Would you favor Trump dismissing all Dept. of Education Employees, effectively shutting it down?

Should Trump dismiss all DoE personnel and shut it down?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 55 90.2%
  • No.

    Votes: 5 8.2%
  • That is unconstitutional.

    Votes: 1 1.6%

  • Total voters
Thereby avoiding 100's of thousands of dollar of debt.

They would then get a trade and make 50 to100k per year without the debt.

The horror...
With all due respect to tradesmen, they aren’t doctors, engineers, scientists or architects.
They built the house you live in and the office building you work in.
And architects and nfineers designed them.

I respect tradesmen. But tradesmen did not plan the Apollo program, perform heart transplants, nfineer power plants, defend the accused in courts of law, nor teach those who did.

Do you have any need or respect for higher education?
Of the top issues that face this country, which do you think is more critical?

New power plants?
New Doctors for heart transplants?
A New space program?
More Lawyers?
Rebuilding our infrastructure?

Because for the past three years, infrastructure has been the drumbeat of the left.

Guess who builds our infrastructure.

That's right. Those who work in the trades.

It would be wasted on you, but here is Mike talking with Ben Shapiro (Yeah, you'll immediately dismiss it, cause your educated) talking about all of that and more.

Not one pipe could be laid, not one power line could be installed, not one bridge could be built without engineers to design them.

I'm sorry you have such disregard for the professionals who design, heal, research and teach. Tradesmen are indispensable. But without those with higher education, tradesmen become repairmen, not builders.

Not one pipe could be laid, not one power line could be installed, not one bridge could be built without a tradesman to pick up a shovel, a hammer, a rivet gun, a wrench. I'm sorry you think that college is the ONLY answer to life.
With all due respect to tradesmen, they aren’t doctors, engineers, scientists or architects.
They built the house you live in and the office building you work in.
And architects and nfineers designed them.

I respect tradesmen. But tradesmen did not plan the Apollo program, perform heart transplants, nfineer power plants, defend the accused in courts of law, nor teach those who did.

Do you have any need or respect for higher education?
Of the top issues that face this country, which do you think is more critical?

New power plants?
New Doctors for heart transplants?
A New space program?
More Lawyers?
Rebuilding our infrastructure?

Because for the past three years, infrastructure has been the drumbeat of the left.

Guess who builds our infrastructure.

That's right. Those who work in the trades.

It would be wasted on you, but here is Mike talking with Ben Shapiro (Yeah, you'll immediately dismiss it, cause your educated) talking about all of that and more.

Not one pipe could be laid, not one power line could be installed, not one bridge could be built without engineers to design them.

I'm sorry you have such disregard for the professionals who design, heal, research and teach. Tradesmen are indispensable. But without those with higher education, tradesmen become repairmen, not builders.

Not one pipe could be laid, not one power line could be installed, not one bridge could be built without a tradesman to pick up a shovel, a hammer, a rivet gun, a wrench. I'm sorry you think that college is the ONLY answer to life.

Itynot the only answer. But it's the indispensable answer.
They built the house you live in and the office building you work in.
And architects and nfineers designed them.

I respect tradesmen. But tradesmen did not plan the Apollo program, perform heart transplants, nfineer power plants, defend the accused in courts of law, nor teach those who did.

Do you have any need or respect for higher education?
Of the top issues that face this country, which do you think is more critical?

New power plants?
New Doctors for heart transplants?
A New space program?
More Lawyers?
Rebuilding our infrastructure?

Because for the past three years, infrastructure has been the drumbeat of the left.

Guess who builds our infrastructure.

That's right. Those who work in the trades.

It would be wasted on you, but here is Mike talking with Ben Shapiro (Yeah, you'll immediately dismiss it, cause your educated) talking about all of that and more.

Not one pipe could be laid, not one power line could be installed, not one bridge could be built without engineers to design them.

I'm sorry you have such disregard for the professionals who design, heal, research and teach. Tradesmen are indispensable. But without those with higher education, tradesmen become repairmen, not builders.

