Would you die for your faith(or lack thereof)?

Would you die for your faith, or lack thereof?

  • yes

    Votes: 10 41.7%
  • no

    Votes: 14 58.3%

  • Total voters
Steelplate;4007672]Let's suppose that a ruler came upon this land that was intolerant to any other religion/faith but his/her own. He/she orders all the citizens of the country to denounce any other God but his/hers.

Atheists, you don't get away with not answering. Your choice is to either accept the ruler's God, or die.

That will never happen as long as I am alive. I am a very good machinist and a pilot with many hours of multi-engine time.

I suppose first I could construct a very nasty 1 or two thousand pound surprise and the mechanism to release it from the under side of a 2000 mile range twin. I would take said device to a remote location within 500 miles of where this crazy fore-mentioned fuck resides by truck on a dolly and hide it next to a long straight road out in the boonies suitable as a landing strip. I would survey the existing supply of available planes and steal the appropriate aircraft(I already have priors) waiting for a 100% verification of said fucks location and when he/she would be there. Upon confirmation of the target I would steal the plane and fly it and the "device" attachment tools and release mechanism to the location of the "surprise". Then I would assemble the package and fly directly to the target and do an extreme low level run to increase the chances of success. I may have to take two planes and do a couple of practice runs out in the desert to help ensure accuracy. I would probably succeed without getting harmed as I have already done most of what I mentioned sans surprise package runs. I would probably not be the only one intent on removing this madman/woman from our midst. I guess it would just be a matter of who got to him/her first. If I did not succeed I can think of no better reason to die. Even If I miss and have to do a "do-over" the chances of getting caught are next to nothing.

I do not recommend that anyone try this at home. Many aspects of this story could be very dangerous. :eek: You should leave this kind of activity to professionals. :lol:

So much effort and expenditure when the entire issue can be resolved with one of these:


Anyone that has risen to a position powerful enough to make such an edict stick will be well protected from a sniper. My suggestion will clear a 500 ft radius with fleshetts and probably "mini" surprises embedded in the main surprise package most likely eliminating many of the supporting cast. It would send a clear message of the futility of attempting to turn the USA into a totalitarian theocracy.

A lot of people of power and wealth have been assassinated, some by their own military. Tell an Army Sniper he either has to worship something contrary to his personal beliefs, or be put to death, and see what happens.

I would not die over something as meaningless as faith or lack thereof.

I personally would choose to live. So I would lie and tell those forcing me to choose what they wanted to hear then I would be on my merry way to live my life as I choose.

Being a live hypocrite beats being a martyr any day.
Fuck that, I'm not going to permit some tyrant to lay a finger on me for not worshiping oogey boogey, the masturbating sun god. I believe in freedom, the Constitution, and the right of the People to be free. If fighting the oppression of some asshole dictator means I catch a bullet, so be it, but I'm not going to lay down and take it like a bitch.
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I answered yes, but am not going to nail myself to a cross to prove it. As others have already mentioned, I'd be willing to risk my life fighting such an asshole dictator.

FWIW, many moons ago the Marine Corps sent me to a week of SERE school. Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape. It is an advanced phase of survival training which includes POW training. After the Survival and Evasion phases, we were tossed into a POW camp for Resistance training. One of the first things the Camp Commandant did was attempt to destroy our chain of command by stating the most junior enlisted man would now be in charge and we were all to report through him. The lesson we were to learn through this was that letting the Camp Commandant think he was winning by destroying our chain of command was one thing but he couldn't really win unless we actually gave up on it. In public, the Lance Corporal designated by the Camp Commandant was in charge, but amongst ourselves, we stuck with our chain of command.

The same would go for the scenario depicted. If a dictator wanted my community to burn our church and renounce God to him, I'd advise people to do it but not believe it. In secret, we'd continue to wage war against this evil asshole until he and everyone supporting him was either dead or running for the hills.
Let's suppose that a ruler came upon this land that was intolerant to any other religion/faith but his/her own. He/she orders all the citizens of the country to denounce any other God but his/hers.

Atheists, you don't get away with not answering. Your choice is to either accept the ruler's God, or die.

Christians would not accept him either.

Why die for it when it spits out false stuff, hate, sexism, racism, rape, and other stuff?
And when you do good, what do you get? nada.
I answered yes, but am not going to nail myself to a cross to prove it. As others have already mentioned, I'd be willing to risk my life fighting such an asshole dictator.

FWIW, many moons ago the Marine Corps sent me to a week of SERE school. Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape. It is an advanced phase of survival training which includes POW training. After the Survival and Evasion phases, we were tossed into a POW camp for Resistance training. One of the first things the Camp Commandant did was attempt to destroy our chain of command by stating the most junior enlisted man would now be in charge and we were all to report through him. The lesson we were to learn through this was that letting the Camp Commandant think he was winning by destroying our chain of command was one thing but he couldn't really win unless we actually gave up on it. In public, the Lance Corporal designated by the Camp Commandant was in charge, but amongst ourselves, we stuck with our chain of command.

The same would go for the scenario depicted. If a dictator wanted my community to burn our church and renounce God to him, I'd advise people to do it but not believe it. In secret, we'd continue to wage war against this evil asshole until he and everyone supporting him was either dead or running for the hills.

My son has to go through SERE school soon....i told him i didn't want to hear anything about it! :)
My son has to go through SERE school soon....i told him i didn't want to hear anything about it! :)

Like anything in the military, or life for that matter, it's best to go through with a sense of humor. He'll be fine. It's good training and teaches one that acting like John Wayne won't cut it. We are taught to resist, but we're still human.
I'm going to let the Lord speak to my heart about what to do if this matter ever comes up.

