Would you "hit" this chick?

Put some makeup and a black leather outfit on that and I think she'd get some takers.
I am from Polk County Florida and we don't cull out any chick. However, I would probably disappoint her and she would have the Palace Guards hang me up by the balls.
She may be taking a new job soon.

Her ? Nah. I had some fun with Asian gurls over the decades. They're cool and fun........like anyone else not brainwashed by bullshit.
When I made the mistake of meatheadism.....I had a "yobo" in koreastan. They were considered whore/house gurlz/users. She was NOT and really cool tho.She was doing what she thought she "had to do" but I was cool and nice. Fun times.She offered not to pay her... $8 a week ? For her family ? Fuggit.

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