Not one pipe could be laid, not one power line could be installed, not one bridge could be built without a tradesman to pick up a shovel, a hammer, a rivet gun, a wrench. I'm sorry you think that college is the ONLY answer to life.

Itynot the only answer. But it's the indispensable answer.

It is very disputable.
And architects and nfineers designed them.

I respect tradesmen. But tradesmen did not plan the Apollo program, perform heart transplants, nfineer power plants, defend the accused in courts of law, nor teach those who did.

Do you have any need or respect for higher education?
Of the top issues that face this country, which do you think is more critical?

New power plants?
New Doctors for heart transplants?
A New space program?
More Lawyers?
Rebuilding our infrastructure?

Because for the past three years, infrastructure has been the drumbeat of the left.

Guess who builds our infrastructure.

That's right. Those who work in the trades.

It would be wasted on you, but here is Mike talking with Ben Shapiro (Yeah, you'll immediately dismiss it, cause your educated) talking about all of that and more.

Not one pipe could be laid, not one power line could be installed, not one bridge could be built without engineers to design them.

I'm sorry you have such disregard for the professionals who design, heal, research and teach. Tradesmen are indispensable. But without those with higher education, tradesmen become repairmen, not builders.

Not one pipe could be laid, not one power line could be installed, not one bridge could be built without a tradesman to pick up a shovel, a hammer, a rivet gun, a wrench. I'm sorry you think that college is the ONLY answer to life.

Itynot the only answer. But it's the indispensable answer.

It is very disputable.

I said 'indispensable '.

Why do you have such contempt for higher education? Do you think a plumber can repair your faulty heart valve? Do you think an electrician can design the bridge you drive across? Do you think a carpenter can research infectious diseases?

We absolutely need higher education if, for no other reason, to teach fools like you that skill sets extend only so far and the future is unattainable without highly educated citizens.
The department of education was only established in 1979. We gave it a good try. It didn't work.
Although the Department is a relative newcomer among Cabinet-level agencies, its origins goes back to 1867, when President Andrew Johnson signed legislation creating the first Department of Education. Its main purpose was to collect information and statistics about the nation's schools. However, due to concern that the Department would exercise too much control over local schools, the new Department was demoted to an Office of Education in 1868. In the 1950's with college enrollment increasing and concern over Sputnik then the race to moon in 60's, federal growth in education skyrocket returning the Office of Education to the cabinet.

We could do away with the department but all the same requirements would still be their. They would just have to done by another department.
Of the top issues that face this country, which do you think is more critical?

New power plants?
New Doctors for heart transplants?
A New space program?
More Lawyers?
Rebuilding our infrastructure?

Because for the past three years, infrastructure has been the drumbeat of the left.

Guess who builds our infrastructure.

That's right. Those who work in the trades.

It would be wasted on you, but here is Mike talking with Ben Shapiro (Yeah, you'll immediately dismiss it, cause your educated) talking about all of that and more.

Not one pipe could be laid, not one power line could be installed, not one bridge could be built without engineers to design them.

I'm sorry you have such disregard for the professionals who design, heal, research and teach. Tradesmen are indispensable. But without those with higher education, tradesmen become repairmen, not builders.

Not one pipe could be laid, not one power line could be installed, not one bridge could be built without a tradesman to pick up a shovel, a hammer, a rivet gun, a wrench. I'm sorry you think that college is the ONLY answer to life.

Itynot the only answer. But it's the indispensable answer.

It is very disputable.

I said 'indispensable '.

Why do you have such contempt for higher education? Do you think a plumber can repair your faulty heart valve? Do you think an electrician can design the bridge you drive across? Do you think a carpenter can research infectious diseases?

We absolutely need higher education if, for no other reason, to teach fools like you that skill sets extend only so far and the future is unattainable without highly educated citizens.

Education is a total fraud brought by insane greed professors who only care for their higher wages

They fooled students and govt to get student loads to help raise their salaries

They then started covering up science when science showed abortion was murder of a human being

They are a disgusting bunch of crooks and hypocrites !!
I could not vote as there was no 'Most of them' option (though I like the thread question overall).

