat of nine tails" bill after those two
Well, none of those have the same historic connotations but whatever floats yer boat I guess.

And that demands an extra law against something ALREADY illegal and essentially non-existent because why?
We need an anti-slavery bill. If you don't think so, then you're obviously racist.
Why, to assume that those against it are racist? Is lynching an active phenomenon that requires an immediate response? Murder is murder and already covered in every jurisdiction. The only purpose for such a law is to falsely accuse anyone not enthusiastically in support with being racist or racially insensitive. The smart move is not to rise to the bait.
Show me where my OP uses, or even suggests, the word racist or racism anywhere.

Your bias is clearly inventing words and inserting them into places they actually aren't.
They've been trying to get an anti-lynching bill signed in Congress for years now.

Are you for, or against such a bill? Why/why not?

Who is being hung? Nobody.

Hanged. Meat is hung, people are hanged.

Can't even remember where that line is from, but it pops up in my head every time this is discussed. No idea why. :)

Ok then, step away from ALL sharp objects and we'll get along just fine..... ;)
I am embarrassed that the author of this ridiculous bill is from South Carolina....
I've read this whole thread.

What it comes down to for those who are opposed to this legislation is that it's already illegal to kill someone. Which it is.

I remember when hate crimes legislation was trying to get through the congress. The same excuses to not pass those bills were used then too.

The bills finally passed. Now it seems everyone accepts them as the law and don't have a problem with them.

It's weird to see things repeat themselves very needlessly.

I've been a registered Independent since 1978. I voted yes to pass the legislation.

We already make distinctions in killing people in our laws. There's murder one, murder two. There's manslaughter. There's defending your life. There's accidental killing that had nothing nefarious to do with the death so no one is charged. There's vehicular homicide.

Personally, I think that lynching as a hate crime should be added to that list. Motive is one of the components to murder that the prosecution must establish. Hate is a motive.

If it's not going to have any impact because lynchings don't happen anymore, what's the harm of passing that bill?

It's intellectually dishonest and will give the impression to the dumber portion of society thats it's an actual problem?

What's dishonest about making hate being the motive for lynching illegal?

If people are too stupid to know that it is very rare in our society now then passing or not passing a bill will make no difference with their laziness and stupidity.
I've read this whole thread.

What it comes down to for those who are opposed to this legislation is that it's already illegal to kill someone. Which it is.

I remember when hate crimes legislation was trying to get through the congress. The same excuses to not pass those bills were used then too.

The bills finally passed. Now it seems everyone accepts them as the law and don't have a problem with them.

It's weird to see things repeat themselves very needlessly.

I've been a registered Independent since 1978. I voted yes to pass the legislation.

We already make distinctions in killing people in our laws. There's murder one, murder two. There's manslaughter. There's defending your life. There's accidental killing that had nothing nefarious to do with the death so no one is charged. There's vehicular homicide.

Personally, I think that lynching as a hate crime should be added to that list. Motive is one of the components to murder that the prosecution must establish. Hate is a motive.

If it's not going to have any impact because lynchings don't happen anymore, what's the harm of passing that bill?
The harm is that it triggers the white supremacists sensitivities.

They should get over it.

They have no fear of that law if they don't lynch anyone.

It's pretty simple but yes, I know, stupid people don't see logic and common sense.
They've been trying to get an anti-lynching bill signed in Congress for years now.

Are you for, or against such a bill? Why/why not?
Well, lynchings are pretty rare these days but I can't see any reason not to have an anti-lynching bill. It certainly can't do any harm.

How about a "anti-walking the plank bill" or a "anti-burning at the stake bill"

Maybe we could have an "anti-cat of nine tails" bill after those two
Well, none of those have the same historic connotations but whatever floats yer boat I guess.

So, you want to pass a bill dealing with actions today based upon historical connotations vice what is actually happening today?

Is that really what you think the job of the government is?
They aren't really accomplishing anything else right now so why not?

Because maybe they actually SHOULD accomplish something besides empty posturing and virtue-signaling. I frankly find the sight of politicians pretending to moral superiority grotesque, not to mention unbelievable.
I've read this whole thread.

What it comes down to for those who are opposed to this legislation is that it's already illegal to kill someone. Which it is.

I remember when hate crimes legislation was trying to get through the congress. The same excuses to not pass those bills were used then too.

The bills finally passed. Now it seems everyone accepts them as the law and don't have a problem with them.

It's weird to see things repeat themselves very needlessly.

I've been a registered Independent since 1978. I voted yes to pass the legislation.

We already make distinctions in killing people in our laws. There's murder one, murder two. There's manslaughter. There's defending your life. There's accidental killing that had nothing nefarious to do with the death so no one is charged. There's vehicular homicide.

Personally, I think that lynching as a hate crime should be added to that list. Motive is one of the components to murder that the prosecution must establish. Hate is a motive.

If it's not going to have any impact because lynchings don't happen anymore, what's the harm of passing that bill?

It's intellectually dishonest and will give the impression to the dumber portion of society thats it's an actual problem?

What's dishonest about making hate being the motive for lynching illegal?

If people are too stupid to know that it is very rare in our society now then passing or not passing a bill will make no difference with their laziness and stupidity.

You're going to make a crime out of thoughts and emotions? Shades of George Orwell.

If people are too stupid to know that you're just as dead regardless of what your murderer was thinking while he killed you, they don't need to be deciding on legislative priorities.
I've read this whole thread.

What it comes down to for those who are opposed to this legislation is that it's already illegal to kill someone. Which it is.

I remember when hate crimes legislation was trying to get through the congress. The same excuses to not pass those bills were used then too.

The bills finally passed. Now it seems everyone accepts them as the law and don't have a problem with them.

It's weird to see things repeat themselves very needlessly.

I've been a registered Independent since 1978. I voted yes to pass the legislation.

We already make distinctions in killing people in our laws. There's murder one, murder two. There's manslaughter. There's defending your life. There's accidental killing that had nothing nefarious to do with the death so no one is charged. There's vehicular homicide.

Personally, I think that lynching as a hate crime should be added to that list. Motive is one of the components to murder that the prosecution must establish. Hate is a motive.

If it's not going to have any impact because lynchings don't happen anymore, what's the harm of passing that bill?
The harm is that it triggers the white supremacists sensitivities.

They should get over it.

They have no fear of that law if they don't lynch anyone.

It's pretty simple but yes, I know, stupid people don't see logic and common sense.

YOU should get over it.

YOu have no fear of lynching, because it's not a thing. Hasn't been since before I was born. And it's already illegal.

It's pretty simple, but stupid people don't see logic and common sense.

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