Would you favor Trump dismissing all Dept. of Education Employees, effectively shutting it down?

Should Trump dismiss all DoE personnel and shut it down?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 55 90.2%
  • No.

    Votes: 5 8.2%
  • That is unconstitutional.

    Votes: 1 1.6%

  • Total voters
fire the lot of em

can i submit a resume to the white house ?

put me in charge of any bureaucratic department you want
ill shut er down liquidate the building and everything in it

even the fuckin pencils

the department of ed swat team
SWAT Team Mania: The War Against the American Citizen | HuffPost

i grabbed from huff po so they couldnt call it a heritage foundation lie
Who would administer Pell Grants?
Federal grants are just as unconstitutional as the DoE
They promote the general welfare. They ensure domestic tranquillity.

Unless you think depriving citizens of higher education does not.
You obviously dont know what general means.
The doctors and lawyers and engineers and chemists and architects and physicists and teachers serve the GENERAL welfare.
Who would administer Pell Grants?
Conservatives don’t care about that.

If one can’t afford to go to college, he simply doesn’t go.
Thereby avoiding 100's of thousands of dollar of debt.

They would then get a trade and make 50 to100k per year without the debt.

The horror...
With all due respect to tradesmen, they aren’t doctors, engineers, scientists or architects.

oh yeah when it comes to public schools they're doing a real bang up job

shut it down
Who would administer Pell Grants?
Conservatives don’t care about that.

If one can’t afford to go to college, he simply doesn’t go.
Thereby avoiding 100's of thousands of dollar of debt.

They would then get a trade and make 50 to100k per year without the debt.

The horror...
With all due respect to tradesmen, they aren’t doctors, engineers, scientists or architects.
Nor do the vast majority of our citizens need to be either.

Many -- make that the majority -- of people have rich, rewarding, satisfying lives and careers working in the trades.

Mike Rowe talks about it best when he talks about the skills gap. Plus, we don't have millions going into crippling debt to become a journeyman tradesman.

Conservatives don't want education......Shut it down
Education should be left up to the states, paying for the teachers, the buildings, the books, everything. My taxes should not be spent on this bottomless pit that churns out communists.
Who would administer Pell Grants?
Conservatives don’t care about that.

If one can’t afford to go to college, he simply doesn’t go.
Thereby avoiding 100's of thousands of dollar of debt.

They would then get a trade and make 50 to100k per year without the debt.

The horror...
With all due respect to tradesmen, they aren’t doctors, engineers, scientists or architects.
Nor do the vast majority of our citizens need to be either.

Many -- make that the majority -- of people have rich, rewarding, satisfying lives and careers working in the trades.

Mike Rowe talks about it best when he talks about the skills gap. Plus, we don't have millions going into crippling debt to become a journeyman tradesman.

Have Mike Rowe replace your faulty heart valve.
Who would administer Pell Grants?
Conservatives don’t care about that.

If one can’t afford to go to college, he simply doesn’t go.
Thereby avoiding 100's of thousands of dollar of debt.

They would then get a trade and make 50 to100k per year without the debt.

The horror...
With all due respect to tradesmen, they aren’t doctors, engineers, scientists or architects.
Try making do without them.
Who would administer Pell Grants?
Federal grants are just as unconstitutional as the DoE
They promote the general welfare. They ensure domestic tranquillity.

Unless you think depriving citizens of higher education does not.
You obviously dont know what general means.
The doctors and lawyers and engineers and chemists and architects and physicists and teachers serve the GENERAL welfare.
My heart specialist is from and was educated in India. He has interesting things to say about his peers and their American education.
Who would administer Pell Grants?
Conservatives don’t care about that.

If one can’t afford to go to college, he simply doesn’t go.
Thereby avoiding 100's of thousands of dollar of debt.

They would then get a trade and make 50 to100k per year without the debt.

The horror...
With all due respect to tradesmen, they aren’t doctors, engineers, scientists or architects.
Nor do the vast majority of our citizens need to be either.

Many -- make that the majority -- of people have rich, rewarding, satisfying lives and careers working in the trades.

Mike Rowe talks about it best when he talks about the skills gap. Plus, we don't have millions going into crippling debt to become a journeyman tradesman.

Have Mike Rowe replace your faulty heart valve.

I don't need to. No one is advocating for doing away with college or some of the degrees and skills they bring. That makes your little attempt at making it seem like we'd all be doomed if we didn't go to college a bit foolish.

I'll admit it. I'm a fan of Mike Rowe. He speaks uncommon common sense. His message is spot on and correct.

If you get past the long introduction, where he talks about just how successful real people, doing real trades and necessary work, are becoming successful.

So, you can stop the worthless scare tactics that if we promote trades and low debt, well-paying jobs, we are somehow going to run out of doctors and engineers and scientists and architects.
Who would administer Pell Grants?
Conservatives don’t care about that.

If one can’t afford to go to college, he simply doesn’t go.
Thereby avoiding 100's of thousands of dollar of debt.

They would then get a trade and make 50 to100k per year without the debt.

The horror...
With all due respect to tradesmen, they aren’t doctors, engineers, scientists or architects.
Try making do without them.
It's amazing how addicted civilization is to indoor plumbing, reliable electricity, running clean water, buildings that don't downfall down on us, and roads. Not to mention all the other things the trades give us.
They promote the general welfare.
By that standard, ANYTHING will promote the general welfare.

Did you read James Monroe's comments from the Federalist Papers?

I'll post the again for your benefit:

"The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite."
James Madison, Federalist Paper 45

"The powers reserved to the several States will extend to all the objects which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, liberties, and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement, and prosperity of the State."
James Madison, Federalist Paper 45

"In the first place it is to be remembered that the general government is not to be charged with the whole power of making and administering laws. Its jurisdiction is limited to certain enumerated objects, which concern all the members of the republic, but which are not to be attained by the separate provisions of any."
James Madison, Federalist Paper 51

Who would administer Pell Grants?
Conservatives don’t care about that.

If one can’t afford to go to college, he simply doesn’t go.
Thereby avoiding 100's of thousands of dollar of debt.

They would then get a trade and make 50 to100k per year without the debt.

The horror...
With all due respect to tradesmen, they aren’t doctors, engineers, scientists or architects.
Try making do without them.
And doctors, engineers and scientists

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