If I had the power, I would gut the Dept. of Education EXCEPT for a small group who set minimum, educational standards for various diplomas to be recognized by the federal government (i.e. high school diploma).
That would probably cut the personnel and the budget by about 95%.

Then I would give the entire educational responsibility to the states.
Congress in the Constitution only means the Federal Congress. State legislatures are not congress.
wheres it say that???

Where does it call State legislatures congress?
where does what call it?? legislator and congress are interchangeable,,,

I think they are simply saying that no laws can be made and since fed law overides state law its a mute point,,,NO LAWS CAN BE MADE

Congress in the Constitution is:

All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.

and here is article one talking about Congress and State legislatures separately.

The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing [sic] Senators.
because fed law over rides state law its irrelevant,,,

words mean things.
I don't understand that just because the Constitution doesn't mention "education" that a D of Ed is unconstitutional.
If Congress isn't given the power to create (x), then the creation of (x) violates the constitution.
Congress created the DoEd; congress does not have the power to create legislation dealing with education.

If the issues of education cross state lines it does.
Most of those laws only apply (or should only apply) when you are physically present in the State. So I don't accept that allowing a small Dept of Ed forces all States to comply with the same laws and ruins and destroys the entire nation.

Argumentum ad abusrdum.
First off, it's not arugmentum ad absurdum. You are back to slippery slope and maybe the fallacy of composition.

And, i never said it would destroy the entire nation. I said it would CONTINUE the process of usurping state sovereignty. We have already proved that past conduct (FedGov usurping state sovereignty) is indicative of future conduct. Otherwise, there is no logical reason for denying felons the right to own gun, right?

There is a very logical reason to deny felons gun rights AND voting rights, they are felons. For that though, if they are convicted of a State crime, the feds have no say in the matter.

They can only set the parole/release requirements for federal crimes, and to me, only really for federal elections.
The same applies to the above. If your only argument is that it may be abused, then we might as well all start our own horde and ride the plains seeking pillage targets.

There is a role for a Dept of Ed at the federal level, to supply minimum general requirements for schooling.
My argument is not that it may be abused. It HAS been abused. Repeatedly. The best indicator of future conduct is past conduct.

Why must the federal government establish minimum general requirements for schooling? Either I am is failing to see the need or you are failing to communicate it.

Lack of minimal standards would impact transfers of degrees as requirements between the States. It would allow States to reject diplomas from other States in objection to full faith and credit.

There is no prohibition in the constitution for it.

This already happens.


I think you are talking about occupational certifications, not diplomas.
wheres it say that???

Where does it call State legislatures congress?
where does what call it?? legislator and congress are interchangeable,,,

I think they are simply saying that no laws can be made and since fed law overides state law its a mute point,,,NO LAWS CAN BE MADE

Congress in the Constitution is:

All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.

and here is article one talking about Congress and State legislatures separately.

The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing [sic] Senators.
because fed law over rides state law its irrelevant,,,

words mean things.

thats why the 10th amendment is so important,,,
Of the top issues that face this country, which do you think is more critical?

New power plants?
New Doctors for heart transplants?
A New space program?
More Lawyers?
Rebuilding our infrastructure?

Because for the past three years, infrastructure has been the drumbeat of the left.

Guess who builds our infrastructure.

That's right. Those who work in the trades.

It would be wasted on you, but here is Mike talking with Ben Shapiro (Yeah, you'll immediately dismiss it, cause your educated) talking about all of that and more.

Not one pipe could be laid, not one power line could be installed, not one bridge could be built without engineers to design them.

I'm sorry you have such disregard for the professionals who design, heal, research and teach. Tradesmen are indispensable. But without those with higher education, tradesmen become repairmen, not builders.

Not one pipe could be laid, not one power line could be installed, not one bridge could be built without a tradesman to pick up a shovel, a hammer, a rivet gun, a wrench. I'm sorry you think that college is the ONLY answer to life.

Itynot the only answer. But it's the indispensable answer.

It is very disputable.

I said 'indispensable '.

