Would you favor Trump dismissing all Dept. of Education Employees, effectively shutting it down?

Should Trump dismiss all DoE personnel and shut it down?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 55 90.2%
  • No.

    Votes: 5 8.2%
  • That is unconstitutional.

    Votes: 1 1.6%

  • Total voters
Would you miss it?

What is the constitutional basis for the DoE?
If you want to do away with some function of goverment, you repeal the laws that require that function. Firing the people will not relieve the president of his responsibility to carry out the law. It will just result in court orders forcing the administration to carry out the legally required functions of the DOE such as processing federal aid to the education, administering student loans, collecting education statistics, creating and administering grants for K-12, enforcement of civil rights laws in education and several dozen other functions mandated by law.

Every year when I have to help my kids and grand kids with their FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) am I sure there must be a better way.
Who would administer Pell Grants?
Federal grants are just as unconstitutional as the DoE
They promote the general welfare. They ensure domestic tranquillity.

Unless you think depriving citizens of higher education does not.
You obviously dont know what general means.
The doctors and lawyers and engineers and chemists and architects and physicists and teachers serve the GENERAL welfare.
So do carpenters and plumbers.
Who would administer Pell Grants?
Conservatives don’t care about that.

If one can’t afford to go to college, he simply doesn’t go.
Thereby avoiding 100's of thousands of dollar of debt.

They would then get a trade and make 50 to100k per year without the debt.

The horror...
With all due respect to tradesmen, they aren’t doctors, engineers, scientists or architects.
They built the house you live in and the office building you work in.
Who would administer Pell Grants?
Federal grants are just as unconstitutional as the DoE
They promote the general welfare. They ensure domestic tranquillity.

Unless you think depriving citizens of higher education does not.
You obviously dont know what general means.
The doctors and lawyers and engineers and chemists and architects and physicists and teachers serve the GENERAL welfare.
So do carpenters and plumbers.
Most people that work do that...
He apparently still doesn't understand what that clause means either.
Who would administer Pell Grants?
Conservatives don’t care about that.

If one can’t afford to go to college, he simply doesn’t go.
Thereby avoiding 100's of thousands of dollar of debt.

They would then get a trade and make 50 to100k per year without the debt.

The horror...
With all due respect to tradesmen, they aren’t doctors, engineers, scientists or architects.
They built the house you live in and the office building you work in.
And architects and nfineers designed them.

I respect tradesmen. But tradesmen did not plan the Apollo program, perform heart transplants, nfineer power plants, defend the accused in courts of law, nor teach those who did.

Do you have any need or respect for higher education?
Who would administer Pell Grants?
Conservatives don’t care about that.

If one can’t afford to go to college, he simply doesn’t go.
Thereby avoiding 100's of thousands of dollar of debt.

They would then get a trade and make 50 to100k per year without the debt.

The horror...
With all due respect to tradesmen, they aren’t doctors, engineers, scientists or architects.
They built the house you live in and the office building you work in.
And architects and nfineers designed them.

I respect tradesmen. But tradesmen did not plan the Apollo program, perform heart transplants, nfineer power plants, defend the accused in courts of law, nor teach those who did.

Do you have any need or respect for higher education?
Of the top issues that face this country, which do you think is more critical?

New power plants?
New Doctors for heart transplants?
A New space program?
More Lawyers?
Rebuilding our infrastructure?

Because for the past three years, infrastructure has been the drumbeat of the left.

Guess who builds our infrastructure.

That's right. Those who work in the trades.

It would be wasted on you, but here is Mike talking with Ben Shapiro (Yeah, you'll immediately dismiss it, cause your educated) talking about all of that and more.
I see it more as the ability for bare minimums to be equivalent between the States, setting a floor as such.

It has to do with commerce between the States, and the ability of people to move freely between the States, so I see this limited scope as part of the federal mandate.

That being said, the current laws on the books for this could probably be reduced by a factor of 100 to meet the requirements I listed above.
Yeah, but once you start loosely applying the commerce clause, ANYTHING can be deemed regulation of interstate commerce, thereby preempting all state authority.