Speculation hasn't worked since St. Peter vowed his all, then within 72 hours denied even knowing his Lord. Even so, he is the rock upon which Christ built his church, which has come under heavy fire for just about everything under the sun in these times.

I only know I love the Lord.I'm not sure I could get through persecution as well as St. Peter's first attempt. We know he later from oral tradition that he did die for his beliefs as he requested to be crucified upside down, since he claimed he was not worthy to die like Christ on an upright cross.

And let me tell you about Marines. They die to save others without thinking about the consequences of their facedown of the enemies, no matter what they say later about themselves. I'm fortunate to have been the daughter of one of them, but didn't think so during his lifetime, I'm sorry to say. A review of his WWII and Korean War medals told me all I needed to know about the known acts of his heroism. What I didn't understand during his lifetime was that he did not speak up for himself as a matter of military discipline learned in the service of his country. 20 years after his passing I realized what a peach of a human being he really was, even when enduring searing criticism by other family members. The telltale signature of a Marine is that he is always and ever faithful. That is the meaning of semper fi. If only he could come back for one day, and I could say with all my heart, "Thanks, Dad, for all you did." Just a day.
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Speculation hasn't worked since St. Peter vowed his all, then within 72 hours denied even knowing his Lord. Even so, he is the rock upon which Christ built his church, which has come under heavy fire for just about everything under the sun in these times.

I only know I love the Lord.I'm not sure I could get through persecution as well as St. Peter's first attempt. We know he later from oral tradition that he did die for his beliefs as he requested to be crucified upside down, since he claimed he was not worthy to die like Christ on an upright cross..

Thanks for the story of your Dad, Becki.

Regarding Peter, it's not unusual for a person to weaken a bit from fear when first tested in battle. It's a normal human reaction. Falling down happens. The real test is whether the person gets back up again. Peter did as did many prominent figures in human history: They Did Not Give Up

"Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall."
~ Confucius
My son has to go through SERE school soon....i told him i didn't want to hear anything about it! :)

Like anything in the military, or life for that matter, it's best to go through with a sense of humor. He'll be fine. It's good training and teaches one that acting like John Wayne won't cut it. We are taught to resist, but we're still human.

Oh i'm sure he'll be fine...he's pretty tough and he loves it!!! :) I just don't like hearing about some of the stuff he does...Lol~ I'm his mom ya know! :lol:
Speculation hasn't worked since St. Peter vowed his all, then within 72 hours denied even knowing his Lord. Even so, he is the rock upon which Christ built his church, which has come under heavy fire for just about everything under the sun in these times.

I only know I love the Lord.I'm not sure I could get through persecution as well as St. Peter's first attempt. We know he later from oral tradition that he did die for his beliefs as he requested to be crucified upside down, since he claimed he was not worthy to die like Christ on an upright cross..

Thanks for the story of your Dad, Becki.

Regarding Peter, it's not unusual for a person to weaken a bit from fear when first tested in battle. It's a normal human reaction. Falling down happens. The real test is whether the person gets back up again. Peter did as did many prominent figures in human history: They Did Not Give Up

"Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall."
~ Confucius

Thanks, DW. BTW, Divine Wind's link is truly inspirational. If you know someone who needs a lift, send them his link, They Did Not Give Up. :)
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Let's suppose that a ruler came upon this land that was intolerant to any other religion/faith but his/her own. He/she orders all the citizens of the country to denounce any other God but his/hers.

Atheists, you don't get away with not answering. Your choice is to either accept the ruler's God, or die.

I would rather die than take up a false religion.
Me also, that is why I can't be anything other than a Christian.
I would die happily fighting along side all those who love freedom. Those who would not fight for their 'faith or the lack thereof' do not love freedom. My faith is worth dying for. The right for others to worship as they so choose is worth dying for. Freedom is worth dying for.
Seems to be whomever is President at the time depending on whom you talk to.

I honestly do not recall talk of Bush being the antichrist?

Did it happen and if so did it happen to the degree that is has with Obama?

I'm afraid it did, I think even one of the popes made a comment to that effect.
The nuttiest claim I heard was by some Nostradamus buffs. They claimed he called the last and worst dictator "Mabus" which they went on to claim was taken from the last two letters of Osama bin Laden's first name "ma" + the first three letters of Bush "bus". That was obviously desparate yammering after they canned Dan Rather for publishing a story full of information from a false document that in his rush to judgment, they failed to check the authenticity of, and the claim of the producer of the document guaranteed that he had made it all up to politically pillory President George W. Bush. Those of us who stayed familiar with the J.H. Hatfield book scandal which had also falsified testimony sorta knew what was gonna go down when the real truth came out. Rather still goes around the country from time to time blathering he just knows his version was authentic, when it was proven false ten different ways. Some people never catch on. :rolleyes:
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Let's suppose that a ruler came upon this land that was intolerant to any other religion/faith but his/her own. He/she orders all the citizens of the country to denounce any other God but his/hers.

Atheists, you don't get away with not answering. Your choice is to either accept the ruler's God, or die.

A lefty fantasy? The ignorant assumption seems to be that religious American citizens would willingly die. It might be wishful thinking but I personally can assure steel platehead that I would not go willingly.
Let's suppose that a ruler came upon this land that was intolerant to any other religion/faith but his/her own. He/she orders all the citizens of the country to denounce any other God but his/hers.

Atheists, you don't get away with not answering. Your choice is to either accept the ruler's God, or die.

I will not bow down before any man.
The signs are clear of Who I should look out for.
HE will be easy to recognize and there is no other.



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