Why do you have such contempt for higher education? Do you think a plumber can repair your faulty heart valve? Do you think an electrician can design the bridge you drive across? Do you think a carpenter can research infectious diseases?

We absolutely need higher education if, for no other reason, to teach fools like you that skill sets extend only so far and the future is unattainable without highly educated citizens.

Again with the false statements? I don't have contempt for higher education. I have two degrees, and 15 credits toward My MBA.

Which is why I know that I don't ask a plumber to repair a faulty heart valve. I do ask one to repair My indoor plumbing, that is if I can find one. If you had bothered to do any research on this subject at all, you'd know that we have a gap in qualified and skilled tradespeople and millions of unfulfilled jobs in these trades. People can get very high paying jobs, have very satisfying lives, and be happy in life without the massive crushing debt that is associated with degrees that provide no training for jobs that the graduates won't have.

The truth is, educated is not trained and many degreed people are not working in the fields they have a degree for.

I think that higher education is very dispensable for 80% of the country.

People like you are the reason we have an education funding crisis and why people are in unneeded debt.

You look down on people who earn a journeyman position in the trades and treat them as some kind of 'loser' in life's lottery.

Hey, I'll tell you what though, the next time you need a broken pipe fixed, call your family doctor.
Not one pipe could be laid, not one power line could be installed, not one bridge could be built without engineers to design them.

I'm sorry you have such disregard for the professionals who design, heal, research and teach. Tradesmen are indispensable. But without those with higher education, tradesmen become repairmen, not builders.
Not one pipe could be laid, not one power line could be installed, not one bridge could be built without a tradesman to pick up a shovel, a hammer, a rivet gun, a wrench. I'm sorry you think that college is the ONLY answer to life.
Itynot the only answer. But it's the indispensable answer.
It is very disputable.
I said 'indispensable '.

Why do you have such contempt for higher education? Do you think a plumber can repair your faulty heart valve? Do you think an electrician can design the bridge you drive across? Do you think a carpenter can research infectious diseases?

We absolutely need higher education if, for no other reason, to teach fools like you that skill sets extend only so far and the future is unattainable without highly educated citizens.
Again with the false statements? I don't have contempt for higher education. I have two degrees, and 15 credits toward My MBA.

Which is why I know that I don't ask a plumber to repair a faulty heart valve. I do ask one to repair My indoor plumbing, that is if I can find one. If you had bothered to do any research on this subject at all, you'd know that we have a gap in qualified and skilled tradespeople and millions of unfulfilled jobs in these trades. People can get very high paying jobs, have very satisfying lives, and be happy in life without the massive crushing debt that is associated with degrees that provide no training for jobs that the graduates won't have.

The truth is, educated is not trained and many degreed people are not working in the fields they have a degree for.

I think that higher education is very dispensable for 80% of the country.

People like you are the reason we have an education funding crisis and why people are in unneeded debt.

You look down on people who earn a journeyman position in the trades and treat them as some kind of 'loser' in life's lottery.

Hey, I'll tell you what though, the next time you need a broken pipe fixed, call your family doctor.
Where did you read in any of my posts I "look down on people who earn a journeyman position"? My posts here have been peppered with resp Ct for tradesmen.

My initial question was: Who will administer Pell Grants?

Eliminating the DoE would mean the elimination of that vital program.

I went to college with the help of Pell Grants.
The same applies to the above. If your only argument is that it may be abused, then we might as well all start our own horde and ride the plains seeking pillage targets.

There is a role for a Dept of Ed at the federal level, to supply minimum general requirements for schooling.
My argument is not that it may be abused. It HAS been abused. Repeatedly. The best indicator of future conduct is past conduct.

Why must the federal government establish minimum general requirements for schooling? Either I am is failing to see the need or you are failing to communicate it.

Lack of minimal standards would impact transfers of degrees as requirements between the States. It would allow States to reject diplomas from other States in objection to full faith and credit.

There is no prohibition in the constitution for it.

This already happens.


I think you are talking about occupational certifications, not diplomas.

If my diploma gets me a certificate here, but it won't in another state, isn't that the same thing?


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