The slippery slope argument can be applied to anything.

If you allow people to attend educational facilities across state lines, there needs to be Standards. Unless congress allows States to enter into agreements between themselves, it's up to the fed to regulate this.

Jimmy Carter created the Dept of Education. Those problems worked themselves out before its creation, they'll work themselves out after it is gone.

The same applies to the above. If your only argument is that it may be abused, then we might as well all start our own horde and ride the plains seeking pillage targets.

There is a role for a Dept of Ed at the federal level, to supply minimum general requirements for schooling.
My argument is not that it may be abused. It HAS been abused. Repeatedly. The best indicator of future conduct is past conduct.

Why must the federal government establish minimum general requirements for schooling? Either I am is failing to see the need or you are failing to communicate it.

Lack of minimal standards would impact transfers of degrees as requirements between the States. It would allow States to reject diplomas from other States in objection to full faith and credit.

There is no prohibition in the constitution for it.

This already happens.

What does the department of education do? Has it done anything but fail the past 10 years? Then shit can it.
It does quite a bit. Whether it's a failure or not is a matter of opinion. Here are a few of the major functions of the department.

It administers the federal student loan portfolio of 1.4 trillion dollars whose borrowers are 43 million Americans. It determines who get's federal student aid in form or loans, grants, and work study programs. It also provides the data both states and universities need to award grants and scholarship. In terms of dollars and personnel, this is the biggest job of the DOE.

The DOE also sponsors and evaluates educational research programs that have proven effective in lab environments. The most promising of these programs are made available to public schools across the country. The DOE normally provides seed money for these programs which usually last 3 years or less. Also, the DOE solicits proposals for grants from classrooms rooms across the country.

The agency also arbitrates civil rights issues in public schools which settles over 90% of the cases out of court.

The DOE also creates the national report card for congress and the public. This consist of thousands of pages educational data for all schools determining costs and progress. It essential does for education what BBS does for business. States and school district use this data to determine how they compare other states and districts. Without this function, the public would have no way of knowing just how bad or good a job the schools are doing.
The dept of education is crooked to the core same as Jimmy Carter

Carter left the southern baptists because of not letting women be pastors

Carter DID NOT leave the democrat party when they went against science and instead promoted and brainwashed abortion to the students

Why did Carter do this??

He is an unwise ADAM TYPE man who thinks pleasing women is the way to help women

Too unwise to see what an outrageous hypocrite he is with still carrying the bible
Pretty clear from this thread......

The People have spoken.


(except that.....we're a Republic)

This shows the understanding how the deep state is corrupt to the core is fast SPREADING ??

It's too late to now stop this spreading of this understanding
Conservatives don’t care about that.

If one can’t afford to go to college, he simply doesn’t go.
Thereby avoiding 100's of thousands of dollar of debt.

They would then get a trade and make 50 to100k per year without the debt.

The horror...
With all due respect to tradesmen, they aren’t doctors, engineers, scientists or architects.
They built the house you live in and the office building you work in.
And architects and nfineers designed them.

I respect tradesmen. But tradesmen did not plan the Apollo program, perform heart transplants, nfineer power plants, defend the accused in courts of law, nor teach those who did.

Do you have any need or respect for higher education?
Of the top issues that face this country, which do you think is more critical?

New power plants?
New Doctors for heart transplants?
A New space program?
More Lawyers?
Rebuilding our infrastructure?

Because for the past three years, infrastructure has been the drumbeat of the left.

Guess who builds our infrastructure.

That's right. Those who work in the trades.

It would be wasted on you, but here is Mike talking with Ben Shapiro (Yeah, you'll immediately dismiss it, cause your educated) talking about all of that and more.

Not one pipe could be laid, not one power line could be installed, not one bridge could be built without engineers to design them.

I'm sorry you have such disregard for the professionals who design, heal, research and teach. Tradesmen are indispensable. But without those with higher education, tradesmen become repairmen, not builders.

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